9 research outputs found

    FAS-siRNA Pre-transplant liver graft therapy alleviates ischemia-reperfusion injury: Preliminary results in in a rodent liver transplant model

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    Background: Severe ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) limits the use of extended criteria donors (ECD) in liver transplantation (LT). Apoptosis has been shown to play an important role in IRI. Aim: We sought to investigate if siRNA silencing of an apoptosis associated gene (FAS) could alleviate liver IRI. Methods: In an arterialized rat liver transplant model, a single dose of 500μg of FAS siRNA was administered in the donor 2h before organ procurement. A prolonged static cold storage time of 22h was used to intensify the IRI effects. Additional transplants were performed with an ex-vivo siRNA treatment during the liver graft perfusion in a hypothermic machime perfusion system. Results: Recipients of treated donors presented lower levels of AST (1067±382 x 2087±203IU/L p=0.03) and ALT (775±161 x 1777±542IU/L p=0.05) at 24h post-LT when compared with the control group (Figure 1). Confocal microscopy confirmed siRNA uptake in liver grafts (Figure 2 right panel). Because donor treatment in clinical trial setting can raise potential ethical and logistical issues regarding the use of different organs by different transplant teams, we set up a model where FAS siRNA was administered to the liver during 4 hours in an ex-vivo hypothermic machine perfusion system. Here again, siRNA was uptaken by the liver and the recipients of treated grafts showed lower levels of ALT/AST at 24h post-LT. Conclusions: Our preliminary results suggest that silencing of apoptosis-associated genes could be used to alleviate IRI post-LT, which has the potential to increase the pool of transplantable liver grafts

    Avaliação do Índice de Remanescente Adesivo utilizando braquetes com e sem tratamento na base e a interação com três sistemas de colagem Evaluation of Adhesive Remnant Index using conventional mesh bases and sandblasted orthodontic bracket bases and three bonding systems

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar o Índice de Remanescente Adesivo (IRA) em dentes bovinos após a descolagem de braquetes com e sem tratamento na base. METODOLOGIA: foram utilizados três sistemas de colagem ortodôntica para os dois padrões de base. Os dentes bovinos foram divididos em seis grupos de 40, de acordo com a base do braquete e o sistema de colagem. Vinte e quatro horas após a colagem foram realizados os testes de compressão em uma máquina de ensaios. A avaliação do IRA foi realizada em um estereomicroscópio por três examinadores calibrados. Foi utilizado o teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis, seguido do método de Dunn, para fazer as comparações múltiplas entre todos os grupos. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: observou-se que o tratamento das bases dos braquetes com óxido de alumínio não foi determinante para o aumento da adesividade entre o braquete e o adesivo. O grupo em que se utilizou braquetes com tratamento na base e adesivo TXT (3M-Unitek) + Transbond Plus SEP (3M-Unitek) apresentou a maior parte das fraturas na interface dente-adesivo (escore 4).<br>AIM: To assess the Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) in bovine teeth after debonding mesh bases and sandblasted orthodontic bracket bases. METHODS: Were used three bonding systems for the two standards of base. The bovine teeth were divided into 6 groups of 40, according to the bracket base and to the bonding system. Twenty four hours after bonding they had been carried through shear bond strength tests in a universal testing machine. The assessment of ARI was performed in a stereomicroscopy by three calibrated examiners. It was used the non-parametric Kruskall-Wallis test, followed by Dunn's method, to do the multiple comparisons among all groups. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: It was observed that the aluminum oxide sandblasting bracket bases was not determinative to the increase of the adhesiveness between bracket and adhesive. The group where it was used sandblasted orthodontic bracket bases and bonding system TXT (3M-Unitek) + Transbond Plus SEP (3M-Unitek) presented the majority of the failures at the teeth-adhesive interface (score 4)

    Custos Sociais e Orçamentários das Políticas de Garantia de Preços no Brasil - estudo dos casos de arroz e milho

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    This paper aims to measure the social and budgetary costs of the price guarantee policy for rice and corn in the period from 1986/87 to 2012/13. These years faced important changes in the mentioned policy and both products have been systematically afforded by this policy. The paper develops mathematical models to calculate the social cost for three price guarantee policies (price subsidies, government purchases and price insurance) and the social costs were estimated only when the minimum price exceeds the market price. It was verified that PGPM policies were operationalized even when the minimum price was below the market price. Comparing social and budgetary costs during the above crop years for each ton of rice and corn, in general, it was found that the lowest social cost was for a price insurance program, followed by subsidy price programs and the highest social cost arises for the purchasing programs. The findings would help policy-makers when deciding what kind of price guarantee policy needs to be performed