11 research outputs found

    Avaliação e perspectivas da abordagem à conservação do patrimônio organístico no Brasil

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    Órgãos de tubos são construídos no Brasil, ou importados do exterior, desde as primeiras décadas do período colonial. Estes instrumentos, apesar de constituírem um conjunto relativamente exíguo, representam um testemunho histórico e musical de valor inestimável. No entanto, de um modo geral, encontram-se em condições precárias de funcionamento e, em parte, mais ou menos descaracterizados profundamente, quanto à sua estrutura e configuração original, às vezes em estado de abandono e, por incrível que pareça, ainda sujeitos ao risco de intervenções arbitrárias e desprovidas de bases técnicas e de preocupação histórica e musicológica. Neste artigo, busca-se percorrer o caminho que levou à atual situação e discutem-se os princípios e os critérios de processos de recuperação, manutenção e conservação preventiva desse patrimônio, partindo dos pressupostos do respeito à sua originalidade e do direito a restauros segundo os rigorosos cânones já definidos para objetos com plena condição de bem cultural, cujo reconhecimento para os órgãos de qualquer época deve ser urgentemente garantido.Pipe organs have been built in Brazil or imported from elsewhere since the very first decades of the colonial period. Albeit relatively small in number, such instruments have inestimable historical and musical value. Notwithstanding, they are generally in very poor working condition and some have lost much of their original structure and configuration; they are often found in a state of abandonment and, incredible as it may seem, still under the threat of arbitrary interventions performed with no technical expertise or any concern for their historical and musicological significance. This article is an effort to understand how this state of affairs came to be, and discusses principles and criteria for the restoration, maintenance and preventive conservation of this legacy, based on assumptions regarding its original conditions and entitlement to restoration in accordance with the stringent standards already set for artifacts that enjoy the full status of cultural assets, which should also be urgently granted to pipe organs of any time and age

    Silicon-on-insulator photonic crystal slabs for biosensing

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    In this work we present preliminary results on the optical response and sensitivity tests of waveguide-based photonic crystal structures acting as biosensors for proteins and oligonucleotides. Several one-and two-dimensional Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) PhCs with lattice constants in the submicron range have been realized by means of electron-beam lithography and reactive ion etching techniques

    Synthesis of water-dispersible photoluminescent silicon nanoparticles and their use in biological fluorescent imaging

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    Water-dispersible silicon nanoparticles (Si-NPs) are desirable for applications in biological techniques. A simplified method to synthesize such particles is reported here. The resulting Si-NPs are water-dispersible and luminescent. Under the excitation of UV light, the Si-NPs emit strong red light with a peak maximum at 606 nm and a quantum yield of 6%. They are highly stable, and remain so over several weeks. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy shows a visible Si–CH2 scissoring vibration mode. Furthermore, the surface chemical bondings were confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). In the Si2p and C1s core levels, Si–C components are observed. The diameters of the synthesized Si-NPS as measured by atomic force microscope (AFM) are approximately 5 nm. Furthermore, the nanoparticles can be taken up by cultured cells. Fluorescence images of Si-NPs within MCF-7 human breast cancer cells show they are distributed throughout the cell tissue

    Environmental Interactions of Geo- and Bio-Macromolecules with Nanomaterials

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    Clinical Trial of an Experimental Cleaning Solution: Antibiofilm Effect and Integrity of a Silicone-based Denture Liner

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