958 research outputs found

    Defining hereditary alpha-tryptasemia as a risk/modifying factor for anaphylaxis: are we there yet?

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    Hereditary a-tryptasemia (HaT) is a common autosomal dominant genet-ic trait with variable penetrance associated with increased serum baseline tryptase (SBT) levels. Clinical manifestations may range from an absence of symptoms to overtly severe and recurrent anaphylaxis. Symptoms have been claimed to result from excessive activation of EGF-like module -con-taining mucin-like hormone receptor-like 2 (EMR2) and protease activat-ed receptor 2 (PAR-2) receptors by a/13-tryptase heterotetramers. Herein, we aimed to review the evidence on whether HaT can be considered a hereditary risk factor or a modifying factor for anaphylaxis. Increased SBT levels have been linked to an increased risk of anaphylaxis. Likewise, recent studies have shown that HaT might be associated with a higher risk of developing anaphylaxis and more severe anaphylaxis. The same has also been shown for patients with clonal mast cell disorders, in whom the co-existence of HaT might lead to a greater propensity for se-vere, potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis. However, studies leading to such conclusions are generally limited in sample size, while other studies have shown opposing results. As such, further studies investigating the po-tential association of HaT with anaphylaxis caused by different triggers, and different severity grades, in both patients with clonal mast cell activa-tion syndromes and the general population are still needed

    The impact of financial restatements on financial markets: A systematic review of the literature

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the most relevant issues related to the impact of financial restatements in the dynamics of financial markets and identify several research gaps to be investigated in future research. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology is based on a systematic review of the literature described by Tranfield et al. (2003). The final sample includes 47 academic papers published from 1996 to 2019. Findings: Papers in this domain discuss three main topics: how the market prices the announcement of a financial restatement; how financial restatements affect the announcing firm’s cost of capital and how financial restatements affect firms’ reputation. There are several issues to explore in future research, including whether financial restatements affect the dynamics of financial markets in Europe, whether the market fully and promptly assimilates the information content of a restatement, the role of financial analysts’ information disclosures in this process or how regulators may improve the way they provide investors with timely information about firms’ restating problems. Research limitations/implications: There is always some degree of subjectivity in the definition of the keywords, search strings and selection criteria in a systematic review. These are all important aspects, as they delimitate the scope of the study and define the sample of papers to be reviewed. Practical implications: The answers to the research questions identified in this paper may provide regulators with information to improve financial accounting and reporting standards and strengthen investors’ confidence in accounting information and the dynamics of financial markets. Originality/value: This paper systematically reviews the relevant literature exploring the connection between financial restatements and the dynamics of financial markets. It contributes to the academic community by identifying several research questions that may impact the theory and practice related to accounting quality and capital markets.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Danos causados por percevejos da panícula em grãos de arroz no Estado do Tocantins.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar materiais (linhagens/cultivares) de arroz quanto à resistência ao ataque de percevejos do gênero Oebalus sugadores das espiguetas e efeitos da alimentação destes insetos sobre o rendimento e grãos inteiros

    Neuropathic pain after breast cancer treatment: characterization and risk factors

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    Context: Neuropathic pain (NP) may be an important contributor to the morbidity burden of breast cancer. Objectives: We aimed to quantify the incidence of NP in the first year after diagnosis of breast cancer and to identify its main determinants. Methods: We performed a prospective cohort study including 506 patients with incident breast cancer, recruited at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Porto, and followed for one year; patients with incident NP were additionally evaluated when this condition was diagnosed and after six months, to identify chronic NP. Results: During the first year, 156 patients were diagnosed with NP (30.8%, 95% CI 27.0–35.0). Anxiety (relative risk [RR] 1.50; 95% CI 1.06–2.13), arm symptoms (RR 1.44; 95% CI 1.02–2.05), cancer Stage III/IV (RR 2.47; 95% CI 1.66–3.66), breast-conserving surgery with axillary lymph node dissection (RR 3.13; 95% CI 1.51–6.48), mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection (RR 2.52; 95% CI 1.25–5.11), and damaging of the intercostobrachial nerve (RR 2.05; 95% CI 1.25–3.37) were predictors of a higher risk of NP. A total of 97 patients (62.2%, 95% CI 54.4–69.4) diagnosed with NP remained symptomatic after six months. Conclusion: NP and chronic NP were frequent in this population, being associated with anxiety and arm symptoms before breast cancer treatments and type of surgical management. These results highlight the need for monitoring the occurrence of this neurologic side effect of treatments and to develop strategies for reducing the morbidity burden of breast cancer.The work of F. F. was co-funded by “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (grant number SFRH/BD/92630/2013) and by the “Programa Operacional Capital Humano” (POCH/FSE). Data management activities were supported by the Chair on Pain Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto and by the Grünenthal Foundation—Portugal. The authors declare no conflicts of interests

    Resistência a inseticidas piretróides em populações de Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: curculionidae) coletadas em unidades armazenadoras de arroz no Estado do Tocantins.

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    O Estado do Tocantins tem um grande potencial agrícola, com extensas áreas propícias à prática da agricultura e, vem se destacando no cenário nacional como grande produtor de grãos, principalmente arroz, segunda cultura em área plantada, encontrando-se já instalados grandes complexos de armazenagem e beneficiamento. Nas unidades armazenadoras tocantinenses o uso de inseticidas para o controle preventivo ou curativo de insetos-praga é uma prática comum, o que levanta a suspeita das populações já terem desenvolvido resistência aos inseticidas usados em seu controle. Nesse contexto, informações sobre resistência a inseticidas para esta espécie são necessárias e úteis para implementação de programas de manejo de resistência a inseticidas

    Brazil certificate - rice export value added.

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    The rice produced in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) has quantity (productivity + technologie) that contributes to food security, quality (organoleptide + food safety + varietal identification) that contributes to value addition and positive image and meets safety, requirements environmental (environmental licensing + rural land register) that contribute to the preservation of the Pampa Biome. All these positive aspects are the basis for an official certification of the Brazilian government whose identification label is Brazil Certificate: Quality Agriculture. The rice industry in RS also has technology to focus the concept of quality with consumers and associate positive image, enabling innovation for a market that requires traceability and certification. The challenges faced by Brazilian rice exporters include overcoming phytosanitary and environmental barriers, consolidating sales to newly conquered markets and ensuring customer loyalty. In this context, an internationally recognized certification, such as the Brazil Certified: Quality Agriculture, which has National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology as the certifying agency provides confidence to the markets and, consequently, transparency for consumers

    Identificação do gene pccB A partir da varredura de uma biblioteca genômica de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis visando uma vacina contra linfadenite caseosa.

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    Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis é o agente etiológico da linfadenite caseosa (LC), que acomete principalmente ovinos e caprinos. Esta doença é causadora de grandes problemas na ovinocaprinocultura. Diversas pesquisas tem sido realizadas na busca de uma vacina eficaz contra a LC. Estudos recentes utilizando um gene reporter em C. pseudotuberculosis, identificou a expressão do gene pccB (cadeia β da propionil CoA carboxilase) em macrófagos, indicando um possível envolvimento na virulência deste patógeno e um bom antígeno a ser explorado no desenvolvimento de uma nova estratégia vacinal. Como a sequência deste gene ainda não está disponível em banco de dados, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar varredura em uma biblioteca genômica de C. pseudotuberculosis para identificação completa da sequência do gene pccB. Uma sonda foi gerada a partir de um fragmento parcial do gene pccB marcado com [α32P]dCTP. A biblioteca genômica foi plaqueada em placas de lise para obter 2X103 pfu/placa e em seguida transferida para membranas de nylon previamente tratadas com soluções desnaturante, neutralizante e de pré-hibridização, a fim de, posteriormente, reagir com a sonda radioativa seguido da exposição das membranas a um filme de raio X. Dois clones positivos foram isolados e utilizados como template em reação de PCR, utilizando primers específicos da biblioteca genômica, gerando produtos de 3 Kb que foram sequenciados e analisados por BlastX, verificando-se 82% de identidade com o gene pccB2 de C. diphtheriae. Acreditando que haja sintenia entre as duas espécies mencionadas, foram desenhados primers com genes que flanqueiam o gene pccB2 de C. diphtheriae. Esses foram utilizados como iniciadores em reação de PCR, tendo como molde o DNA genômico de C. Pseudotuberculosis, gerando um fragmento de 2,1 Kb que foi clonado no vetor pGEM-T easy, sequenciado e analisado por BlastX. Resultados preliminares indicam que novos primers precisam ser desenhados para concluir a sequência deste gene

    Recuperación de agrosistemas degradados en la cuenca del lago de Cuitzeo (Michoagán, México): II. Control de Cárcavas.

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    II SIMPOSIO NACIONAL SOBRE CONTROL DE LA DEGRADACIÓN DE SUELOS. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.{ESP}Con la participación de instituciones de investigación europeas y mejicanas concurrentes en el Proyecto REVOLSO/INCO (, se evaluó durante 3 años consecutivos, en la cuenca del Lago de Cuitzeo (Michoacán, Méjico), la construcción de pequeñas represas con neumáticos de desecho para la retención de azolves y control de cárcavas, producto del efecto erosivo del escurrimiento del agua de escorrentía producida por la compactación del suelo. La estabilización de taludes se realizó con veza (Vicia villosa), janamargo (V. sativa), pasto llorón (Eragrostis curvula), acacia (Acacia retinoides) y garrapata (Desmodium grahamii). Como resultados de estas medidas (basadas en el conocimiento de procesos de recuperación de suelos) se contribuye al mejoramiento de áreas productivas y se diminuye la erosión de las cárcavas, con lo cual se reduce el aporte de sedimentos a los cuerpos de agua y, en suma, se mejora el ambiente, aportándose soluciones de bajo costo que pueden romper el círculo vicioso erosión-pobreza.{ENG}Different European and Mexican institutions are collaborating in an international Project (named REVOLSO, INCO Program) working at the Cuitzeo Basin (Michoacán, Mexico). During 3 years the efficience of small dams built with tyres for the erosion control of gullies was assessed. Plant species tested for gullies stabilization were: Vicia villosa, V. sativa, Eragrostis curvula, Acacia retinoides, and Desmodium grahamii. Results are promising, because a deacreasing of erosion process was evident to a low cost. In this way, this actions could improve the soil conservation, diminishing the amount of sediments arriving to the big dams and broken the feedback circle soil erosion-poverty.Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Consejería de Economía e Innovación Tecnológic