23 research outputs found

    Some noteworthy free-living copepods from surface freshwater in Belgium

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    The list of rotifer and micro-crustacean taxa identified in the inland waters of the regions of Russian Arctic

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    The list of taxa from planktonic and benthic samples collected from inland continental waterbodies in seven regions of the Russian Arctic is provided in Table 1. The table contains a complete list of the lower-rank taxa of micro-invertebrates (Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda) for the regions, which summarizes results of our own and literature data on the freshwater fauna of the chiefly lentic waterbodies, based on modern taxonomy of the groups under study. Each column of Table 1 corresponds to one region: the Kola Peninsula (Region I), the Pechora River Delta (Region II), the Bolshezemelskaya tundra (Region III), the Polar Ural (Region IV), the Putorana Plateau (Region V), the Lena River Delta (Region VI), the Indigirka River Basin (Region VII). If the only source of information on species presence in the study region was literature data, we referred to the source in Table 1. The detailed analysis of the list of taxa is given in [1], where it is similar to Dataset 2: Zooplankton and Meiofauna across Arctic Regions of Russia. The list of species of zooplankton and meiofauna contains our own findings and literature data chiefly for the period from the 1960-s to the 2010-s (1960-2017). Our own findings were obtained by analyzing samples of zooplankton, meiobenthos, and two cores of bottom sediments (from Regions I, Lake Antyuh-Lambina, and III, Lake Kharbey) that we collected in summer time. Primary data sources for some points: [2-8]

    The list of rotifer and micro-crustacean taxa identified in the inland waters of the regions of Russian Arctic

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    The list of taxa from planktonic and benthic samples collected from inland continental waterbodies in seven regions of the Russian Arctic is provided in Table 1. The table contains a complete list of the lower-rank taxa of micro-invertebrates (Rotifera, Cladocera and Copepoda) for the regions, which summarizes results of our own and literature data on the freshwater fauna of the chiefly lentic waterbodies, based on modern taxonomy of the groups under study. Each column of Table 1 corresponds to one region: the Kola Peninsula (Region I), the Pechora River Delta (Region II), the Bolshezemelskaya tundra (Region III), the Polar Ural (Region IV), the Putorana Plateau (Region V), the Lena River Delta (Region VI), the Indigirka River Basin (Region VII). If the only source of information on species presence in the study region was literature data, we referred to the source in Table 1. The detailed analysis of the list of taxa is given in [1], where it is similar to Dataset 2: Zooplankton and Meiofauna across Arctic Regions of Russia. The list of species of zooplankton and meiofauna contains our own findings and literature data chiefly for the period from the 1960-s to the 2010-s (1960-2017). Our own findings were obtained by analyzing samples of zooplankton, meiobenthos, and two cores of bottom sediments (from Regions I, Lake Antyuh-Lambina, and III, Lake Kharbey) that we collected in summer time. Primary data sources for some points: [2-8]

    The list of rotifer and micro-crustacean taxa identified in the inland waters of the regions of Russian Arctic

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    The list of species of zooplankton and meiofauna contains our own findings and literature data [2-8] chiefly for the period from the 1960-s to the 2010-s (1960-2017). Our own findings were obtained by analyzing samples of zooplankton, meiobenthos, and two cores of bottom sediments that we collected once in summer. This work was undertaken within the framework of the Freshwater Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP-Freshwater) of CAFF. The work was performed in part as Federal Tasks to the Department of Animal Ecology of the Institute of Biology of Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (АААА-А17-117112850235-2) (to EF and OK), to the Institute of Biophysics of the Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center” of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (project No. 51.1.1) and the Siberian Federal University (project No. FSRZ-2020-0006) (to OD). The paleolimnological part of this work was supported by grant from Russian Science Foundation (project 20-17-00135). L. Frolova and G. Nigamatzyanova were supported by the subsidy allocated to Kazan Federal University for the state assignment #671-2020-0049 in the sphere of scientific activities and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 18-05-00406). The work was partly financially supported by the RFBR grant: 20-04-00145_а (to EF). References [1] E. Fefilova, O. Dubovskaya, L. Frolova, E. Abramova, O. Kononova, G. Nigamatzyanova, I. Zuev, E. Kochanova, Biogeographic patterns of planktonic and meiobenthic fauna diversity in inland waters of the Russian Arctic. Freshwater Biology (2020), 00:1‒17. [2] A.N. Kruglova, Zooplankton of the Kola River (the Barents Sea Basin), Proceeding of Karelian Scientific Centre of RAS. 4 (2009), 85‒89. (In Russian). [3] E.S. Makartseva, Zooplankton of lakes of different landscapes of Kola Peninsula, in: V.G. Drabkova, T.D. Slepukhina (Eds), Lakes of different landscapes of Kola Peninsula. Nauka, Leningrad. (1974), 143‒179. (In Russian). [4] E.V. Borutskiy, Crustacea. Freshwater Harpacticoida, Fauna of U.S.S.R., Vol. 3(4). Academy of Sciences of USSR Press, Moscow, Leningrad. (1952), 425 pp. (In Russian). [5] Hydrobiological study and fish agriculture application in lakes of the Extreme North, A.M. Gidalevich, M.T. Chernyakova (Eds), Nauka, Moscow. (1966) (In Russian). [6] Flora and fauna of the waterbodies of the European North (case study of lakes of Bolshezemelskaya tundra), M.V. Getsen (Ed), Nauka, Leningrad. (1978), 178 pp. (In Russian). [7] N.V. Vekhov, Life cycles of copepods of the Diaptomidae family (Crustacea, Calanoida) in waterbodies of the Subarctic Region in Europe, Ekologiya 3 (1988), 54-66. (In Russian). [8] N.G. Sheveleva, Diversity of planktonic fauna of Putorana plateau water bodies, in: A.A. Romanov (Ed), Bird and animal communities of the Putorana Plateau: studies and conservation, Rosselhozakademia Press, Moscow. (2006), 239‒251. (In Russian)

    Data on taxa composition of freshwater zooplankton and meiobenthos across Arctic regions of Russia

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    We present the presence/absence species list (Table 1) of rotifer, cladoceran, and copepod (Calanoida, Harpacticoida, and Cyclopoida) fauna from seven Arctic regions of Russia (the Kola Peninsula, the Pechora River Delta, the Bolshezemelskaya tundra, the Polar Ural, the Putorana Plateau, the Lena River Delta, and the Indigirka River Basin) based on our own and literature data. Our own records were obtained by analyzing samples of zooplankton, meiobenthos, and two cores of bottom sediments (from the Kola Peninsula and the Bolshezemelskaya tundra lakes) that we collected once in July or August in 1992, 1995–2017. To supplement the list, we used relevant literature with periods of research from the 1960s to the 2010s. The list is almost identical to “Dataset 2: Zooplankton and Meiofauna across Arctic Regions of Russia”, which was analyzed but not published in [1]. The detailed analysis of this list revealed the specific composition of the aquatic fauna associated with the climatic and geographical factors [1]. The data provide information on the current state of biodiversity and species richness in Arctic fresh waters and can serve as the basis for monitoring these environments and predicting how they are likely to change in the future

    Biogeographic patterns of planktonic and meiobenthic fauna diversity in inland waters of the Russian Arctic

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    © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Broad-scale assessment of biodiversity is needed for detection of future changes across substantial regions of the Arctic. Presently, there are large data and information gaps in species composition and richness of the freshwater planktonic and meiobenthos communities of the Russian Arctic. Analysis of these data is very important for identifying the spatial distribution and temporal changes in species richness and diversity of rotifers, cladocerans, and copepods in the continental Russian Arctic. We investigated biogeographic patterns of freshwater plankton and meiobenthos from c. 67° to 73°N by analysing data over the period 1960–2017. These data include information on the composition of rotifers, cladocerans, and copepods obtained from planktonic and meiobenthic samples, as well as from subfossil remains in bottom sediments of seven regions from the Kola Peninsula in the west, to the Indigirka River Basin (east Siberia) in the east. Total richness included 175 species comprised of 49 rotifer genera, 81 species from 40 cladoceran genera, and 101 species from 42 genera of calanoid, cyclopoid, and harpacticoid copepods. Longitudinal trends in rotifer and micro-crustacean diversity were revealed by change in species composition from Europe to eastern Siberia. The most common and widespread species were 19 ubiquitous taxa that included Kellicottia longispina (Rotifera), Chydorus sphaericus s. lat. (Cladocera), Heterocope borealis, Acanthocyclops vernalis, and Moraria duthiei (Copepoda). The highest number of rare species was recorded in the well-studied region of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra and in the Putorana Plateau. The total number of copepod and rotifer species in both Arctic lakes and ponds tended to increase with latitude. Relative species richness of copepods was positively associated with waterbody area, elevation, and precipitation, while relative species richness of cladocerans was positively related to temperature. This result is consistent with known thermophilic characteristics of cladocerans and the cold tolerance properties of copepods, with the former being dominant in shallow, warmer waterbodies of some western regions, and the latter being dominant in large cold lakes and waterbodies of eastern regions. Rotifers showed a negative association with these factors. Alpha- and β-diversity of zooplankton in the Russian Arctic were strongly related to waterbody type. Lake zooplankton communities were more diverse than those in pond and pool systems. Moreover, the highest β-diversity values were observed in regions that showed a greater breadth in latitude and highly heterogeneous environmental conditions and waterbody types (Bolshezemelskaya tundra and Putorana Plateau). Redistribution of freshwater micro-fauna caused by human activities occurred in the 1990s and 2000s. As a result of climate warming, a few cladoceran species appear to have extended their range northward. Nevertheless, the rotifer and micro-crustacean fauna composition and diversity of the majority of Arctic regions generally remain temporally conservative, and spatial differences in composition and species richness are chiefly associated with the differences between the warmer European and colder east Siberian climates

    Stress-Induced Membraneless Organelles in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes: Bird’s-Eye View

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    Stress is an inevitable part of life. An organism is exposed to multiple stresses and overcomes their negative consequences throughout its entire existence. A correlation was established between life expectancy and resistance to stress, suggesting a relationship between aging and the ability to respond to external adverse effects as well as quickly restore the normal regulation of biological processes. To combat stress, cells developed multiple pro-survival mechanisms, one of them is the assembly of special stress-induced membraneless organelles (MLOs). MLOs are formations that do not possess a lipid membrane but rather form as a result of the “liquid–liquid” phase separation (LLPS) of biopolymers. Stress-responsive MLOs were found in eukaryotes and prokaryotes, they form as a reaction to the acute environmental conditions and are dismantled after its termination. These compartments function to prevent damage to the genetic and protein material of the cell during stress. In this review, we discuss the characteristics of stress-induced MLO-like structures in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells