34 research outputs found

    Productive indicator in a Holstein dairy herd: growth and height curves, reproductive and productive traits and genetic parameters

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    Data on weight, height, productive and reproductive performance of 1,272 Holstein heifers, born from 1990 to 1998, were used to evaluate the growth and height patterns of these females from birth to first calving, and the following traits: weight at first calving (PP), age at first calving (IP), milk production in the first lactation (PL) and first calving interval (IEP), and to estimate genetic parameters of these traits. The von Bertalanffy fitted models were: Yi=802.10 (1-0.630EXP (-0.0022t)) for weight, and Yi=1.40 (1-0.208EXP (-0.0038t)) for height. The average performance of heifers were: height 140cm, weight 602kg and 27 month of age at first calving. The total milk yield was 8,026kg and first IEP was 420 days. The (co)variance components estimates were obtained by a derivative-free algorithm with the DFREML. The estimates of heritabilities were 0.31, 0.35, 0.34, respectively for PP, IP and PL, and 0.10 for IEP. The genetic correlations estimates between PP and PL, PL and IP and IEP and PL were low. The correlation between IEP and PP was 0.49 and between IEP and IP was, -0.69, sugesting an antagonism between the two last traits.Foram analisados dados de peso, altura e desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo de 1.272 novilhas da raça Holandesa, nascidas no período de 1990 a 1998. Estudaram-se o desenvolvimento em peso e altura do nascimento até o primeiro parto, as características peso ao primeiro parto (PP), idade ao primeiro parto (IP), produção de leite na primeira lactação (PL), primeiro intervalo de partos (IEP), e os parâmetros genéticos pertinentes. As equações para as curvas de peso e altura, estimadas pelo modelo proposto por von Bertalanffy, foram: Yi= 802,10 (1 - 0,630EXP (-0,0022t)) e Yi= 1,40 (1 - 0,208EXP (-0,0038t)), respectivamente. As novilhas atingiram o primeiro parto com altura média de 140cm e peso de 602kg aos 27 meses de idade. A produção total de leite na primeira lactação foi de 8.026kg e o primeiro IEP 420 dias. Na obtenção dos componentes de (co)variância utilizou-se o método da máxima verossimilhança restrita livre de derivada. As estimativas de herdabilidade foram 0,31, 0,35 e 0,34, respectivamente, para PP, IP e PL, e 0,10 para IEP, evidenciando variância genética aditiva média para as três primeiras características. As correlações genéticas apresentaram pequena magnitude para PP e PL, PL e IP, e IEP e PL. A correlação entre IEP e PP foi 0,49; entre IEP e IP o valor foi negativo, -0,69, indicando provável antagonismo entre as duas últimas características.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Departamento de GenéticaUniversidade Estadual Paulista Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaInstituto de ZootecniaUniversidade de São Paulo Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de QueirozUNIFESP, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Depto. de GenéticaSciEL

    Fine-needle Aspiration Biopsy For Breast Lesions: A Comparison Between Two Devices For Obtaining Cytological Samples

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    Context and Objective: Fine-needle aspiration biopsy has been accepted worldwide for breast lesions. However, some questions remain, including the appropriateness of the puncture method. The objective of this work was to compare aspirates obtained by the auto-vacuum device and by the syringe pistol holder. Design and Setting: Randomized trial for validation of diagnostic method, at Hospital das Clinicas do Universidade Federal de Goiás and Hospital Araújo Jorge, Goiânio. Methods: 351 patients presenting breast lumps underwent fine-needle aspiration biopsy, either with the auto-vacuum device or the syringe pistol holder. A single cytopathologist analyzed all of the cytology slides. The rates of insufficient material, cellularity, cell distortion and background hemorrhage were evaluated. Results: The percentages of insufficient material were 16% and 22% (p = 0.18), for the auto-vacuum and pistol aspirates, respectively. Good cellularity was seen in 34% of autovacuum and 29% of pistol samples (p = 0.4). Cell distortion was seen in 31 and 26 cases, respectively (p = 07). Background hemorrhage occurred in 63 (35%) and 54 cases (31%) (p = 0.2), for auto-vacuum and pistol. The sensitivity was 88% and 86%; specificity 99% and 100%, positive predictive value 96% and and 100%, negative predictive value 96% and 95% and total occuracy 76% and 75% for the auto-vacuum and pistol, respectively. Conclusion: The results obtained from the two fine-needle aspiration biopsy methods were equivalent. Therefore, the auto-vacuum device is a good option for obtaining aspirates for cytology.1236271276Catania, S., Ciatto, S., Breast cytology: Instruments and technique (1992) Breast Cytology in Clinical Practice, pp. 11-60. , In: Ciatto S, editor. London: Martin DunitzDe Freitas Jr., R., Hamed, H., Fentiman, I., Fine needle aspiration cytology of palpable breast lesions (1992) Br J Clin Pract, 46 (3), pp. 187-190Franzen, S., Zajicek, J., Aspiration biopsy in diagnosis of palpable lesions of the breast. Critical review of 3479 consecutive biopsies Acta (1968) Radiol Ther Phys Biol, 7 (4), pp. 241-262Souza, J.A., Freitas Jr., R., Moreita, M.A.R., Philocreon, G.R., Acurácia da sensação tátil da PAAF no diagnóstico de less̄ocs mamárias (1995) Rev Bras Mastologia, 5 (3), pp. 7-10Freitas Júnior, R., Hamed, H., Millis, R.R., Tomas, N.M.A., Fentiman, I.S., Fine needle aspiration of breast lesions using auto-vacuum dispositive (1996) Rev Bras Mastologia, 6 (3), pp. 126-128de Freitas Júnior, R., Giraldo, P.C., Rerrori, O., Vieira-Matos, A.N., Tambascia, J.K., Fine needle aspiration biopsy of solid tumours by auto-vacuum system: A study in rats (1992) Eur J Surg Oncol, 18 (6), pp. 605-607Boccato, P., How to treat the aspirated material (1992) Breast Cytology in Clinical Practice, pp. 61-64. , In: Ciatto, S, editor London: Martin Dunitz(1987) International Union Against Cancer, , UICC. TNM classification of malignant tumors. Berlin: Springer-Verlag(1982) Am J Clin Pathol, 78 (6), pp. 806-816. , The World Health Organization Histological Typing of Breast Tumors - Second Edition. The World OrganizationGelabert, H.A., Hsiu, J.G., Mullen, J.T., Jaffe, A.H., D'Amato, N.A., Prospective evaluation of the rate of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis and management of patiencs with palpable solid breast lesions (1990) Am Surg, 56 (4), pp. 263-267Rouquayrol, M.Z., Epidemiologia e saúde (1988), Rio de Janeiro: Medsi - Editora CientíficaRoberts, J.C., Rainsbury, R.M., 'Tactile sensation: A new clinical sign during fine needle aspiration of breast lumps Ann (1994) R Coll Surg Eng, 76 (2), pp. 136-138Henderson, M.A., McCready, D.R., A simple technique for fine needle aspiration cytology (1994) J Am Coll Surg, 179 (4), pp. 471-473Sasaki, J., Izu, K., Automatic fine needle aspiration pistol specially designed for small tumors (1998) Acta Cytol, 42 (3), pp. 829-830Tao, L.C., Smith, J.W., Fine-needle aspiration biopsy using a newly-developed pencil-grip syringe holder (1999) Diagn Cytopathol, 20 (2), pp. 99-104Parel, J.J., Garrell, P.C., Smallwood, J.A., Fine needle aspiration cytology of breast masses: An evaluation of its accuracy and reasons for diagnostic failure (1987) Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 69 (4), pp. 156-159Abele, J., Stanley, M.W., Rollnis, S.D., Miller, T.R., What constitutes an adequate smear in fine-needle aspiration cytology of the breast? (1998) Cancer, 84 (1), pp. 57-61Zajdela, A., Ghossein, N.A., Pilleron, J.P., Ennuyer, A., The value of aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of breast cancer: Experience at the Fondation Curie (1975) Cancer, 35 (2), pp. 499-506Layfield, L.J., Dodd, L.G., Cytologically low grade malignancies: An important interpretative pitfall responsible for false negative diagnoses in fine-needle aspiration of the breast (1996) Diagn Cytopathol, 15 (3), pp. 250-259Feichter, G.E., Haberthür, F., Gobat, S., Dalquen, P., Breast cytology. Statistical analysis and cytohistologic correlations (1997) Acta Cytol, 41 (2), pp. 327-332Arisio, R., Cuccorese, C., Accinelli, G., Mano, M.P., Bordon, R., Fessia, L., Role of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in breast lesions: Analysis of a series of 4,110 cases (1998) Diagn Cytopathol, 18 (6), pp. 462-467Ariga, R., Bloom, K., Reddy, V.B., Fine-needle aspiration of clinically suspicious palpable breast masses with histopathologic correlation (2002) Am J Surg, 184 (5), pp. 410-41

    Nellore bull selection alternatives using multiple traits of economic importance

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    Os dados são provenientes de 234 touros da raça Nelore participantes de um teste de progênie, no período de 1996 a 2003. A diferença esperada na progênie (DEP) de sete características: peso aos 120 e 210 dias, efeito materno (DMPP120 e DMPP210), peso e perímetro escrotal aos 365 e 450 dias, efeito direto (DDP365, DDP450, DDPE365 e DDPE450) e idade ao primeiro parto (DDIPP) foi utilizada para classificar os animais em três grupos, assim como identificar quais as características possuíram maior poder discriminatório na formação de cada grupo. Para tanto, foram utilizados procedimentos estatísticos multivariados de análise de agrupamentos k-médias e componentes principais. Os resultados evidenciaram que, dos três grupos formados, dois se destacaram quanto aos valores médios das DEPs. A importância desses dois grupos de touros foi confirmada pela análise de componentes principais, que associou a eles valores superiores de DEPs diretas de peso e perímetro escrotal. A quantidade da variabilidade original retida pelos dois primeiros componentes principais foi de 70,22%. Estes procedimentos mostraram-se eficientes e constituíram importantes ferramentas para classificar touros, discriminar variáveis, bem como resumir informações multivariadas, podendo ser usados como auxílio valioso na seleção de reprodutores para uso nos programas de melhoramento genético.The data set is from 234 Nelore bulls which participate of a progeny test in the period from 1996 to 2003. The expected progeny diference (EPDs) of seven economic traits, weights at 120 e 210 days of age, maternal effect (DMPP120 and DMPP210), weights and scrotal circumferences at 365 e 450 days of age, direct effects (DDP365, DDP450, DDPE365 and DDPE450), and age at first calving (DDIPP), were used in order to classify these animals in three groups and verify which EPDs showed greatest discriminating power in forming the groups. The statistical applied techniques were: k-means clusters analysis and principal components analysis. From the three groups formed, two of them stood out in relation to values of the EPDs means. Evidence of the importance of these two groups was observed in the principal component analysis that associate to them higher values of direct EPDs of weight and scrotal circumference. The two first principal components accounted for 70.22% of the total original variability. Both techniques could be an important tools to sire classification, variable discrimination, as well as to resume multivariate information, and they could be applied to help selection in animal breeding program.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)ANCPPRONEXFAPES