10 research outputs found

    Reaction of cardiorespiratory system under physical activities of different nature depending on physiological reactivity and fatigue

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    Aim is to determine the peculiarities of cardiorespiratory system (CRS) reaction of qualified sportsmen under physical activities of different nature of power-generation proceeding from the principle of «power relations» connected with physiological reactivity of organism. Methods. Research involving qualified sportsmen, and the members of National athletics team of Ukraine. The methods of complex testing of CRS physiological reactivity characteristics towards hypercapnic (СО2-Н+) changes of respiratory homeostasis during resting period and performing test physical activities were used. Results. Positive relation was revealed between cardiorespiratory system sensitivity to hypercapnic stimulus and development of functional reaction level and speed under aerobic workout of medium intensity, as well as negative correlation under long-term aerobic workout of maximum intensity. Inverse relation was determined between CRS sensitivity to hypercapnic stimulus and the level of efficiency and stability of functioning, as well as positive relation with the activity level of anaerobic processes in load energy generation. Conclusions. The peculiarities of cardiorespiratory system (CRS) reaction of qualified sportsmen under physical activities of different nature of energy generation have been determine

    Strategies of overcoming stress among qualified sportsmen-rowers

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    Stress resistance is one of the main criteria of a sportsman’s physical and mental health. A person’s ability to cope with stress decreases the impact of stress on frequency of injuries. In this regard, an important part of psychological preparation of a sportsman is development of their abilities to cope with stress, and to effectively use the strategies to cope with stress (coping strategies). Aim is to determine which exact coping strategies are typical for qualified sportsmen-rowers. Methods. To determine the priority style of coping with stress situations or issues among sportsmen the questionnaire «Defining individual coping strategies» by E. Heim was used. Results. The most widespread coping strategies among the surveyed sportsmen were: in cognitive sphere – «problem analysis»; in emotional sphere – «optimism»; in behavioral sphere – «distraction». In general, among qualified sportsmen-rowers quantitatively dominated using of «adaptive» strategies compared to «nonadaptive» and «relatively adaptive» ones. Conclusions. It was established that among adaptive coping strategies the most widespread among sportsmen are emotional adaptive strategies, among nonadaptive coping strategies – cognitive nonadaptive strategies. Among relatively adaptive coping strategies cognitive and behavioral relatively adaptive strategies prevai


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    Introduction. The problem of finding optimal strategies for overcoming stress by elite athletes remains relevant. Many authors study the problem of stress resistance in sports from the standpoint of forming a set of athlete’s personal qualities. The emotional intelligence is such athlete’s personal characteristics that affect the ability to withstand competitive stress. The aim of the study: to establish a relation between coping strategies and emotional intelligence of elite women’s handball players. Materials and methods: Athletes of the Ukrainian national women’s handball team (21 players aged 17 to 28, experience in this sport from 5 to 19 years) took part in the research. The following methods: questionnaire «Ways of coping behaviour» by R. Lazarus, the Nelson-Hall methodology devised to diagnose EI, was used. Data was processed by non-parametric descriptive statistics, Shapiro-Wilk normality test, and correlation analysis. Results: Strategies using by athletes to increase the ability of the psyche to adapt to anxiety, the level of emotional intelligence and its components, the characteristics of motivation to succeed and motivation to avoid failure have been identified. 61.9 % of elite women’s handball players showed a low level of general emotional intelligence; 38.1 % of people showed a middle level. Correlation analysis between athletes’ choice of coping strategies and manifestations of emotional intelligence revealed certain patterns. «Confrontational coping» correlated with empathy (r = 0.45). Coping «Distancing» correlated with self-control (r = 0.59) and self-motivation (r = 0.53). Coping «Positive reappraisal» correlated with emotional awareness (r = 0.47), self-emotion management (r = 0.52) and overall emotional intelligence (r = 0.59). Coping «Self-control» had a positive correlation with self-motivation (r = 0.53). Conclusions: The obtained results give grounds to assert the expediency of applying the correction of emotional intelligence by increasing one in the practice of psychological training of athletes, which will increase their stress resistance

    Individual psychological determinants of stress resistance in rock climbers

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    Athletes engaged in high-risk sports (skydiving, hang-gliding, paragliding, microlighting, and rock climbing)will confront significantly higher levels of stress. The purpose of our study is to define the individual psychological characteristics that determine stress resistance inherent in climbers - sportsmenfacing high risks. 60 climbers from the Kyiv branch of the Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing and the climbing section of the National Aviation University (26 women and 34 men, aged 18 to 30 years old, Mage= 24, SD = 1.57) are involved in this study. The researchers have used the following tests: Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire,Eysenck Personality Inventory, Diagnostics of Stress-Resistance Level (‘Forecast’), the "Personality Differential" technique. High and average levels of stress resistance were detected in 42 rock climbers (70%) while most adults involved in non-extreme sports had the average levels of stress resistance. It is shown that climbers perceive a large number of situations as threatening and provoking the anxiety (the selfpreservation instinct). High psychological variability and adaptability to external conditions are associated with low levels of neuroticism, high stability, and lability. Increasing the self-esteem of athletes boosts stress resistance. These research results allow us to conclude that the structure of stress resistance of athletes facing high risks is balanced and defined by one’s systemic volitional capabilities (strength and stability), self-control behavior (self-esteem) and features of the nervous system which are characterized by susceptibility to external events (neuroticism)

    Influence of neurodynamic properties on the choice of coping strategies in qualified athletes

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    Purpose: evaluation of the influence of neurodynamic properties on the formation of coping strategies with stress in qualified athletes. Material & Methods: study involved 43 high-class athletes (MS, MSIG, HMS) at the age of 14–29 years (kind of sport – kayaking and canoeing). To determine the neurodynamic properties of athletes, the Diagnostic Complex "Diagnostic-1" was used to determine the strategies of stress-overcoming behavior-the "Questionnaire of Ways of Coping Questionnaire" by R. Lazarus and S. Folkman. The study used the final score of the test of competitive personal anxiety. Results: surveyed athletes identified the prevalence of such coping strategies as "Self-control", "Seeking social support", "Taking responsibility", "Problem solving planning" and "Positive revaluation". The interrelationships of coping strategies with indices of neurodynamic properties-the strength and dynamism of nervous processes, the rate of complex selection reaction. Conclusions: specific psychophysiological markers of such coping strategies as "Search for social support", "Taking responsibility" and "Escape-avoidance", one can consider indicators of the strength and dynamics of nervous processes, the speed of a complex selection reaction. The preference for non-constructive coping strategies for athletes was associated with an increase in the run-up time (the time for reaching the minimum exposure of the signals in the feedback mode)

    Influence of psychoemotional stress on the functional state of the neuromuscular system and the efficiency of sensorimotor activity of highly skilled athletes

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    Purpose: assessment of the influence of the level of psychoemotional stress and the effectiveness of mental self-regulation on the functional state of the neuromuscular system and the effectiveness of the sensorimotor activity of highly skilled athletes specializing in complex co-ordination sports (on the example of diving). Material & Methods: study involved 14 high-class athletes (master of sport, international master of sport, honored master of sports) at the age of 15–30 years. To determine the psychophysiological properties of the nervous system of athletes, the diagnostic complex "Diagnost-1" are used. Electroneuromyography was performed on the neurodiagnostic complex "Nicolet Viking Select". For a differentiated assessment of the level of stress, the emotional state of the respondents and also for assessing the effectiveness of mental self-regulation, a technique to select colors was used. Result: interrelation between the effectiveness of mental self-regulation and adaptability, the intensity of existing stress, emotional stability and vegetative balance with electroneuromyographic characteristics, strength and functional mobility of nervous processes, the accuracy of reaction to a moving object and the ratio of the reactions of lead and lag, the efficiency of sensorimotor activity are identified. Conclusion: revealed interrelation of the effectiveness of mental self-regulation and adaptability, intensity of existing stress, emotional stability and vegetative balance with typological properties of the higher parts of the central nervous system and electroneuromyographic characteristics of athletes can have prognostic value and be used to optimize the sports development of promising young people

    Impact of climate change on biodiversity loss of entomofauna in agricultural landscapes of Ukraine

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    Analysis of long-term data on the state of populations of entomofauna in agricultural landscapes is of practical importance for determining the feasibility of chemical protection of agroecosystems. Through the example of species of a harmful entomological complex of winter wheat in different natural and climatic zones of Ukraine, the dynamics of the population size of insects under global warming and the indicator of the living planet index (LPI) have been studied. Indicators of long-term insect’s population size were used as input data based on the results of state phytosanitary monitoring. According to the analysed data on the state of indicator populations during 2009-2017, the indicators of the population size and weighted LPI were constantly decreasing. The correlation between the size of an insect’s population and the course of natural warming does not make it possible to unambiguously explain the state of populations by the effect of an increased amount of heat


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    Introduction. The problem of finding the psychological resource of the athlete remains relevant. Success in sports largely depends on the athlete’s individual psychological characteristics. Many authors, based on research, conclude that the internal locus of control has a positive effect on performance in team and non-team sports. It seems to be an interesting scientific problem to study the gender aspect of this problem. The purpose of the study: to establish a relation between the locus of control and the characteristics of the response to the moving object of elite women handball players. Materials and Methods: Athletes of the Ukrainian National women handball team (21 players aged 17 to 28, experience in this sport from 5 to 19 years) took part in the research. To study the locus of athletes' control over significant events, the method for the research of the level of subjective control (LSC) by J. Rotter was used. Software and hardware complex “BOS-test-Professional” for psychological and psychophysiological diagnostics was used to determine the characteristics of the athlete’s response to the moving object. Results: A study of internality found that the majority of skilled handball players (61.9%) have a general internal type of locus of control. The vast majority of athletes tend to take responsibility in the field of productive (sports) relations (81%), areas of achievement (71.4%) and failures (52.4%). However, in areas such as family relationships, health and illness, most athletes share responsibility with the social environment and feel unable to control external circumstances. A correlation has been identified between the internality of locus of control and the ratio of nervous processes (inhibition and excitation) in elite women handball players. Higher stability of athletes' responses to a moving object is associated with a more pronounced internal locus of control, but only in the field of family relations. The obtained data indicate a more optimal functional state of the athlete’s central nervous system with internal locus of control. Conclusions: Family relationships and health & illness are the most sensitive areas for female athletes. This fact provides a basis for gender mainstreaming in psychological support activities.Вступ. Проблема пошуку психологічного ресурсу спортсмена залишається актуальною. Успіх у спорті багато в чому залежить від індивідуально-психологічних особливостей спортсмена. Багато авторів на основі досліджень роблять висновок, що внутрішній локус контролю позитивно впливає на результативність у командних і некомандних видах спорту. Цікавою науковою проблемою видається вивчення гендерного аспекту цієї проблеми. Мета дослідження: встановити зв’язок між локусом контролю та особливостями реакції на рухомий об’єкт елітних гандболісток. Матеріали та методи. У дослідженні взяли участь спортсменки жіночої збірної України з гандболу (21 гравець віком від 17 до 28 років, стаж у цьому виді спорту від 5 до 19 років). Для вивчення локусу контролю спортсменів над значущими подіями була використана методика дослідження рівня суб’єктивного контролю (РСК) Дж. Роттера. Для визначення особливостей реакції спортсмена на рухомий об’єкт використовувався програмно-технічний комплекс психолого-психофізіологічної діагностики «БОС-тест-Професіонал». Результати: Дослідження інтернальності виявило, що більшість кваліфікованих гандболістів (61,9%) мають загальний внутрішній тип локусу контролю. Переважна більшість спортсменів схильні брати на себе відповідальність у сфері продуктивних (спортивних) стосунків (81%), сфер досягнень (71,4%) і невдач (52,4%). Однак у таких сферах, як сімейні стосунки, здоров’я та хвороба, більшість спортсменів поділяють відповідальність із соціальним оточенням і відчувають нездатність контролювати зовнішні обставини. Виявлено кореляцію між інтернальністю локусу контролю та співвідношенням нервових процесів (гальмування та збудження) у гандболісток елітного рівня. Більш висока стійкість реакцій спортсменів на рухомий об'єкт пов'язана з більш вираженим внутрішнім локусом контролю, але тільки в сфері сімейних відносин. Отримані дані свідчать про більш оптимальний функціональний стан центральної нервової системи спортсмена з внутрішнім локусом контролю. Висновки: сімейні відносини, здоров'я та хвороба є найбільш чутливими сферами для жінок-спортсменок. Цей факт є основою для впровадження гендерного мейнстрімінгу в діяльність психологічної підтримки

    The Skin Potential Level of Facial Biologically Active Zones as Indicators of the Level of Emotional Burnout in Students.

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    Статичні електричні потенціали (СТЕП) у біологічно активних зонах шкіри (БАЗ) відображають рівень фонової активації мозкових структур і рівень психічного стресу. Мета дослідження – виявити зв’язки СТЕП у симетричних біологічно активних зонах шкіри обличчя з рівнем емоційного вигорання в студентів. Виявлена зворотна кореляція між формуванням емоційного вигорання й рівнем електричного потенціалу шкіри в правих білявушних БАЗ (r s = - .43, р < .05) відносно долоні як референтної ділянки. Знайдено кореляції між розвитком стадії опору вигоранню та фоновими СТЕП у правих і лівих лобних БАЗ (відповідно, r s = - .44 і r s = - .47, р < .05) і СТЕП у лівій лобній БАЗ після впливу негативних кадрів телевізійних новин (r s = - .50, р < .01). Це вказує на те, що формування емоційного вигорання знижує передпускову (до початку експерименту) емоційну напругу й відповідь, тобто силу реакції, на «зовнішні» негативні емоційні стимули. Отримані дані свідчать про те, що електродермальні потенціали можуть служити об’єктивними критеріями формування емоційного вигорання. Emotional burnout syndrome sees as a reaction to stress in interpersonal communication in the form of full or partial shutdown of emotions. V. Boyko dynamic model of burnout that was used as basis of this study classified in 3 stages in accordance with the mechanism of stress. There exist 3 phases: Anxiety Tension, Resistance, and Exhaustion. Strengthening of stressful factors in everyday life triggers the formation of emotional burnout (Anxiety Tension stage). The respondents with «Resistance» stage begin to economize emotion and characterize by emotional and moral disorientation. The central nervous activity reduction and the fall in energy tone are evident in the «Exhaustion» stage. Inadequate reactions to the different stimulus are associated with the hyperreactivity of the nervous system. The skin potential level (SPL) of facial biologically active zones (BAZs) reflects the level of background activation of brain structures and the level of mental stress. That is why skin potential level reflects the formation of emotional burnout. Purpose. The aim of the study was to detect the changes of SPL in symmetric biologically active zones of face skin (frontal, superciliary, paranasal, temporal, periotic and postaural) depending on the level of emotional burnout. Methods. 31 healthy volunteers (women and men) – first-third year students (Mage = 19.07, SD = 1.91 years, from 17 to 23 years) were recruited from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Educational and Scientific Centre «Institute of Biology and Medicine» and Faculty of Psychology, and participated for course credit during preexam period. Skin potential level was recorded via nonpolarizable silver electrodes from the symmetric biologically active zones of face skin (frontal, superciliary, paranasal, temporal, periotic and postaural) with the palm as a reference area. To determine the stages of burnout we used the Boyko «Syndrome of emotional burnout» test adapted for students by Tukaiev and Vasheka. The value of each of Burnout stages was measured on a scale from 0 to 120 points: 0 to 36 points – the stage was not formed, 37 to 60 points – the stage was under development, 61 to 120 points – the stage was formed. The Speerman rank test was carried out for the correlation analysis. Results. Inverse correlation was found between the formation of emotional burnout and the skin potential level in right periotic BAZ (parotid BAZ) (r = - .43, p < .05). We found correlation between the development of the Resistance stage of burnout and background SPL in the right and left frontal BAZ (respectively r = - .44 and r = - .47, p < .05) and SPL in the left frontal BAZ after the exposure of negative frames of documentaries (r = - .50, p < .01). Conclusion. Our data indicates that the formation of burnout reduced the prestarting initial emotional tension and response strength to «external» negative emotional stimuli. It indicates that electrodermal potentials can serve as objective criteria of formation of emotional burnout

    C60 fullerene enhances cisplatin anticancer activity and overcomes tumor cell drug resistance

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    We formulated and analyzed a novel nanoformulation of the anticancer drug cisplatin (Cis) with C60_{60} fullerene (C60_{60}+Cis complex) and showed its higher toxicity toward tumor cell lines in vitro when compared to Cis alone. The highest toxicity of the complex was observed in HL-60/adr and HL-60/vinc chemotherapy-resistant human leukemia cell sublines (resistant to Adriamycin and Vinculin, respectively). We discovered that the action of the C60_{60}+Cis complex is associated with overcoming the drug resistance of the tumor cell lines through observing an increased number of apoptotic cells in the Annexin V/PI assay. Moreover, in vivo assays with Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) C57_{57}BL/6J male mice showed that the C60_{60}+Cis complex increases tumor growth inhibition, when compared to Cis or C60_{60} fullerenes alone. Simultaneously, we conducted a molecular docking study and performed an Ames test. Molecular docking specifies the capability of a C60_{60} fullerene to form van der Waals interactions with potential binding sites on P-glycoprotein (P-gp), multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP-1), and multidrug resistance protein 2 (MRP-2) molecules. The observed phenomenon revealed a possible mechanism to bypass tumor cell drug resistance by the C60_{60}+Cis complex. Additionally, the results of the Ames test show that the formation of such a complex diminishes the Cis mutagenic activity and may reduce the probability of secondary neoplasm formation. In conclusion, the C60_{60}+Cis complex effectively induced tumor cell death in vitro and inhibited tumor growth in vivo, overcoming drug resistance likely by the potential of the C60_{60} fullerene to interact with P-gp, MRP-1, and MRP-2 molecules. Thus, the C60_{60}+Cis complex might be a potential novel chemotherapy modification