3,644 research outputs found

    Measurement of healing area using planimetry after applying low-intensity ultrasound to the skin of rats

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    CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A planimetria é um método utilizado para avaliar a evolução da cicatrização de feridas. A planimetria computacional é um método ainda em experimentação, mas cujas vantagens têm sido demonstradas em várias investigações. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os efeitos do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade sobre a cicatrização de lesão cutânea produzida na região dorsal de ratos, por meio da planimetria computacional. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se 60 ratos machos Wistar (peso médio de 300g) divididos em dois grupos com 30 animais cada, de acordo com o tratamento: 1) irradiação simulada (controle); 2) irradiação efetiva (Freqüência fundamental de 1,5MHz, freqüência de repetição de pulsos de 1KHz, largura de pulso de 200µs, intensidade de 30mW/cm² SATA, dez minutos de aplicação em dias alternados). Cada grupo foi subdividido em três grupos, de acordo com o período de irradiação ultra-sônica, de três, sete e 14 dias, respectivamente, e a cicatrização foi avaliada por meio da planimetria, um decalque da lesão sendo obtido em papel especial, digitalizado e medido ao computador por meio de um programa gráfico. Análise estatística pelo método não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento significante (p<0,05) da área cicatrizada no grupo 2 (141,88±18,50mm²) em relação ao grupo 1 (117,38±15,14mm²), no 14º dia. Não houve diferenças significantes entre os grupos nos demais períodos. CONCLUSÕES: O ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade estimula a cicatrização cutânea por segunda intenção em condições experimentais. A planimetria computacional mostrou-se um recurso de baixo custo, fácil manuseio e de aplicabilidade clínica.BACKGROUND: Planimetry is a method used to evaluate the progression of skin wound healing. Computerized planimetry is still an experimental method, but its advantages have been demonstrated in several investigations. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on the healing of a skin lesion produced on the dorsal region of rats, by means of computerized planimetry. METHODS: Sixty male Wistar rats of mean weight 300g were used. They were divided into two groups according to the treatment applied: 1) simulated irradiation (control); 2) effective irradiation (fundamental frequency 1.5MHz, pulse repetition frequency 1KHz, pulse width 200µs, SATA intensity 30mW/cm² and application for ten minutes on alternate days). Each group was divided into three subgroups according to the length of time for which ultrasound irradiation was applied of three, seven and 14 days, respectively, and healing was evaluated by means of planimetry; a tracing of the wound was obtained on special paper and this was digitized and measured by means of a graphing software. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney non-parametric method. RESULTS: The healed area was significantly greater (p<0.05) in group 2 (141.88±18.50mm²) than in group 1 (117.38±15.14mm²) on the 14th day. There were no significant differences between the subgroups for the other experimental periods. CONCLUSIONS: Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound irradiation stimulated secondary skin healing under these experimental conditions. Computerized planimetry was shown to be a low cost method that was easy to use and present clinical applicability

    VIH e Doença Coronária - Quando a Prevenção Secundária É Insuficiente

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    Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has created a new paradigm for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients, but their increased risk for coronary disease is well documented. We present the case of a 57-year-old man, co-infected with HIV-2 and hepatitis B virus, adequately controlled and with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia, who was admitted with non-ST elevation acute myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography performed on day four of hospital stay documented two-vessel disease (mid segment of the right coronary artery [RCA, 90% stenosis] and the first marginal). Two drug-eluting stents were successfully implanted. The patient was discharged under dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin 100 mg/day and clopidogrel 75 mg/day) and standard coronary artery disease medication. He was admitted to the emergency room four hours after discharge with chest pain radiating to the left arm and inferior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction was diagnosed. Coronary angiography was performed within one hour and documented thrombosis of both stents. Optical coherence tomography revealed good apposition of the stent in the RCA, with intrastent thrombus. Angioplasty was performed, with a good outcome. The acute stent thrombosis might be explained by the thrombotic potential of HIV infection and diabetes. There are no specific guidelines regarding HAART in secondary prevention of acute coronary syndromes. A multidisciplinary approach is essential for optimal management of these patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CAT-SCRATCH Disease: Still a Challenge

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    Treatable Traits in COPD - A Proposed Approach

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    The well-recognized individual heterogeneity within COPD patients has led to a growing interest in greater personalization in the approach of these patients. Thus, the treatable traits strategy has been proposed as a further step towards precision medicine in the management of chronic airway disease, both in stable phase and acute exacerbations. The aim of this paper is to perform a critical review on the treatable traits strategy and propose a guide to approach COPD patients in the light of this new concept. An innovative stepwise approach is proposed - a multidisciplinary model based on two distinct phases, with the potential to be implemented in both primary care and hospital settings. The first phase is the initial and focused assessment of a selected subset of treatable traits, which should be addressed in all COPD patients in both settings (primary care and hospital). As some patients may present with advanced disease at diagnosis or may progress despite this initial treatment requiring a more specialized assessment, they should progress to a second phase, in which a broader approach is recommended. Beyond stable COPD, we explore how the treatable traits strategy may be applied to reduce the risk of future exacerbations and improve the management of COPD exacerbations. Since many treatable traits have already been related to exacerbation risk, the strategy proposed here represents an opportunity to be proactive. Although it still lacks prospective validation, we believe this is the way forward for the future of the COPD approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Defining hereditary alpha-tryptasemia as a risk/modifying factor for anaphylaxis: are we there yet?

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    Hereditary a-tryptasemia (HaT) is a common autosomal dominant genet-ic trait with variable penetrance associated with increased serum baseline tryptase (SBT) levels. Clinical manifestations may range from an absence of symptoms to overtly severe and recurrent anaphylaxis. Symptoms have been claimed to result from excessive activation of EGF-like module -con-taining mucin-like hormone receptor-like 2 (EMR2) and protease activat-ed receptor 2 (PAR-2) receptors by a/13-tryptase heterotetramers. Herein, we aimed to review the evidence on whether HaT can be considered a hereditary risk factor or a modifying factor for anaphylaxis. Increased SBT levels have been linked to an increased risk of anaphylaxis. Likewise, recent studies have shown that HaT might be associated with a higher risk of developing anaphylaxis and more severe anaphylaxis. The same has also been shown for patients with clonal mast cell disorders, in whom the co-existence of HaT might lead to a greater propensity for se-vere, potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis. However, studies leading to such conclusions are generally limited in sample size, while other studies have shown opposing results. As such, further studies investigating the po-tential association of HaT with anaphylaxis caused by different triggers, and different severity grades, in both patients with clonal mast cell activa-tion syndromes and the general population are still needed

    Análise da Repercussão de uma Sessão Educativa sobre o Glaucoma no Conhecimento da Doença

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    Introdução: A adesão à terapêutica antiglaucomatosa é fundamental na redução e controlo da pressão intra-ocular. Os doentes com menor nível de conhecimento sobre a sua doença apresentam taxas de não adesão terapêutica superiores. Este estudo tem como objectivo a avaliação da repercussão de uma sessão de esclarecimento sobre o glaucoma e seu tratamento. Material e métodos: Estudo prospectivo que incluiu 24 doentes seguidos em consulta de glaucoma. Procedeu-se ao preenchimento de um questionário validado, sobre a doença e o seu tratamento. De seguida os doentes assistiram a uma sessão de esclarecimento sobre o glaucoma. O preenchimento do questionário foi repetido após a sessão e ao fim de 1 mês. Resultados: A idade média foi 63,7 anos, 45,8% era do sexo feminino. Em 9 das 22 perguntas, mais de 50% dos doentes responderam acertadamente antes da sessão educativa. Após a realização da mesma foram 13 as respostas acertadas por mais de 50% dos doentes (p0,05) e o nível de escolaridade (p>0,05). Conclusão: Através da sessão educativa houve uma melhoria dos conhecimentos dos doentes com glaucoma, relativamente à sua doença

    Quantum Yield Calculations for Strongly Absorbing Chromophores

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    This article demonstrates that a commonly-made assumption in quantum yield calculations may produce errors of up to 25% in extreme cases and can be corrected by a simple modification to the analysis.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by Journal of Fluorescenc

    Promote buckling up and save a child’s life

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    Road traffic crash (RTC) injuries are the leading cause of child mortality and morbidity in South Africa for children between the ages of 1 and 18 years. The World Health Organization’s Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015 rated the African continent’s roads the world’s most dangerous. After pedestrian injuries, passenger injuries are the most lethal. There is no doubt that a seat belt is the single most effective feature in a vehicle to reduce the severity of injury to the vehicle’s occupants; wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of fatal injury by up to 50% and 75% for front seat and rear seat occupants, respectively. Children have specific anatomical and physiological limitations that render them more vulnerable to serious injury, but the prevention of childhood RTC injuries has unfortunately not received the deserved attention by the medical fraternity. There is currently ample evidence that the use of seat belts and appropriate child restraint seats has led to a significant reduction in RTC fatalities and injuries. It is, therefore, the duty of every healthcare worker to lead by example by using child restraints correctly, and actively encouraging the use of these devices for all their clients and patients.
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