107 research outputs found

    Large deviations, condensation, and giant response in a statistical system

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    We study the probability distribution PP of the sum of a large number of non-identically distributed random variables nmn_m. Condensation of fluctuations, the phenomenon whereby one of such variables provides a macroscopic contribution to the global probability, is discussed and interpreted in analogy to phase-transitions in Statistical Mechanics. A general expression for PP is derived, and its sensitivity to the details of the distribution of a single nmn_m is worked out. These general results are verified by the analytical and numerical solution of some specific examples.Comment: New improved and extended version (12 pages, 4 figures) with more references and additional discussions. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Coarsening in inhomogeneous systems

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    This Article is a brief review of coarsening phenomena occurring in systems where quenched features - such as random field, varying coupling constants or lattice vacancies - spoil homogeneity. We discuss the current understanding of the problem in ferromagnetic systems with a non-conserved scalar order parameter by focusing primarily on the form of the growth-law of the ordered domains and on the scaling properties.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. This paper is a contribution to the special issue "Coarsening dynamics", Comptes Rendus de Physique, https://sites.google.com/site/ppoliti/crp-special-issu

    Fast growth at low temperature in vacancy-mediated phase-separation

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    We study the phase-separation dynamics of a two-dimensional Ising model where A and B particles can only exchange position with a vacancy. In a wide range of temperatures the kinetics is dominated, during a long preasymptotic regime, by diffusion processes of particles along domain interfaces. The dynamical exponent z associated to this mechanism differs from the one usually expected for Kawasaki dynamics and is shown to assume different values depending on temperature and relative AB concentration. At low temperatures, in particular, domains grow as t^{1/2}, for equal AB volume fractions.Comment: LaTeX, 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear on Phys. Rev.

    Condensation of Fluctuations in and out of Equilibrium

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    Condensation of fluctuations is an interesting phenomenon conceptually distinct from condensation on average. One stricking feature is that, contrary to what happens on average, condensation of fluctuations may occurr even in the absence of interaction. The explanation emerges from the duality between large deviation events in the given system and typical events in a new and appropriately biased system. This surprising phenomenon is investigated in the context of the Gaussian model, chosen as paradigmatical non interacting system, before and after an istantaneous temperature quench. It is shown that the bias induces a mean-field-like effective interaction responsible of the condensation on average. Phase diagrams, covering both the equilibrium and the off-equilibrium regimes, are derived for observables representative of generic behaviors.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    The role of initial state and final quench temperature on the aging properties in phase-ordering kinetics

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    We study numerically the two-dimensional Ising model with non-conserved dynamics quenched from an initial equilibrium state at the temperature Ti≥TcT_i\ge T_c to a final temperature TfT_f below the critical one. By considering processes initiating both from a disordered state at infinite temperature Ti=∞T_i=\infty and from the critical configurations at Ti=TcT_i=T_c and spanning the range of final temperatures Tf∈[0,Tc[T_f\in [0,T_c[ we elucidate the role played by TiT_i and TfT_f on the aging properties and, in particular, on the behavior of the autocorrelation CC and of the integrated response function χ\chi. Our results show that for any choice of TfT_f, while the autocorrelation function exponent λC\lambda _C takes a markedly different value for Ti=∞T_i=\infty [λC(Ti=∞)≃5/4\lambda _C(T_i=\infty)\simeq 5/4] or Ti=TcT_i=T_c [λC(Ti=Tc)≃1/8\lambda _C(T_i=T_c)\simeq 1/8] the response function exponents are unchanged. Supported by the outcome of the analytical solution of the solvable spherical model we interpret this fact as due to the different contributions provided to autocorrelation and response by the large-scale properties of the system. As changing TfT_f is considered, although this is expected to play no role in the large-scale/long-time properties of the system, we show important effects on the quantitative behavior of χ\chi. In particular, data for quenches to Tf=0T_f=0 are consistent with a value of the response function exponent λχ=12λC(Ti=∞)=5/8\lambda _\chi=\frac{1}{2}\lambda _C(T_i=\infty)=5/8 different from the one [λχ∈(0.5−0.56)\lambda _\chi \in (0.5-0.56)] found in a wealth of previous numerical determinations in quenches to finite final temperatures. This is interpreted as due to important pre-asymptotic corrections associated to Tf>0T_f>0.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures. To appear on Phys. Rev.

    Dynamic fluctuations in unfrustrated systems: random walks, scalar fields and the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase

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    We study analytically the distribution of fluctuations of the quantities whose average yield the usual two-point correlation and linear response functions in three unfrustrated models: the random walk, the dd dimensional scalar field and the 2d XY model. In particular we consider the time dependence of ratios between composite operators formed with these fluctuating quantities which generalize the largely studied fluctuation-dissipation ratio, allowing us to discuss the relevance of the effective temperature notion beyond linear order. The behavior of fluctuations in the aforementioned solvable cases is compared to numerical simulations of the 2d clock model with p=6,12p=6,12 states.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Out of equilibrium dynamics of the spiral model

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    We study the relaxation of the bi-dimensional kinetically constrained spiral model. We show that due to the reversibility of the dynamic rules any unblocked state fully decorrelates in finite times irrespectively of the system being in the unjammed or the jammed phase. In consequence, the evolution of any unblocked configuration occurs in a different sector of phase space from the one that includes the equilibrium blocked equilibrium configurations at criticality and in the jammed phase. We argue that such out of equilibrium dynamics share many points in common with coarsening in the one-dimensional Ising model and we identify the coarsening structures that are, basically, lines of vacancies. We provide evidence for this claim by analyzing the behaviour of several observables including the density of particles and vacancies, the spatial correlation function, the time-dependent persistence and the linear response.Comment: 14 pages 12 figure

    Comment on "Scaling of the linear response in simple aging systems without disorder"

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    We have repeated the simulations of Henkel, Paessens and Pleimling (HPP) [Phys.Rev.E {\bf 69}, 056109 (2004)] for the field-cooled susceptibility χFC(t)−χ0∼t−A\chi_{FC}(t) - \chi_0 \sim t^{-A} in the quench of ferromagnetic systems to and below TCT_C. We show that, contrary to the statement made by HPP, the exponent AA coincides with the exponent aa of the linear response function R(t,s)∼s−(1+a)fR(t/s)R(t,s) \sim s^{-(1+a)}f_R(t/s). We point out what are the assumptions in the argument of HPP that lead them to the conclusion A<aA<a.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Heat exchanges in coarsening systems

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    This paper is a contribution to the understanding of the thermal properties of aging systems where statistically independent degrees of freedom with largely separated timescales are expected to coexist. Focusing on the prototypical case of quenched ferromagnets, where fast and slow modes can be respectively associated to fluctuations in the bulk of the coarsening domains and to their interfaces, we perform a set of numerical experiments specifically designed to compute the heat exchanges between different degrees of freedom. Our studies promote a scenario with fast modes acting as an equilibrium reservoir to which interfaces may release heat through a mechanism that allows fast and slow degrees to maintain their statistical properties independent.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    On a relation between roughening and coarsening

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    We argue that a strict relation exists between two in principle unrelated quantities: The size of the growing domains in a coarsening system, and the kinetic roughening of an interface. This relation is confirmed by extensive simulations of the Ising model with different forms of quenched disorder, such as random bonds, random fields and stochastic dilution.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. To appear on EP
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