425 research outputs found

    EvidĂȘncia de infecção ativa por herpesvĂ­rus 6 (variante- A) em pacientes com linfadenopatia em BelĂ©m, ParĂĄ, Brasil

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    A total of 323 patients with lymphadenopathy were selected in BelĂ©m, Brazil, between January 1996 and December 2001, and screened for the presence of human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) IgM- and- IgG antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). When seroprevalence is analyzed by gender, similar rates are found for female (60.6%) and male (55.7%) individuals. Seventy-seven (23.8%) patients were HHV-6-IgM-and- IgG-positive (IgM+ subgroup), with positivity rates of 29.7% and 17.7% (p = 0.0007) for female- and male individuals, respectively. Sera from a subgroup (n = 120) of these subjects, with high HHV-6 antibody levels (either IgM+ or IgG+ reactivities), were subsequently processed for the presence of HHV-6 DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/nested PCR. Active infections (IgM+ and/or IgG+ high levels specific antibodies plus detection of viral DNA) were diagnosed in 20/77 (20.0%) and 8/43 (18.6%); subgroup of the 120 individuals suspected of having HHV-6 suggestive recent infection. All (n = 28) cases of active infection were found to be associated with HHV-6 variant-A (HHV-6A), as detectable by PCR/nested PCR, using variant-specific primer that amplify regions of 195 base pairs (bp) (HHV-6A) and 423 bp (HHV-6B). Rates of HHV-6 DNA detection between female and male patients were similar (p >; 0.05) in the IgM+ and IgG+ groups: 20.4% versus 35.7% and 25.0% versus 13.0%, respectively. HHV-6 DNA was detected across ; 50 age-groups at rates that ranged from 15.4% (male, ; 0,05) em pacientes dos sexos feminino e masculino, no grupo IgM+ e IgG+ com: 20,4% versus 35,7% e 25,0% versus 13,0%, respectivamente. A detecção do DNA viral do HHV-6 ocorreu no grupo etĂĄrio ; 50 anos, com taxas que variaram de 15,4% (homens, < 5 anos) a 100,0% (mulheres, 11-20 anos). O aumento dos linfonodos cervicais foi registrado como mais freqĂŒente, ocorrendo em nĂșmero de 9 (32,0%) casos, tanto entre indivĂ­duos do sexo masculino como naqueles do feminino. Entre os pacientes (n = 28) com infecção ativa pela variante A do HHV-6, a duração dos sintomas em 35,7% deles foi de 1-5 dias, enquanto em 64,3% durou de 6-20 dias. Nossos dados sugerem ser importante investigar a infecção pelo HHV-6 entre os pacientes (crianças e adultos) portadores de linfadenopatia como manifestação clĂ­nica proeminente no curso das doenças agudas febris

    PrevalĂȘncia de anticorpos para o herpesvĂ­rus humano tipo 8 na população de BelĂ©m, ParĂĄ, Brasil

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    Serum samples from 497 children and adults inhabiting two neighbourhoods (GuamĂĄ and Terra Firme) in BelĂ©m, ParĂĄ, North Brazil were screened for the presence of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) antibody using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. An overall 16.3% prevalence was found for these urban communities. Taken both genders together, prevalence rates of HHV-8 antibody increase gradually, across age-groups, ranging from 12.0% to 33.3%. When seroprevalence is analysed by gender, similar rates are found for female (18.4%) and male (14.0%) individuals. In the former gender group, seroprevalence rates increased from 10.3%, in children ;&pound;; 10 years of age, to 30.0% in adults 41-50 years of age. Conversely, among male subjects, the prevalence of HHV-8 antibodies decreased from 13.3% in children/young adults aged ;&pound;; 10 to 20 years of age to 6.1% in adults aged 21-30 years. From the 31-40 year-old group male onwards, seropositivity rates increased gradually, ranging from 8.3% to 66.7%. A significant difference in seropositivity rates was noted when comparing 21-30 age groups for female and male subjects: 23.3% and 6.1%, respectively (P = 0.03). Geometric mean optical densities were found to increase slightly from the lower to the higher age-groups. Our data suggest that transmission of HHV-8 occurs frequently in the general urban population of BelĂ©m, and that prevalence of antibody seems to increase with age.Amostras de soro de 497 crianças e adultos residentes em 2 bairros (Terra Firme e GuamĂĄ) de BelĂ©m, ParĂĄ, norte do Brasil foram examinadas com o propĂłsito de detectar-se anticorpos para o herpesvĂ­rus 8, utilizando-se a tĂ©cnica imunoenzimĂĄtica. A soroprevalĂȘncia total nessas comunidades urbanas foi de 16,3%. As taxas de prevalĂȘncia de anticorpos para o HHV-8, considerando ambos os sexos, aumentou progressivamente atravĂ©s dos grupos de idade, variando de 12,0% a 33,3%. Quando a soroprevalĂȘncia Ă© analisada por sexo, taxas similares sĂŁo encontradas para os indivĂ­duos do sexo feminino (18,4%) e masculino (14,0%). A taxa de prevalĂȘncia no sexo feminino aumentou de 10,3%, em crianças ;&pound;; 10 anos, para 30,0% nos adultos de 41-50 anos. JĂĄ nos indivĂ­duos do sexo masculino, a prevalĂȘncia de anticorpos para o HHV-8 decresceu de 13,3%, nas crianças/adultos de ;&pound;; 10 a 20 anos de idade, para 6,1% em adultos com 21-30 anos. Do grupo etĂĄrio de 31-40 anos para frente, as taxas de soropositividade relativas ao sexo masculino aumentaram gradualmente de 8,3% a 66,7%. Diferença significativa foi observada nas taxas de soropositividade relacionadas ao grupo etĂĄrio de 21-30 anos, se comparados indivĂ­duos dos sexos feminino e masculino: 23,3% e 6,1%, respectivamente (P = 0,03). A mĂ©dia geomĂ©trica das densidades Ăłticas aumentaram progressivamente do menor para o maior grupo de idade. Nossos dados sugerem que a transmissĂŁo do HHV-8 ocorre com frequĂȘncia na população de BelĂ©m e que a prevalĂȘncia de anticorpos observada aumentou com a idade

    Herpesvírus humano-7 como causa de doença exantemåtica em Belém, Parå, Brasil

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    We screened sera from 370 patients suffering from exanthematous illnesses in BelĂ©m, North Brazil, for the presence of human herpesvirus-7 (HHV-7) IgM and IgG antibodies. Samples were obtained from January 1996 to December 2002 and were processed by a HHV-7-specific indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). HHV-7-specific IgM and/or IgG antibodies were found in 190 (51.4%) of these patients, with similar prevalence rates (IgM+ and IgG+ subgroups taken together) for female and male subjects: 52.5% and 50.3%, respectively. Serological status as defined by IgG was identified in 135 (36.5%) patients. In 55 (14.9%) of the patients HHV-7 IgM antibodies were detected. HHV-7 IgM- and- IgG antibody rates were similar (p >; 0.05) when male and female subjects are compared: 14.4% versus 15.3% and 38.1% versus 35.0%, respectively. Statistically significant difference (p = 0.003) was noted when HHV-7-IgM-positive female and male patients aged 5-8 months are compared. Prevalence rates ranging from 4.6% (female, 5-8 months of age) to 93.3% (female, >; 10 years of age) and 12.2% (male, 5-8 months) to 80.0% (male, 8-10 years of age) were noted in the IgG- positive subgroups. A subgroup (n = 131) of patients with IgM or IgG HHV-7 antibodies were examined for the presence of DNA using a polymerase chain reaction/nested PCR. Recent/active HHV-7 infection occurred at a rate of 11.0% (6/55) among patients whose samples presented IgM+ specific antibodies. In a subgroup (n = 76) of patients with high HHV-7-IgG antibody levels (titre >; 1:160) DNA could not be detected in sera examined by PCR/nested PCR. Of the six recent/active infections, four subjects with less than 1 year and two with 3 and 6 years of age, presented typical exanthem subitum (E.S), as defined by higher fever (>; 38.0 &ordm;C) with duration of 24 to 72 hours, followed by a maculopapular skin rash. Our results underscore the need for searching HHV-7 infection in patients with exanthematous diseases, particularly those presenting with typical E.S. HHV-7 appears therefore to emerge as a newly recognized pathogen of exanthem in our region.Examinamos soros de 370 pacientes acometidos de doença exantemĂĄtica, selecionados em BelĂ©m, norte do Brasil, com o propĂłsito de se detectarem anticorpos IgM e IgG para o herpesvĂ­rus humano-7 (HHV-7). As amostras foram obtidas entre janeiro de 1996 e dezembro de 2002 e, posteriormente, processadas utilizando-se a tĂ©cnica da imunofluorescĂȘncia indireta (IFI). Taxas de anticorpos IgM e/ou IgG foram encontradas em 190 (51,4%) desses pacientes. Observamos taxas de prevalĂȘncia similares para os sexos feminino e masculino com: 52,5% e 50,3%, respectivamente. O "status" sorolĂłgico foi definido pela presença de anticorpos IgG nos espĂ©cimes de 135 (36,5%) pacientes. A par disso, em 55 (14,9%) dos 370 pacientes foram detectados anticorpos IgM para o HHV-7. Taxas de anticorpos IgM e IgG para o HHV-7 foram similares (p >; 0.05) quando comparamos indivĂ­duos do sexo feminino e masculino: 14,4% versus 15,3% e 38,1% versus 35,0%, respectivamente. Diferença estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,003) foi observada quando comparamos as taxas de anticorpos IgM para o HHV-7 nos indivĂ­duos do grupo etĂĄrio de 5-8 meses pertencentes ao sexo feminino e masculino. Taxas de prevalĂȘncia variando de 4,6% (masculino, 5-8 meses de idade) a 93,3% (feminino, >; 10 anos de idade) e 12,2% (masculino, 5-8 meses de idade) a 80,0% (masculino, 8-10 anos de idade) foram observadas no subgrupo positivo para IgG. Um subgrupo (n = 131) de pacientes com anticorpos IgM ou IgG foi examinado quanto a presença de DNA para o HHV-7 pela tĂ©cnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase/ "nested" PCR. Infecção recente/ativa para o HHV-7 ocorreu em 11,0% (6/55) dos pacientes cujas amostras apresentaram anticorpos IgM especĂ­ficos para o HHV-7. Em um subgrupo (n = 76) de pacientes com altos nĂ­veis de anticorpos IgG para o HHV-7 (tĂ­tulo >; 1: 160) nĂŁo foi detectada a presença de DNA em seus soros pelo PCR/ "nested" PCR. Entre as seis infecçÔes recentes/ativas, quatro indivĂ­duos com menos de um ano e dois com 3 e 6 anos de idade apresentaram tĂ­pico exantema sĂșbito (E.S) definido por febre elevada (>; 38,0 &ordm;C) com duração de 24 a 72 horas, acompanhando-se de erupção cutĂąnea maculopapular. Nossos resultados ressaltam a necessidade de procurarmos a infecção pelo HHV-7 em pacientes portadores de doença exantemĂĄtica, particularmente naquelas apresentaçÔes tĂ­picas de E.S. O HHV-7 parece emergir como um novo patĂłgeno associado a quadros exantemĂĄticos em nossa regiĂŁo

    Associação entre parvovírus B19 e artropatias em Belém, Parå, norte do Brasil

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    A total of 220 patients with arthropathy were selected in BelĂ©m, ParĂĄ between January 1994 and December 2000, and screened for the presence of human parvovirus B19 IgM and IgG antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A subgroup (n = 132) of patients with high levels of antibodies (either IgM+/IgG+ or IgM-/IgG+) were examined for the presence of DNA by polymerase chain reaction/nested PCR. Recent/active infection (detection of IgM and/or IgG-specific antibodies and presence of viral DNA) was identified in 47.7% of the 132 individuals with arthropathy. In our study, women were significantly more affected (59.7%) than men (35.4%) (P = 0.0006). The age group of 11-20 years (84.6%), among female patients, and 21-30 years (42.1%), among male, were those with the highest incidence rates. The analysis of the temporal distribution of B19-associated arthropaties showed a cyclic pattern, with peak incidence rates occuring at 3-5 year intervals. Significant diference (P = 0.01) was observed when comparing both the highest (39.0%) and the lowest (11.0%) seropositivity rates for the years of 1995 and 2000, respectively. The interfalangial joints of hands and feet were mostly affected, with 50.0% and 48.0% of cases among both women and men, respectively. In a smaller proportion, other joints such as those of knee, ankle, pulse and shoulder were affected. As for the duration, symptoms lasted 1 to 5 days in 54.0% of the individuals, whereas in 46.0% of them the disease lasted 6-10 days, if considered the subgroup (n = 63) of patients with recent/active infection by parvovirus B19. In our study, joint clinical manifestations occurred symmetrically. Our results indicate that B19 may be an important agent of arthropathies in our region, and this underscores the need for specific laboratory diagnosis when treating patients suffering from acute arthropathy, mainly pregnant women.Um total de 220 indivĂ­duos portadores de artropatias foi selecionado em BelĂ©m, ParĂĄ, entre janeiro de 1994 e dezembro de 2000 e, posteriormente, examinado com o propĂłsito de se detectarem anticorpos IgM e IgG para o parvovĂ­rus B19, utilizando-se a tĂ©cnica imunoenzimĂĄtica (ELISA). Um subgrupo (n = 132) de indivĂ­duos com amostras de soro apresentando altos nĂ­veis de anticorpos (IgM+/IgG+ e IgM-/IgG+) foi usado para detecção de DNA do B19 atravĂ©s da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e do "nested" PCR. Infecção recente/ativa (detecção de IgM e/ou IgG mais a presença de DNA viral) foi diagnosticada em 47,7% dos 132 indivĂ­duos apresentando comprometimento das articulaçÔes. O sexo feminino foi mais afetado (59,7%) que o masculino (35,4%), com diferença estatisticamente significativa (P = 0,0006). Os grupos etĂĄrios mais atingidos foram os de 11-20 anos (84,6%), no sexo feminino, e 21-30 anos (42,1%), no masculino. A anĂĄlise da distribuição temporal mostrou um padrĂŁo cĂ­clico, com perĂ­odos de maior e menor atividade viral que variam de 3 a 5 anos. Diferença estatisticamente significativa (P = 0,01) foi observada quando comparadas as freqĂŒĂȘncias de positividade mais alta (39,0%) e mais baixa (11,0%) para os anos de 1995 e 2000, respectivamente. As articulaçÔes mais atingidas foram, em ordem de freqĂŒĂȘncia, as interfalangianas de mĂŁos e pĂ©s, com 50,0% e 48,0% para o sexo feminino e masculino, respectivamente. Em menor proporção outras articulaçÔes tais como as do joelho, tornozelo, pulso e ombro foram afetadas. Quanto Ă  duração das manifestaçÔes articulares, 54,0% evoluĂ­ram por 1-5 dias, e 46,0% ao longo de 6-10 dias, considerando o subgrupo (n = 63) de indivĂ­duos com infecção recente/ativa para o B19 em ambos os sexos. Em nosso estudo, o comprometimento das articulaçÔes apresentou carĂĄter simĂ©trico. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram o freqĂŒente acometimento articular associado Ă s infecçÔes recentes/ativas por parvovĂ­rus B19, ressaltando a necessidade do diagnĂłstico laboratorial dessa virose, principalmente entre gestantes

    Toxicological Study Employing Repeated Doses of Garcinielliptone FC, a Polyisoprenylated-Benzophenone Isolated from Seed of Platonia Insignis Mart

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    The major constituent from the hexane extract of the seeds of P. insignis is GFC (garcinielliptone FC). Doses of 25, 50and 75 mg/kg of GFC were aseptically suspended in 0.05% Tween 80 dissolved in 0.9% saline (vehicle) and orally administered for30, 90 and 120 consecutive days to adult Swiss mice. In this work, the repeated oral administration, in animals of both sexes,demonstrates that this compound is not able to induce mortality and/or behavioral changes in adult mice. In addition, body weightgain, feed intake and disposal of excreta were not altered by the administration of this compound with repeated doses. Furthermore,no differences in weight and macroscopic structure of the brain, liver, kidney, lung, heart and spleen between groups of male andfemale adult mice were observed after treatment. During the periods of treatment, GFC produced no significant changes onhaematological and biochemical parameters in male and female mice treated with all doses used. The aim of this study was toinvestigate the toxicological potential of GFC through behavioral, hematological, biochemical and morphological parameters inanimals in order to ensure the safe use of Platonia insignis in folk medicine.Fil: Silva, Ana P.. Federal University of PiauĂ­; BrasilFil: Filho, JosĂ© Carlos C. L. S.. North Union of Parana; BrasilFil: da Costa JĂșnior, Joaquim S.. Federal Institute of PiauĂ­; BrasilFil: PelĂĄez, Walter JosĂ©. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en FĂ­sico-quĂ­mica de CĂłrdoba. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de Ciencias QuĂ­micas. Instituto de Investigaciones en FĂ­sico-quĂ­mica de CĂłrdoba; ArgentinaFil: Faillace, MartĂ­n SebastiĂĄn. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en FĂ­sico-quĂ­mica de CĂłrdoba. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de Ciencias QuĂ­micas. Instituto de Investigaciones en FĂ­sico-quĂ­mica de CĂłrdoba; ArgentinaFil: FalcĂŁo Ferraz, Alexandre de B.. Lutheran University of Brazil; BrasilFil: David, Jorge M.. Institute Of Chemistry, Federal University Of Bahia; Brasil. Universidade Federal da Bahia; BrasilFil: Freitas, Rivelilson M.. Federal University of Bahia; Brasi

    Chest physiotherapy effectiveness to reduce hospitalization and mechanical ventilation length of stay, pulmonary infection rate and mortality in ICU patients

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    Introduction: Although physiotherapy is an integral part of the multiprofessional team in most ICUs there is only limited evidence concerning the effectiveness of its procedures. the objectives of this study were to verify if physiotherapy care provided within 24 h/day for hospitalized patients in the ICU reduce the length of stay, mechanical ventilation support, pulmonary infection and mortality compared to a physiotherapy care provided within 6 h/day.Methods: A cohort study was designed to assess differences between one hospital where patients were given physiotherapy care for 24 h/day and another hospital with only 6 h/day. We considered the following as outcome measurements: clinical diagnosis, medication in use, presence of associated diseases, APACHE II and SOFA scores, ICU and mechanical ventilation length of stay, development of pulmonary infections and survival.Results: One hundred and forty-six patients were enrolled. Patients admitted in the service A presented a lower length of stay in mechanical ventilation (p < 0.0001), ICU stay (p = 0.0003), respiratory infections (p = 0.0043) than patients admitted in service B. No difference was found for APACHE II score (p = 0.8) and SOFA scores (p = 0.2) between groups. the mortality risk was OR 1.3 (1.01-2.33) (p = 0.04) for patients in the service B.Conclusion: the presence of a physiotherapist in the intensive care unit contributes decisively to the early recovery of the patient, reducing mechanical ventilation support need, number of hospitalization days, incidence of respiratory infection and risk of mortality. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Adventist Univ Unasp, Phys Therapy Dept, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilFed Univ SĂŁo Paulo Unifesp, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilSĂŁo Paulo Med Sch, Inst Heart, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilFed Univ Pampa Unipampa, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilFed Univ SĂŁo Paulo Unifesp, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Reinfections by rotavirus in children living in Belém-Parå Brazil

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    ReinfecçÔes por rotavĂ­rus foram detectadas em 7 (9,2%) de 76 crianças habitantes da periferia de BelĂ©m, ParĂĄ, Brasil, no decurso de seus primeiros 20 meses de vida. A presença de rotavĂ­rus classificados no subgrupo II ("long pattern") foi assinalada, tanta na primeira como segunda infecçÔes, em cinco desses indivĂ­duos. Em duas situaçÔes, a primeira infecção foi causada por rotavĂ­rus subgrupo II e, a reinfecção, por rotavĂ­rus de subgrupo nĂŁo claramente caracterizado. Seis diferentes padrĂ”es foram observados, nĂŁo ocorrendo casos em que, numa Ășnica criança, se tenham assinalado perfis homĂłlogos. O maior intervalo de tempo registrado entre duas infecçÔes no mesmo indivĂ­duo foi de 19 meses, enquanto que o menor, de 6. Formas sintomĂĄticas em ambos os processos infecciosos se apresentaram em cinco crianças; em duas, os primeiros episĂłdios revelaram-se assintomĂĄticos, sucedendo-se quadros diarrĂ©icos. Em seis dos sete indivĂ­duos, observaram-se soroconversĂ”es para rotavĂ­rus durante a segunda infecção; durante a primeira, entretanto, a elevação significativa nos nĂ­veis de anticorpos grupo-especĂ­ficos se registrou em apenas um caso (Paciente F).Reinfections caused by rotavirus were detected in 7(9.2%) out of 76 children from BelĂ©m, ParĂĄ, Brazil, followed up since birth to twenty months of age. Rotavirus subgrupo II ("long pattern") in both infections was noted in five children. In two, the first infection was associated with subgroup II and the second ones with a strain whose electropherotype was not determined. Six different electropherotypes were observed in these cases and no homologous profiles were associated with reinfections in the same child. The lenght of time between the two infections ranged from six to 19 months. Diarrhoea in both infections was. observed in five children; in two of them, however, first episodes were asymptomatic. Seroconversions to rotavirus were noted in six of the seven children, during reinfection. In the first infections, however, seroconversion was observed in only one case (Paciente F)

    Cattle Fecal Decomposition on \u3cem\u3ePennisetum purpureum\u3c/em\u3e Schum. Pastures Managed under Different Post-Grazing Stubble Heights

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    Pasture management may affect cattle diet. Post-grazing stubble height is a pasture structural characteristic intrinsically linked to forage quantity and quality. Stubble height also indicates forage utilization rate, and as a result, affects nutrient pathway return (excreta or litter) and ultimately, nutrient cycling. Cattle excreta deposition affects soil chemical and physical characteristics (Carran and Theobald 2000). Slow release of nutrients from cattle dung, however, delays nutrient bioavailability for subsequent forage growth (Haynes and Williams 1993). This study evaluated how different post-grazing stubble heights on elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) pastures may affect cattle dung decomposition and nutrient release
