150 research outputs found

    Improvement of diaphragmatic performance through orthotopic application of decellularized extracellular matrix patch.

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    AbstractMuscle tissue engineering can provide support to large congenital skeletal muscle defects using scaffolds able to allow cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. Acellular extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffold can generate a positive inflammatory response through the activation of anti-inflammatory T-cell populations and M2 polarized macrophages that together lead to a local pro-regenerative environment. This immunoregulatory effect is maintained when acellular matrices are transplanted in a xenogeneic setting, but it remains unclear whether it can be therapeutic in a model of muscle diseases. We demonstrated here for the first time that orthotopic transplantation of a decellularized diaphragmatic muscle from wild animals promoted tissue functional recovery in an established atrophic mouse model. In particular, ECM supported a local immunoresponse activating a pro-regenerative environment and stimulating host muscle progenitor cell activation and migration. These results indicate that acellular scaffolds may represent a suitable regenerative medicine option for improving performance of diseased muscles

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 may exploit human transcription factors involved in retinoic acid and interferon-mediated response: a hypothesis supported by an in silico analysis

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    The pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), resulting in acute respiratory disease, is a worldwide emergency. Because recently it has been found that SARS-CoV is dependent on host transcription factors (TF) to express the viral genes, efforts are required to understand the molecular interplay between virus and host response. By bioinformatic analysis, we investigated human TF that can bind the SARS-CoV-2 sequence and can be involved in viral transcription. In particular, we analysed the key role of TF involved in interferon (IFN) response. We found that several TF could be induced by the IFN antiviral response, specifically some induced by IFN-stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3) and by unphosphorylated ISGF3, which were found to promote the transcription of several viral open reading frame. Moreover, we found 22 TF binding sites present only in the sequence of virus infecting humans but not bat coronavirus RaTG13. The 22 TF are involved in IFN, retinoic acid signalling and regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II, thus facilitating its own replication cycle. This mechanism, by competition, may steal the human TF involved in these processes, explaining SARS-CoV-2's disruption of IFN-I signalling in host cells and the mechanism of the SARS retinoic acid depletion syndrome leading to the cytokine storm. We identified three TF binding sites present exclusively in the Brazilian SARS-CoV-2 P.1 variant that may explain the higher severity of the respiratory syndrome. These data shed light on SARS-CoV-2 dependence from the host transcription machinery associated with IFN response and strengthen our knowledge of the virus's transcription and replicative activity, thus paving the way for new targets for drug design and therapeutic approaches

    Caracterização e distribuição espacial das áreas cafeeiras e florestais nativas de Caconde - SP.

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    O uso de geotecnologias e dados do Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) facilitam o entendimento das relações entre as áreas agropecuárias e a vegetação florestal nativa. De especial interesse para estudo é o município de Caconde - SP que possui a economia atrelada à produção cafeeira, com o desenvolvimento nas últimas décadas do turismo ecológico. A área de café de Caconde é de 11.145 hectares (24 % da área total do município), cultivada em 1.586 propriedades rurais, das quais, 96,3% com área total de até quatro módulos fiscais (MF) ou 88 hectares. A maior parte da cafeicultura (98,7 %) se concentra acima de 800 metros de altitude e 90 % em declividade acima de 12 %. A área florestal nativa representa 21 % da área do município e a maior parte em áreas declivosas. A caracterização das áreas cafeeiras e florestal nativa pode ser utilizada no planejamento do município

    Caracterização do uso das terras e da agricultura - Município de Jaguariúna, SP.

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    Os processos de levantamento do uso atual das terras e caracterização dos vários sistemas de produção, podem ser grandemente facilitados pela utilização de imagens de satélites, cujos dados por serem passíveis de geocodificação, podem ser integrados, relacionados e espacializados nos sistemas de informações geográficas (SIGs). Reunindo a potencialidade do sensoriamento remoto para o monitoramento de diversos fenômenos com a capacidade dos SIGs de congregar dados dispersos e de formatos distintos, o geoprocessamento possibilitou a formulação de um conjunto de técnicas eficazes, para embasar a estruturação de sistemas de informação e de apoio a decisão na escala da administração municipal. Os levantamentos foram realizados no Município de Jaguariúna-SP.bitstream/item/108850/1/1308.pd