53 research outputs found

    Stability of Index of Social Support Reciprocity among Friendships: Distinction between Perceived and Enacted Support

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    Previous research on reciprocity of social support has not clearly recognized the distinction between perceived support and enacted support. This study investigated the current availability and provision of support, or perceived support, and support enacted (received and given), or the actual support exchange, during the past month in two surveys. Participants were Japanese college students in the same groups of Fukuoka’s (2003) original survey. The first survey of this study was administered 8 weeks later and the second survey of this study was done 12 weeks later from the original one. Analyses were conducted on each of the data and longitudinally. Overall, reciprocity of perceived support significantly influenced the interpersonal affect. Enacted support reciprocity had a significant influence on the interpersonal affect as perceived support reciprocity only when the recipients’ experience of stressful situations as support needs were taken into consideration. The most stable results were taken from the analyses on the variables of perceived support. The second most stable ones were taken from the variables of the analyses on the variables of enacted support with the consideration of the need of support. These results were discussed with regard to the importance of the distinction between perceived and enacted support within the framework of support reciprocity

    Propagation and Deformation of Flood Flow Hydrographs in River with a Series of Small Hydropower Dams

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Mediating Effect of Perceived Social Support on the Correlation between the Past Parent-child Relationships and Psychological Well-being in Late Adolescence

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    This study investigated the associations among the past parent-child relationships and the present availability of perceived social support from parents and friends, and psychological well-being in late adolescence. University students (N = 202) responded to a questionnaire. Path analysis revealed associations between the past parent-child relationships and the present parental support, between the parental support and friends’ support, and between the friends’ support and psychological well-being. There was no direct effect of past parent-child relationships on the present friends’ support. Moreover, parental support functioned as a mediator between past parent-child relationships and the present support from friends. These results suggest that past parent-child relationships affected present social support, especially psychological well-being in late adolescence, which was mediated by friends’ support

    大学生の心理的適応過程 : 学業への意欲と進路意識の発達に注目して

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    文化政策学部長特別研究費人・もの・社会のより良いあり方や、人と自然との関わりについての探求 大学生は、親からの心理的離乳、自我同一性の確立という発達課題に取り組みつつ、大学という新たな環境に適応し学業生活に積極的に関与していかねばならない。他方、卒業後の進路選択に向けた意識を徐々に高めていくことは、キャリア開発の観点からみて重要であり、大学生活における重要な課題の一つである。 筆者は従来から大学生の入学後の心理的適応過程における対人関係の役割について検討してきたが、本研究では特に、学業に対する意欲および進路意識の発達的変化に注目して、その変化の様相を分析するとともに、これらに及ぼす対人関係の影響を検討することを目的とした