16,912 research outputs found

    Extração mecânica da polpa da bocaiuva coletada na região de Miranda, MS.

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    A extração da polpa da bocaiuva por processo mecânico propicia maior rendimento na produção da polpa com melhoria na qualidade da matéria-prima em comparação ao processo artesanal. O avanço tecnológico proporcionado pela utilização do processo mecânico durante a extração da polpa contribui para atender a crescente demanda por produtos in natura ou processados da bocaiuva tornando a espécie com potencial promissor para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico nas regiões onde está naturalmente distribuída.bitstream/item/80593/1/CT93.pd

    HPLC determination of theophylline and paracetamol in fresh and powdered milk

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    Poster presented at the 1st International Congress of CiiEM - From Basic Sciences to Clinical Research. 27-28 November 2015, Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal"Theophylline and paracetamol are drugs used worldwide both in human and veterinary medicine. Paracetamol (or acetaminophen) is employed as analgesic and antipyretic, and theophylline is a bronchodilator drug used in the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Both drugs are extensively used in pediatrics and their dosage is based on the child's body weight. Due to possible liver toxicity (paracetamol) and narrow therapeutic index (theophylline) it is imperative to carefully select and monitor the dose administered to children. Additionally, the recent proposal of milk as a platform to deliver drugs in pediatrics has prompted the development of a simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) quantification method, of both theophylline and paracetamol, in the complex matrix that milk represents."Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/DTP-FTO/1057/2012

    Growing up with Robots

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    Piaget’stheoryofcognitivedevelopment[1] isconsideredafundamentalpedagogicaltoolthat indifferentapproaches,educatorsatdifferent levelsandsituationwidelyuse.Thevastmajorityofstudentshavetendency tolearninaconcretemannerbyexperiencingor feeling,andprocesstheinformationactivelyby experimentingdoingoractingupon[2].Hands-onexperimentalactivitieshavelong timeprovedtobeoneofthemosteffectiveways todrivethestudentstoasuccessfullearningof scienceandtechnology[3].Constructivismisapedagogicalapproach whereinastructuredwaythelearningprocessis centredintheprocessofbuildingorconstructing something

    The effects of antipurines and antipyrimidines on the growth rate and nucleic acid synthesis in Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Simple and sensitive HPLC determination of paracetamol and theophylline in fresh and powdered milk

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    Poster presented at the 10th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology. 4-7 April 2016, Glasgow, UKN/

    Child-driven design of milk micelles for drug delivery

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    Poster presented at the 9th EuPFI Conference [European Paediatric Formulation Initiative], 19-21th Sep 2017, Warsaw, PolandN/
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