46 research outputs found

    Immunostaining of thymidylate synthase and p53 for predicting chemoresistance to S-1/cisplatin in gastric cancer

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    High expression of thymidylate synthase (TS) and inactivation of p53 are allegedly associated with chemoresistance. The authors evaluated TS and p53 expression in gastric cancer treated with neoadjuvant S-1/cisplatin chemotherapy. Paraffin sections of pretreatment biopsy and surgical specimens from 41 gastric cancers were immunostained for TS and p53 protein after appropriate antigen retrieval. Fifty-one cases without neoadjuvant chemotherapy were also studied. In the pretreatment biopsies, high expression of TS was seen in 8% of the histologic responders, in 28% of the nonresponders and in 31% of the controls. High expression of p53 was observed in 56% of the nonresponders, but in 8% of the responders and in 29% of the controls (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively). The TS- and/or p53-high phenotype was seen in 76% of the nonresponders and in 54% of the controls, but in 8% of the responders (P<0.0001 and P<0.005, respectively). The data of the surgical specimens were consistent with those of the pretreatment biopsies. These results suggest that immunostaining for TS and p53 protein is useful for pretreatment selection of gastric cancer patients unresponsive to S-1/cisplatin chemotherapy

    Genome-wide transcriptional profiling of appressorium development by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae.

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    addresses: College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom.notes: PMCID: PMC3276559The rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the most significant pathogens affecting global food security. To cause rice blast disease the fungus elaborates a specialised infection structure called an appressorium. Here, we report genome wide transcriptional profile analysis of appressorium development using next generation sequencing (NGS). We performed both RNA-Seq and High-Throughput SuperSAGE analysis to compare the utility of these procedures for identifying differential gene expression in M. oryzae. We then analysed global patterns of gene expression during appressorium development. We show evidence for large-scale gene expression changes, highlighting the role of autophagy, lipid metabolism and melanin biosynthesis in appressorium differentiation. We reveal the role of the Pmk1 MAP kinase as a key global regulator of appressorium-associated gene expression. We also provide evidence for differential expression of transporter-encoding gene families and specific high level expression of genes involved in quinate uptake and utilization, consistent with pathogen-mediated perturbation of host metabolism during plant infection. When considered together, these data provide a comprehensive high-resolution analysis of gene expression changes associated with cellular differentiation that will provide a key resource for understanding the biology of rice blast disease

    Bid Regulates the Pathogenesis of Neurotropic Reovirus

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    Reovirus infection leads to apoptosis in both cultured cells and the murine central nervous system (CNS). NF-κB-driven transcription of proapoptotic cellular genes is required for the effector phase of the apoptotic response. Although both extrinsic death-receptor signaling pathways and intrinsic pathways involving mitochondrial injury are implicated in reovirus-induced apoptosis, mechanisms by which either of these pathways are activated and their relationship to NF-κB signaling following reovirus infection are unknown. The proapoptotic Bcl-2 family member, Bid, is activated by proteolytic cleavage following reovirus infection. To understand how reovirus integrates host signaling circuits to induce apoptosis, we examined proapoptotic signaling following infection of Bid-deficient cells. Although reovirus growth was not affected by the absence of Bid, cells lacking Bid failed to undergo apoptosis. Furthermore, we found that NF-κB activation is required for Bid cleavage and subsequent proapoptotic signaling. To examine the functional significance of Bid-dependent apoptosis in reovirus disease, we monitored fatal encephalitis caused by reovirus in the presence and absence of Bid. Survival of Bid-deficient mice was significantly enhanced in comparison to wild-type mice following either peroral or intracranial inoculation of reovirus. Decreased reovirus virulence in Bid-null mice was accompanied by a reduction in viral yield. These findings define a role for NF-κB-dependent cleavage of Bid in the cell death program initiated by viral infection and link Bid to viral virulence

    Neurobiology of apathy in Alzheimer's disease

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    Metabolic control analysis of developing oilseed rape (Brassica napus cv Westar) embryos shows that lipid assembly exerts significant control over oil accumulation

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    Summary: • Metabolic control analysis allows the study of metabolic regulation. We applied both single‐ and double‐manipulation top‐down control analysis to examine the control of lipid accumulation in developing oilseed rape (Brassica napus) embryos. • The biosynthetic pathway was conceptually divided into two blocks of reactions (fatty acid biosynthesis (Block A), lipid assembly (Block B)) connected by a single system intermediate, the acyl‐coenzyme A (acyl‐CoA) pool. Single manipulation used exogenous oleate. Triclosan was used to inhibit specifically Block A, whereas diazepam selectively manipulated flux through Block B. • Exogenous oleate inhibited the radiolabelling of fatty acids from [1‐14C]acetate, but stimulated that from [U‐14C]glycerol into acyl lipids. The calculation of group flux control coefficients showed that c. 70% of the metabolic control was in the lipid assembly block of reactions. Monte Carlo simulations gave an estimation of the error of the resulting group flux control coefficients as 0.27 ± 0.06 for Block A and 0.73 ± 0.06 for Block B. • The two methods of control analysis gave very similar results and showed that Block B reactions were more important under our conditions. This contrasts notably with data from oil palm or olive fruit cultures and is important for efforts to increase oilseed rape lipid yields