748 research outputs found

    Nonlocal radiative coupling in non monotonic stellar winds

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    There is strong observational evidence of shocks and clumping in radiation-driven stellar winds from hot, luminous stars. The resulting non monotonic velocity law allows for radiative coupling between distant locations, which is so far not accounted for in hydrodynamic wind simulations. In the present paper, we determine the Sobolev source function and radiative line force in the presence of radiative coupling in spherically symmetric flows, extending the geometry-free formalism of Rybicki and Hummer (1978) to the case of three-point coupling, which can result from, e.g., corotating interaction regions, wind shocks, or mass overloading. For a simple model of an overloaded wind, we find that, surprisingly, the flow decelerates at all radii above a certain height when nonlocal radiative coupling is accounted for. We discuss whether radiation-driven winds might in general not be able to re-accelerate after a non monotonicity has occurred in the velocity law.Comment: accepted by A&A, 8 pages, 4 figure

    Mean-field instability of trapped dilute boson-fermion mixtures

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    The influence of boson-boson and boson-fermion interactions on the stability of a binary mixture of bosonic and fermionic atoms is investigated. The density profiles of the trapped mixture are obtained from direct numerical solution of a modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation that is self-consistently coupled to the mean-field generated by the interaction with the fermionic species. The fermions which in turn feel the mean-field created by the bosons are treated in Thomas-Fermi approximation. We study the effects of different combinations of signs of the boson-boson and the boson-fermion scattering lengths and determine explicit expressions for critical particle numbers as function of these scattering lengths.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (using RevTeX4

    Nuclear Structure based on Correlated Realistic Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials

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    We present a novel scheme for nuclear structure calculations based on realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials. The essential ingredient is the explicit treatment of the dominant interaction-induced correlations by means of the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM). Short-range central and tensor correlations are imprinted into simple, uncorrelated many-body states through a state-independent unitary transformation. Applying the unitary transformation to the realistic Hamiltonian leads to a correlated, low-momentum interaction, well suited for all kinds of many-body models, e.g., Hartree-Fock or shell-model. We employ the correlated interaction, supplemented by a phenomenological correction to account for genuine three-body forces, in the framework of variational calculations with antisymmetrised Gaussian trial states (Fermionic Molecular Dynamics). Ground state properties of nuclei up to mass numbers A<~60 are discussed. Binding energies, charge radii, and charge distributions are in good agreement with experimental data. We perform angular momentum projections of the intrinsically deformed variational states to extract rotational spectra.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figure

    Neglecting the porosity of hot-star winds can lead to underestimating mass-loss rates

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    Context: The mass-loss rate is a key parameter of massive stars. Adequate stellar atmosphere models are required for spectral analyses and mass-loss determinations. Present models can only account for the inhomogeneity of stellar winds in the approximation of small-scale structures that are optically thin. This treatment of ``microclumping'' has led to reducing empirical mass-loss rates by factors of two and more. Aims: Stellar wind clumps can be optically thick in spectral lines. We investigate how this ``macroclumping'' impacts on empirical mass-loss rates. Methods: The Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) model atmosphere code is generalized in the ``formal integral'' to account for clumps that are not necessarily optically thin. Results: Optically thick clumps reduce the effective opacity. This has a pronounced effect on the emergent spectrum. Our modeling for the O-type supergiant zeta Puppis reveals that the optically thin H-alpha line is not affected by wind porosity, but that the PV resonance doublet becomes significantly weaker when macroclumping is taken into account. The reported discrepancies between resonance-line and recombination-line diagnostics can be resolved entirely with the macroclumping modeling without downward revision of the mass-loss rate. Conclusions: Mass-loss rates inferred from optically thin emission, such as the H-alpha line in O stars, are not influenced by macroclumping. The strength of optically thick lines, however, is reduced because of the porosity effects. Therefore, neglecting the porosity in stellar wind modeling can lead to underestimating empirical mass-loss rates.Comment: A&A (in press), see full abstract in the tex

    High resolution X-ray spectroscopy of bright O type stars

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    Archival X-ray spectra of the four prominent single, non-magnetic O stars Zeta Pup, Zeta Ori, Ksi Per and Zeta Oph, obtained in high resolution with Chandra HETGS/MEG have been studied. The resolved X-ray emission line profiles provide information about the shocked, hot gas which emits the X-radiation, and about the bulk of comparably cool stellar wind material which partly absorbs this radiation. In this paper, we synthesize X-ray line profiles with a model of a clumpy stellar wind. We find that the geometrical shape of the wind inhomogeneities is important: better agreement with the observations can be achieved with radially compressed clumps than with spherical clumps. The parameters of the model, i.e. chemical abundances, stellar radius, mass-loss rate and terminal wind velocity, are taken from existing analyses of UV and optical spectra of the programme stars. On this basis, we also calculate the continuum-absorption coefficient of the cool-wind material, using the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) model atmosphere code. The radial location of X-ray emitting gas is restricted from analysing the fir line ratios of helium-like ions. The only remaining free parameter of our model is the typical distance between the clumps; here, we assume that at any point in the wind there is one clump passing by per one dynamical time-scale of the wind. The total emission in a model line is scaled to the observation. There is a good agreement between synthetic and observed line profiles. We conclude that the X-ray emission line profiles in O stars can be explained by hot plasma embedded in a cool wind which is highly clumped in the form of radially compressed shell fragments.Comment: a typo corrected, 14 pages, MNRAS, in pres

    A Simple Scaling Analysis of X-ray Emission and Absorption in Hot-Star Winds

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    We present a simple analysis of X-ray emission and absorption for hot-star winds, designed to explore the natural scalings of the observed X-ray luminosity with wind and sstellar properties. We show that an exospheric approximation, in which all of the emission above the optical depth unity radius escapes the wind, reproduces very well the detailed expression for radiation transport through a spherically symmetric wind. Using this approximation we find that the X-ray luminosity LxL_x scales naturally with the wind density parameter \Mdot/\vinf, obtaining L_x \sim (\Mdot/\vinf)^2 for optically thin winds, and L_x \sim (\Mdot/\vinf)^{1+s} for optically thick winds with an X-ray filling factor that varies in radius as f∌rsf \sim r^s. These scalings with wind density contrast with the commonly inferred empirical scalings of X-ray luminosity LxL_x with bolometric luminosity LBL_B. The empirically derived linear scaling of Lx∌LBL_x \sim L_B for thick winds can however be reproduced, through a delicate cancellation of emission and absorption, if one assumes modest radial fall-off in the X-ray filling factor (s≈−0.25s \approx -0.25 or s≈−0.4s \approx -0.4, depending on details of the secondary scaling of wind density with luminosity). We also explore the nature of the X-ray spectral energy distribution in the context of this model, and find that the spectrum is divided into a soft, optically thick part and a hard, optically thin part. Finally, we conclude that the energy-dependent emissivity must have a high-energy cut-off, corresponding to the maximum shock energy, in order to reproduce the general trends seen in X-ray spectral energy distributions of hot stars.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, requiress aaspp4.sty, accepted by Astrophysical Journal, to appear in the Aug 10, 1999 issue. Several minor changes have been made at the suggestion of the referee. We have added an appendix in which we consider winds with beta-velocity laws, rather than simply constant velocitie

    A unitary correlation operator method

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    The short range repulsion between nucleons is treated by a unitary correlation operator which shifts the nucleons away from each other whenever their uncorrelated positions are within the replusive core. By formulating the correlation as a transformation of the relative distance between particle pairs, general analytic expressions for the correlated wave functions and correlated operators are given. The decomposition of correlated operators into irreducible n-body operators is discussed. The one- and two-body-irreducible parts are worked out explicitly and the contribution of three-body correlations is estimated to check convergence. Ground state energies of nuclei up to mass number A=48 are calculated with a spin-isospin-dependent potential and single Slater determinants as uncorrelated states. They show that the deduced energy- and mass-number-independent correlated two-body Hamiltonian reproduces all "exact" many-body calculations surprisingly well.Comment: 43 pages, several postscript figures, uses 'epsfig.cls'. Submitted to Nucl. Phys. A. More information available at http://www.gsi.de/~fm
