339 research outputs found

    Troubleshooting Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory for Photochemical Applications: Oxirane

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    The development of analytic-gradient methodology for excited states within conventional time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) would seem to offer a relatively inexpensive alternative to better established quantum-chemical approaches for the modeling of photochemical reactions. However, even though TDDFT is formally exact, practical calculations involve the use of approximate functionals, in particular the TDDFT adiabatic approximation, whose use in photochemical applications must be further validated. Here, we investigate the prototypical case of the symmetric CC ring opening of oxirane. We demonstrate by direct comparison with the results of high-quality quantum Monte Carlo calculations that, far from being an approximation on TDDFT, the Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA) is a practical necessity for avoiding triplet instabilities and singlet near instabilities, thus helping maintain energetically reasonable excited-state potential energy surfaces during bond breaking. Other difficulties one would encounter in modeling oxirane photodynamics are pointed out but none of these is likely to prevent a qualitatively correct TDDFT/TDA description of photochemistry in this prototypical molecule.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, submitted to the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Las lecciones de Zaffaroni: la crítica de los derechos en una perspectiva nuestroamericana

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    The author analyzes the ideas of Raúl Zaffaroni, especially those exposed in doctoral lessons, and suggests that his critical thinking in dialogue with the philosophy of human rights is especially interesting because it favors and imposes the critical use of most original and weighted categories, which from the experience of punitive power extend to the understanding of the history of rights in the history of the Americas.El autor analiza las ideas de Raúl Zaffaroni, especialmente las expuestas en lecciones doctorales, y sugiere que el pensar crítico de este autor puesto en diálogo con la filosofía de los derechos humanos resulta sobremanera interesante y enriquecedor, porque favorece e impone, el empleo crítico de varias de sus categorías más originales y ponderadas, que desde la experiencia del poder punitivo se extienden a la compresión de la historia de los derechos en la historia de las Américas

    Morphology and histology of osteoderms from a Peirosaurid from the Neuquen basin

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    Se describen osteodermos de un nuevo ejemplar de crocodyliforme hallado en un afloramiento correspondiente a niveles de la Formación Plottier (Coniaciano tardío) de la localidad de Puesto Hernández, en inmediaciones de la localidad de Rincón de los Sauces, Provincia del Neuquén. Los osteodermos estudiados, que son parte del material hallado, están integrados por: región dorso-sacra, osteodermos apendiculares asociados al fémur derecho, región proximoventral de osteodermos caudales articulados y osteodermos aislados. La histología de los osteodermos permitió determinar que están constituidos por una corteza compacta que circunda una región interna más porosa. Fue posible reconocer marcas de crecimiento (annuli) en prácticamente todo el tejido compacto, pudiendo determinarse una edad mínima de 18 años para el espécimen estudiado. Los osteodermos exhiben caracteres que permiten preliminarmente asignar al ejemplar MAU-Pv-PH-437, como un Mesoeucrocodylia cercanamente relacionado con Peirosauridae.Osteoderms of a new crocodyliform specimen recovered from the Puesto Hernández locality are described here, found in sediments of the Plottier Formation (late Coniacian), near Rincón de los Sauces city, Neuquén Province. The studied osteoderms, that are part of the associated material, include: dorso-sacral region, appendicular osteoderms associated to the right femur, proximoventral region of articulated caudal osteoderms, and isolated osteoderms. The histology of the osteoderms allowed determining they have a compact cortex that surrounds a more cancellous internal region. It was possible to recognize growth marks (annuli) in the entire compact tissue, indicating a minimum age of 18 years for the studied specimen. The osteoderms have characters that allow preliminarily assigning the specimen MAU-Pv-PH-437 to Mesoeucrocodylia closely related to Peirosauridae.Fil: Filippi, Leonardo Sebastián. Museo Municipal “Argentino Urquiza"; ArgentinaFil: Cerda, Ignacio Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Museo de Geología y Paleontología; ArgentinaFil: Garrido, Alberto Carlos. Provincia de Neuquén. Ministerio de Energía, Ambiente y Servicios Públicos. Dirección Provincial de Minería. Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales Prof. "Dr. Juan A. Olsacher"; Argentin

    Influence of envelope design in the optimization of the energy performance of a multi-family building

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    In Europe, the recast of the Directive on the Energy Performance of Building and the consequent Zero Energy Buildings objective that has to be reached for all new buildings by 2020, lead designers to re-think building design as a complex optimization problem aimed at identifying the most effective strategies to improve building performance.These strategies can help reducing not only the climate change effect, but also the risk of energy poverty for low-income households. This work is intended to apply a simulation-based optimization methodology for optimizingthe energy performance of a multi-family building for social housing. The method combines the use of TRNSYS® withGenOpt®. A typical floor of a real case study was modeled and the impacts of the variation of several design parameters on the heating and cooling demand wereassessed.The optimization lead to reduce the primary energy demand of a floor by 36%. The resulted differences in performance and energy rating between flats were analyzed

    Influence of envelope design in the optimization of the operational energy costs of a multi-family building

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    The international efforts for improving energy efficiency in buildings and reducing their environmental impact also constitute a challenge for working against the risk of energy poverty. The work aims to test a methodology for optimizing the operational costs of the different flats of a multi-family building for social housing. The method combines the use of TRNSYS building energy simulation program with GenOpt Generic Optimization program in a so-called simulation-based optimization method. A typical floor of a real case study building was modeled and the energy costs for heating and cooling due to the variation of design variables related to the building envelope was studied. The optimization led to reduce the total operational costs of the flats by the range 17%-23%. The different share of heating, cooling, ventilation and DHW in the total operational costs was studied and resulted differences in energy rating and costs between flats were analyzed

    A meta-analysis of the validity of FFQ targeted to adolescents

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    Objective: The present work is aimed at meta-analysing validity studies of FFQ for adolescents, to investigate their overall accuracy and variables that can affect it negatively. Design: A meta-analysis of sixteen original articles was performed within the ASSO Project (Adolescents and Surveillance System in the Obesity prevention). Setting: The articles assessed the validity of FFQ for adolescents, compared with food records or 24 h recalls, with regard to energy and nutrient intakes. Subjects: Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation coefficients, means/standard deviations, kappa agreement, percentiles and mean differences/limits of agreement (Bland–Altman method) were extracted. Pooled estimates were calculated and heterogeneity tested for correlation coefficients and means/standard deviations. A subgroup analysis assessed variables influencing FFQ accuracy. Results: An overall fair/high correlation between FFQ and reference method was found; a good agreement, measured through the intake mean comparison for all nutrients except sugar, carotene and K, was observed. Kappa values showed fair/moderate agreement; an overall good ability to rank adolescents according to energy and nutrient intakes was evidenced by data of percentiles; absolute validity was not confirmed by mean differences/limits of agreement. Interviewer administration mode, consumption interval of the previous year/6 months and high number of food items are major contributors to heterogeneity and thus can reduce FFQ accuracy. Conclusions: The meta-analysis shows that FFQ are accurate tools for collecting data and could be used for ranking adolescents in terms of energy and nutrient intakes. It suggests how the design and the validation of a new FFQ should be addressed

    The fate of glyphosate and AMPA in a freshwater endorheic basin: An ecotoxicological risk assessment

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    Glyphosate is themostwidely used herbicideworldwide. However, there are some uncertain aspects with respect to its environmental fate. To evaluate the existence and distribution of this pesticide and its metabolite, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), their presence in fresh water, sediment, and suspended particulate matter (SPM) was measured in samples collected in a river running across a large city and through areas with intensive and extensive agriculture. The aquatic risk associated to the occurrence of these compounds was estimated using the hazard quotient (HQ) calculation for water and sediment. From the analyzed samples, overall 35% contained glyphosate, AMPA, or both compounds. Concentrations of the analytes were spread in different percentages depending on the environmentalmatrices considered,with levels ranging from12 to 20 times higher for glyphosate and AMPA in sediment and SPM, as compared with the levels found in water. The most polluted area was situated within a green belt zone of the city; while in second place were sites located in areas of extensive agriculture. Aquatic organisms inhabiting areas both inside and outside agricultural areas are threatened by water glyphosate concentrations. Benthic organisms inside the greenbelt zone and inside the lower basin are threatened by the concentrations of glyphosate in sediment. Even when the concentrations measured in water were below the levels of concern for wildlife, results showed the risk of agricultural practices to aquatic biota. An update of the limits established for freshwater biota protection is needed.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigaciones del Medio Ambient


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    Kaijutitan maui is a basal titanosaur from the Sierra Barrosa Formation (Coniacian, Upper Cretaceous), Neuquén Basin, Patagonia Argentina. The Neuquén Basin in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina, holds the most important record of Cretaceous dinosaurs from South America. This work constitutes the first case of taphonomic and histological study of a dinosaur from the Rincón de los Sauces area. Kaijutitan is represented by cranial and postcranial materials of an adult individual of huge body size, preserved in clay sediments related to a floodplain environment. Bones were found disarticulated but associated, largely respecting their relative anatomical position. histological and diagenetic features of bones were analyzed in order to interpret the alteration degree of bone microstructure. Biostratinomic processes inferred are subaerial biodegradation, disarticulation, preburial weathering (cracking and flacking), and abrasion. Fossil-diagenetic processes comprise compaction, deformation, permineralization, and fracturing. Permineralization stages included infilling of bone cavities and fractures with sediments, iron oxides, calcite, or an iron oxide-calcite association during the burial history. Some characteristics suggest that the Kaijutitan specimen suffered weathering for a certain period of time before final burial and that biological activity in the carcass acted as a dispersal agent for the bones within the paleontological site