979 research outputs found

    Diagnosis : a future field of medical activity.

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    O sequenciamento de ?ltima gera??o (NGS) ? um tipo de tecnologia de sequenciamento de DNA que usa o sequenciamento paralelo de m?ltiplos fragmentos pequenos de DNA. Essa tecnologia permitiu um aumento dram?tico na velocidade (e uma diminui??o no custo) na qual o genoma de um indiv?duo pode ser sequenciado. O sequenciamento de Sanger ? usado para confirmar a presen?a de muta??es espec?ficas identificadas pela NGS em situa??es cl?nicas, devido ? maior precis?o dos m?todos tradicionais de sequenciamento, embora essa pr?tica esteja sendo questionada. A NGS pode ser apropriada para diagnosticar dist?rbios gen?ticos suspeitos quando ? improv?vel que o sequenciamento de um ?nico gene forne?a um diagn?stico. Pain?is de genes baseados em NGS s?o usados clinicamente em certas neoplasias hematol?gicas, e os primeiros testes de painel gen?tico para tumores s?lidos. Outras utiliza??es, como o diagn?stico de infec??es e a triagem de pessoas saud?veis continuam sendo investigados.Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a type of DNA sequencing technology that uses parallel sequencing of multiple small fragments of DNA. This technology has allowed for a dramatic increase in speed (and a decrease in cost) in which an individual's genome can be sequenced. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm the presence of specific mutations identified by NGS in clinical situations due to the greater accuracy of traditional sequencing methods, although this practice is being questioned. NGS may be appropriate to diagnose suspected genetic disorders when single gene sequencing is unlikely to provide a diagnosis. NGS-based gene panels are used clinically in certain hematological malignancies, and the first genetic panel tests for solid tumors. Other uses, such as the diagnosis of infections and the screening of healthy people, continue to be investigated

    One Health: The global challenge of epidemic and endemic leishmaniasis

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    'One Health' proposes the unification of medical and veterinary sciences with the establishment of collaborative ventures in clinical care, surveillance and control of cross-species disease, education, and research into disease pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapy and vaccination. The concept encompasses the human population, domestic animals and wildlife, and the impact that environmental changes ('environmental health') such as global warming will have on these populations. Visceral leishmaniasis is a perfect example of a small companion animal disease for which prevention and control might abolish or decrease the suffering of canine and human patients, and which aligns well with the One Health approach. In this review we discuss how surveillance for leishmaniases is undertaken globally through the control of anthroponootic visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) and zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL). The ZVL epidemic has been managed to date by the culling of infected dogs, treatment of human cases and control of the sandfly vector by insecticidal treatment of human homes and the canine reservoir. Recently, preventive vaccination of dogs in Brazil has led to reduction in the incidence of the canine and human disease. Vaccination permits greater dog owner compliance with control measures than a culling programme. Another advance in disease control in Africa is provided by a surveillance programme that combines remote satellite sensing, ecological modelling, vector surveillance and geo-spatial mapping of the distribution of vectors and of the animal-to-animal or animal-to-human pathogen transmission. This coordinated programme generates advisory notices and alerts on emerging infectious disease outbreaks that may impede or avoid the spreading of visceral leishmaniasis to new areas of the planet as a consequence of global warming

    Capsules from Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Cryptococcus spp. Manifest Significant Differences in Structure and Ability to Protect against Phagocytic Cells

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    Capsule production is common among bacterial species, but relatively rare in eukaryotic microorganisms. Members of the fungal Cryptococcus genus are known to produce capsules, which are major determinants of virulence in the highly pathogenic species Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii. Although the lack of virulence of many species of the Cryptococcus genus can be explained solely by the lack of mammalian thermotolerance, it is uncertain whether the capsules from these organisms are comparable to those of the pathogenic cryptococci. In this study, we compared the characteristic of the capsule from the non-pathogenic environmental yeast Cryptococcus liquefaciens with that of C. neoformans. Microscopic observations revealed that C. liquefaciens has a capsule visible in India ink preparations that was also efficiently labeled by three antibodies generated to specific C. neoformans capsular antigens. Capsular polysaccharides of C. liquefaciens were incorporated onto the cell surface of acapsular C. neoformans mutant cells. Polysaccharide composition determinations in combination with confocal microscopy revealed that C. liquefaciens capsule consisted of mannose, xylose, glucose, glucuronic acid, galactose and N-acetylglucosamine. Physical chemical analysis of the C. liquefaciens polysaccharides in comparison with C. neoformans samples revealed significant differences in viscosity, elastic properties and macromolecular structure parameters of polysaccharide solutions such as rigidity, effective diameter, zeta potential and molecular mass, which nevertheless appeared to be characteristics of linear polysaccharides that also comprise capsular polysaccharide of C. neoformans. The environmental yeast, however, showed enhanced susceptibility to the antimicrobial activity of the environmental phagocytes, suggesting that the C. liquefaciens capsular components are insufficient in protecting yeast cells against killing by amoeba. These results suggest that capsular structures in pathogenic Cryptococcus species and environmental species share similar features, but also manifest significant difference that could influence their potential to virulence

    A fresh look at the evolution and diversification of photochemical reaction centers

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    In this review, I reexamine the origin and diversification of photochemical reaction centers based on the known phylogenetic relations of the core subunits, and with the aid of sequence and structural alignments. I show, for example, that the protein folds at the C-terminus of the D1 and D2 subunits of Photosystem II, which are essential for the coordination of the water-oxidizing complex, were already in place in the most ancestral Type II reaction center subunit. I then evaluate the evolution of reaction centers in the context of the rise and expansion of the different groups of bacteria based on recent large-scale phylogenetic analyses. I find that the Heliobacteriaceae family of Firmicutes appears to be the earliest branching of the known groups of phototrophic bacteria; however, the origin of photochemical reaction centers and chlorophyll synthesis cannot be placed in this group. Moreover, it becomes evident that the Acidobacteria and the Proteobacteria shared a more recent common phototrophic ancestor, and this is also likely for the Chloroflexi and the Cyanobacteria. Finally, I argue that the discrepancies among the phylogenies of the reaction center proteins, chlorophyll synthesis enzymes, and the species tree of bacteria are best explained if both types of photochemical reaction centers evolved before the diversification of the known phyla of phototrophic bacteria. The primordial phototrophic ancestor must have had both Type I and Type II reaction centers

    A Bioinformatics Classifier and Database for Heme-Copper Oxygen Reductases

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    Background: Heme-copper oxygen reductases (HCOs) are the last enzymatic complexes of most aerobic respiratory chains, reducing dioxygen to water and translocating up to four protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane (eukaryotes) or cytoplasmatic membrane (prokaryotes). The number of completely sequenced genomes is expanding exponentially, and concomitantly, the number and taxonomic distribution of HCO sequences. These enzymes were initially classified into three different types being this classification recently challenged. Methodology:We reanalyzed the classification scheme and developed a new bioinformatics classifier for the HCO and Nitric oxide reductases (NOR), which we benchmark against a manually derived gold standard sequence set. It is able to classify any given sequence of subunit I from HCO and NOR with a global recall and precision both of 99.8%. We use this tool to classify this protein family in 552 completely sequenced genomes. Conclusions: We concluded that the new and broader data set supports three functional and evolutionary groups of HCOs. Homology between NORs and HCOs is shown and NORs closest relationship with C Type HCOs demonstrated. We established and made available a classification web tool and an integrated Heme-Copper Oxygen reductase and NOR protein database (www.evocell.org/hco)

    Microenvironmental IL1 1 β promotes metastatic colonisation of breast cancer cells in the bone via activation of Wnt-dependent cancer stem cell activity

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    Dissemination of tumour cells to the bone marrow is an early event in breast cancer, however cells may lie dormant for many years before bone metastases develop. Treatment for bone metastases is not curative, therefore new adjuvant therapies which prevent the colonisation of disseminated cells into metastatic lesions are required. There is evidence that cancer stem cells (CSCs) within breast tumours are capable of metastasis, but the mechanism by which these colonise bone is unknown. Here, we establish that bone marrow-derived IL1β stimulates breast cancer cell colonisation in the bone by inducing intracellular NFkB and CREB signalling in breast cancer cells, leading to autocrine Wnt signalling and CSC colony formation. Importantly, we show that inhibition of this pathway prevents both CSC colony formation in the bone environment, and bone metastasis. These findings establish that targeting IL1β-NFKB/CREB-Wnt signalling should be considered for adjuvant therapy to prevent breast cancer bone metastasis