294 research outputs found

    Cloned cattle derived from a novel zona-free embryo reconstruction system

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    As the demand for cloned embryos and offspring increases, the need arises for the development of nuclear transfer procedures that are improved in both efficiency and ease of operation. Here, we describe a novel zona-free cloning method that doubles the throughput in cloned bovine embryo production over current procedures and generates viable offspring with the same efficiency. Elements of the procedure include zona-free enucleation without a holding pipette, automated fusion of 5-10 oocyte-donor cell pairs and microdrop in vitro culture. Using this system, zona-free embryos were reconstructed from five independent primary cell lines and cultured either singularly (single-IVC) or as aggregates of three (triple-IVC). Blastocysts of transferable quality were obtained at similar rates from zona-free single-IVC, triple-IVC, and control zona-intact embryos (33%, 25%, and 29%, respectively). In a direct comparison, there was no significant difference in development to live calves at term between single-IVC, triple-IVC, and zona-intact embryos derived from the same adult fibroblast line (10%, 13%, and 15%, respectively). This zona-free cloning method could be straightforward for users of conventional cloning procedures to adopt and may prove a simple, fast, and efficient alternative for nuclear cloning of other species as well

    Testing the isotropy of the Dark Energy Survey's extreme trans-Neptunian objects

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    We test whether the population of "extreme" trans-Neptunian objects (eTNOs) detected in the Y4 Dark Energy Survey (DES) data exhibit azimuthal asymmetries which might be evidence of gravitational perturbations from an unseen super-Earth in a distant orbit. By rotating the orbits of the detected eTNOs, we construct a synthetic population which, when subject to the DES selection function, reproduces the detected distribution of eTNOs in the orbital elements a,e,a,e, and ii as well as absolute magnitude HH, but has uniform distributions in mean anomaly MM, longitude of ascending node Ω,\Omega, and argument of perihelion ω.\omega. We then compare the detected distributions in each of Ω,ω,\Omega, \omega, and ϖΩ+ω\varpi\equiv\Omega+\omega to those expected from the isotropic population, using Kuiper's variant of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The three angles are tested for each of 4 definitions of the eTNO population, choosing among a>(150,250)a>(150,250) AU and perihelion q>(30,37)q>(30,37) AU. These choices yield 3--7 eTNOs in the DES Y4 sample. Among the twelve total tests, two have the likelihood of drawing the observed angles from the isotropic population at p250,q>37p250, q>37 AU, and the 4 detections at a>250,q>30a>250, q>30 AU, have Ω\Omega distribution with p=0.03p=0.03 of coming from the isotropic construction, but this is not strong evidence of anisotropy given the 12 different tests. The DES data taken on their own are thus consistent with azimuthal isotropy and do not require a "Planet 9" hypothesis. The limited sky coverage and object count mean, however, that the DES data by no means falsify this hypothesis.Comment: Accepted on PS

    Testing the isotropy of the dark energy Survey's extreme trans-neptunian objects

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    We test whether the population of "extreme"trans-Neptunian objects (eTNOs) detected in the first four years of the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y4) data exhibit azimuthal asymmetries that might be evidence of gravitational perturbations from an unseen super-Earth in a distant orbit. By rotating the orbits of the detected eTNOs, we construct a synthetic population that, when subject to the DES selection function, reproduces the detected distribution of eTNOs in the orbital elements a, e, and i as well as absolute magnitude H, but has uniform distributions in mean anomaly M, longitude of ascending node Ω, and argument of perihelion ω. We then compare the detected distributions in each of Ω, ω, and the longitude of perihelion {equation presented} to those expected from the isotropic population, using Kuiper's variant of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The three angles are tested for each of four definitions of the eTNO population, choosing among a > (150, 250) au and perihelion q > (30, 37) au. These choices yield 3-7 eTNOs in the DES Y4 sample. Among the 12 total tests, two have the likelihood of drawing the observed angles from the isotropic population at p 250 and q > 37 au and the four detections at a > 250 and q > 30 au have a Ω distribution with p ≈ 0.03 coming from the isotropic construction, but this is not strong evidence of anisotropy given the 12 different tests. The DES data taken on their own are thus consistent with azimuthal isotropy and do not require a "Planet 9"hypothesis. The limited sky coverage and object count mean, however, that the DES data by no means falsify this hypothesis

    A Spatial Analysis of County-level Variation in Syphilis and Gonorrhea in Guangdong Province, China

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    Sexually transmitted infections (STI) have made a resurgence in many rapidly developing regions of southern China, but there is little understanding of the social changes that contribute to this spatial distribution of STI. This study examines county-level socio-demographic characteristics associated with syphilis and gonorrhea in Guangdong Province.This study uses linear regression and spatial lag regression to determine county-level (n = 97) socio-demographic characteristics associated with a greater burden of syphilis, gonorrhea, and a combined syphilis/gonorrhea index. Data were obtained from the 2005 China Population Census and published public health data. A range of socio-demographic variables including gross domestic product, the Gender Empowerment Measure, standard of living, education level, migrant population and employment are examined. Reported syphilis and gonorrhea cases are disproportionately clustered in the Pearl River Delta, the central region of Guangdong Province. A higher fraction of employed men among the adult population, higher fraction of divorced men among the adult population, and higher standard of living (based on water availability and people per room) are significantly associated with higher STI cases across all three models. Gross domestic product and gender inequality measures are not significant predictors of reported STI in these models.Although many ecological studies of STIs have found poverty to be associated with higher reported STI, this analysis found a greater number of reported syphilis cases in counties with a higher standard of living. Spatially targeted syphilis screening measures in regions with a higher standard of living may facilitate successful control efforts. This analysis also reinforces the importance of changing male sexual behaviors as part of a comprehensive response to syphilis control in China

    The spatial context of clinic-reported sexually transmitted infection in Hong Kong

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The incidence and prevalence of sexually transmitted infection (STI) in China has been on the rise in the past decade. Delineation of epidemiologic pattern is often hampered by its uneven distribution. Spatial distribution is often a neglected aspect of STI research, the description of which may enhance epidemiologic surveillance and inform service development.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Over a one month-period, all first time attendees of 6 public STI clinics in Hong Kong were interviewed before clinical consultation using a standard questionnaire to assess their demographic, clinical and behavioural characteristics. A GIS (geographic information system)-based approach was adopted with mapping performed. The cases attending the clinics in different locations were profiled. A comparison was made between neighbourhood cases (patients living near a clinic) and distant cases (those farther off), by calculating the odds ratio for demographic, behavioural and geographic characteristics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 1142 STI patients evaluated, the residence locations of 1029 (90.1%) could be geocoded, of which 95.6% were ethnic Chinese and 63.4% male. Geographically only about a quarter lived in the same district as the clinic. STI patients aged 55 or above were more likely to be living in the vicinity of the clinic, located in the same or adjacent tertiary planning unit (a small geographic unit below district level). A majority of patients came from locations a few kilometers from the clinic, the distance of which varies between clinics. Overall, more syphilis cases were reported in patients residing in the same or adjacent tertiary planning unit, while distant cases tended to give a higher risk of inconsistent condom use. There were otherwise no significant clinical and epidemiologic differences between neighbourhood and distant STI cases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There was no specific relationship between STI and the residence location of patients as regards their clinical and epidemiologic characteristics in the territory of Hong Kong. Older STI patients were however more inclined to attend the nearby STI clinics. Most patients have travelled a variable distance to access the STI service. The relationship between STI clinic cases and distance could be a complex issue intertwined between psychosocial characteristics and STI service coverage.</p

    Accurate masses and radii of normal stars: modern results and applications

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    This paper presents and discusses a critical compilation of accurate, fundamental determinations of stellar masses and radii. We have identified 95 detached binary systems containing 190 stars (94 eclipsing systems, and alpha Centauri) that satisfy our criterion that the mass and radius of both stars be known to 3% or better. To these we add interstellar reddening, effective temperature, metal abundance, rotational velocity and apsidal motion determinations when available, and we compute a number of other physical parameters, notably luminosity and distance. We discuss the use of this information for testing models of stellar evolution. The amount and quality of the data also allow us to analyse the tidal evolution of the systems in considerable depth, testing prescriptions of rotational synchronisation and orbital circularisation in greater detail than possible before. The new data also enable us to derive empirical calibrations of M and R for single (post-) main-sequence stars above 0.6 M(Sun). Simple, polynomial functions of T(eff), log g and [Fe/H] yield M and R with errors of 6% and 3%, respectively. Excellent agreement is found with independent determinations for host stars of transiting extrasolar planets, and good agreement with determinations of M and R from stellar models as constrained by trigonometric parallaxes and spectroscopic values of T(eff) and [Fe/H]. Finally, we list a set of 23 interferometric binaries with masses known to better than 3%, but without fundamental radius determinations (except alpha Aur). We discuss the prospects for improving these and other stellar parameters in the near future.Comment: 56 pages including figures and tables. To appear in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. Ascii versions of the tables will appear in the online version of the articl

    Management of intracranial tuberculous mass lesions: how long should we treat for? [version 3; peer review: 3 approved]

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    Tuberculous intracranial mass lesions are common in settings with high tuberculosis (TB) incidence and HIV prevalence. The diagnosis of such lesions, which include tuberculoma and tuberculous abscesses, is often presumptive and based on radiological features, supportive evidence of TB elsewhere and response to TB treatment. However, the treatment response is unpredictable, with lesions frequently enlarging paradoxically or persisting for many years despite appropriate TB treatment and corticosteroid therapy. Most international guidelines recommend a 9-12 month course of TB treatment for central nervous system TB when the infecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) strain is sensitive to first-line drugs. However, there is variation in opinion and practice with respect to the duration of TB treatment in patients with tuberculomas or tuberculous abscesses. A major reason for this is the lack of prospective clinical trial evidence. Some experts suggest continuing treatment until radiological resolution of enhancing lesions has been achieved, but this may unnecessarily expose patients to prolonged periods of potentially toxic drugs. It is currently unknown whether persistent radiological enhancement of intracranial tuberculomas after 9-12 months of treatment represents active disease, inflammatory response in a sterilized lesion or merely revascularization. The consequences of stopping TB treatment prior to resolution of lesional enhancement have rarely been explored. These important issues were discussed at the 3rd International Tuberculous Meningitis Consortium meeting. Most clinicians were of the opinion that continued enhancement does not necessarily represent treatment failure and that prolonged TB therapy was not warranted in patients presumably infected with M.tb strains susceptible to first-line drugs. In this manuscript we highlight current medical treatment practices, benefits and disadvantages of different TB treatment durations and the need for evidence-based guidelines regarding the treatment duration of patients with intracranial tuberculous mass lesions

    In situ size sorting in CVD synthesis of Si microspheres

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    [EN] Silicon microspheres produced in gas-phase by hot-wall CVD offer unique quality in terms of sphericity, surface smoothness, and size. However, the spheres produced are polydisperse in size, which typically range from 0.5 mu m to 5 mu m. In this work we show through experiments and calculations that thermophoretic forces arising from strong temperature gradients inside the reactor volume effectively sort the particles in size along the reactor. These temperature gradients are shown to be produced by a convective gas flow. The results prove that it is possible to select the particle size by collecting them in a particular reactor region, opening new possibilities towards the production by CVD of size-controlled high-quality silicon microspheres.The authors acknowledge financial support from the following projects: ENE2013-49984-EXP, MAT2012-35040, MAT2015-69669-P and ESP2014-54256-C4-2-R of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), and PROMETEOII/2014/026 of the Regional Valencian Government.Garín Escrivá, M.; Fenollosa Esteve, R.; Kowalski, L. (2016). In situ size sorting in CVD synthesis of Si microspheres. Scientific Reports. 6:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep38719S110

    Tuberculous meningitis: new tools and new approaches required [version 1; peer review: not peer reviewed]

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    Tuberculous meningitis is the most severe form of tuberculosis and causes widespread mortality and morbidity. Understanding of the epidemiology and pathogenesis is incomplete, and the optimal diagnosis and treatment are poorly defined. To generate research collaboration and coordination, as well as to promote sharing of ideas and advocacy efforts, the International Tuberculous Meningitis Research Consortium was formed in 2009. During the most recent meeting of this group in Lucknow, India, in March 2019, the Consortium decided to bring together key articles on tuberculous meningitis in one supplement. The supplement covers recent scientific updates, expert perspectives on specific clinical challenges, consensus statements on how to conduct research, and a set of priorities for future investigation

    Quantitative Assessment of Whole-Body Tumor Burden in Adult Patients with Neurofibromatosis

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    Patients with neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1), NF2, and schwannomatosis are at risk for multiple nerve sheath tumors and premature mortality. Traditional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has limited ability to assess disease burden accurately. The aim of this study was to establish an international cohort of patients with quantified whole-body internal tumor burden and to correlate tumor burden with clinical features of disease.We determined the number, volume, and distribution of internal nerve sheath tumors in patients using whole-body MRI (WBMRI) and three-dimensional computerized volumetry. We quantified the distribution of tumor volume across body regions and used unsupervised cluster analysis to group patients based on tumor distribution. We correlated the presence and volume of internal tumors with disease-related and demographic factors.WBMRI identified 1286 tumors in 145/247 patients (59%). Schwannomatosis patients had the highest prevalence of tumors (P = 0.03), but NF1 patients had the highest median tumor volume (P = 0.02). Tumor volume was unevenly distributed across body regions with overrepresentation of the head/neck and pelvis. Risk factors for internal nerve sheath tumors included decreasing numbers of café-au-lait macules in NF1 patients (P = 0.003) and history of skeletal abnormalities in NF2 patients (P = 0.09). Risk factors for higher tumor volume included female gender (P = 0.05) and increasing subcutaneous neurofibromas (P = 0.03) in NF1 patients, absence of cutaneous schwannomas in NF2 patients (P = 0.06), and increasing age in schwannomatosis patients (p = 0.10).WBMRI provides a comprehensive phenotype of neurofibromatosis patients, identifies distinct anatomic subgroups, and provides the basis for investigating molecular biomarkers that correlate with unique disease manifestations