43 research outputs found

    Editorial: Case reports in aging psychiatry

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    Gamification in Late-Life Depression: A Serious Game for a Serious Problem

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    In the older population, one of the serious health concerns associated with negative outcomes such as comorbidity, loss of physical autonomy, excessive use of health care resources, and increased mortality is the onset of mood disorder [1]. Late-life depression (LLD) is an umbrella term to define depressed mood in people older than 65 years. It can have a variety of presentations: as recurrent disease stemming from earlier life (early onset depression [EOD]); as new-onset depression (late-onset depression [LOD]); as a mood disorder secondary to a general medical condition; or as mood symptoms secondary to substance or medication use [2]. Mistakenly, LLD is believed as a normal part of aging. For older people, depression could be the epiphenomenon of underlying biological processes (vascular changes, metabolic disturbances and neurodegenerative diseases); conversely, it could be the leading cause of cognitive impairment [3]

    Neuropsychiatric Symptoms, Endophenotypes, and Syndromes in Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease: Focus on APOE Gene

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    Neuropsychiatric symptoms, previously denominated as behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, are common features of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and are one of the major risk factors for institutionalization. At present, the role of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene in the development of neuropsychiatric symptoms in AD patients is unclear. In this paper, we summarized the findings of the studies of neuropsychiatric symptoms and neuropsychiatric syndromes/endophenotypes in AD in relation to APOE genotypes, with special attention to the possible underlying mechanisms. While some studies failed to find a significant association between APOE and neuropsychiatric symptoms in late-onset AD, other studies reported a significant association between the APOE ε4 allele and an increase in agitation/aggression, hallucinations, delusions, and late-life depression or anxiety. Furthermore, some negative studies that focused on the distribution of APOE genotypes between AD patients with or without neuropsychiatric symptoms further emphasized the importance of subgrouping neuropsychiatric symptoms in distinct neuropsychiatric syndromes. Explanations for the variable findings in the existing studies included differences in patient populations, differences in the assessment of neuropsychiatric symptomatology, and possible lack of statistical power to detect associations in the negative studies

    Mental Health Among Medical Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Eight European Countries: Cross-sectional Survey Study

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    BACKGROUND The death toll of COVID-19 topped 170,000 in Europe by the end of May 2020. COVID-19 has caused an immense psychological burden on the population, especially among doctors and nurses who are faced with high infection risks and increased workload. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to compare the mental health of medical professionals with nonmedical professionals in different European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hypothesized that medical professionals, particularly those exposed to COVID-19 at work, would have higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. We also aimed to determine their main stressors and most frequently used coping strategies during the crisis. METHODS A cross-sectional online survey was conducted during peak COVID-19 months in 8 European countries. The questionnaire included demographic data and inquired whether the participants were exposed to COVID-19 at work or not. Mental health was assessed via the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales32 (23.53)-21 (DASS-21). A 12-item checklist on preferred coping strategies and another 23-item questionnaire on major stressors were completed by medical professionals. RESULTS The sample (N=609) consisted of 189 doctors, 165 nurses, and 255 nonmedical professionals. Participants from France and the United Kingdom reported experiencing severe/extremely severe depression, anxiety, and stress more often compared to those from the other countries. Nonmedical professionals had significantly higher scores for depression and anxiety. Among medical professionals, no significant link was reported between direct contact with patients with COVID-19 at work and anxiety, depression, or stress. "Uncertainty about when the epidemic will be under control" caused the most amount of stress for health care professionals while "taking protective measures" was the most frequently used coping strategy among all participants. CONCLUSIONS COVID-19 poses a major challenge to the mental health of working professionals as a considerable proportion of our participants showed high values for depression, anxiety, and stress. Even though medical professionals exhibited less mental stress than nonmedical professionals, sufficient help should be offered to all occupational groups with an emphasis on effective coping strategies

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on outpatient visit volume in cancer patients: Results of COMETA multicenter retrospective observational study

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on first and follow-up visits for cancer outpatients.MethodsThis is a multicenter retrospective observational study involving three Comprehensive Cancer Care Centers (CCCCs): IFO, including IRE and ISG in Rome, AUSL-IRCCS of Reggio Emilia, and IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II in Bari) and one oncology department in a Community Hospital (Saint'Andrea Hospital, Rome). From 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2021, we evaluated the volume of outpatient consultations (first visits and follow-up), comparing them with the pre-pandemic year (2019). Results were analyzed by quarter according to the Rt (real-time indicator used to assess the evolution of the pandemic). IFO and IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II were “COVID-free” while AUSL-IRCCS RE was a “COVID-mixed” Institute. Depending on the Rt, Sain't Andrea Hospital experienced a “swinging” organizational pathway (COVID-free/ COVID-mixed).ResultsRegarding the “first appointments”, in 2020 the healthcare facilities operating in the North and Center of Italy showed a downward trend. In 2021, only AUSL-IRCCS RE showed an upward trend. Regarding the “follow-up”, only AUSL IRCCS RE showed a slight up-trend in 2020. In 2021, IFO showed an increasing trend, while S. Andrea Hospital showed a negative plateau. Surprisingly, IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II in Bari showed an uptrend for both first appointment and follow-ups during pandemic and late pandemic except for the fourth quarter of 2021.ConclusionsDuring the first pandemic wave, no significant difference was observed amongst COVID-free and COVID-mixed Institutes and between CCCCs and a Community Hospital. In 2021 (“late pandemic year”), it has been more convenient to organize COVID-mixed pathway in the CCCCs rather than to keep the Institutions COVID-free. A swinging modality in the Community Hospital did not offer positive results in term of visit volumes. Our study about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on visit volume in cancer outpatients may help health systems to optimize the post-pandemic use of resources and improve healthcare policies

    Calcium Channel Blockers and Alzheimer's Disease: Potential Relevance in Treatment Strategies of Metabolic Syndrome

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    Midlife hypertension is a risk factor for late onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) and it is one of the components of metabolic syndrome (MetS). Observational studies and some cardiovascular disease-related clinical trials suggest that antihypertensive treatment reduced the incidence and progression of AD. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs), one of the more commonly used treatments for hypertension, target voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) which are found on neurons in the brain where calcium regulation is very important in both learning and memory. Amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide, one of the main pathological hallmarks of AD, causes increases to intracellular calcium via VGCCs, which in turn leads to further increases in Aβ production. Memantine, a current treatment used in AD, exerts some of its beneficial effects by blocking calcium entry into neurons. We explore the possibility of whether CCBs acting in the brain may delay the onset and progression of AD and thus may inform treatment regimes in people with MetS.Midlife hypertension is a risk factor for late onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) and it is one of the components of metabolic syndrome (MetS). Observational studies and some cardiovascular disease-related clinical trials suggest that antihypertensive treatment reduced the incidence and progression of AD. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs), one of the more commonly used treatments for hypertension, target voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) which are found on neurons in the brain where calcium regulation is very important in both learning and memory. Amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide, one of the main pathological hallmarks of AD, causes increases to intracellular calcium via VGCCs, which in turn leads to further increases in Aβ production. Memantine, a current treatment used in AD, exerts some of its beneficial effects by blocking calcium entry into neurons. We explore the possibility of whether CCBs acting in the brain may delay the onset and progression of AD and thus may inform treatment regimes in people with MetS