246 research outputs found

    The Effect of Fire Smoke Exposure on Firefighters' Lung Function: A Meta-Analysis

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    Firefighters are exposed to a range of harmful substances during firefighting. Exposure to fire smoke has been associated with a decrease in their lung function. However, the cause-effect relationship between those two factors is not yet demonstrated. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the potential associations between firefighters' occupational exposure and their lung function deterioration. Studies were identified from PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Science Direct databases (August 1990-March 2021). The studies were included when reporting the lung function values of Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 s (FEV1) or Forced Vital Capacity (FVC). The meta-analyses were performed using the generic inverse variance in R software with a random-effects model. Subgroup analysis was used to determine if the lung function was influenced by a potential study effect or by the participants' characteristics. A total of 5562 participants from 24 studies were included. No significant difference was found between firefighters' predicted FEV1 from wildland, 97.64% (95% CI: 91.45-103.82%; I-2 = 99%), and urban fires, 99.71% (95% CI: 96.75-102.67%; I-2 = 98%). Similar results were found for the predicted FVC. Nevertheless, the mean values of firefighters' predicted lung function varied significantly among studies, suggesting many confounders, such as trials' design, statistical methods, methodologies applied, firefighters' daily exposure and career length, hindering an appropriate comparison between the studies

    Challenges in public perception: highlights from the United Kingdom-Brazil Dementia Workshop

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    In July 2019, Belo Horizonte hosted an international workshop for 27 junior researchers, whose participants were from Brazil and the United Kingdom. This three-day meeting organized by the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and the University of East Anglia addressed challenges in cognitive impairment and dementia, with particular interest in public perceptions, diagnosis and care management. The purpose of this report is to highlight the outcomes of the above-mentioned workshop regarding the topic of public perceptions (part I). Discussions focused on differences and similarities between countries, as well as on identifying main issues that required collaborative and creative solutions. After these group discussions, four core themes emerged: I) cognitive impairment; II) dementia - beyond Alzheimer's disease; III) prevention; and IV) stigma. National and international initiatives to deal with public misperceptions about cognitive impairment and dementia were discussed

    Experiências e expectativas de enfermeiros no cuidado ao doador de órgãos e à sua família

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    RESUMO Objetivo Compreender as experiências e expectativas dos enfermeiros de unidades de terapia intensiva no cuidado ao doador de órgãos para transplantes e à sua família. Método Pesquisa qualitativa, com abordagem da Fenomenologia Social realizada em 2013, com 20 enfermeiros. Resultados As experiências dos enfermeiros com as famílias dos doadores foram representadas pelas categorias: obstáculos vivenciados e intervenções realizadas no cuidado às famílias dos doadores. As expectativas desses profissionais na assistência às famílias e aos doadores de órgãos foram descritas pela categoria: cuidar para salvar vidas. Conclusão O estudo mostrou que o cotidiano dos enfermeiros de terapia intensiva no cuidado às famílias e aos doadores de órgãos é permeado por obstáculos que interferem no processo de doação. Diante desse cenário têm como expectativas oferecer uma assistência intensiva ao doador falecido e um cuidado humanizado às famílias, intencionando possibilitar a aceitação da doação de órgãos pelos familiares e viabilizar órgãos para transplantes
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