49 research outputs found

    Kawasaki disease in a girl with turner syndrome: A remarkable association

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    We describe a girl with Turner syndrome, a genetic disorder of the X chromosome in a phenotypic female at increased risk of autoimmune and immunological diseases, who developed Kawasaki disease at the age of four years. Given the possible relationship between these two disorders, we recommend suspecting Kawasaki disease in patients with Turner syndrome who present with persistent fever of unknown origin and who are not responsive to antibiotic therapy. Attention should be given to this phenomenon, as patients with Turner syndrome are themselves at higher risk of cardiovascular defects. Further studies are needed to better clarify this issue

    Bone mass and quality in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: longitudinal evaluation of bone mass determinants using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, peripheral quantitative computed tomography, and quantitative ultrasonography.

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    INTRODUCTION: Our objective was to evaluate longitudinally the main bone-mass and quality predictors in young juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients by using lumbar spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan, radius peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT), and phalangeal quantitative ultrasonography (QUS) at the same time. METHODS: In total, 245 patients (172 females, 73 males; median age, 15.6 years: 148 oligoarticular, 55 polyarticular, 20 systemic, and 22 enthesitis-related-arthritis (ERA) onset) entered the study. Of these, 166 patients were evaluated longitudinally. Data were compared with two age- and sex-matched control groups. RESULTS: In comparison with controls, JIA patients, but not with ERA, had a reduced spine bone-mineral apparent density (BMAD) standard deviation score (P < 0.001) and musculoskeletal deficits, with significantly lower levels of trabecular bone mineral density (TrabBMD) (P < 0.0001), muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) (P < 0.005), and density-weighted polar section modulus (SSIp) (P < 0.05). In contrast, JIA showed fat CSA significantly higher than controls (P < 0.0001). Finally, JIA patients had a significant reduced amplitude-dependent speed of sound (AD-SoS) (P < 0.001), and QUS z score (P < 0.005). Longitudinally, we did not find any difference in all JIA patients in comparison with baseline, except for the SSIp value that normalized. Analyzing the treatments, a significant negative correlation among spine BMAD values, TrabBMD, AD-SoS, and systemic and/or intraarticular corticosteroids, and a positive correlation among TNF-α-blocking agents and spine BMAD, TrabBMD, and AD-SoS were observed. CONCLUSIONS: JIA patients have a low bone mass that, after a first increase due to the therapy, does not reach the normal condition over time. The pronounced bone deficits in JIA are greater than would be expected because of reduction in muscle cross-sectional area. Thus, bone alterations in JIA likely represent a mixed defect of bone accrual and lower muscle forces

    Temporomandibular joint involvement (TMJ), a silent disease with severe alterations in young adulthood patients affected by juvenile idiophatic arthritis (JIA)

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    TMJ involvement has been largely reported in all subsets of JIA. At onset, it may be subtle and asymptomatic leading, when unrecognized and untreated, to severe joint alterations in early adulthood. The reported prevalence of detectable radiographic changes of TMJs varies from about 30% to 63% and 50-80% of children with JIA will have evidence of TMJ arthritis by MRI and by sonographic exam (SE) (effusions, synovial enhancement, condylar flattening and/or erosions) before evidence of X-ray damage. Pts with oligoarticular JIA onset (O-JIA) seem to be at higher risk of developing TMJ damage and, at young adulthood, when peripheral arthritis may be quiescent, suddenly complain of TMJ disease symptoms

    Stiff skin syndrome: evidence for an inflammation-independent fibrosis?

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    Objectives. Stiff skin syndrome (SSS) is a rare scleroderma-like syndrome of unknown aetiology. A 16-year-old boy presented with thoracic and abdominal asymmetry, and ‘orange peel' cutaneous lesions, with fibrotic stone-hard indurations at the buttocks, thighs and arms leading to secondary joint contractures of the extremities. Our aim was to analyse the expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules and pro-fibrotic cytokines in the dermis and epidermis of SSS. Methods. The diagnosis of SSS was confirmed by clinical and histopathological examination. Collagen type 1 alpha-2 chain (Col1A2), fibronectin-1, thrombospondin-1, TGF-β, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), IL-6, -1β, ET-1, Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR-3) and MCP-1 expression was analysed in SSS and age- and sex-matched healthy control skin by real-time PCR. VEGF expression was also studied. Results. Histopathological examination showed flattened dermal papillae, a scarce presence of sub-epidermal microvessels and mild dermal fibrosis, but no inflammatory infiltrates. In the SSS dermis, the expression of IL-1β, -6 and MCP-1 was low, whereas VEGF was intensively expressed. No differences were observed for TGF-β, CTGF and ET-1. In contrast, col1A2, fibronectin-1 and thrombospondin-1 were overexpressed in the SSS dermis. Conclusion. In our SSS patient, an overexpression of ECM proteins was detected, whereas no inflammatory infiltrates or up-regulation of pro-fibrotic cytokines were found. The data suggest that fibrosis in SSS might be independent from inflammatio

    Trends in Net Survival from Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Italy (1990–2015)

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    Objective: In many Western countries, survival from vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (VSCC) has been stagnating for decades or has increased insufficiently from a clinical perspective. In Italy, previous studies on cancer survival have not taken vulvar cancer into consideration or have pooled patients with vulvar and vaginal cancer. To bridge this knowledge gap, we report the trend in survival from vulvar cancer between 1990 and 2015. (2) Methods: Thirty-eight local cancer registries covering 49% of the national female population contributed the records of 6274 patients. Study endpoints included 1- and 2-year net survival (NS) calculated using the Pohar-Perme estimator and 5-year NS conditional on having survived two years (5|2-year CNS). The significance of survival trends was assessed with the Wald test on the coefficient of the period of diagnosis, entered as a continuous regressor in a Poisson regression model. (3) Results: The median patient age was stable at 76 years. One-year NS decreased from 83.9% in 1990–2001 to 81.9% in 2009–2015 and 2-year NS from 72.2% to 70.5%. Five|2-year CNS increased from 85.7% to 86.7%. These trends were not significant. In the age stratum 70–79 years, a weakly significant decrease in 2-year NS from 71.4% to 65.7% occurred. Multivariate analysis adjusting for age group at diagnosis and geographic area showed an excess risk of death at 5|2-years, of borderline significance, in 2003–2015 versus 1990–2002. (4) Conclusions: One- and 2-year NS and 5|2-year CNS showed no improvements. Current strategies for VSCC control need to be revised both in Italy and at the global level

    Kawasaki syndrome: an intriguing disease with numerous unsolved dilemmas

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    More than 40 years have passed since Kawasaki syndrome (KS) was first described. Yet KS still remains an enigmatic illness which damages the coronary arteries in a quarter of untreated patients and is the most common cause of childhood-acquired heart disease in developed countries. Many gaps exist in our knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis of KS, making improvements in therapy difficult. In addition, many KS features and issues still demand further efforts to achieve a much better understanding of the disease. Some of these problem areas include coronary artery injuries in children not fulfilling the classic diagnostic criteria, genetic predisposition to KS, unpredictable ineffectiveness of current therapy in some cases, vascular dysfunction in patients not showing echocardiographic evidence of coronary artery abnormalities in the acute phase of KS, and risk of potential premature atherosclerosis. Also, the lack of specific laboratory tests for early identification of the atypical and incomplete cases, especially in infants, is one of the main obstacles to beginning treatment early and thereby decreasing the incidence of cardiovascular involvement. Transthoracic echocardiography remains the gold-standard for evaluation of coronary arteries in the acute phase and follow-up. In KS patients with severe vascular complications, more costly and potentially invasive investigations such as coronary CT angiography and MRI may be necessary. As children with KS with or without heart involvement become adolescents and adults, the recognition and treatment of the potential long term sequelae become crucial, requiring that rheumatologists, infectious disease specialists, and cardiologists cooperate to develop specific guidelines for a proper evaluation and management of these patients. More education is needed for physicians and other professionals about how to recognize the long-term impact of systemic problems related to KS