137 research outputs found

    Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Short Recoil Operated Weapon and Impact of Construction Characteristics on its Operation Cycle

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        Estimation of kinematic and dynamic parameters of weapon mechanisms during operation is one of the crucial elements of design and optimisation. This study presents results of numerical and experimental investigations of a short-recoil-operated weapon action cycle. Theoretical considerations were based on multibody systems and finite element approaches. An experimental stand was adopted to investigate the kinematic characteristics of pistol parts and provide a set of slide displacement and velocity time courses. Comparison of theoretical and experimental data allowed for positive validation of the investigated model. The multibody systems numerical approach ensured a maximum relative discrepancy with experiment of 3.5 per cent for the velocity of recoiled parts, while finite element analysis calculations yielded a value of 12.7 per cent. Finally, parametric analyses were conducted to determine the influence of selected design characteristics on weapon operation. The analyses proved the correctness of the adopted design assumptions

    Consequences of the return of Nazi elites to the social and political life of the Federal Republic of Germany

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    When Konrad Adenauer took over the rule in the Federal Republic of Germany, he had to face huge social and economic problems. They were a consequence of the war that the Germans took on each other. In the 1950s, the influence of political parties referring to the NSDAP program was still very strong. Adenauer chose the path of authoritarian governments to master all of these problems. For such a style of governance, he could only rely on conservative elites with a detachment referring to democracy. All this has opened the gate wide since the return of national‑socialist elites to the public and economic life of the Federal Republic. And in this way, in the post‑war reality, former dissidents of the Nazi regime found themselves under the pillory of their former perpetrators. And the consequences of the uncritical integration of functional national‑socialist elites are felt in modern Germany to this day

    Tryumf pogańskiego barbarzyństwa. Uwagi na marginesie książki Manfreda Görtemakera, Christopha Safferlinga, Die Akte Rosenburg. Das Bundesministerium der Justiz und die NS-Zeit, München 2016, Verlag C.H. Beck, ss. 591

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    Recenzja książki Manfreda Görtemakera, Christopha Safferlinga, Die Akte Rosenburg. Das Bundesministerium der Justiz und die NS-Zeit, München 2016, Verlag C.H. Beck, ss. 59

    Kodeks drogowy jako instrument amnestii zbrodniarzy hitlerowskich

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    The punishment of national socialist criminals met in the Federal Republic of Germany with great reluctance. It also caused political controversies. Due to a successful legislative action, on 10 May 1968 all functionaries of the terror apparatus who were issuing criminal orders from behind the desk, were granted amnesty. The fact was not noticed either by the Polish press or in the Polish scholarly literature on the subject, while tremendous excitement was mounted by discussions about no statute of limitations for prosecutions of the offenses of Nazi genocide, which degenerated into farce played for the international audience

    Spory wokół kształtu niemieckiej radiofonii w okupowanej Polsce

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    The Third Reich’s radio policy towards Poland during the occupation was part of the discrimination and cultural extermination strategy. But it was also full of unexpected twists and turns, resulting from constant disputes over its principles. One is astonished by the consistent attitude of Hans Frank. He demanded not only a separate German-language radio station for the General Government but also a broad spectrum of broadcasts in Polish. He failed in convincing the authorities in Berlin to agree to this idea

    Programy Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft w Polsce (1923-1939)

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    Artykuł omawia trudne relacje pomiędzy polską i niemiecką radiofonią w okresie międzywojennym. Zaczęły się one od sporów o treści programów na Górnym Śląsku i przejęcia kontroli przez stronę niemiecką nad rozgłośnią w Gdańsku. Po dojściu Hitlera do władzy relacje te się poprawiły, a nawet wzajemnie retransmitowano programy. Ostatecznie niemiecka radiofonia odegrała podczas inwazji Wehrmachtu we wrześniu 1939 roku bardzo niechlubną rolę, w istotny sposób przyczyniając się do ubezwłasnowolnienia społeczeństwa polskiego. This article surveys the relations between the Polish Radio and the German Broadcasting Corporation (Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft) in the interwar period. In its early phase the relationship was overshadowed by disputes over programmes on Upper Silesia and the takeover by a German company of the radio station in the Free City of Gdańsk (Danzig). After Hitler became chancellor in 1933 there was a marked improve- ment in relations: the two parties even made an agreement to relay each other's programmes. However, in September 1939 the German radio network (RRG) actively aided the German army in its invasion of Poland

    Quasi-Static Investigations of 240-Bloom Gelatine for Ballistic Tests

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    The paper presents the results of investigations of ballistic gel properties in quasi-static conditions. Specimens were prepared using the 240 Bloom gelatine, which was determined by product availability. Tests were carried out making use of a material testing machine to estimate the influence of gel share on stress-strain characteristics. Considered values of a gel mass content were equal to 10, 12, and 14%. Assumed parameters were determined on the material calibration stage conducted with steel balls with a diameter of 4.5 mm. The most significant influence of a gel content on mechanical properties of specimens were observed for a share of 10% and 12%. The conducted preliminary tests are a part of investigations aimed at assessment if it is possible to calibrate the ballistic gel making use of mechanical characteristics obtained in quasi-static tests without shooting

    Numerical Parametric Analysis of PW INKA Pistol

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    The paper describes the results of the parametric analysis obtained using the multibody systems. Numerical analysis allows checking different variants of the weapon without the need of building a lot of experimental models. As a part of the analysis, the impact of the slide mass, the recoil spring stiffness, the friction coefficients, the propellant gas pressure, and the force of bullet engraving the barrel on the kinematic characteristics of the weapon were checked. The extreme values of the slide mass and the recoil spring stiffness were selected, after crossing them, the correct operation of the weapon would not be possible. The operation of the pistol was checked for its multiple variants, taking into account its lubrication, lack of lubrication, and lack of friction by appropriate selection of the friction coefficients. The propellant gas pressure variants were selected to reflect the pressure in the barrel during shoot using ammunition manufactured according to different standards and of different quality. The models, taking into account the force of bullet engraving the barrel and those ignoring such force, were developed to check their impact on the kinematic characteristics of a short recoil operated weapon

    “Knowledge Is Power”: A Mixed-Methods Study Exploring Adult Audience Preferences for Engagement and Learning Formats Over 3 Years of a Health Science Festival

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    © 2015, © 2015 SAGE Publications. Science festivals enable scientists to engage with publics, but format design reflecting different engagement models is contested. This study gathered mixed-methods data over 3 years (2011-2013) from on-site surveys (N = 661) of a health science festival, exploring audience preferences for dissemination or dialogue formats (lectures, discussions, community expo, lab experiments, and day out). Irrespective of time, age–group, or gender, lectures were significantly ranked the main attraction (76.8%), most highly attended (89.1%), and most useful format (83.8%). Thematic analysis revealed five themes exploring nonformal learning motivations for audiences, highlighting that knowledge/understanding acquisition is perceived as empowering greater health literacy

    Konsekwencje powrotów elit hitlerowskich do życia społeczno-politycznego Republiki Federalnej Niemiec

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    Abstrakt: Konsekwencje powrotów elit hitlerowskich do życia społeczno‑politycznego Republiki Federalnej Niemiec Kiedy Konrad Adenauer obejmował rządy w Republice Federalnej Niemiec, musiał zmierzyć się z ogromnymi problemami socjalnymi i gospodarczymi. Były one konsekwencją wojny, którą Niemcy na siebie ściągnęli. W latach pięćdziesiątych wpływy partii politycznych odwołujących się do programu NSDAP były jeszcze bardzo silne. Adenauer wybrał drogę autorytarnych rządów, by opanować wszystkie te problemy. Na prowadzenie takiego stylu rządzenia pozwalało jedynie oparcie się na konserwatywnych elitach z dystansem odnoszących się do demokracji. Wszystko to otworzyło szeroko bramę powrotowi narodowo‑socjalistycznych elit do życia publicznego i gospodarczego Republiki Federalnej. i w ten sposób, w powojennej rzeczywistości, dawni dysydenci reżimu hitlerowskiego znaleźli się pod pręgierzem swoich wcześniejszych oprawców, konsekwencje zaś bezkrytycznej integracji funkcyjnych elit narodowo‑socjalistycznych odczuwane są we współczesnych Niemczech do dziś. Słowa kluczowe: Konrad Adenauer, narodowy socjalizm, NSDAP, autorytaryzm, dysydenci   Abstract: Consequences of the return of Nazi elites to the social and political life of the Federal Republic of Germany When Konrad Adenauer took over the rule in the Federal Republic of Germany, he had to face huge social and economic problems. They were a consequence of the war that the Germans took on each other. In the 1950s, the influence of political parties referring to the NSDAP program was still very strong. Adenauer chose the path of authoritarian governments to master all of these problems. For such a style of governance, he could only rely on conservative elites with a detachment referring to democracy. All this has opened the gate wide since the return of national‑socialist elites to the public and economic life of the Federal Republic. And in this way, in the post‑war reality, former dissidents of the Nazi regime found themselves under the pillory of their former perpetrators. And the consequences of the uncritical integration of functional national‑socialist elites are felt in modern Germany to this day.Keywords: Konrad Adenauer, national socialism, NSDAP, authoritarianism, dissident