4 research outputs found

    Kinetics of mass loss of arabica coffee during roasting process

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    Roasting is one of the most complex coffee processing steps due to simultaneous transfers of heat and mass. During this process, beans lose mass because of fast physical and chemical changes that will set color and flavor of the commercial coffee beverage. Therefore, we aimed at assessing the kinetics of mass loss in commercially roasted coffee beans according to heating throughout the processing. For that, we used samples of 350-g Arabica coffee processed grains with water content of 0.1217 kga kg-1, in addition to a continuous roaster with firing gas. The roaster had initial temperatures of 285, 325, 345 and 380 °C, decreasing during the process up to 255, 285, 305 and 335 °C respectively. Mass loss was calculated by the difference between grain weight before and after roasting. We observed a linear variation directly dependent on roaster temperature. For each temperature during the process was obtained a constant mass loss rate, which was reported by the Arrhenius model with r2 above 0.98. In a roaster in non-isothermal conditions, the required activation energy to start the mass loss in a commercial coffee roasting index was 52.27 kJ mol -1.A torrefação é uma das etapas mais complexa do processamento do café devido à transferência simultânea de calor e massa, em que os grãos perdem massa devido à rapidez das mudanças físicas e químicas, necessárias para produzir a cor e o aroma do café comercial. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a cinética da perda de massa dos grãos de café torrados comercialmente em função da temperatura do processo. Foram usadas amostras de 350 g de grãos beneficiados de café arábica com teor de água de 0,1217 kga kg-1 . Usou-se um torrador com queima de gás constante e temperaturas iniciais de 285; 325; 345 e 380 °C, que diminuíram durante a operação até equilibrar-se em 255; 285; 305 e 335 °C, respectivamente. A perda de massa foi calculada a partir do peso dos grãos antes e depois da torração, sendo observada uma variação linear dependente diretamente da temperatura do torrador. Para cada temperatura do processo, foi obtida uma taxa constante de perda de massa, que foi relacionada pelo modelo de Arrhenius com r2 acima de 0,98. Em condições não isotérmicas do torrador, a energia de ativação necessária para iniciar a perda de massa, em índices de torração comercial do café, foi 52,27 kJ mol-1 .Universidad de Costa Rica/[]/UCR/Costa RicaConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico/[]/CNPq/BrasilCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior/[]/CAPES/ BrasilFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais/[]/FAPEMIG/BrasilUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Centro para Investigaciones en Granos y Semillas (CIGRAS

    Functional Extruded Snacks With Lycopene And Soy Protein [snacks Extrusados Funcionais Com Licopeno E Proteína De Soja]

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    In this work, the effects of thermoplastic extrusion process parameters (raw material moisture content and temperature) and the addition of functional ingredients (lycopene and soy protein) on quality characteristics of a base-formulation for extruded corn snacks were studied, with the objective of developing an easy-to-eat functional product. A single-screw Labor PQ 30 model Inbramaq extruder was used for extrusion and a central composite rotational design (CCRD) was followed. The independent variables were: i) percentage of soy protein isolate (0-30%); ii) percentage of lycopene preparation (0-0.1%); iii) raw material moisture content (20-30%); and iv) 5th zone temperature (100-150 °C). The expansion index reached maximum values with the lowest raw material moisture content (20%) and intermediate temperatures (approximately 125 °C). Instrumental hardness was higher with high moisture and low temperature; however, increasing the percentage of soy protein was beneficial for the texture of the product, reducing hardness. The red color intensity increased with the increase in lycopene content and moisture, and with the reduction of temperature. Sensory acceptance tests were carried out for two products, with maximum percentages of the functional ingredients, 20% moisture and temperatures of 125 and 137 °C, with greater acceptance for the product extruded at 125 °C.301Alves, R.M.L., Grossmann, M.V.E., Parâmetros de extrusão para produção de "snacks" de farinha de cará (Dioscorea alata) (2002) Ciência E Tecnologia De Alimentos, 22 (1), pp. 32-38Alvin, I.D., Sgarbieri, V.C., Chang, Y.K., Desenvolvimento de farinhas mistas extrusadas à base de farinha de milho, derivados de levedura e caseína (2002) Ciência E Tecnologia De Alimentos, 22 (2), pp. 170-176(1983) Approved Methods of The AACC, 1. , AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CEREAL CHEMISTS - AACC, 8 ed. St. Paul, e 2(1995) Official Methods of Analysis of The AOAC International, , AMERICAN ORGANIZATION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - AOAC, 16 ed. Gaithersburg(2008), http://www.anvisa.gov.br/alimentos/comissoes/tecno_lista_alega.htm, AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE VIGILÂNCIA SANITÁRIA - ANVISA. 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