95 research outputs found

    Relaxed ISS Small-Gain Theorems for Discrete-Time Systems

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    In this paper ISS small-gain theorems for discrete-time systems are stated, which do not require input-to-state stability (ISS) of each subsystem. This approach weakens conservatism in ISS small-gain theory, and for the class of exponentially ISS systems we are able to prove that the proposed relaxed small-gain theorems are non-conservative in a sense to be made precise. The proofs of the small-gain theorems rely on the construction of a dissipative finite-step ISS Lyapunov function which is introduced in this work. Furthermore, dissipative finite-step ISS Lyapunov functions, as relaxations of ISS Lyapunov functions, are shown to be sufficient and necessary to conclude ISS of the overall system.Comment: input-to-state stability, Lyapunov methods, small-gain conditions, discrete-time non-linear systems, large-scale interconnection

    Asymptotic stability equals exponential stability, and ISS equals finite energy gain---if you twist your eyes

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    In this paper we show that uniformly global asymptotic stability for a family of ordinary differential equations is equivalent to uniformly global exponential stability under a suitable nonlinear change of variables. The same is shown for input-to-state stability and input-to-state exponential stability, and for input-to-state exponential stability and a nonlinear HH_\infty estimate.Comment: 14 pages, several references added, remarks section added, clarified constructio

    Small gain theorems for large scale systems and construction of ISS Lyapunov functions

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    We consider interconnections of n nonlinear subsystems in the input-to-state stability (ISS) framework. For each subsystem an ISS Lyapunov function is given that treats the other subsystems as independent inputs. A gain matrix is used to encode the mutual dependencies of the systems in the network. Under a small gain assumption on the monotone operator induced by the gain matrix, a locally Lipschitz continuous ISS Lyapunov function is obtained constructively for the entire network by appropriately scaling the individual Lyapunov functions for the subsystems. The results are obtained in a general formulation of ISS, the cases of summation, maximization and separation with respect to external gains are obtained as corollaries.Comment: provisionally accepted by SIAM Journal on Control and Optimizatio

    Stability Criteria for SIS Epidemiological Models under Switching Policies

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    We study the spread of disease in an SIS model. The model considered is a time-varying, switched model, in which the parameters of the SIS model are subject to abrupt change. We show that the joint spectral radius can be used as a threshold parameter for this model in the spirit of the basic reproduction number for time-invariant models. We also present conditions for persistence and the existence of periodic orbits for the switched model and results for a stochastic switched model

    Über Minimalphasigkeit

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    Wir diskutieren Minimalphasigkeit von schwach-stabilen Transferfunktionen; letzteres sind rationale Funktionen, bei denen das Nennerpolynom Nullstellen in der abgeschlossenen linken komplexen Halbebene hat. Minimalphasigkeit wird hier mittels der Ableitung der Argumentfunktion der Transferfunktion definiert. Es wird dann mit Hilfe der Hurwitz-Reflektion gezeigt, daß jede schwach-stabile Transferfunktion eindeutig in ein Produkt von Allpass und minimalphasiger Funktion zerlegt werden kann. Das wesentliche Resultat ist, daß eine schwach-stabile Transferfunktion minimalphasig ist genau dann, wenn das Zählerpolynom der Transferfunktion schwach-stabil ist. Ein weiteres Resultat ist, daß die Nulldynamik einer minimalen Realisation asymptotisch stabil ist genau dann, wenn das Zählerpolynom der Transferfunktion Hurwitz ist. Insbesondere folgt aus asymptotisch stabiler Nulldynamik die Minimalphasigkeit, aber keineswegs umgekehrt. Abschließend zeigen wir, daß ein minimalphasiges System als kanonischer Repr¨asentant innerhalb der Äquivalenzklasse aller Systeme mit identischem Betragsverhalten interpretiert werden kann