9,243 research outputs found

    Goals and their associations with beliefs about success in and perceptions of the purpose of physical education

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    This is the publisher's version, also found at http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=3&sid=f2fadc72-30ec-4818-a6be-17c24af97fd1%40sessionmgr13&hid=2&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=s3h&AN=SPH367545This study examined the relationship of students' goal orientation to their beliefs about what leads to success in physical education and perceptions of the purposes of physical education. High school students {N = 144,78 females and 66 males) completed a modified version of the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire and measures of beliefs and perceived purposes specific to physical education class. Results indicated that students high in task orientation were significantly more likely to believe that success is achieved through intrinsic interest/effort/cooperation than were those low in task orientation. High ego-oriented students believed that success is achieved when students possess high ability more so than low ego-oriented students. The high task/low ego students were most likely to reject the notion that success in physical education occurs when students know how to use deceptive tactics and were less likely to perceive that an important function of physical education is to provide an easy class

    Near-IR photodissociation of peroxy acetyl nitrate

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    Measurements of the C-H overtone transition strengths combined with estimates of the photodissociation cross sections for these transitions suggest that near-IR photodissociation of peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) is less significant (Jnear−IR ~3×10^−8 s^−1 at noon) in the lower atmosphere than competing sinks resulting from unimolecular decomposition and ultraviolet photolysis. This is in contrast to the photochemical behavior of a related peroxy nitrate, pernitric acid (PNA), that undergoes rapid near-IR photolysis in the atmosphere with Jnear−IR ~10^−5 s^−1 at noon (Roehl et al., 2002). This difference is attributed to the larger binding energy and larger number of vibrational degrees of 10 freedom in PAN, which make 4[Greek nu]CH the lowest overtone excitation with a high photodissociation yield (as opposed to 2[Greek nu]OH in PNA)

    The perceived motivational climate in sport questionnaire: Construct and predictive validity

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    This is the publisher's version, also found at http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=f909d02f-c54f-4073-bc48-6b3271014d3a%40sessionmgr14&vid=1&hid=2&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=s3h&AN=SPH322458The purpose of this study was to further examine the construct and predictive validity of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire or PMCSQ. Young athletes (N = 169, M age = 14.2 plus minus 1.94 years) on teams competing in an amateur international competition completed questionnaires measuring perceived motivational climate, the degree of worry experienced while participating, and team satisfaction. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis indicated an acceptable fit of the data with the hypothetical measurement model. In terms of the predictive utility of the PMCSQ, perceptions of a mastery climate were positively related to satisfaction with being a member on the team and negatively associated with performance worry. In contrast, perceptions of a performance climate were positively associated with concerns about failing and the adequacy of one's performance and negatively correlated with team satisfaction. Future directions in terms of instrument development and research on motivational climate in the sport setting are presented

    Redshift-Space Distortions with the Halo Occupation Distribution I: Numerical Simulations

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    We show how redshift-space distortions of the galaxy correlation function or power spectrum can constrain the matter density parameter Omega_m and the linear matter fluctuation amplitude sigma_8. We improve on previous treatments by adopting a fully non-linear description of galaxy clustering and bias, which allows us to break parameter degeneracies by combining large-scale and small- scale distortions. We consider different combinations of Omega_m and sigma_8 and find parameters of the galaxy halo occupation distribution (HOD) that yield nearly identical galaxy correlation functions in real space. We use these HOD parameters to populate the dark matter halos of large N-body simulations, from which we measure redshift-space distortions on small and large scales. We include a velocity bias parameter alpha_v that allows the velocity dispersions of satellite galaxies in halos to be systematically higher or lower than those of dark matter. Large-scale distortions are determined by the parameter combination beta = Omega_m^{0.6}/b_g, where b_g is the galaxy bias, in agreement with linear theory. However, linear theory does not accurately describe the distortions themselves on scales accessible to our simulations. We provide fitting formulas to estimate beta from the redshift-space correlation function or power spectrum, and we show that these formulas are significantly more accurate than those in the existing literature. On small scales, the ``finger-of-god'' distortions at projected separations ~0.1 Mpc/h depend on Omega_m*alpha_v^2 but are independent of sigma_8, while at intermediate separations they depend on sigma_8 as well. One can thus use redshift-space distortions over a wide range of scales to separately determine Omega_m, sigma_8, and alpha_v. (Abridged)Comment: 25 pages, submitted to Monthly Notice

    Locally suppressed transverse-field protocol for diabatic quantum annealing

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    Diabatic quantum annealing (DQA) is an alternative algorithm to adiabatic quantum annealing that can be used to circumvent the exponential slowdown caused by small minima in the annealing energy spectrum. We present the locally suppressed transverse-field (LSTF) protocol, a heuristic method for making stoquastic optimization problems compatible with DQA. We show that, provided an optimization problem intrinsically has magnetic frustration due to inhomogeneous local fields, a target qubit in the problem can always be manipulated to create a double minimum in the energy gap between the ground and first excited states during the evolution of the algorithm. Such a double energy minimum can be exploited to induce diabatic transitions to the first excited state and back to the ground state. In addition to its relevance to classical and quantum algorithmic speedups, the LSTF protocol enables DQA proof-of-principle and physics experiments to be performed on existing hardware, provided independent controls exist for the transverse qubit magnetization fields. We discuss the implications on the coherence requirements of the quantum annealing hardware when using the LSTF protocol, considering specifically the cases of relaxation and dephasing. We show that the relaxation rate of a large system can be made to depend only on the target qubit, presenting opportunities for the characterization of the decohering environment in a quantum annealing processor

    Alcohol consumption in young adults: the role of multisensory imagery.

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    Accepted 19.11.2013Little is known about the subjective experience of alcohol desire and craving in young people. Descriptions of alcohol urges continue to be extensively used in the everyday lexicon of young, non-dependent drinkers. Elaborated Intrusion (EI) Theory contends that imagery is central to craving and desires, and predicts that alcohol-related imagery will be associated with greater frequency and amount of drinking. This study involved 1,535 age stratified 18- 25 year olds who completed an alcohol–related survey that included the Imagery scale of the Alcohol Craving Experience (ACE) questionnaire. Imagery items predicted 12-16% of the variance in concurrent alcohol consumption. Higher total Imagery subscale scores were linearly associated with greater drinking frequency and lower self-efficacy for moderate drinking. Interference with alcohol imagery may have promise as a preventive or early intervention target in young people

    Lawn-watering perceptions and behaviors of residential homeowners in three Kansas (USA) cities: implications for water quantity and quality

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    Urbanization is increasing the land area covered with turfgrasses, which may have implications for water quantity and quality. The largest sector of turfgrass is residential lawns. Our objectives were to survey residential homeowners in three Kansas cities about their perceptions, knowledge, and behaviors when irrigating their lawns; each city has distinctive water quantity and quality issues. Surveys were mailed to 15,500 homeowners in Wichita, 10,000 in Olathe, and 5,000 in Salina; the return rate was 11-13%. Wichita residents watered more frequently than Olathe and Salina, possibly because of greater evaporative demand than Olathe, and cheaper water and less concern about water shortages than Salina; Salina and Wichita have similar evaporative demands but Salina had a recent water crisis. Salina homeowners were most concerned about keeping their water bill from getting too high, probably because of higher water costs than the other cities. Overall, 45-60% indicated it was moderately to very important their lawns looked green all the time, while 65-77% ranked water conservation at the same level of importance. Significantly, 61-63% did not know how much water their lawns required and 71-77% did not know how much water they applied to their lawns when they irrigated. About 7-9% swept or blew clippings or lawn-care products directly into streets or storm drains, which run directly into local streams or reservoirs; 9% in Wichita is ~9,000 homeowners. The homeowner’s lawn irrigation knowledge and habits must be improved to help conserve water and protect water quality
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