246 research outputs found

    Perceived Severity of Visually Accessible Fires

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    Investigations of past fires suggest that building occupants faced with a fire have problems defining the severity of it, especially in the early stages of the fire. An experiment was therefore carried out to study people’s ability to estimate fire growth, and their perceived ability to extinguish a fire using a portable fire extinguisher. A total of 535 persons, namely 304 men and 231 women, were asked to fill out a questionnaire that was divided into three parts. In the first part the test participants were asked to estimate the time between different stages of a fire. The second part involved estimations of the own ability to extinguish a fire with a portable fire extinguisher. The third part involved general questions about age, gender and academic background. The results suggest that people in general are not very good at defining the severity of a fire when it is visually accessible. Estimations of the fire growth did not correspond very well to the actual fire growth, and a great proportion of the test participants believed that they had not been able to extinguish an extinguishable fire using a portable fire extinguisher. It is therefore argued that the perceived risk not always conforms to the real risk in a fire situation where the fire is visually accessible. The results can be used to explain why building occupants not immediately initiate evacuation in a fire situation, even when the fire is visually accessible

    Fire evacuation in underground transportation systems: a review of accidents and research

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    A review of literature related to fire evacuation in underground transportation systems, e.g., tunnels and subway stations, was carried out with the objectives (1) to identify a theoretical framework that can help understand of human behaviour in the event of a fire in underground transportation systems, (2) to use the theoretical framework to analyse and to identify problems related to fire evacuation in underground transportation systems, and (3) to suggest areas on which future research should focus on in. The review included literature on past accidents in underground transportation systems, theories and models on human behaviour in fire, and empirical research. It was concluded that the adoption of a clear theoretical framework can aid the understanding of people’s behaviour in the event of a fire in underground transportation systems, and that a behaviour that seems irrational to an outside observer seldom is. The theoretical framework should include the behaviour sequence model, the affiliative model, social influence, and the theory of affordances. It was also concluded that one of the major issues related to fire evacuation in underground transportation systems is that people often are reluctant to initiate evacuation, which among other things is explained with a role keeping behaviour, lack of information, ambiguity of fire cues and the presence of others, i.e., social influence. Other factors that affect the actual movement of people in underground transportation systems were identified as problems with the door-opening mechanisms on trains, the vertical distance between train and tunnel floor, that people tend to evacuate through familiar exits, the lack of lighting, and uneven surfaces inside tunnels. The review demonstrated that there are room for improvements in the area of fire evacuation in underground transportation systems, and future research should among other things study the effects of a comprehensive evacuation system, the optimal design of active systems in underground transportation systems, and the possibility for people with disabilities to evacuate from these types of facilities

    NMR studies on lipid-peptide co-aggregation between ganglioside-containing membranes and α-synuclein

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    This topic of this thesis is how the presence of biomembrane molecules affect the behavior of a protein related to Parkinson’s disease in a simplified (compared to in the cell) model system.Lipids are fat molecules that make up the biological barriers in our body that control transport of essential molecules in and out of the cell and create an environment where membrane proteins can perform their functions. Some types of lipids can also act as surface recognition molecules, which communicate with other molecules outside of the cell such as proteins, toxins and viruses. Lipids are amphiphilic, which is crucial for their functions. That they are amphiphilic means that they have a part that is hydrophilic (water-loving) and another part that is hydrophobic (water-hating). This leads to the formation of self-assembled lipid structures in water, where hydrophilic parts shield the hydrophobic parts from water. The lipid bilayer of cell membranes is an example of one such self-assembled structure.Proteins are complex molecules that perform most of the functions in cells, such as promoting and regulating biochemical reactions. Proteins assume their 3- dimensional structure through self-assembly and finding the right structure is crucial for their function. In some cases, this process can be disturbed which can lead to pathological conditions. In the case of Parkinson’s disease, the protein a-synuclein assembles into highly ordered fibrils which end up in characteristic, large aggregates called Lewy bodies. It is not known exactly how these aggregates affect disease, but emerging evidence suggests that the process is affected by the presence of lipid membranes. Because both lipids and proteins self-assemble into their functional forms, it is possible that they can also co-assemble into mixed lipid-protein aggregates with new properties, which may be important in understanding the progression into disease.To investigate this type of lipid-protein aggregation process, we mainly used an experimental technique called nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This technique uses radiofrequency irradiation of a sample and exploits the magnetic properties of nuclei to gain information on the composition, dynamics and structure of molecules at the atomic level

    Indoor Localization for Fire Safety : A brief overview of fundamentals, needs and requirements and applications

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    An indoor localization system for positioning evacuating people can be anticipated to increase the chances of a safe evacuation and effective rescue intervention in case of a tunnel fire. Such a system may utilize prevalent wireless technologies, e.g., Bluetooth, RFID and Wi-Fi, which today are used to survey incoming and outgoing traffic to a certain space or location, to estimate group sizes and to measure the duration of visits during normal operation of buildings. Examples also exist of where the same wireless technologies are used for safety purposes, for example to assess real-time location, tracking and monitoring of vehicles, personnel and equipment in mining environments. However, they are relatively few, and typically rely on a high degree of control over the people that are to be tracked, and their association with (connection to) the localization system used for the tracking. In this report, the results of a brief overview of the literature within the field of indoor localization in general, and the application of indoor localization systems within the field of particularly fire safety, is summarized. This information forms the underlying basis for the planning and execution of a future field study, in which an indoor Wi-Fi localization system will be tested and evaluated in terms of if, and if so how, it can be used to position evacuating people in tunnels. Whereas such a system allows digital footprints to be collected within a wireless network infrastructure (also already existing ones), questions remains to be answered regarding aspects such as precision and accuracy, and furthermore, how these aspects are affected by other independent variables. In the end of this report, examples of research questions deemed necessary to answer in order to enable a sound evaluation of the system is presented. These need to be addressed in the future planning of the above-mentioned field study

    An international survey and full-scale evacuation trial demonstrating the effectiveness of the active dynamic signage system concept

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    Rapid evacuation from large buildings is challenging due to their complex layout making wayfinding difficult. While emergency signage is widely used to aid wayfinding, recent research demonstrates that only 38% of people perceive conventional exit signs. Furthermore, conventional signage only conveys single and passive information and so cannot adapt to changing conditions. The EU FP7 GETAWAY project addresses this problem through the development of a unique and innovative Intelligent Active Dynamic Signage System (IADSS), which routes occupants to their optimal exits during an evolving incident. This paper presents two key steps in the development of the IADSS concept. First, a novel negated signage concept identifying that an exit route is no longer viable was devised and tested using an international survey. The results demonstrate that the negation concept can be clearly understood by over 90% of the sample. The second step involved two full-scale evacuation trials in a rail station that demonstrated that it was possible to direct over 60% of the participants to the targeted exit through the use of the Active Dynamic Signage System (ADSS). The ADSS makes use of the negated signage concept and a development involving a green flashing arrow within the standard emergency exit sign

    Cyathostomin egg reappearance period following treatment with ivermectin

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    I princip alla hÀstar bÀr eller har nÄgon gÄng exponerats för parasiter frÄn slÀktet cyathostominae (hÀstens smÄ blodmaskar), vilka Àr hÀstens vanligast förekommande endoparasiter. Infektionen Àr oftast inte mÀrkbar men kan orsaka symtom i form av avmagring, diarré och kolik hos kraftigt infekterade individer. Larval cyathostominos Àr ett allvarligt tillstÄnd förknippat till ett omfattande massuttrÀde av inkapslade cyathostominae-larver frÄn tarmvÀggen som kan vara fatalt för hÀsten. RutinmÀssig anthelmintikabehandling flera gÄnger per Är har varit hörnstenen i kontrollen av parasitinfektion frÄn 1980 till 2007. Denna överanvÀndning av lÀkemedel har resulterat i att hÀstens parasiter har utvecklat resistens mot avmaskningsmedel. Den befintliga resistensen hos de smÄ blodmaskarna mot fenbendazol och pyrantel Àr utbredd. Substanserna som finns kvar att tillgÄ mot infektionen Àr sÄledes ivermektin och moxidektin som ingÄr i de makrocykliska laktonerna. Den senaste tiden har rapporter frÄn Europa och vÀrlden varslat om begynnande resistens Àven mot ivermektin och moxidektin i form av förkortad egg reappearance period (ERP). Studiens syfte Àr att undersöka ivermektins effektivitet genom att utföra en fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) samt bestÀmma tidpunkt för ERP. 2007 utfördes en liknande studie i Sverige av Osterman med flera och dÄ kunde ingen resistens mot ivermektin pÄvisas. Tre gÄrdar och totalt 23 hÀstar deltog i försöket. Resultatet av FECRT visade att ivermektin hade reducerat antalet Àgg > 99 % tvÄ veckor efter avmaskning. ERP berÀknades med tre olika definitioner definition 1.) Veckan för första positiva ÀggrÀkningen efter avmaskning. Definition 2.) Veckan dÄ medelantalet Àgg > 10 % av medelantalet Àgg innan avmaskning. Definition 3.) Veckan dÄ medelantalet Àgg i gruppen överstiger 100 EPG. För definition 1 var ERP 5-6 veckor lÄng och för definition 2 berÀknades ERP frÄn 7 till över 8 veckor pÄ de olika gÄrdarna. Med definition 3 berÀknades ERP frÄn 7 till över 8 veckor. Resultatet ger en antydan om att ERP för ivermektin Àr förkortad jÀmfört med de ursprungliga minst 8 veckorna nÀr preparatet först kom ut pÄ marknaden. Detta Àr en tidig indikation pÄ att resistens hÄller pÄ att utvecklas mot substansen. Ett FECRT pÄvisade dÀremot ingen bristande behandlingseffektivitet för ivermektin och dÀrmed kan ingen befintlig resistens konstateras. Studien bör ses som en motivering till att vidare undersöka och kartlÀgga resistenslÀget pÄ svenska hÀstgÄrdar för att i ett sÄ tidigt skede upptÀcka problemet och dÀrefter utveckla nya riktlinjer och rekommendationer gÀllande trÀckprovstagning och avmaskning.All grazing horses have been exposed or infected by parasites from the genera cyathostominae (small bloodworms), which are the most prevalent endoparasites in horses. The infection does most commonly not affect the horse but may cause symtoms as weightloss, diarrhea and colic in heavenly infected individuals. Larval cyathosominosis is a fatal condition associated with an extensive excystment of incapsulated larvae from the gut wall, which may occur in infected horses. Routine administration of anthelmintics several times per year have been the corner-stone in control of parasiteinfections from 1980 to 2007. This overuse of anthelmintic drugs have resulted in anthelmintic resistance in equine parasites. There is widely-spread resistance in cyathostominae against fenbendazole and pyrantel. The macrocyclic lactones ivermectin and moxidectin are therefore the substances most commonly used nowadays. Recently several European countries rapport of emerging resistance in form of a shortened egg reappearance period (ERP). The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of ivermectin by performing a fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) and determine the ERP for ivermectin. In year 2007 no detection of emerging och existing resistance to ivermectin was made when a similar study was done in Sweden. Three farms and a total of 23 horses participated in the trial. The FECRT results showed that ivermectin reduced the number of eggs with > 99% two weeks post-treatment. ERP was determined with three different methods. Method 1.) The week for the first positive fecal egg count post-treatment. Method 2.) The week post-treatment when the mean eggnumber > 10% of the mean eggnumber pre-treatment. Method 3.) The week post-treatment when the mean eggnumber exceeds 100 EPG. With method 1 the ERP was calculated to 5-6 weeks and 7 to more than 8 weeks for method 2 on the different farms. With method 3 the period was calculated from 7 to more than 8 weeks. The result indicates that ERP for ivermectin is shortened compared to the least 8 weeks when the substance was first launched. This is an early indication that resistance to ivermectin in cyathostominae is emerging. The FECRT on the other hand did not detect insufficient efficacy of ivermectin in reducing the eggnumber. The conclusion of this study is that suspicion of emerging resistance can be made but further studies on a bigger population is needed for confirmation. It should motivate to further investigate the current situation in Sweden. So, if resistance in cyathostominae is truly emerging, new guidelines and recommendations in parasite control can be made as early as possible

    Intestinal clostridios hos vuxna hÀstar

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    Intestinal clostridios, som bröts ut frĂ„n det gamla begreppet ”colitits X” pĂ„ slutet av 1970- talet, Ă€r ett syndrom som drabbar hĂ€star och mĂ„nga gĂ„nger Ă€r utgĂ„ngen fatal. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie Ă€r att redogöra för etiologin, epidemiologin och patogenesen bakom intestinal clostridios. VĂ€rdet av den komplexa koloniseringsresistensen och vilka riskfaktorer som Ă€r viktigast för sjukdomsutvecklingen kommer Ă€ven att diskuteras. Clostridiaceae Ă€r en bakteriefamilj bestĂ„ende av anaeroba bakterier, ofta sporbildare. Arterna karaktĂ€riseras av deras produktion av oerhört potenta toxiner med förmĂ„ga att framkalla sjukdom hos bĂ„de dĂ€ggdjur och fĂ„glar. De identifierade etiologierna bakom intestinal clostridios Ă€r Clostridium perfringens och Clostridium difficile. Symtomen vid intestinal clostridios Ă€r i det typiska fallet snabbt igĂ„ngsĂ€ttande av allvarliga diarrĂ©er och om hĂ€starna inte behandlas gĂ„r de en snabb död till mötes. Sjukdom orsakad av C. difficile har associerats till antibiotikabehandling och C. perfringens-orsakad intestinal clostridios har huvudsakligen uppmĂ€rksammats hos hĂ€star som exponerats för olika typer av stresstillstĂ„nd. Det finns mĂ„nga riskfaktorer som verkar frĂ€mja uppkomsten av intestinal clostridios. Antibiotikabehandling, svĂ€lt och hospitalisering Ă€r exempel pĂ„ faktorer som kan föregĂ„ tillvĂ€xt av clostridier i tarmkanalen. Behandlingen bestĂ„r av understödjande terapi men antibiotikabehandling, fekal transplantation och administrering av olika typer av probiotika kan mildra symtomen. Slutsatserna som kan dras efter litteraturgenomgĂ„ngen Ă€r att de patogener som ligger bakom intestinal clostridios hos vuxna hĂ€star Ă€r C. perfringens typ A och C. difficile. Dessa bakterier kan finnas i hĂ€starnas tarm i icke detekterbara mĂ€ngder Ă€ven hos friska hĂ€star och sjukdom uppstĂ„r nĂ€r den gastro-intestinala mikrofloran störs sĂ„ mycket att koloniseringsresistensen inte kan förhindra tillvĂ€xt av de patogena clostridierna. Efter toxinproduktion intrĂ€der allvarlig sjukdom. Den kliniska bilden Ă€r ospecifik och svĂ„r att skilja frĂ„n eventuella differentialdiagnoser. PĂ„ grund av detta ska alltid provtagning för bakteriologisk odling och typning genomföras. Det Ă€r vĂ€ldigt viktigt att odla för bĂ„de C. perfringens och C. difficile vid misstanke eftersom de odlas fram med selektiva metoder som Ă€r specifika för de tvĂ„ olika bakterierna. Risken Ă€r att man missar den ena arten om man vĂ€ljer att endast odla för den andra. Koloniseringsresistensen Ă€r antagligen viktigare Ă€n vad vi vet med hĂ€nsyn till att förebygga och förhindra uppkomsten av intestinal clostridios hos hĂ€star. TyvĂ€rr Ă€r för lite forskning gjord inom detta omrĂ„de och nĂ„gra klara slutsatser om den gastro-intestinala mikroflorans roll och vĂ€rde i skyddet mot clostridierna gĂ„r inte att dra i dagslĂ€get.Intestinal clostridiosis is a syndrome that was broken out from the concept of ”colitis X” in the late 1970s. It is a syndrome that affects horses and the outcome is many times fatal. The purpose of this review is to explain the aetiology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of intestinal clostridiosis. Further more the value of the complex colonising-resistance and the main risk factors for developing disease will be illuminated and discussed. Clostridiaceae is a family of anaerobe bacteria, most of them able to form spores. The species are characterized by their production of very potent toxins and ability to induce sickness in both mammals and birds. The identified aetiologies behind intestinal clostridiosis are Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile The clinical picture of intestinal clostridiosis is in the typical case a rapid up come of severe diarrhoeas and if the horses do not get appropriate treatment they go quick demise. Infection with C. difficile has been associated to treatment with antibiotics and C. perfringens infection has mainly been observed in horses exposed for different states of stresses. There are many risk factors that seem to promote the appearance of intestinal clostridiosis. Treatment with antibiotics, starvation and hospitalization is a few examples of states that can precede proliferation of clostridia in the intestines. The treatment consists of supportive therapy but antibiotics, faecal transplantation and administration of probiotics may also alleviate the symptoms. From the literature the following conclusions can be drawn. The aetiologies of intestinal clostridiosis in adult horses are C. perfringens type A and C. difficile. These bacteria may have colonised the intestine in undetectable small numbers in healthy horses and sickness will not occur until the gastro-intestinal micro flora gets disrupted so that the colonising resistance is not able to prohibit proliferation of the pathogenic clostridia. Following production of toxins severe acute sickness is developed. The clinical picture is often unspecific and difficult to distinguish from differential diagnosis. Because of this, sampling for bacteriological culture and typing should always be done. It is very important to culture for both C. perfringens and C. difficile when intestinal clostridiosis is suspected since they are grown on selective medias. The risk is that you will miss one species if you choose to only culture one of them. The colonising resistance is probably more important than we know when it comes to prevention and prohibition of intestinal clostridiosis in adult horses. Unfortunately too little research is made in this area and any clear conclusions about the normal gastro-intestinal micro flora’s role in the protection of clostridial infection cannot be drawn in the current situation

    KartlĂ€ggning av lĂ„ngbensgroda Rana dalmatina pĂ„ Öland - med rekommendationer för biogeografisk uppföljning

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    As a result of e.g. habitat loss and diseases, a global decline of amphibians is a fact. In order to prevent further declines and to improve the conservation status for amphibians in Europe, the member states have to report the status for amphibians every sixth year to EU. In Sweden, the County Administrative Board in Scania is responsible for coordinating the biogeographic monitoring of amphibians. Öland contains the largest population of the agile frog (Rana dalmatina) in Sweden. However, its status in other parts than the well investigated central parts (Mittlandet) of Öland is not well known. Such knowledge is needed in order to optimize a monitoring program at national level. In the inventory I found 3906 egg masses (equivalent to 7812 individuals) at more than 82 occurrence sites for the agile frog outside Mittlandet. Of these, 24 were identified as source ponds (at least 50 egg masses). Before this inventory the population of agile frog in Sweden consisted of approximately 30000 individuals. More egg masses were found in wetlands with high proportion of surrounding deciduous forest (buffer zone of 1000 m), with a short distance to the nearest site with egg masses, a low proportion of open land, and relatively few roads. The probability of finding other amphibians was greater in source ponds than in satellite ponds (i.e. ponds with less than 50 egg masses). Therefore a future monitoring of the agile frog should include documentation of other species in at least source ponds. The data suggest that in order to detect a future population change greater than the natural fluctuation levels (35 %) of the agile frog, at least nine source ponds sites have to be surveyed at two independent occasions. To detect a change in the frequency of occurrence at sites with agile frogs, of 50 %, at least 45 sites have to be visited at two independent occasions. Due to the finding of several unknown populations of the agile frog in Öland the impact of environmental factors need to be further investigated in order to give recommendations for future monitoring programs of the agile frog.PopulĂ€rvetenskaplig sammanfattning: KartlĂ€ggning av lĂ„ngbensgroda pĂ„ Öland Amfibier vĂ€rlden över har minskat kraftigt sedan1970-talet. Orsakerna Ă€r mĂ„nga men flera Ă€r okĂ€nda. Fem av tretton amfibier i Sverige Ă€r hotade och Ă„tgĂ€rder genomförs för att öka arters populationer. Biogeografisk uppföljning Ă€r ett nationellt program för uppföljning av amfibier som kan upptĂ€cka förĂ€ndringar i en arts populationsstorlek och förekomst. Detta krĂ€ver artspecifik kunskap om utbredningsomrĂ„de och populationsstorlek. LĂ„ngbensgrodan förkommer uteslutande i södra Sverige och Ă€r en av landets hotade amfibier. Den har under mĂ„nga Ă„r övervakats pĂ„ Mittlandet pĂ„ Öland. Resterande omrĂ„den pĂ„ Öland Ă€r okĂ€nt, bortsett frĂ„n nĂ„gra enstaka observationer. Huvudsyftet med detta arbete var dĂ€rför att undersöka var och hur mĂ„nga lĂ„ngbensgrodor som förekommer Öland. En rad miljöfaktorer jĂ€mfördes ocksĂ„ med förekomsten av grodan. Dessutom presenterades en realistisk storlek pĂ„ stickprov till den biogeografiska uppföljningen av arten. Detta för att veta hur mĂ„nga lokaler som behöver besökas för att hitta en förĂ€ndring i förekomst (antal lokaler) pĂ„ 50 %, samt hur mĂ„nga baslokaler som behöver besökas för att hitta en förĂ€ndring (antal individer) pĂ„ 35 % i populationsnivĂ„. En baslokal ska bestĂ„ av minst 50 lekande vuxna honor. Innan fĂ€ltarbetet pĂ„ Öland började gjordes en utsökning av lĂ€mpliga lokaler. PĂ„ dem undersöktes förekomst av lĂ„ngbensgroda, vattenkemi och andra amfibier. Data analyserades dĂ€refter med hjĂ€lp av geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) och statistiska tester för att hitta samband mellan olika miljövariabler och förekomst av lĂ„ngbensgroda. Totalt resulterade inventeringarna i fynd av 3906 romklumpar utanför Mittlandet fördelade pĂ„ 82 lokaler. Innan denna undersökning genomfördes uppskattades antalet individer i Sverige till ungefĂ€r 30 000. Ökningen av antalet kĂ€nda individer Ă€r alltsĂ„ slĂ„ende. Efter att insamlad data analyserats gĂ„r det Ă€r sĂ€ga att storleken pĂ„ en population pĂ„verkas positivt av en ökad mĂ€ngd lövskog i dess nĂ€romrĂ„de samtidigt som antalet meter vĂ€g, mĂ€ngd öppen mark samt avstĂ„nd till nĂ€rmsta fyndplats bör vara relativt lĂ„g. En undersökning riktad mot olika miljövariablers pĂ„verkan pĂ„ lĂ„ngbensgrodan bör göras i framtiden. Framförallt Ă€r det viktigt att undersöka vilken pĂ„verkar vĂ€gar har för amfibier pĂ„ Öland. Detta för att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ vad som krĂ€vs för att kunna sĂ€kra artens bevarandestatus. Storleken pĂ„ stickprovet till den biogeografiska uppföljningen resulterade i att minst 90 lokaler mĂ„ste besökas för att hitta en förĂ€ndring i förekomst pĂ„ minst 50 %. Det Ă€r viktigt att 45 av dessa lokaler besöks vid ett tillfĂ€lle oberoende av de andra 45 lokalerna. För att istĂ€llet hitta en förĂ€ndring pĂ„ populationsnivĂ„ behövs 18 baslokaler besökas för att hitta en förĂ€ndring pĂ„ minst 35 %, Ă€ven de fördelade pĂ„ tvĂ„ besökstillfĂ€llen. Handledare: Per Nyström & Marika Stenberg Examensarbete för masterexamen 30 hp bevarandebiologi, 2014 Biologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet Ekoll A

    Delrapport: Test av vÀgledande system i en tunnel

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    I följande delrapport redogörs övergripande för förutsĂ€ttningarna och delar av resultaten efter ett utrymningsförsök som genomfördes den 1-3 juli Ă„r 2014 i vĂ€gtunneln Norra lĂ€nken i Stockholm. Syftet med försöket var i huvudsak att undersöka hur personer pĂ„ bĂ€sta sĂ€tt kan ledas till en motstĂ„ende tunnelvĂ€gg med utrymningsvĂ€gar i en rökfylld tunnel. Försöket syftade Ă€ven till att kvantifiera med vilken hastighet mĂ€nniskor rör sig i rökfyllda tunnelmiljöer (d v s vid nedsatta siktförhĂ„llanden). Baserat pĂ„ en grov analys av de resultat som genererades under försöket kan det konstateras att designen av den utrymningsportal som anvĂ€ndes under försöket till stor del verkar ha uppfyllt sitt Ă€ndamĂ„l (att fĂ„ folk att anvĂ€nda nödutgĂ„ngar i rökfyllda tunnelmiljöer). Det mest pĂ„tagliga resultatet Ă€r att det krĂ€vs nĂ„gon form av vĂ€gledning för att personer som gĂ„r lĂ€ngs den högra sidan ska förstĂ„ att de ska byta sida i höjd med utrymningsportalen. Åtminstone bör informationsskyltar installeras mittemot utrymningsvĂ€garna för att upplysa utrymmande personer om att de befinner mittemot en utrymningsvĂ€g. Flera av försökspersonerna angav Ă€ven att de utrymningsskyltar med information om avstĂ„ndet till nĂ€rmaste utrymningsvĂ€g var vĂ€rdefulla. Det angav Ă€ven flera av de personer som inte exponerades för denna typ av vĂ€gledande markeringar men istĂ€llet som ett förslag för att fĂ„ en bra utrymningsmiljö. För att ytterligare öka sannolikheten att mĂ€nniskor vid en utrymning uppmĂ€rksammar och anvĂ€nder utrymningsvĂ€garna föreslĂ„s att utrymningsportalerna Ă€ven utrustas med aktiva högtalare. Flera av försökspersonerna som exponerades för denna installation uppgav att de hade nytta av den för att hitta utgĂ„ngen pĂ„ den motsatta sidan

    Test av vÀgledande system i en tunnel

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    The report outlines the conditions and results of an evacuation experiments performed on 1-3 July 2014 in the Northern Link road tunnel in Stockholm. The aim was mainly to investigate how people can best be led to an opposite tunnel side during escape in a smoke-filled tunnel. The experiment also aimed to quantify the speed at which people move in smoke-filled tunnel environments (i.e. at reduced visibility conditions). Based on the analysis of the results from the experiment it can be concluded that the design of the escape portal, which was used during the experiment, seems to have fulfilled its purpose (getting people to use the emergency exits in smoke-filled tunnel environments). The most obvious result is that some form of guidance is required to get people walking along the right hand side to understand that they should change side at the height of the escape portal. At a minimum, information signs should be installed opposite the escape route to inform escaping persons that they are standing opposite an escape route. Several of the subjects also indicated that the evacuation signs with information about the distance to the nearest escape route were valuable. This was also stated by several of the people who were not exposed to this type of signs but as a suggestion to get a good evacuation environment. To further increase the likelihood that people evacuating from the Stockholm Bypass it is suggested that evacuation portals also should be equipped with active speakers. Several of the subjects who were exposed to this installation indicated that they benefited from it in finding the exit on the opposite side
