146 research outputs found

    Probability of At Least One High Arterial Blood Pressure Measurement in Elderly Patients with Healthy Vascular Aging in Two Years of Follow-Up

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    Background/Aims: Elderly patients with normal systemic arterial blood pressure associated with femoral carotid pulse velocity (cf-PWV) less than 7.6 m/s and without associated comorbidities are considered to have good vascular health. The aim of the current study was to verify the probability that elderly patients with good vascular health have at least one blood pressure measurement above the different thresholds for systolic blood pressure (120, 130 and 140 mmHg) during two years of follow–up. Methods: We selected 72 normotensive patients (< 140/90 mmHg) without comorbidities and divided them into group A, with cf-PWV < 7.6 m/s (n = 27; 65 ± 4 years), and group B, with cf-PWV ≥ 7.6 m/s (n = 45; 66± 8 years). These patients were followed for two years and were observed in 3 outpatient visits (0, 12 and 24 months). At each visit, the brachial pressures were indirectly measured in triplicate, and applanation tonometry was performed. Results: When group A and group B were compared, the odds ratio (OR) of having a systolic pressure measurement ≥ 140 mmHg in two years of follow-up was 0.22 (P < 0.0001); ≥ 130 mmHg, the OR was 0.49 (P < 0.0007), and ≥ 120 mmHg, the OR was 0.54 (P < 0.001). Group A and group B showed increased values of cf-PWV during the two years of follow-up (P < 0.05). Changes in the average systolic brachial pressure were not significant during the two years in groups A or B. Conclusion: Vascular health in elderly individuals seems to protect against occasional elevations in systemic arterial pressure

    Aplicação de produtos químicos na repicagem da figueira

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    Como a repicagem de mudas de figueira (Ficus carica L. cv. Roxo de Valinhas) apresen ta frequentemente problemas no transplante, estudou-se o efeito de produtos químicos nesta fase crftica para a formação do figueiral. Procedeu-se aos tratamentos de redução da área foliar, pulverização com Transplantone 10 g/l água, Oed green (oxietileno docosanol) 40 ml/1 ,Good-rite peps (polisulfeto de polietíleno) 0,6 ml/l e Mobileaf 200 ml/l, além do controle. Redução da área foliar ou pulverização com oxietileno docasonol aumentaram a porcentagem de sobrevivência das figueiras transplantadas. Os produtos químicos não promoveram variações significativas na altura das mudas de figueira 'Roxo de Valinhos'. Auxinas componentes do Transplantone (naftalenacetamida e àcido naftalenacético) causaram aumento no número de folhas da figueira transplantada.This research deals with the effects of chemicals on, transplantation of Ficus carica L. cv. Roxo de Valinhos. Fig plants were sprayed with Transplantone (naphthaleneacetamide plusnaphtaleneacetic acid) 10 g/1 , Oed green (oxyethylene docosanol) 40 ml/1, Good-rite peps (polyethylene polysulfite) 0,6 ml/1, and Mobileaf 200 ml/1. A check treatment and aereduction to half of leaf area were also established. Reduction of leaf area and application of oxyethylene docosanol promoted higher plant survival. The chemicals did not affect the growth of transplanted plants. Auxins constituents of Transplantone increased leaf number of fig plants

    Stomatal behavior and components of the antioxidative system in coffee plants under water stress

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    Coffee (Coffea arabica) plants show a positive relationship between stomatal closure and formation and accumulation of H2O2. However, for coffee plants under water restriction such relationship has never been studied. The objective of the present study was evaluate the stomatal movement and the antioxidant capacity of coffee seedlings under different water regimes. Eight months old coffee seedlings of cv. Catuaí IAC 99 were submitted to field capacity, gradual and total suspension of irrigation during a period of 21 days. Evaluations of leaf water potential (Ψw) were performed in the beginning of the morning, and stomatal resistance, transpiration rate and vapor pressure deficit were determined at 10 am and 5 pm. All biochemical and enzymatic determinations were performed in leaves collected at 5 pm. Evaluations and samplings were performed at three days intervals. There was no variation in Ψw during the evaluated period for plants in field capacity. However, an expressive decrease of Ψw following day 12, reaching values near -2.5 MPa at the end of the experiment was observed for plants submitted to gradual suspension of irrigation. For plants submitted to total suspension of irrigation, Ψw decreases after the sixth day, reaching -2.5 MPa at day 15. The decay of Ψw in plants submitted to gradual and total suspension of irrigation reflected in increased stomatal resistance and in a decreased transpiration rate leading to an increase in hydrogen peroxide formation and, on final stages, increase in lipid peroxidation. As a conclusion, an increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes as well as in the levels of ascorbate and dehydroascorbate was observed, which act in the detoxification of free radicals formed as result of the water stress.Para o cafeeiro (Coffea arabica) existe uma comprovada relação positiva entre fechamento estomático e formação e acúmulo de H2O2. Entretanto, tal relação para a cultura sob restrição hídrica ainda não foi estudada. Avaliou-se o movimento estomático e a capacidade antioxidante em mudas de cafeeiro sob diferentes regimes hídricos. Mudas de cafeeiro cv. Catuaí IAC 99, com oito meses de idade, foram submetidas à capacidade de campo, suspensão gradativa e suspensão total da irrigação por um período de 21 dias. Foram realizadas avaliações do potencial hídrico (Ψw) foliar na antemanhã e resistência estomática, taxa transpiratória e déficit de pressão de vapor foram avaliados as 10h00 e 17h00. As determinações bioquímicas e enzimáticas foram realizadas em folhas coletadas às 17h00. Todas as avaliações e coletas foram realizadas em intervalos de três dias. Nas plantas em capacidade de campo não houve variação no Ψw durante o período de avaliação. Para a suspensão gradativa da irrigação, houve queda expressiva a partir dos 12 dias, chegando próximo a -2,5 Mpa, ao final do experimento. Já nas plantas em suspensão total da irrigação observou-se queda no Ψw a partir do sexto dia, chegando a -2,5 MPa aos 15 dias. A queda no Ψw para as plantas em suspensão gradual e total da irrigação refletiu em aumentos na resistência estomática e diminuição da taxa transpiratória, ocasionando aumento na formação de peróxido de hidrogênio e nos períodos finais, aumentos na peroxidação de lipídios. Em conseqüência obervaram-se aumentos na atividade das enzimas antioxidantes, bem como nos teores de ascorbato e dehidroascorbato, atuando na detoxificação dos radicais livres formados em função do estresse

    First Assessment of the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Marine Recreational Fisheries

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    This work is the result of an international research effort to determine the main impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on marine recreational fishing. Changes were assessed on (1) access to fishing, derived from lockdowns and other mobility restrictions; (2) ecosystems, because of alterations in fishing intensity and human presence; (3) the blue economy, derived from alterations in the investments and expenses of the fishers; and (4) society, in relation to variations in fishers’ health and well-being. For this, a consultation with experts from 16 countries was carried out, as well as an international online survey aimed at recreational fishers, that included specific questions designed to capture fishers’ heterogeneity in relation to behavior, skills and know-how, and vital involvement. Fishers’ participation in the online survey (5,998 recreational fishers in 15 countries) was promoted through a marketing campaign. The sensitivity of the fishers’ clustering procedure, based on the captured heterogeneity, was evaluated by SIMPER analysis and by generalized linear models. Results from the expert consultation highlighted a worldwide reduction in marine recreational fishing activity. Lower human-driven pressures are expected to generate some benefits for marine ecosystems. However, experts also identified high negative impacts on the blue economy, as well as on fisher health and well-being because of the loss of recreational fishing opportunities. Most (98%) of the fishers who participated in the online survey were identified as advanced, showing a much higher degree of commitment to recreational fishing than basic fishers (2%). Advanced fishers were, in general, more pessimistic about the impacts of COVID-19, reporting higher reductions in physical activity and fish consumption, as well as poorer quality of night rest, foul mood, and raised more concerns about their health status. Controlled and safe access to marine recreational fisheries during pandemics would provide benefits to the health and well-being of people and reduce negative socioeconomic impacts, especially for vulnerable social groups.Versión del edito