152 research outputs found

    The Competence Readiness of the Electrical Engineering Vocational High School Teachers in Manado Towards the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint in 2025

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    This paper presents the competence readiness of the electrical engineering vocational high school teachers in Manado towards ASEAN Economic Community blueprint in 2025. The objective of this study is to get the competencies readiness description of the electrical engineering vocational high school teachers in Manado towards ASEAN Economic Community blueprint in 2025. Method used quantitative and qualitative approach which the statistical analysis in quantitative and the inductive analysis used in qualitative. There were 46 teachers of the electrical engineering vocational high school in Manado observed. The results have shown that the competencies readiness of the electrical engineering vocational high school teachers in Manado such as: pedagogical, professional, personality, and social were 13.04%, 19.56%, 19.56%, and 19.56% respectively. The results were still far from the focus of the ASEAN economic community blueprint in 2025, so they need to be improved through in-house training, internship programs, school partnerships, distance learning, tiered training and special training, short courses in educational institutions, internal coaching by schools, discussion of educational issues, workshops, research and community service, textbook writing, learning media making, and the creation of technology and art

    Evaluation of the effects of user profile and interface characteristics on performance during robotic teleoperation.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Instrumenta??o, Controle e Automa??o de Processos de Minera??o. Departamento de Engenharia de Controle e Automa??o, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.In the mining industry, operator safety has always been a crucial point, and therefore demands attention. In addition, given the high investments made in the enterprise, the search for a consistent and e cient production process is also relevant. To increase productivity and safety, teleoperation techniques can be used to allow the operator to be removed from the risk areas and operate the equipment from a safe distance. The work presented in this master's thesis was developed at the Instituto Tecnol?gico Vale (ITV) as a part of a broader project that aims the development of a conceptual framework that enables the analysis and validation of the application of teleoperation techniques in mining equipment. These equipment could be either used for exploration, engineering or extraction. More speci cally, this framework will permit the analysis of relevant information for teleoperation. This work represents the initial step taken, which comprises the execution of proof-of-concept tests in laboratory using a robotic system. Di erent teleoperation interfaces schemes consisting of video and haptic devices are analyzed under di erent aspects and the user point of view is taken into account. The goal is to analyze the e ects of the force feedback and of di erent visual feedback during teleoperation and to evaluate which prede ned users characteristics can contribute to better performance during teleoperation. Experimental tests were performed using a commercial mobile robotic platform Seekur Jr and teleoperation interfaces consisting of the haptic devices Novint Falcon and Geomagic Touch. This platform can be programmed in such a way that it operates emulating a mining equipment. For practical application-oriented tests, di erent operations from a mining process can be used as application of study (e.g. explosive charging or excavators operations). For the purposes of this work, interfaces for the control of the robotic platform locomotion were analyzed. In order to evaluate the in uence of interface characteristics and users pro le on performance during teleoperation two experiments were conducted. The experiments consisted of guiding the robotic platform in a scenario containing obstacles, using the di erent interfaces. In this work, delays in communication during teleoperation were not addressed. Results show that the use of force feedback e ectively contributes for better performances in term of task execution time, number of collisions with obstacles and task completion in teleoperation activities. Moreover, additional visual information, such as the environment map, can also increase perception of obstacles.Na ind?stria da minera??o, a seguran?a do operador sempre foi um ponto crucial, demandando, portanto, cuidadosa aten??o. Al?m disso, dados os altos investimentos realizados no empreendimento, a busca por um processo de produ??o consistente e e ciente ? tamb?m relevante. Com o objetivo de aumentar a produtividade e a seguran?a nas opera??es dentro da minera??o, t?cnicas de teleopera??o podem ser utilizadas para permitir que o operador seja removido das ?reas de risco e opere o equipamento ? dist?ncia. Em ess?ncia, a teleopera??o significa que ? poss?vel haver uma separa??o f?sica entre a unidade de comando (sistema local) e a unidade de execu??o (sistema remoto), ainda mantendo a rela??o entre os dois. Isto ?, apesar da separa??o f?sica, o sistema local ? ainda capaz de comandar o sistema remoto. Idealmente, para que tal comando seja feito de maneira mais e caz poss?vel, deseja-se prover ao operador uma experi?ncia com o ambiente remoto de forma natural e realista, de tal forma que ele tenha a sensa??o de estar interagindo diretamente com o ambiente remoto, por?m sem as perturba??es t?picas desses ambientes (ru?do, vibra??es, calor, etc.) e com a possibilidade de amplia??o dessa percep??o. Com a utiliza??o da teleopera??o, ? poss?vel, al?m de reduzir os riscos a que o operador est? exposto em suas atividades, melhorar seu desempenho na opera??o destes equipamentos durante a realiza??o das tarefas. O trabalho apresentado nesta disserta??o de mestrado foi desenvolvido no Instituto Tecnol?gico Vale (ITV) como parte de um projeto mais amplo que visa o desenvolvimento de um arcabou?o que permita a an?lise e valida??o da aplica??o de t?cnicas de teleopera??o a equipamentos de minera??o. Estes equipamentos podem ser usados tanto para tarefas de explora??o, quanto de engenharia ou extra??o. Mais especificamente, este arcabou?o permitir? a an?lise de qual informa??o ? relevante e auxilia o operador durante a opera??o do equipamento. No ?mbito deste projeto, o trabalho descrito nesta disserta??o de mestrado representa o primeiro passo dado, que compreende a execu??o de testes de conceito em laborat?rio usando um sistema rob?tico. Diferentes interfaces de teleopera??o compostas por dispositivos h?pticos e de v?deo s?o analisadas diante de diferentes aspectos e o ponto de vista do usu?rio ? levado em considera??o. O objetivo ? analisar os efeitos da realimenta??o de for?a e da realimenta??o visual durante a realiza??o de tarefas de maneira teleoperada e avaliar quais caracter?sticas predefinidas dos operadores podem contribuir para um melhor desempenho durante a teleopera??o de um equipamento. Para realizar os testes, a plataforma rob?tica m?vel comercial Seekur Jr e interfaces de teleopera??o compostas por dispositivos h?pticos Novint Falcon e Geomagic Touch s?o utilizados. Esta plataforma rob?tica pode ser programada de tal forma a operar emulando um equipamento de minera??o. Para a realiza??o de testes voltados a aplica??es pr?ticas, diferentes opera??es de um processo de minera??o podem ser utilizadas como aplica??o de estudo (carregamento de explosivos, opera??o de uma escavadeira, por exemplo). Para os fins de estudo deste trabalho, foram analisadas as interfaces para o controle da locomo??o da plataforma rob?tica. Para avaliar a influ?ncia das caracter?sticas da interface e do perfil dos usu?rios no desempenho durante a teleopera??o dois experimentos foram conduzidos. Os experimentos consistiram em comandar a plataforma rob?tica em um cen?rio contendo obst?culos utilizando as diferentes interfaces desenvolvidas. Neste trabalho, a presen?a de atrasos na comunica??o durante a teleopera??o n?o foi considerada. Os resultados mostram que o uso da realimenta??o de for?a efetivamente contribui para melhor desempenho durante a execu??o de tarefas de forma teleoperada, em termos do tempo de execu??o da tarefa, do n?mero de obst?culos colididos e do n?vel de conclus?o da tarefa. Al?m disso, informa??es visuais adicionais tais como um mapa do ambiente aumentam a percep??o de obst?culos

    Opening the Gate to Money Market Fund Reform

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    Antitrypanosomal activity of Khaya senegalensis and Anogeissus leiocarpus stem bark on Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected rats

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    Trypanosoma brucei brucei, a haemo-protozoan parasite causes African Animal Trypanosomiasis (AAT). Khaya senegalensis (KS) and Anogeissus leiocarpus (AL) are medicinal plants used either individually or in combination by local farmers in Northern Nigeria in the treatment of many diseases including trypanosomiasis. There is however, no information on the efficacy of the plants used in combination. In this study, the antitrypanosomal activity of combined methanolic stem bark extracts of K. senegalensis and A. leiocarpus were determined in vivo using suppressive and repository tests. The combined extracts were administered at 250 mg/kg to T. b. brucei infected rats in ratios 1:4, 2:3, 1:1, 3:2 and 4:1 (K. senegalensis to A. leiocarpus). Diminor® (3.5 mg/kg) was positive control and Tween-80 the negative control. Trypanocidal activity was recorded in all four ratios with the highest in the 4:1 ratio for both tests. All ratios in repository test had varying levels of prophylactic activity which were significantly higher (p<0.05) than the negative control group. Chemo-prophylactic activity in the 4:1 ratio compared (p>0.05) favorably with the positive control. The extracts however had significantly lower (p<0.05) parasite suppressive activity compared to Diminor® (100%). The 1:4 combinations had the lowest activity (4.35%). In the repository test, packed cell volume (PCV) levels varied in the groups with an increase as the quantity of K. senegalensis in the dose increased. The results therefore show that the antitrypanosomal activity and haemolytic effects of the extracts was dependent on the ratio of K. senegalensis to A. leiocarpus. A higher quantity of K. senegalensis provided a more effective prophylaxis and normal PCV. The use of a threefold quantity of K. senegalensis to A. leiocarpus in the local management of animal trypanosomiasis is therefore suggested. Key words: Antitrypanosoma, suppressive test, repository test, Khaya senegalensis, Anogeissus leiocarpus

    Webressourcen aus Nordeuropa – Fundstücke Januar-April 2018

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    Dänemark Im Rahmen des Projekts 100 danmarkshistorier geht die noch im Aufbau befindliche quellenbasierte Datenbank HistorieLab online, in der Schüler historische Problemstellungen zur Geschichte Dänemarks bearbeiten können, so z. B. zum Thema "Sklaverei und "Westindien". Slægtsforskernes Bibliotek hat zwei Serien der Amtshistorischen Jahrbücher (Vejle Amts Årbøger, Hardsyssel Årbog) online gestellt. Weitere Serien sollen folgen. Einen Augenzeugenbericht über die Einquartierung von Arbeitern,..

    Webressourcen aus Nordeuropa – Fundstücke März 2014

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    In den März - Fundstücken stellen wir Ihnen neben einer Übersicht von skandinavischen Aktivitäten im Flickr-Bereich vor allem neue dänische, schwedische und finnische Datenbanken bzw. Datenbankprojekte vor, die von Archiven initiiert wurden.  Flickr Bereits seit 5 Jahren veröffentlicht das schwedische Zentralamt für Denkmalpflege digitalisierte Bilder aus seiner umfangreichen Fotosammlung nicht nur in der eigenen Datenbank Kulturmiljöbild, sondern hinterlegt diese auch teilweise bei Flickr C..
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