2,763 research outputs found

    The Gamma-Ray Detected Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H 0323+342: Swift Monitoring and Suzaku Spectroscopy

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    As a radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) detected by Fermi/LAT in GeV γ\gamma-rays, 1H 0323+342 is a remarkable Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) showing properties characteristic of both NLS1s and blazars. Here we present results of simultaneous X-ray and UV/optical monitoring observations on 1H 0323+342 taken with the UV/Optical Telescope (UVOT) and X-ray Telescope (XRT) onboard the Swift satellite over six years from 2006. Overall, the object showed statistically correlated variations in both the UV and X-ray bands on timescales of years as well as on timescales of days. A deep Suzaku observation reveals X-ray variability on timescales as short as a few tens of thousand seconds, and an X-ray spectrum typical of Seyfert galaxies. The broad-band spectral energy distribution, for which the data of UV and X-ray observations taken on 2009 July 26-27 were used, can be well modeled with a simple one-zone leptonic jet model plus accretion disk/corona emission. The latter is predominantly responsible for the UV/optical and X-ray (0.3-10 keV) emission and their observed variations. The correlated UV-X-ray variability on the timescale of days is consistent with reprocessing of the X-ray radiation by the accretion disk. The shortest timescale and large normalized excess variance of the X-ray variability detected with Suzaku suggest a relatively small black hole mass of the order of 107M10^7M_{\odot}, consistent with the estimation based on the broad Hβ\beta line in the optical.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures, in press, accepted by AJ (first submitted on 2014 July 7th

    To help allies, send security guarantees, not nuclear bombs

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    Despite the end of the Cold War more than two decades ago, the U.S. still deploys nuclear weapons in several countries. But does deploying these weapons act as a deterrent to conflict, making these countries safer? In new research which analyses the effects of such nuclear deployments, Matthew Fuhrmann and Todd S. Sechser find that their presence does little, when compared with alliance guarantees. They write that having an alliance with a nuclear armed ally is actually more effective in preventing armed conflicts than the local deployment of the weapons themselves

    Simultaneous Radio to (Sub-) mm-Monitoring of Variability and Spectral Shape Evolution of potential GLAST Blazars

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    The Large Area Telescope (LAT) instrument onboard GLAST offers a tremendous opportunity for future blazar studies. In order to fully benefit from its capabilities and to maximize the scientific return from the LAT, it is of great importance to conduct dedicated multi-frequency monitoring campaigns that will result comprehensive observations. Consequently, we initiated an effort to conduct a GLAST-dedicated, quasi-simultaneous, broad-band flux-density (and polarization) monitoring of potential GLAST blazars with the Effelsberg and OVRO radio telescopes (11cm to 7mm wavelength). Here, we present a short overview of these activities which will complement the multi-wavelengths activities of the GLAST/LAT collaboration towards the 'low-energy' radio bands. Further we will give a brief outlook including the extension of this coordinated campaign towards higher frequencies and future scientific aims.Comment: 3 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the First GLAST Symposium, Stanford University, February 200

    Fictive Impurity Approach to Dynamical Mean Field Theory: a Strong-Coupling Investigation

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    Quantum Monte Carlo and semiclassical methods are used to solve two and four site cluster dynamical mean field approximations to the square lattice Hubbard model at half filling and strong coupling. The energy, spin correlation function, phase boundary and electron spectral function are computed and compared to available exact results. The comparision permits a quantitative assessment of the ability of the different methods to capture the effects of intersite spin correlations. Two real space methods and one momentum space representation are investigated. One of the two real space methods is found to be significantly worse: in it, convergence to the correct results is found to be slow and, for the spectral function, nonuniform in frequency, with unphysical midgap states appearing. Analytical arguments are presented showing that the discrepancy arises because the method does not respect the pole structure of the self energy of the insulator. Of the other two methods, the momentum space representation is found to provide the better approximation to the intersite terms in the energy but neither approximation is particularly acccurate and the convergence of the momentum space method is not uniform. A few remarks on numerical methods are made.Comment: Errors in previous versions corrected; CDMFT results adde

    Planet-Induced Emission Enhancements in HD 179949: Results from McDonald Observations

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    We monitored the Ca II H and K lines of HD 179949, a notable star in the southern hemisphere, to observe and confirm previously identified planet induced emission (PIE) as an effect of star-planet interaction. We obtained high resolution spectra (R ~ 53,000) with a signal-to-noise ratio S/N >~ 50 in the Ca II H and K cores during 10 nights of observation at the McDonald Observatory. Wide band echelle spectra were taken using the 2.7 m telescope. Detailed statistical analysis of Ca II K revealed fluctuations in the Ca II K core attributable to planet induced chromospheric emission. This result is consistent with previous studies by Shkolnik et al. (2003). Additionally, we were able to confirm the reality and temporal evolution of the phase shift of the maximum of star-planet interaction previously found. However, no identifiable fluctuations were detected in the Ca II H core. The Al I lambda 3944 A line was also monitored to gauge if the expected activity enhancements are confined to the chromospheric layer. Our observations revealed some variability, which is apparently unassociated with planet induced activity.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables; Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (in press

    Sub-Saturn Planet Candidates to HD 16141 and HD 46375

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    Precision Doppler measurements from the Keck/HIRES spectrometer reveal periodic Keplerian velocity variations in the stars HD 16141 and HD 46375. HD 16141 (G5 IV) has a period of 75.8 d and a velocity amplitude of 11 m/s, yielding a companion having Msini = 0.22 Mjup and a semimajor axis, a = 0.35 AU. HD 46375 (K1 IV/V) has a period of 3.024 d and a velocity amplitude of 35 m/s, yielding a companion with Msini=0.25 Mjup, a semimajor axis of a = 0.041 AU, and an eccentricity of 0.04 (consistent with zero). These companions contribute to the rising planet mass function toward lower masses.Comment: 4 Figure

    A Unified Theory for the Atmospheres of the Hot and Very Hot Jupiters: Two Classes of Irradiated Atmospheres

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    We highlight the importance of gaseous TiO and VO opacity on the highly irradiated close-in giant planets. The atmospheres of these planets naturally fall into two classes that are somewhat analogous to the M- and L-type dwarfs. Those that are warm enough to have appreciable opacity due to TiO and VO gases we term the ``pM Class'' planets, and those that are cooler we term ``pL Class'' planets. We calculate model atmospheres for these planets, including pressure-temperature profiles, spectra, and characteristic radiative time constants. We show that pM Class planets have hot stratospheres \sim2000 K and appear ``anomalously'' bright in the mid infrared secondary eclipse, as was recently found for planets HD 149026b and HD 209458b. This class of planets absorbs incident flux and emits thermal flux from high in their atmospheres. Consequently, they will have large day/night temperature contrasts and negligible phase shifts between orbital phase and thermal emission light curves, because radiative timescales are much shorter than possible dynamical timescales. The pL Class planets absorb incident flux deeper in the atmosphere where atmospheric dynamics will more readily redistribute absorbed energy. This will lead to cooler day sides, warmer night sides, and larger phase shifts in thermal emission light curves. Around a Sun-like primary this boundary occurs at \sim0.04-0.05 AU. The eccentric transiting planets HD 147506b and HD 17156b alternate between the classes. Thermal emission in the optical from pM Class planets is significant red-ward of 400 nm, making these planets attractive targets for optical detection. The difference in the observed day/night contrast between ups Andromeda b (pM Class) and HD 189733b (pL Class) is naturally explained in this scenario. (Abridged.)Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Detailed analysis of Balmer lines in cool dwarf stars

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    An analysis of H alpha and H beta spectra in a sample of 30 cool dwarf and subgiant stars is presented using MARCS model atmospheres based on the most recent calculations of the line opacities. A detailed quantitative comparison of the solar flux spectra with model spectra shows that Balmer line profile shapes, and therefore the temperature structure in the line formation region, are best represented under the mixing length theory by any combination of a low mixing-length parameter alpha and a low convective structure parameter y. A slightly lower effective temperature is obtained for the sun than the accepted value, which we attribute to errors in models and line opacities. The programme stars span temperatures from 4800 to 7100 K and include a small number of population II stars. Effective temperatures have been derived using a quantitative fitting method with a detailed error analysis. Our temperatures find good agreement with those from the Infrared Flux Method (IRFM) near solar metallicity but show differences at low metallicity where the two available IRFM determinations themselves are in disagreement. Comparison with recent temperature determinations using Balmer lines by Fuhrmann (1998, 2000), who employed a different description of the wing absorption due to self-broadening, does not show the large differences predicted by Barklem et al. (2000). In fact, perhaps fortuitously, reasonable agreement is found near solar metallicity, while we find significantly cooler temperatures for low metallicity stars of around solar temperature.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, to appear in A&

    Ten Low Mass Companions from the Keck Precision Velocity Survey

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    Ten new low mass companions have emerged from the Keck precision Doppler velocity survey, with minimum (msini) masses ranging from 0.8 mjup to 0.34 msun. Five of these are planet candidates with msini < 12 mjup, two are brown dwarf candidates with msini ~30 mjup, and three are low mass stellar companions. Hipparcos astrometry reveals the orbital inclinations and masses for three of the (more massive) companions, and it provides upper limits to the masses for the rest. A new class of extrasolar planet is emerging, characterized by nearly circular orbits and orbital radii greater than 1 AU. The planet HD 4208b appears to be a member of this new class. The mass distribution of extrasolar planets continues to exhibit a rapid rise from 10 mjup toward the lowest detectable masses near 1 msat.Comment: 26 pages, TeX, plus 13 postscript figure