103 research outputs found

    Проблемний характер інформаційно-знаннєво-прогнозних атракторів у системі науки

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    У роботі зосереджується увага на дослідженні самоорганізаційних процесів у науковій системі, базуючись на таких модельних атракторах, як інформація, знання і передбачення. Проведений аналіз стосується теорії розвитку наукового знання і практичного наукознавства. Показано, що для розвитку наукової системи єдино можливим є інноваційний шлях — створення віртуальних структур з раціональною та ефективною системою діяльності (на прикладі Державного фонду фундаментальних досліджень). Розглядаються інформаційні ресурси як характеристика рівня упорядкованості, складності систем знань та критерії їх оцінки. Аналізуються особливості побудови систем достовірного знання, забезпечення відкритого доступу до інформації/знань з метою стимуляції наукової ініціативи та творчості. Акцент зроблено на технічному прогнозуванні: дослідженні тенденцій, виявленні нових проблем і можливих шляхів їх розв’язання. Наведено приклади можливостей науки, її перспектив, що переконливо свідчать про потребу змін сучасної науково-технічної політики (як у формуванні, так і в реалізації) шляхом визначення пріоритетів розвитку. Деталізовано проблему реалізації об’єктивної системи оцінювання результатів фундаментальних наукових досліджень.В работе сосредоточено внимание на исследовании самоорганизационных процессов в научной системе, базируясь на таких модельных атракторах, как информация, знание и предвидение. Проведенный анализ касается теории развития научного знания и практического науковедения. Показано, что для развития научной системы единственно возможным является инновационный путь — создание виртуальных структур с рациональной и эффективной системой деятельности (на примере Государственного фонда фундаментальных исследований). Рассматриваются информационные ресурсы как характеристика упорядоченности, сложности систем знаний и критерии их оценки. Анализируются особенности построения систем достоверного знания, обеспечения открытого доступа к информации/знаниям с целью стимулирования научной инициативы и творчества. Акцент сделан на техническом прогнозировании: исследовании тенденций, выявлении новых проблем и возможных путей их решения. Приводятся примеры возможностей науки, ее перспектив, что убедительно свидетельствует о необходимости изменений научно-технической политики (как в формировании, так и в реализации) путем определения приоритетов развития. Детализирована проблема реализации объективной системы оценивания результатов фундаментальных научных исследований.Self-organizing processes within the science system are studied on the basis of model attractors such as information, knowledge and prediction. The analysis deals with the theory of scientific knowledge development and practical science of science (science studies). By example of the State Fund for Basic Research it’s shown that the development of scientific knowledge is only possible by way of innovation, that is, creation of virtual entities with rational and effective system of action. Information resources are treated as a characteristic of the level of systematization and complexity of the knowledge systems, and as their evaluation criteria. Specifics of building up authentic knowledge systems and ensuring the opened access to information\knowledge as a driver for scientific initiative and creativity are analyzed. Emphasis is made on technical prediction: studies of tendencies, identification of new problems and ways for their solutions. Examples of science capabilities and prospects are given, which convincingly proves the need for change in the current S&T policy (its formulation and implementation) through defining the development priorities. The problem related with applications of a sound system for evaluating results of basic research is shown in detail

    Use of cardiovascular and antidiabetic drugs before and after starting with clozapine versus other antipsychotic drugs:a Dutch database study

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    Reports of decreased mortality among patients with schizophrenia who use clozapine may be biased if clozapine is prescribed to relatively healthy patients and if intensive monitoring during its use prevents (under-treatment of) somatic disorder. We aimed to assess whether there is a difference in: (1) somatic comorbidity between patients who start with clozapine and those who start with other antipsychotics and (2) prescribed somatic medication, between patients using clozapine and those using olanzapine. Cohort study based on insurance claims (2010-2015). After selecting new users of antipsychotics and those who subsequently switched to clozapine (N = 158), aripiprazole (N = 295), olanzapine (N = 204) or first-generation antipsychotics (N = 295), we compared the clozapine starters to others on cardiovascular or diabetic comorbidity. Those using clozapine and olanzapine were compared on new prescriptions for cardiovascular or antidiabetic drugs. The OR(adj)of cardiovascular or diabetic comorbidity among other starters compared with clozapine starters was 0.77 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.43-1.39], that is, a nonsignificantly increased prevalence associated with clozapine was found. Users of clozapine received significantly more new prescriptions for cardiovascular or antidiabetic medication (ORadj: 2.70, 95% CI: 1.43-5.08). Starters with clozapine were not cardiovascular/metabolic healthier than starters with other antipsychotics. During its use, they received more somatic treatment

    Оптимізація взаємодії промислових підприємств з інститутами інноваційної інфраструктури

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    У статті розглянуто основні проблеми взаємодії промислових підприємств з інститутами інноваційної інфраструктури в Україні та запропоновано деякі заходи по їх вирішенню.В статье рассмотрены основные проблемы взаимодействия промышленных предприятий с институтами инновационной инфраструктуры в Украине и предложены некоторые меры по их разрешению.In this article the main problems of interaction of industrial enterprises with institutions of innovative infrastructure in Ukraine and certain ways for their solving are proposed

    Prescription and Underprescription of Clozapine in Dutch Ambulatory Care

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    Purpose: To our knowledge, no study has examined in a structured way the extent of underprescription of clozapine in ambulatory patients with Non-Affective Psychotic Disorder (NAPD). In the Netherlands, psychiatric care for such patients is provided by Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) teams and by early intervention teams. In 20 FACT teams and 3 early intervention teams we assessed the proportion of patients who: use clozapine (type 1 patients), previously used this drug (type 2), have an unfulfilled indication for this drug, by type of indication (type 3), or were at least markedly psychotic, but had not yet received two adequate treatments with other antipsychotic drugs (type 4). We expected to find major differences between teams. To rule out that these differences are caused by differences in severity of psychopathology, we also calculated the proportions of patients who use clozapine given an indication at any time (number of type 1 patients divided by the sum of type 1, 2, and 3 patients). Materials and methods: The nurse practitioner of each team identified the patients already on clozapine. Next, using a highly-structured decision tree, the nurse practitioner and psychiatrist assessed whether the remaining patients had an indication for this drug. Indications were treatment-resistant positive symptoms, tardive dyskinesia, aggression and suicidality. The severity of positive symptoms was determined using the Clinical Global Impression-Schizophrenia Scale (CGI-SCH). Results: In the participating FACT-teams 2,286 NAPD patients were assessed. The range among teams in proportions was: type 1: 8.8-34.7% (mean: 23.0%), type 2: 0-8.2% (mean: 3.5%), type 3: 1.7-15.6% (mean: 6.9%), type 4: 1.8-16.3% (mean: 8.6%). The range in proportions of patients using this drug given an indication was 49.0-90.9% (mean: 68.8%). These figures were lower in early intervention teams. Conclusions: The proportion of patients in FACT-teams who have an unfulfilled indication for clozapine is 6.9%. There were considerable differences between teams with respect to this proportion. Almost a third of the outpatients had at any time an indication for clozapine. If one takes type 4 patients into account, this proportion may be higher

    Strain on Scarce Intensive Care Beds Drives Reduced Patient Volumes, Patient Selection, and Worse Outcome: A National Cohort Study

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    OBJECTIVES: Strain on ICUs during the COVID-19 pandemic required stringent triage at the ICU to distribute resources appropriately. This could have resulted in reduced patient volumes, patient selection, and worse outcome of non-COVID-19 patients, especially during the pandemic peaks when the strain on ICUs was extreme. We analyzed this potential impact on the non-COVID-19 patients. DESIGN: A national cohort study. SETTING: Data of 71 Dutch ICUs. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 120,393 patients in the pandemic non-COVID-19 cohort (from March 1, 2020 to February 28, 2022) and 164,737 patients in the prepandemic cohort (from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019). INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Volume, patient characteristics, and mortality were compared between the pandemic non-COVID-19 cohort and the prepandemic cohort, focusing on the pandemic period and its peaks, with attention to strata of specific admission types, diagnoses, and severity. The number of admitted non-COVID-19 patients during the pandemic period and its peaks were, respectively, 26.9% and 34.2% lower compared with the prepandemic cohort. The pandemic non-COVID-19 cohort consisted of fewer medical patients (48.1% vs. 50.7%), fewer patients with comorbidities (36.5% vs. 40.6%), and more patients on mechanical ventilation (45.3% vs. 42.4%) and vasoactive medication (44.7% vs. 38.4%) compared with the prepandemic cohort. Case-mix adjusted mortality during the pandemic period and its peaks was higher compared with the prepandemic period, odds ratios were, respectively, 1.08 (95% CI, 1.05-1.11) and 1.10 (95% CI, 1.07-1.13). CONCLUSIONS: In non-COVID-19 patients the strain on healthcare has driven lower patient volume, selection of fewer comorbid patients who required more intensive support, and a modest increase in the case-mix adjusted mortality

    Association Between an Increase in Serum Sodium and In-Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill Patients*

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    OBJECTIVES: In critically ill patients, dysnatremia is common, and in these patients, in-hospital mortality is higher. It remains unknown whether changes of serum sodium after ICU admission affect mortality, especially whether normalization of mild hyponatremia improves survival. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Ten Dutch ICUs between January 2011 and April 2017. PATIENTS: Adult patients were included if at least one serum sodium measurement within 24 hours of ICU admission and at least one serum sodium measurement 24-48 hours after ICU admission were available. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A logistic regression model adjusted for age, sex, and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation-IV-predicted mortality was used to assess the difference between mean of sodium measurements 24-48 hours after ICU admission and first serum sodium measurement at ICU admission (Δ48 hr-[Na]) and in-hospital mortality. In total, 36,660 patients were included for analysis. An increase in serum sodium was independently associated with a higher risk of in-hospital mortality in patients admitted with normonatremia (Δ48 hr-[Na] 5-10 mmol/L odds ratio: 1.61 [1.44-1.79], Δ48 hr-[Na] > 10 mmol/L odds ratio: 4.10 [3.20-5.24]) and hypernatremia (Δ48 hr-[Na] 5-10 mmol/L odds ratio: 1.47 [1.02-2.14], Δ48 hr-[Na] > 10 mmol/L odds ratio: 8.46 [3.31-21.64]). In patients admitted with mild hyponatremia and Δ48 hr-[Na] greater than 5 mmol/L, no significant difference in hospital mortality was found (odds ratio, 1.11 [0.99-1.25]). CONCLUSIONS: An increase in serum sodium in the first 48 hours of ICU admission was associated with higher in-hospital mortality in patients admitted with normonatremia and in patients admitted with hypernatremia

    Predicting 30-day mortality in intensive care unit patients with ischaemic stroke or intracerebral haemorrhage

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    BACKGROUND Stroke patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) follow a particular survival pattern with a high short-term mortality, but if they survive the first 30 days, a relatively favourable subsequent survival is observed. OBJECTIVES The development and validation of two prognostic models predicting 30-day mortality for ICU patients with ischaemic stroke and for ICU patients with intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH), analysed separately, based on parameters readily available within 24 h after ICU admission, and with comparison with the existing Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IV (APACHE-IV) model. DESIGN Observational cohort study. SETTING All 85 ICUs participating in the Dutch National Intensive Care Evaluation database. PATIENTS All adult patients with ischaemic stroke or ICH admitted to these ICUs between 2010 and 2019. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Models were developed using logistic regressions and compared with the existing APACHE-IV model. Predictive performance was assessed using ROC curves, calibration plots and Brier scores. RESULTS We enrolled 14 303 patients with stroke admitted to ICU: 8422 with ischaemic stroke and 5881 with ICH. Thirty-day mortality was 27% in patients with ischaemic stroke and 41% in patients with ICH. Important factors predicting 30-day mortality in both ischaemic stroke and ICH were age, lowest Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score in the first 24 h, acute physiological disturbance (measured using the Acute Physiology Score) and the application of mechanical ventilation. Both prognostic models showed high discrimination with an AUC 0.85 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.84 to 0.87] for patients with ischaemic stroke and 0.85 (0.83 to 0.86) in ICH. Calibration plots and Brier scores indicated an overall good fit and good predictive performance. The APACHE-IV model predicting 30-day mortality showed similar performance with an AUC of 0.86 (95% CI, 0.85 to 0.87) in ischaemic stroke and 0.87 (0.86 to 0.89) in ICH. CONCLUSION We developed and validated two prognostic models for patients with ischaemic stroke and ICH separately with a high discrimination and good calibration to predict 30-day mortality within 24 h after ICU admission