21 research outputs found

    Theories of Death and Dying

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    Death is a state of the total disappearance of life. Dying is a process of decay of the vital system, which ends with clinical death. In current perspectives there are several approaches to research on death and dying; these are the clinical, the humanistic, the philosophical, the psychological, the anthropological, and the sociological perspective

    Theories of Death and Dying

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    Death is a state of the total disappearance of life. Dying is a process of decay of the vital system, which ends with clinical death. In current perspectives there are several approaches to research on death and dying; these are the clinical, the humanistic, the philosophical, the psychological, the anthropological, and the sociological perspective

    Exlibris Social Gerontology Library

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    O trudzie bycia w życiu codziennym z perspektywy autorefleksyjnego doświadczania trosk egzystencjalnych

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    Artykuł jest doniesieniem z badań jakościowych. Jest to analiza jednego przypadku kobiety, która w swojej narracji przedstawia swoje życie w perspektywie trosk egzystencjalnych, z uwzględnieniem życia duchowego i rodzącego się w starości lęku tanatycznego. Narratorka w swojej wypowiedzi ukazuje, jak na przestrzeni całego życia zmieniały się jej cele życiowe, które z nich stały się istotne w starości, a które takie były przez całe życie. Analiza jej bilansu życiowego wskazuje z kolei na pewne mechanizmy pomagające dokonywać retrospektywnego przeglądu życia, a eksponowanie cierpienia, którego doświadcza permanentnie od dzieciństwa, ukazuje konstruktywne strategie radzenia sobie z nim, co szczególnie uwidacznia jej walka z osamotnieniem.The paper is a report from qualitative research. It is an analysis of a narrative of a woman who presents her life in the perspective of existential concerns, including her spiritual life and thanatic fear she begins to experience in the old age. The narrator shows how, during her whole life, her life goals have been changing – which of them have become or remained important in the old age. Analysis of her life account reveals some mechanisms that help her look at her life in retrospect, and emphasis on the issue of suffering she has been constantly experiencing since childhood shows some constructive strategies of dealing with it. It is particularly evident in her struggle with loneliness


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    Death is a constant element of human life. The awareness of mortality constitutes an essential factor in understanding life. Since time immemorial it is a vital reference point for philosophical systems that attempt to answer the question: How should one live? And they do so from the perspective of human mortality. In Western culture the thanatological subject matter is rarely represented, death does not match the modern lifestyle. Thus, at school, in the family, in the media discussions of death and passing away are either not entered into or the issue is distorted by ignorance, vulgarization or demonization. However, daily life confronts the human being with the death of others and also provokes reflection on one’s own mortality. The need to honestly confront the issue of death requires taking appropriate action in the area of bringing up children, education, popularization and, if need be, also therapy, which will help people to cope with the awareness of the death of others and prepare them for their own death