3 research outputs found

    Studies on the fisheries and biology of Oreochromis urolepsis (Pisces: Cichilidae) in the Mtera resorvoir (Tanzania)

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    The fisheries and some aspects of the biology of Oreochromis urolepsis of the Mtera Reservoir (Tanzania) were examined in August 2002. It was observed that there was no proper management of the reservoir\'s fisheries. Beach seine fishing dominated the fishery. Nearly all the O. urolepsis caught by this type of gear were juveniles. The number of fish caught by the beach seines was very high, some times up to 4,000 fish per haul. The beach seines also destroy the spawning sites for the tilapias. Mean total lengths of O. urolepsis caught in gillnets of legal mesh sizes (ranging from 88 mm and 114 mm), ranged between 22.0 cm and 27 cm. Their mean weights were between 236 g and 433 g. Most of the fish caught were sexually immature. Ninety three per cent of the fish from the 88 mm gillnets were immature, while only 28% of those caught in the 114 mm mesh nets were mature. The smallest mature female had a total length of 24.0 cm. O. urolepsis is a very fecund tilapiine species. A female weighing 450 g was found to contain about 3250 eggs. It was also found that the species is a phytoplankton feeder, taking in diatoms, green and blue green algae. Tanzania Journal of Science Vol. 30 (2) 2004: pp. 33-4

    Widespread colonisation of Tanzanian catchments by introduced Oreochromis tilapia fishes: the legacy from decades of deliberate introduction

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    From the 1950s onwards, programmes to promote aquaculture and improve capture fisheries in East Africa have relied heavily on the promise held by introduced species. In Tanzania these introductions have been poorly documented. Here we report the findings of surveys of inland water bodies across Tanzania between 2011 and 2017 that clarify distributions of tilapiine cichlids of the genus Oreochromis. We identified Oreochromis from 123 sampling locations, including 14 taxa restricted to their native range and three species that have established populations beyond their native range. Of these three species, the only exotic species found was blue-spotted tilapia (Oreochromis leucostictus), while Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Singida tilapia (Oreochromis esculentus), which are both naturally found within the country of Tanzania, have been translocated beyond their native range. Using our records, we developed models of suitable habitat for the introduced species based on recent (1960–1990) and projected (2050, 2070) East African climate. These models indicated that presence of suitable habitat for these introduced species will persist and potentially expand across the region. The clarification of distributions provided here can help inform the monitoring and management of biodiversity, and inform policy related to the future role of introduced species in fisheries and aquaculture