458 research outputs found

    Code transformations based on speculative SDC scheduling

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    Code motion and speculations are usually exploited in the High Level Synthesis of control dominated applications to improve the performances of the synthesized designs. Selecting the transformations to be applied is not a trivial task: their effects can indeed indirectly spread across the whole design, potentially worsening the quality of the results. In this paper we propose a code transformation flow, based on a new extension of the System of Difference Constraints (SDC) scheduling algorithm, which introduces a large number of transformations, whose profitability is guaranteed by SDC formulation. Experimental results show that the proposed technique in average reduces the execution time of control dominated applications by 37% with respect to a commercial tool without increasing the area usage

    Modeling pipelined application with Synchronous Data Flow graphs

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    Exploiting Vectorization in High Level Synthesis of Nested Irregular Loops

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    Synthesis of DoAll loops is a key aspect of High Level Synthesis since they allow to easily exploit the potential parallelism provided by programmable devices. This type of parallelism can be implemented in several ways: by duplicating the implementation of body loop, by exploiting loop pipelining or by applying vectorization. In this paper a methodology for the synthesis of nested irregular DoAll loops based on outer vectorization is proposed. The methodology transforms the intermediate representation of the DoAll loop to introduce vectorization and it can be easily integrated in existing state of the art High Level Synthesis flows since does not require any modification in the rest of the flow. Vectorization is not limited to perfectly nested countable loops: conditional constructs and loops with variable number of iterations are supported. Experimental results on parallel benchmarks show that the generated parallel accelerators have significant speed-up with limited penalties in terms of resource usage and frequency decrement

    Using Efficient Path Profiling to Optimize Memory Consumption of On-Chip Debugging for High-Level Synthesis

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    High-Level Synthesis (HLS) for FPGAs is attracting popularity and is increasingly used to handle complex systems with multiple integrated components. To increase performance and efficiency, HLS flows now adopt several advanced optimization techniques. Aggressive optimizations and system level integration can cause the introduction of bugs that are only observable on-chip. Debugging support for circuits generated with HLS is receiving a considerable attention. Among the data that can be collected on chip for debugging, one of the most important is the state of the Finite State Machines (FSM) controlling the components of the circuit. However, this usually requires a large amount of memory to trace the behavior during the execution. This work proposes an approach that takes advantage of the HLS information and of the structure of the FSM to compress control flow traces and to integrate optimized components for on-chip debugging. The generated checkers analyze the FSM execution on-fly, automatically notifying when a bug is detected, localizing it and providing data about its cause. The traces are compressed using a software profiling technique, called Efficient Path Profiling (EPP), adapted for the debugging of hardware accelerators generated with HLS. With this technique, the size of the memory used to store control flow traces can be reduced up to 2 orders of magnitude, compared to state-of-the-art

    Computer Assisted Design and Integration of FPGA Accelerators in Aerospace Systems

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    The integration of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) in an aerospace system allows to improve its efficiency and its flexibility thanks to their programmability. To exploit these devices, the designer has to identify the functionalities that have to be executed on them and provide their implementation by means of Hardware Description Languages. Generating these descriptions for a software developer could be a very difficult task because of the different programming paradigms of software programs and hardware descriptions. To facilitate the developer in this activity, High Level Synthesis techniques have been developed aiming at (semi-)automatically generating hardware implementations of specifications written in high level languages (e.g., C). State of the art tools implementing such methodologies have not been designed for the integration with aerospace systems design flows, so significant adaptations could be required to the designer for integrating the hardware implementations with the rest of the design solution. In this paper the integration of a High Level Synthesis design flow in the TASTE framework (http://taste.tuxfamily.org) is presented. TASTE is a set of freely available tools for the development of real time embedded systems developed by the European Space Agency together with a set of its industrial partners. This framework allows to integrate specifications described in different languages (e.g., C, ADA, Simulink, SDL) by means of formal languages (AADL and ASN.1) and to early verify the correctness of the produced solutions. TASTE has been extended with Bambu (http://panda.dei.polimi.it), a tool for the High Level Synthesis developed at Politecnico di Milano. In this way the TASTE users have the possibility to specify which functionalities, provided by means of high level languages such C, have to be implemented in hardware on the FPGA without having to directly provide the hardware implementations. Thanks to the integration of the High Level Synthesis tool indeed, the framework is able not only to produce the hardware implementations, but also to integrate them in the rest of the aerospace system by automatically generating the whole architecture to be implemented on the FPGA. This architecture contains not only the implementation of the hardware accelerators, but also of the components required to transfer the data from and to the rest of the system and to correctly manage their size and endianness. The application of the extended framework to a real case study shows its effective usability

    Trace-based automated logical debugging for high-level synthesis generated circuits

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    In this paper we present an approach for debugging hardware designs generated by High-Level Synthesis (HLS), relieving users from the burden of identifying the signals to trace and from the error-prone task of manually checking the traces. The necessary steps are performed after HLS, independently of it and without affecting the synthesized design. For this reason our methodology should be easily adaptable to any HLS tools. The proposed approach makes full use of HLS compile time informations. The executions of the simulated design and the original C program can be compared, checking if there are discrepancies between values of C variables and signals in the design. The detection is completely automated, that is, it does not need any input but the program itself and the user does not have to know anything about the overall compilation process. The design can be validated on a given set of test cases and the discrepancies are detected by the tool. Relationships between the original high-level source code and the generated HDL are kept by the compiler and shown to the user. The granularity of such discrepancy analysis is per-operation and it includes the temporary variables inserted by the compiler. As a consequence the design can be debugged as is, with no restrictions on optimizations available during HLS. We show how this methodology can be used to identify different kind of bugs: 1) introduced by the HLS tool used for the synthesis; 2) introduced using buggy libraries of hardware components for HLS; 3) undefined behavior bugs in the original high-level source code

    Data Transfers Analysis in Computer Assisted Design Flow of FPGA Accelerators for Aerospace Systems

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    The integration of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) in an aerospace system improves its efficiency and its flexibility thanks to their programmability, but increases the design complexity. The design flows indeed have to be composed of several steps to fill the gap between the starting solution, which is usually a reference sequential implementation, and the final heterogeneous solution which includes custom hardware accelerators. Among these steps, there are the analysis of the application to identify the functionalities that gain advantages in execution on hardware and the generation of their implementations by means of Hardware Description Languages. Generating these descriptions for a software developer can be a very difficult task because of the different programming paradigms of software programs and hardware descriptions. To facilitate the developer in this activity, High Level Synthesis techniques have been developed aiming at (semi-)automatically generating hardware implementations of specifications written in high level languages (e.g., C). With respect to other embedded systems scenarios, the aerospace systems introduce further constraints that have to be taken into account during the design of these heterogeneous systems. In this type of systems explicit data transfers to and from FPGAs are preferred to the adoption of a shared memory architecture. The first approach indeed potentially improves the predictability of the produced solutions, but the sizes of all the data transferred to and from any devices must be known at design time. Identifying the sizes in presence of complex C applications which use pointers can be a not so easy task. In this paper, a semi-automatic design flow based on the integration of an aerospace design flow, an application analysis technique, and High Level Synthesis methodologies is presented. The initial reference application is analyzed to identify which are the sizes of the data exchanged among the different components of the application. Next, starting from the high level specification and from the results of this analysis, High Level Synthesis techniques are applied to automatically produce the hardware accelerators

    Performance Estimation of Task Graphs Based on Path Profiling

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    Correctly estimating the speed-up of a parallel embedded application is crucial to efficiently compare different parallelization techniques, task graph transformations or mapping and scheduling solutions. Unfortunately, especially in case of control-dominated applications, task correlations may heavily affect the execution time of the solutions and usually this is not properly taken into account during performance analysis. We propose a methodology that combines a single profiling of the initial sequential specification with different decisions in terms of partitioning, mapping, and scheduling in order to better estimate the actual speed-up of these solutions. We validated our approach on a multi-processor simulation platform: experimental results show that our methodology, effectively identifying the correlations among tasks, significantly outperforms existing approaches for speed-up estimation. Indeed, we obtained an absolute error less than 5 % in average, even when compiling the code with different optimization levels

    Enabling Automated Bug Detection for IP-based Designs using High-Level Synthesis

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    Modern System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures are increasingly composed of Intellectual Property (IP) blocks, usually designed and provided by different vendors. This burdens system designers with complex system-level integration and verification. In this paper, we propose an approach that leverages HLS techniques to automatically find bugs in designs composed of multiple IP blocks. Our method is particularly suitable for industrial adoption because it works without exposing sensitive information (e.g., the design specification or the component generation process). This advocates the definition and the adoption of an interoperable format for cross-vendor hardware bug detection
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