324 research outputs found

    Relation Brésil-Paraguay : la montée des tensions

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    Depuis l’arrivĂ©e au pouvoir de Fernando Lugo en aoĂ»t 2008, les tensions entre le Paraguay et son puissant voisin, le BrĂ©sil, vont croissantes. À l’origine de ces dissensions se trouvent les exactions commises par les paysans sans terre paraguayens Ă  l’encontre des BrĂ©siliens Ă©migrĂ©s dans leur pays afin de cultiver du soja. Ce petit État enclavĂ© compte plus de 300 000 paysans sans terre et la rĂ©partition la plus inĂ©gale au monde de la propriĂ©tĂ© terrienne. La renĂ©gociation du TraitĂ© d’ItaipĂș, qui dispose de l’électricitĂ© produite par le barrage binational du mĂȘme nom, reprĂ©sente une autre pomme de discorde entre les deux voisins. C’est que le Paraguay considĂšre injuste d’avoir Ă  vendre son excĂ©dent Ă©nergĂ©tique exclusivement au BrĂ©sil, et ce, bien en deçà de sa valeur marchande. Cette chronique met en exergue la perspective paraguayenne de cette relation ainsi que les dĂ©veloppements rĂ©cents dans les deux dossiers susmentionnĂ©s

    Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) drone sperm quality in relation to age, genetic line, and time of breeding

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    A honey bee (Apis mellifera Linnaeus; Hymenoptera: Apidae) queen’s life expectancy is strongly dependent on the number of sperm she obtains by mating with drones during nuptial flights. Unexplained replacement of queens by the colony and young queens showing sperm depletions have been reported in North America, and reduced drone fertility has been a suspected cause. The aim of this study was to evaluate drone reproductive qualities during the queen-rearing season, from May to August. Drones from two different genetic lines were reared six times during the 2012 beekeeping season at our research centre in QuĂ©bec (Canada). Semen volume as well as sperm number and viability were assessed at the ages of 14, 21, and 35 days. Results showed (1) a greater proportion of older drones with semen at the tip of the genitalia after eversion; (2) an influence of rearing date on semen production; and (3) no influence of drone genetic line, age or time of breeding on sperm viability. These results highlight the necessity of better understanding drone rearing and how it can be improved to ensure optimum honey-bee queen matingLa durĂ©e de vie de la reine de l’abeille (Apis mellifera Linnaeus; Hymenoptera: Apidae) est dĂ©pendante du nombre de spermatozoĂŻdes qu’elle acquiert durant les vols nuptiaux. Des remplacements de reines ainsi que de jeunes reines ayant Ă©puisĂ© leurs rĂ©serves de spermatozoĂŻdes sont rapportĂ©s en AmĂ©rique du Nord et des problĂšmes de fertilitĂ© chez les faux-bourdons sont suspectĂ©s. Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer les qualitĂ©s reproductives du faux-bourdon durant la saison de production des reines abeilles de mai Ă  aoĂ»t. Des faux-bourdons de deux lignĂ©es diffĂ©rentes ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©levĂ©s Ă  six reprises au cours de la saison apicole 2012 au Centre de recherche en sciences animales de Deschambault, QuĂ©bec (Canada). Le volume de sperme, le nombre de spermatozoĂŻdes et la viabilitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s aux Ăąges de 14, 21 et 35 jours de vie. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que 1) le volume de sperme augmente avec l’ñge des faux-bourdons testĂ©s; 2) le moment de l’élevage influence la production du sperme et 3) le nombre de spermatozoĂŻdes et la viabilitĂ© des gamĂštes ne semblent pas influencĂ©s par la lignĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©tique, l’ñge ou le moment de l’élevage. Cette Ă©tude souligne la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’en connaĂźtre davantage sur l’élevage des faux-bourdons afin d’obtenir des reines abeilles adĂ©quatement fĂ©condĂ©es

    Risk assessment and predation potential of Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Acari: Laelapidae) to control Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in honey bees

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    The biocontrol of the honey bee ectoparasite Varroa destructor is an underexploited but promising avenue that would benefit from being integrated in a Varroa management program. Our study aimed to investigate the potential of the predatory mite Stratiolaelaps scimitus to control Varroa infestations in honey bees. Tests on safety and predation were carried out to: (1) assess the risk of predation of the honey bee brood by S. scimitus under laboratory conditions and within the colony, and (2) evaluate the predation potential of S. scimitus on phoretic Varroa mites. Under laboratory conditions, S. scimitus was able to feed upon free Varroa mites, but also attacked every unprotected honey bee brood stages with a strong preference for bee eggs. When introduced inside colonies, however, S. scimitus does not have negative effects on the survival of the bee brood. Moreover, observations made in the laboratory revealed that S. scimitus does not attack Varroa mites when they are attached to the body of bees. However, all Varroa mites that had naturally fallen from the bees were predated upon by S. scimitus and died in less than 24h. This study provides evidence that S. scimitus does not represent a significant threat to the bee brood, but also suggests that its effect in Varroa control will probably be limited as it does not attack phoretic Varroa mites. Our results represent a first step in assessing the potential of S. scimitus to control V. destructor and provide novel information about the predator’s behavior inside the honey bee colony

    Pupal development of Aethina tumida (Coleoptera : Nitidulidae) in thermo-hygrometric soil conditions encountered in temperate climates

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    The pupal development of Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) was studied at various combinations of thermo-hygrometric soil conditions (temperatures of 16, 18, and 20°C and soil water content levels of 0.37, 0.56, and 0.73 m3 water per cubic meter of dry soil) representative of southeastern Canada. Survivorship and development duration of A. tumida pupae, as well as sex ratio and life span of emerging adults, were assessed. Assays were conducted in growth chambers on an average of 50 third-instar larvae per thermo-hygrometric combination. Results show that survivorship of pupae decreased with lower temperature and higher soil water content. Pupal development time shortened as temperature increased (69–78 d at 16°C, 47–54 d at 18°C, and 36–39 d at 20°C), but was longer in dryer soil. Optimal soil water content for pupal development was 0.56 m3 water per cubic meter of soil. We estimated that the minimum development temperature for pupae is between 10.2 and 13.2°C, depending on soil water content. The sex ratio of emerging adults was influenced by soil water content. We measured one female to one male for dry and intermediately wet soils and three females to one male for wet soils. Higher soil water content reduced the life span of emerging adults by half. This study contributes to a better understanding of A. tumida population dynamics in eastern Canada

    Pollen diversity collected by honey bees in the vicinity of Vaccinium spp. crops and its importance for colony development

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    Access to a rich diversity of flowering plants is very important for the development of honey bee colonies introduced in crops for pollination. The aim of this observational study was to determine the impact of surrounding pollen diversity on the health of honey bee colonies introduced in lowbush blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium) in June and cranberries (V. macrocarpon) in July. The results suggest that monocultures of lowbush blueberries are not suitable for optimal brood rearing. In the blueberry environments we studied, the dominant pollen collected by honey bees were Alnus spp. and Taraxacum officinale, which are deficient in some essential amino acids. Significant reduction of brood rearing during bees’ stay in blueberry monocultures in June may therefore be explained by nutritional deficiencies. In July, the polliniferous flora in the vicinity of cranberry monocultures was poorer, but of better nutritional quality. Pollen analysis allowed the identification of Brassicaceae, Trifolium spp. and V. macrocarpon as the three dominant taxa collected by bees during this period. The complete lists of plant taxa foraged by honey bees for pollen during the pollination of lowbush blueberries and cranberries are provided.L’accessibilitĂ© Ă  une flore diversifiĂ©e est trĂšs importante pour le dĂ©veloppement des colonies d’abeilles domestiques introduites dans une culture pour le service de pollinisation. Notre Ă©tude observationnelle visait Ă  dĂ©terminer l’impact de la diversitĂ© florale environnante sur la santĂ© des colonies d’abeilles introduites dans les cultures de bleuets nains (Vaccinium augustifolium) en juin et de canneberges (V. macrocarpon) en juillet au QuĂ©bec (Canada). Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les monocultures de bleuets nains n’offrent pas une flore adĂ©quate pour l’élevage optimal du couvain. Les plantes qui furent le plus butinĂ©es pour le pollen dans cet environnement, Alnus spp. et Taraxacum officinale, sont dĂ©ficientes en certains acides animĂ©s essentiels Ă  l’abeille. La diminution significative de la surface de couvain dans les monocultures de bleuets en juin pourrait donc ĂȘtre expliquĂ©e par des carences alimentaires. Dans l’environnement de la canneberge, les grains de pollen rĂ©coltĂ©s par les abeilles furent moins taxonomiquement variĂ©s que dans l’environnement du bleuet mais Ă©taient de meilleures qualitĂ©s nutritionnelles. Les taxons dominants rĂ©coltĂ©s par les abeilles furent les BrassicacĂ©es, Trifolium spp. et V. macrocarpon. Les listes complĂštes des taxons des plantes butinĂ©es pour le pollen pendant la pollinisation du bleuet nain et de la canneberge sont fournies

    The use of the predatory mite Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) to control Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in honey bee colonies in early and late fall

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    The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman is a major pest of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and its control is one of the most important challenges that beekeepers have to face. In this study, we investigated the use of the predatory mite Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Womersley) for the biological control of varroa mites in Eastern Canada, as part of an integrated pest management strategy. Our study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of S. scimitus in controlling varroa populations in early and late fall in comparison with untreated colonies and two currently used organic treatments: Thymovar and oxalic acid. Performing weekly mite drop monitoring, we first compared the effectiveness of two introduction rates of S. scimitus (≈6,250 or 12,500 mites/colony) during a fall treatment (September) and, as we detected no differences of effectiveness between these two treatment types, we used the dosage currently recommended by biocontrol suppliers (≈6,250 mites) in a complementary treatment test (November). Results showed that S. scimitus did not succeed in controlling varroa populations in honey bee colonies when introduced either in early or in late fall according to current suppliers’ recommended rates and application method. On the other hand, our results demonstrated that Thymovar and oxalic acid remain effective options for controlling varroa mite populations during fall in Quebec, Canada

    Cyclamen mite (Acari: Tarsonemidae) monitoring in eastern Canada strawberry (Rosaceae) fields and its potential control by the predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae)

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    The cyclamen mite (Phytonemus pallidus Banks; Acari: Tarsonemidae) has recently become a more important pest in Canadian strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne ex Rozier; Rosaceae) production with the withdrawal of the pesticide endosulfan in 2016, yet its phenology under field conditions in Canada is poorly known. Moreover, while its biological control with predatory mites has shown potential, the effectiveness of this method has never been investigated under eastern Canadian field conditions. The objectives of this study were to 1) monitor populations of P. pallidus in strawberries for two consecutive years; and 2) evaluate the in-field potential of the predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris Oudemans (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Monitoring cyclamen mite populations in the field revealed new critical knowledge about its phenology in eastern Canada, such as activity until late November. The predator N. cucumeris was able to effectively suppress cyclamen mites the first year, but appeared to be too cold-sensitive to maintain adequate control toward the end of the season. Furthermore, the high rates of predator release required would most likely be cost prohibitive for commercial use. Control of the cyclamen mite in strawberries remains a complex issue that will require further research

    L'autorité politique de la Chambre de commerce internationale dans la gouvernance d'Internet

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    L'Ă©conomie mondiale a subi d'importantes mutations depuis les annĂ©es 1970. L'avancĂ©e inĂ©luctable de la libĂ©ralisation, de la privatisation et de la dĂ©rĂ©glementation des marchĂ©s a menĂ© au transfert du pouvoir normatif dans le systĂšme mondial. Les États, tout en conservant une bonne partie de leurs prĂ©rogatives, assistent Ă  l'essor des acteurs non-Ă©tatiques, ces derniers revendiquant de plus en plus une part de l'autoritĂ© dans le processus d'Ă©mergence normative actuelle. Ces importants changements systĂ©miques sont Ă  l'origine de la fragmentation de la rĂ©gulation de l'Ă©conomie mondiale, avec plusieurs systĂšmes de rĂšgles se faisant concurrence. L'un des principaux facteurs ayant favorisĂ© cette multitude de transformations est la rĂ©volution qu'a engendrĂ©e l'usage massif d'Internet. La rĂ©gulation du secteur des technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC) et spĂ©cialement d'Internet reprĂ©sente par ailleurs une bonne illustration du dĂ©placement de l'autoritĂ© vers les acteurs privĂ©s. Effectivement, les institutions traditionnellement chargĂ©es de la rĂ©gulation transnationale de ce secteur, avec pour fondement l'intergouvernementalisme, ont du mal Ă  s'adapter Ă  tous ces bouleversements. C'est dans ce contexte que des formes de rĂ©gulation privĂ©es et hybrides Ă©mergent, sans toutefois que ne disparaissent encore les lieux conventionnels de la crĂ©ation de rĂšgles et de normes, nommĂ©ment les. États et les organisations internationales (OI). Cet enchevĂȘtrement de nouveaux arrangements institutionnels concorde d'autre part avec l'arrivĂ©e de plusieurs avancĂ©es rĂ©volutionnaires dans le domaine des TIC. Selon certains, c'est justement la vĂ©locitĂ© du cycle d'innovation caractĂ©risant le cyberespace et les technologies qui lui sont associĂ©es qui demande une adaptation politique, Ă©conomique et lĂ©gale. D'autres estiment plutĂŽt que les mĂȘmes rĂšgles peuvent gouverner les activitĂ©s et les applications propres Ă  ce nouveau mĂ©dium. Il convient donc de se demander si les anciennes normes doivent ĂȘtre adaptĂ©es ou bien si l'on doit en crĂ©er de nouvelles. Dans ce mĂ©moire, nous explorerons la piste de la privatisation de la gouvernance d'Internet. Le monde des affaires, composĂ© d'entreprises de toutes tailles et d'associations commerciales, est en effet trĂšs impliquĂ© dans la formulation du nouveau cadre normatif du rĂ©seau des rĂ©seaux. Le cas Ă  l'Ă©tude sera celui de l'autoritĂ© politique croissante de la Chambre de commerce internationale (CCI), qui se veut la reprĂ©sentante du monde des affaires Ă  l'Ă©chelle mondiale. La CCI a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs active dans la production de normes et de rĂšgles rĂ©gissant la sociĂ©tĂ© de l'information, dĂ©veloppant au fil des annĂ©es une multitude d'instruments visant Ă  rĂ©guler et Ă  orienter les activitĂ©s se dĂ©roulant dans le cyberespace. Elle s'est aussi exprimĂ©e Ă  maintes reprises sur ses prĂ©fĂ©rences en ce qui a trait Ă  la constellation institutionnelle propre Ă  ce domaine. Nous nous concentrerons particuliĂšrement sur les stratĂ©gies discursives utilisĂ©es par la Chambre afin d'influencer l'agenda de la gouvernance d'Internet ainsi que sur la vision qu'elle tente de promouvoir dans le cadre des luttes normatives se dĂ©roulant actuellement dans le secteur de la sociĂ©tĂ© de l'information. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Privatisation, Gouvernance, CoopĂ©ration interfirme, Internet, Pouvoir discursif, AutoritĂ©, Constellation institutionnelle

    Biodiversity of lepidopteran pests and their parasitoids in organic and conventional cranberry crop

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    A 2-year study was conducted in the main cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) growing region of QuĂ©bec to determine the biodiversity of lepidopteran pests and their parasitoids, which may differ in organic and conventional integrated pest management (IPM) systems. We also aimed to compare densities and parasitism on five caterpillar pest species of primary economic importance: Macaria sulphurea (Packard), Macaria brunneata (Thunberg), Xylena nupera (Lintner), Rhopobota naevana (HĂŒbner) and Sparganothis sulfureana (Clemens), which accounted for more than 80% of the pest community each year. The lepidopteran pest communities clearly varied between the two pest management systems, suggesting efficacy differences among them. Rhopobota naevana was dominant on organic farms, whereas conventional farms had greater pest richness and evenness, with M. sulphurea, M. brunneata and X. nupera being the most abundant. Based on laboratory rearing of field collected caterpillars, the parasitoid community was composed of 25 species or taxa (22 from primary pests) and communities were not significantly different between the two farming regimes. The most common species belonged to the braconid genera Aleiodes, Meteorus, Microplitis, Oncophanes; ichneumonids Hyposoter, Exetastes, Phytodietus; and tachinids Campylocheta, Nemorilla. Of the five primary pests, X. nupera was the most parasitized, while no parasitoids were reared from M. brunneata. Annual parasitism rate of the primary pests ranged 20–40% and data showed that it was explainable by host availability rather than farming system

    Étude de la sous-unitĂ© GluN2B lors de l'activation de la calpaĂŻne

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    Les rĂ©cepteurs NMDA sont essentiels Ă  la fonction synaptique. Ils activent diverses cascades de signalisation, dont celle de la calpaĂŻne. Cette protĂ©ase peut cliver la sous-unitĂ© GluN2B du rĂ©cepteur NMDA (rNMDA), mais les consĂ©quences d'une telle coupure ne sont pas encore connues. L'objectif de cette Ă©tude est de dĂ©tecter le fragment C-terminal ainsi gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par la calpaϊne et d'Ă©tudier ses possibles interactions avec d'autres protĂ©ines, telles que la CaMKII, et, par le fait mĂȘme, son rĂŽle dans la modulation de cascades de signalisation impliquĂ©es dans la fonction synaptique. J'ai donc procĂ©dĂ© Ă  des Ă©tudes biochimiques par Western Blot sur diffĂ©rentes fractions (nuclĂ©aire, cytosolique, densitĂ© post-synaptique (PSD), non-PSD) de neurones corticaux en culture ĂągĂ©e de 12 Ă  15 jours et j'ai observĂ© le clivage de la sous-unitĂ© GluN2B en appliquant une stimulation excitotoxique composĂ©e de 100”M de glutamate et 10 ”M de glycine, qui est reconnue pour activer tous les rĂ©cepteurs NMDA (synaptique et extrasynaptique) (Papouin et al., 2012). Cette stimulation a gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© un fragment de 60 kDa dans la fraction PSD spĂ©cifique Ă  la sous-unitĂ© GluN2B. J'ai Ă©galement dĂ©montrĂ©, par des expĂ©riences d'immunoprĂ©cipitation, l'interaction de ce fragment C-terminal avec la CaMKII et la PSD95, ce qui n'a jamais Ă©tĂ© dĂ©voilĂ© par le passĂ©. Enfin, ce fragment pourrait possiblement ĂȘtre en mesure de maintenir l'activitĂ© de la CaMKII lors des processus d'excitotoxicitĂ©, ce qui engendrerait la mort neuronale et plusieurs pathologies.NMDA receptors are essential for synaptic function. They activate various signaling cascades, including that of calpain. This protease can cleave the C-terminal tail of the GluN2B subunit of the NMDA receptor (NMDAr), but the consequences of this cleavage, in neuronal functions, is not yet known. The objective of this study is to detect the C-terminal fragment induced by calpain and to study its possible interactions with other proteins, such as CaMKII, and also, its role in the modulation of signaling cascades involved in synaptic function. I therefore performed biochemical studies by Western blot on different fractions (nuclear, cytosolic, postsynaptic density (PSD), non-PSD) of cortical neurons in culture aged 12 to 15 days and observed the cleavage of the GluN2B subunit by applying an excitotoxic stimulation composed of 100 ÎŒM glutamate and 10 ÎŒM glycine, which is known to activate all NMDA receptors (synaptic and extrasynaptic) (Papouin et al., 2012). This stimulation generated a fragment at 60 kDa in the PSD fraction specific to the GluN2B subunit. I have also demonstrated, through immunoprecipitation experiments, the interactions of this C-terminal fragment with CaMKII and PSD95, which has never been observed in the past. Finally, this fragment could possibly be able to maintain the activity of CaMKII during the excitotoxicity processes and to induce the neuronal death and several pathologies
