2,103 research outputs found

    A função quadrática: variação, transparência e duas tipologias de exemplos.

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    El uso de ejemplos es un recurso que todos profesores de matemáticas utilizan para enseñar los contenidos matemáticos. Aunque las estrategias metodológicas utilizadas puedan ser muy diferentes, la ejemplificación que contienen puede tener aspectos comunes y, en este artículo, presentamos dos de esos aspectos: la variación y la transparencia. Estas dos características que los ejemplos presentan pueden ser concertadas de modo que las generalizaciones y abstracciones sean más fácilmente alcanzadas por los alumnos; en particular, mostramos esa simbiosis en el caso del estudio de las funciones cuadráticas. Sin embargo, ejemplificaciones diferentes producen también tipos de ejemplos diferentes. En el estudio aquí descrito encontramos diferencias importantes que permitieron identificar dos tipologías de ejemplos muy diferentes, aunque con el mismo objetivo e igualmente eficaces

    Virtual Models for Crystallography Teaching in Mineralogy: Some Suggestions

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    [Abstract] Crystallography concepts are usually among the most demanding subjects for Mineralogy students. Traditional onsite teaching of Mineralogy starts with physical models of crystal polyhedra and frequently also includes the observation of models of crystal structures. These teaching strategies could be difficult to implement under pandemic situations like the present one. But they also have other disadvantages under the usual access conditions as their use by the students is restricted by the number of students in relation to the number of models and by the availability of the models and teaching staff. Additionally, onsite teaching can pose challenges to both students and teachers with temporal or permanent disabilities. We consider here some possibilities of teaching with virtual models of crystal polyhedra, twinning, and crystal structures, based on some of the available freeware options and considering the main concepts taught in the usual Mineralogy syllabus.Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDB/04509/2020Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDB/04028/2020Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2018/47Xunta de Galicia; R2017/00

    Remote operations could be the future for Earth Sciences teaching: a speculative discussion

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    [Abstract] The current COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc in the regular workings of many institutions, such as those dedicated to teaching; therefore, there is an urge for alternatives to traditional face-to-face teaching. However, for certain subjects, such as Earth Sciences, distance-teaching approaches could be seen as counterintuitive to the essential foundations of the subject (where empirical information, especially from fieldwork, is considered paramount for its foundation and growth). In this work, we consider remote operations that could complement, improve, and perhaps even replace the traditional approach for teaching Earth Sciences, potentially producing better learning outcomes, even in relation to laboratory and fieldwork, including studies involving locations outside of planet Earth. Additionally, we consider the possible advantages for other professional settings related to this area, such as those concerning terrain characterization for engineering works, mineral resources, and environmental studies, as well as possible support for space missions and stations in other astronomical bodies (where mineral exploration and extraction could be developed and, hence, benefit from remote operations).Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; FCT-UIDB/04509/2020Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; FCT-UIDB/04028/2020Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2018/47Xunta de Galicia; R2017/00

    Os Responsórios do Sábado Santo (VII.11) de David Perez (1711-1788) – uma análise estilística

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    Resumo: Os Responsórios do Sábado Santo (VII.11), do compositor napolitano David Perez (1711-1778), foram compostos em data desconhecida, mas certamente já no seu período de atuação em Portugal, a partir de 1752. A obra é transmitida por 23 fontes manuscritas, encontradas em arquivos portugueses e brasileiros. O processo de edição da obra, ora em curso, demanda a análise estilística aprofundada, que possa servir de base para as decisões textuais. Além disso, conhecer a música de David Perez é importante para a compreensão estilística da música sacra portuguesa do século XVIII e da música sacra brasileira do período colonial. Sua música circulou no Brasil dos séculos XVIII e XIX em fontes manuscritas e até impressa, além de haver registro de execução de seu Matuttino de morti no Rio de Janeiro, em 1819. O estudo das características estilísticas dos Responsórios do Sábado Santo inclui itens, tais como harmonia, texturas, sintaxe da colocação do texto litúrgico, aspectos do baixo contínuo, fraseologia, forma e prosódia, entre outros. Procura-se situar a obra em termos da dicotomia existente no século XVIII entre os chamados “estilo estrito” e “estilo livre”, ou “galante”.Palavras-chave: Edição. David Perez. Responsórios do Sábado Santo. Análise estilística. “Estilo estrito e “Estilo livre”.Responsories of the Holy Saturday (VII.11) by David Perez (1711-1778) – Stylistic analysis Abstract: The Responsories of the Holy Saturday (VII.11), by the Neapolitan composer David Perez (1711-1778) have been composed in an unknown date, bur certainly already in his period of activity in Portugal, from 1752 on. The work is transmitted by 23 manuscript sources, housed in Portuguese and Brazilian archives. The edition of the work, now in process, demands the deep stylistic analysis which will serve as basis for the textual decisions to be taken. Besides that, knowing David Perez’ music is very important for the understanding of the style of the Portuguese sacred music of the XVIII century and the Brazilian sacred music of the colonial period. His music had some circulation in Brazil in this period in manuscript sources and even a printed one, besides the record of his Matuttino de morti have been performed in Rio de Janeiro, in 1819. The study of the stylistic features of the Responsories of the Holy Saturday includes items like harmony, texture, syntax of the liturgical text underlay, aspects of the thorough bass, musical phraseology, form and prosody, among others. One of the main purposes is to situate the work in terms of the dichotomy present during the 18th century between the so called “strict style” and “free style”, or “gallant style”.Keywords: Editing. David Perez. Responsories of the Holy Saturday. Stylistic analysis. “Strict style and “Free style”. 

    The Thematic Catalogue of the works of José Maurício Nunes Garcia: the need for its revision and updating

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    The Thematic Catalogue of the works by José Maurício Nunes Garcia, published in 1970, by Cleofe Person de Mattos, is a milestone in Brazilian musicology. Firstly, for bringing to the foreground the huge output of the carioca black composer. Secondly, for establishing a new methodological standard for similar enterprises. After 50 years of its publication, though, it is necessary its revision and updating, including items like the possible reorganization of the entries, the inclusion of new entries or works, the individualization of the sources, and many others. For the revision, the documents in the Acervo Cleofe Person de Mattos will be very important, not only to understand the decisions of the scholar in its pioneer research, but also as repository of many of the music sources used in her research


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    O conceito de autoria no Ocidente e seus reflexos na música

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    O presente artigo aborda o surgimento e o desenvolvimento do conceito de autoria no Ocidente, da Idade Média aos nossos dias, e de suas ramificações na música. Aponta a importância desse conceito e seus reflexos em aspectos tão diversos quanto o status social do compositor, as transformações dos processos composicionais, a questão do direito autoral, o impacto da internet, as edições de música, a história da música, a crítica genética e a ideia do compositor como gênio e poeta

    Estudo Numérico e Experimental de um Coletor Solar Termo-Fotovoltaico

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    As fontes de energia primárias renováveis tendem cada vez mais a serem utilizadas na obtenção de energia para consumo, em detrimento das fontes de origem não renovável. Esta situação deve-se sobretudo à escassez e poluição provocada pelas fontes não renováveis comparativamente com as renováveis, que se consideram inesgotáveis e não poluentes. A energia proveniente do sol, a energia solar, é uma das fontes de energia consideradas renováveis, donde se podem obter, através de dispositivos de conversão, as energias elétrica e térmica. Nesta tese é avaliado, numérica e experimentalmente, o comportamento de um coletor solar híbrido, denominado termo-fotovoltaico (PVT) e que produz simultaneamente calor e eletricidade. A estrutura do coletor estudado é composta por uma cobertura de vidro, células solares, tubos, placa absorvedora e isolamento térmico. O potencial deste tipo de coletores é reconhecido desde a década de 70 do século passado e o interesse na sua investigação tem vindo a aumentar desde a década de 90 do mesmo século. Na análise da evolução deste equipamento solar, estudaram-se as diferentes configurações e fluidos de transferência térmica. O presente estudo assenta, inicialmente, na avaliação experimental do comportamento global do coletor híbrido solar PVT e na sua simulação, na perspetiva da otimização do seu desempenho. Foi usado neste estudo um coletor disponível comercialmente, suportado pela instalação de sistemas elétricos e térmicos, o qual foi devidamente instrumentado de forma a poder obter-se dados climáticos (irradiância solar incidente, temperatura ambiente e velocidade do vento), o caudal mássico do fluido térmico, temperaturas em vários pontos de interesse no equipamento, a tensão e a corrente elétricas. O grau de detalhe do estudo desenvolvido, como por exemplo a aquisição de dados ao segundo, é um fator diferenciador em comparação com outros estudos. Foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático do coletor, baseado nos balanços dos fluxos de energia térmica (modelo térmico) dos seus diferentes componentes e do circuito equivalente da célula solar (modelo elétrico). Este modelo permite, não apenas o cálculo da produção de eletricidade e calor, como também o conhecimento do comportamento geral do coletor, sob diferentes condições ambientais e operacionais. O modelo foi validado com dados experimentais, podendo considerar-se que é uma ferramenta confiável para o estudo do comportamento de PVTs em estruturas semelhantes ao deste trabalho. Neste trabalho é avaliado o efeito de vários fatores no rendimento do coletor, nomeadamente o caudal mássico, a radiação solar, a temperatura do fluido térmico, a temperatura das células solares e a temperatura ambiente. Verificou-se que o rendimento aumenta, até um certo valor, com o caudal mássico e com a radiação solar incidente e é prejudicado pelo aumento da temperatura do fluido e da temperatura das células solares. Os resultados observados neste trabalho podem revelar-se vantajosos para a indústria, pois poderão ter interesse para os construtores deste tipo de equipamento solar, ao fornecer informação que permite a otimização do coletor híbrido. Para além disso, o facto de haver benefícios ambientais, decorrentes do seu uso, representa informação relevante para as entidades certificadoras e futuros utilizadores.The use of primary renewable energy sources is trending upwards, to the detriment of non-renewable sources, in generating useful energy for consumption. This situation is mainly due to the scarcity of, and pollution caused by non-renewable sources when compared to renewable sources, which are considered inexhaustible and non-polluting. The energy captured from the sun, solar energy, is one of those considered as renewable, from which electrical and thermal energy can be obtained through conversion devices. In this thesis, the performance of a hybrid solar collector, called photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) that simultaneously produces heat and electricity, is evaluated through experimental and numerical tests. The structure of the collector under study is composed of a glass cover, solar cells, tubes, absorber plate and thermal insulation. The potential of this type of collector has been recognized since the 70s of the last century, and the interest in its research has been increasing since the 90s of the same century. Different configurations and heat transfer fluids were studied throughout the analysis of the evolution of this solar equipment. The present study is initially based on the experimental evaluation of the global performance of the hybrid solar collector PVT and by its simulation, with the aim of optimizing its performance. A commercial collector was used in the study, supported by an electrical and thermal systems infrastructure, which was properly instrumented in order to obtain climatic data (incident solar radiation, ambient temperature and wind speed), the mass flow rate of the thermal fluid, temperatures at various points of interest in the equipment, voltage, and current. The degree of detail of the study developed herein, such as data acquisition rate, is a differentiating factor in comparison to other studies. A mathematical model of the collector was developed, based on the energy balances (thermal model) of its different components, and on the equivalent circuit of the solar cell (electrical model). This model not only allows for the calculation of electricity and heat production, but also for understanding the general behavior of the collector, under different environmental and operational conditions. The model was validated through experimental data, and it can be considered a reliable tool for studying the performance of PVTs with structures similar to the one researched herein. In this thesis, the effect of several factors on the efficiency of the collector is evaluated, namely the mass flow rate, the solar radiation, the temperature of the thermal fluid, the temperature of the solar cells, and the ambient temperature. It was found that the efficiency increases, up to a certain value, together with the mass flow rate and with incident solar radiation, and it decreases with the increase in the fluid temperature and in the temperature of the solar cells. The results observed in this work may prove to be advantageous for the industry, as they may be of interest to manufacturers of this type of solar equipment, by providing information that allows for the optimization of the hybrid collector. Furthermore, the fact that there are environmental benefits in the use of these collectors represents relevant information for certifying entities and future users

    Geological Materials as Cultural Markers of Water Resources

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    [Abstract] Water has always been a critical resource for humans and climate change could aggravate supply problems. In this context, groundwater could be an important reservoir of water, especially given the dispersion of places where it can be obtained and the widespread occurrence of surface marks (springs). Historically, places where groundwater is available have been marked by humans using built structures, with stone materials having a major role. These cultural objects tend to become a part of the collective memory and the historical record (when available) and frequently they stay on the original site along time (hence “marking a spot” for groundwater). However, the development of major water supply structures, especially in the 20th century, promoted the negligence of these ancient water sources. We present a general defense of the importance of recording and preserving cultural stone related to water sources, preferably in the original sites. Conservation of groundwater-related structures could help in the future exploration of this geological resource and converge with historical information on the fountains’ discharge, with geological studies of the terrains and geochemical features of the groundwaters involved, in order to characterize the hydrogeological systems and their potential future use (including the preservation of water quality and properties). These studies could promote a synergetic conservation of both heritage and water.Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDB/04509/2020Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDB/04028/2020Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2018/47Xunta de Galicia; R2017/008The Lab2PT-Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory—UIDB/04509/2020 is supported by the Portuguese FCT—“Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the support of the CERENA (funded by a strategic project of the FCT UIDB/04028/2020) and the LAMPIST of the DECivil, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. The University Institute of Geology of the University of A Coruña (Spain) receives support from the Xunta de Galicia from the program “Consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas: Grupos de potencial de crecimiento” (ED431B 2018/47) and Redes de investigación (R2017/008). We also thank the IACOBUS Program from the European Strategic Group of Territorial Cooperation Galicia/North of Portugal for support for the last authorThe Lab2PT-Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory—UIDB/04509/2020 is supported by the Portuguese FCT—“Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the support of the CERENA (funded by a strategic project of the FCT UIDB/04028/2020) and the LAMPIST of the DECivil, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. The University Institute of Geology of the University of A Coruña (Spain) receives support from the Xunta de Galicia from the program “Consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas: Grupos de potencial de crecimiento” (ED431B 2018/47) and Redes de investigación (R2017/008). We also thank the IACOBUS Program from the European Strategic Group of Territorial Cooperation Galicia/North of Portugal for support for the last autho


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    Este ensaio é uma tentativa de redescrever e analisar o processo de construção das representações sociais em relação à inclusão e ascensão dos jogadores negros e mestiços no futebol brasileiro. A noção de habitus de Bourdieu é utilizada inicialmente para tentar compreender o processo de reprodução das representações sociais sobre o racismo, a partir da linguagem da mídia. Há, no entanto, necessidade dos conceitos de Abric, Coulon e Jodelet para fundamentar a análise. Conclui-se que a representação social sobre o racismo no futebol brasileiro sofreu transformações, sobretudo no sistema periférico, desde o início do século; entretanto, elementos do núcleo central anterior ainda estão presentes e se manifestam a partir do momento em que se comparam as críticas que se fazem aos jogadores brancos e as que se fazem aos negros e mestiços. As críticas dirigidas aos brancos focalizam principalmente o atleta, enquanto as que se dirigem aos negros e mestiços focalizam o indivíduo, no sentido de diminuí-lo como pessoa, ou seja, são críticas étnicas