181 research outputs found

    The Role of the Principal in School Reform

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    Fullan examines the principal\u27s role in school improvement and reform. He describes where principals are and what they do and don\u27t do in relation to change. He then talks about the complexity of leadership and offers guidelines for how principals might lead change more effectively

    Liderar los aprendizajes: acciones concretas en pos de la mejora escolar

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    In order to handle the role, incidence, and evolution of school leadership in recent years, Michael Fullan focuses his analysis on three fundamental themes: leading learning, creating coherence and facilitating the teaching professional task. From this perspective, the author highlights some key aspects of the Chilean context. Especially, he justifies, from the evidence, the value of making the greatest possible efforts to concentrate the leadership function in the improvement of teaching practices. A fim de dar conta do papel, incidência e evolução da liderança escolar nos últimos anos, Michael Fullan concentra sua análise em três temas fundamentais: liderar a aprendizagem, criar coerência e facilitar a tarefa profissional docente. Nessa perspectiva, o autor destaca alguns aspectos fundamentais para o contexto chileno. Especialmente, justifica a partir de evidências o valor de fazer os maiores esforços possíveis para concentrar a função de liderança na melhoria das práticas de ensino. Con el objetivo de dar cuenta del papel, incidencia y evolución del liderazgo escolar en los últimos años, Michael Fullan centra su análisis en tres temáticas fundamentales: liderar los aprendizajes, crear coherencia y facilitar la tarea profesional docente. Desde esa óptica, el autor subraya algunos aspectos claves para el contexto chileno. Especialmente, reivindica desde la evidencia el valor de hacer los mayores esfuerzos posibles por concentrar la función directiva en la mejora de las prácticas de enseñanza

    Leadership for the 21st century: Breaking the bonds of dependency.”

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    Overload and vulnerability make it difficult for reformminded principals to think outside the box. But a new mindset and four guidelines for action can help them truly lead. Wanted: A miracle worker who can do more with less, pacify rival groups, endure chronic second-guessing, tolerate low levels of support, process large volumes of paper and work double shifts (75 nights a year out). He or she will have carte blanche to innovate, but cannot spend much money, replace any personnel, or upset any constituency. 1 The job of the principal or any educational leader has become increasingly complex and constrained. Principals find themselves locked in with less and less room to maneuver. They have become more and more dependent on context. At the very time that proactive leadership is essential, principals are in the least favorable position to provide it. They need a new mindset and guidelines for action to break through the bonds of dependency that have entrapped those who want to make a difference in their schools. The Context for Dependency Dependency is created by two interrelated conditions: overload and corresponding vulnerability to packaged solutions. First, the system fosters dependency on the part of principals. The role of principals in implementing innovations more often than not consists of being on the receiving end of externally initiated changes. The constant bombardment of new tasks and the continual interruptions keep principals off balance. Not only are the demands fragmented and incoherent, but even good ideas have a short shelf life as initiatives are dropped in favor of the latest ne

    The New Meaning of Educational Change

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    The New Meaning of Educational Change

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    In Quest of Educational Quality in the UAE

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    Quality assurance started as a corporate-related process in the 1960s but later became a highly sought-after objective in educational and academic contexts. The growing interest in quality assurance has been the result of government and business expectations, as well as competition in the higher education marketplace. One such growing market for quality assurance is the United Arab Emirates, where public formal education has only existed since the 1970s. This chapter focuses on the quest for what can be considered as the Holy Grail within the context of each of the previous chapters in this edited book, namely, quality education. The chapter offers a synopsis of the fast-paced developments and ongoing activities in quality assurance in education in the United Arab Emirates. Federal and emirate-based initiatives will be presented and discussed while reflecting on lessons learned and offering recommendations whenever possible

    Performance improvement of silicon solar cells by nanoporous silicon coating

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    In the present paper the method is shown to improve the photovoltaic parameters of screenprinted silicon solar cells by nanoporous silicon film formation on the frontal surface of the cell using the electrochemical etching. The possible mechanisms responsible for observed improvement of silicon solar cell performance are discussed.Исследовано улучшение фотоэлектрических параметров кремниевых солнечных элементов, полученных методом трафаретной печати, за счет образования слоя пористого кремния на фронтальной поверхности элемента. Рассмотрены возможные механизмы, ответственные за улучшение производительности кремниевой солнечной ячейки.Досліджено поліпшення фотоелектричних параметрів кремнієвих сонячних елементів, отриманих методом трафаретного друку, за рахунок утворення шару пористого кремнію на фронтальній поверхні елемента. Розглянуто можливі механізми, відповідальні за поліпшення продуктивності кремнієвого сонячного елемента