90 research outputs found

    Nitro-fatty acid formation and metabolism

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    Nitro-fatty acids (NO 2 -FA) are pleiotropic modulators of redox signaling pathways. Their effects on inflammatory signaling have been studied in great detail in cell, animal and clinical models primarily using exogenously administered nitro-oleic acid. While we know a considerable amount regarding NO 2 -FA signaling, endogenous formation and metabolism is relatively unexplored. This review will cover what is currently known regarding the proposed mechanisms of NO 2 -FA formation, dietary modulation of endogenous NO 2 -FA levels, pathways of NO 2 -FA metabolism and the detection of NO 2 -FA and corresponding metabolites.Fil: Buchan, Gregory J.. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Bonacci, Gustavo Roberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Fazzari, Marco. University of Pittsburgh; Estados Unidos. Fondazione Ri.Med; ItaliaFil: Salvatore, Sonia Rosana. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Gelhaus Wendell, Stacy. University of Pittsburgh; Estados Unido

    Biothiols, taurine, and lipid-soluble antioxidants in the edible pulp of Sicilian cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) fruits and changes of bioactive juice components upon industrial processing

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    Biothiols, taurine, and flavonols, as well as tocopherols and carotenoids have been assessed in the edible pulp of Sicilian red (Sanguigna), yellow (Surfarina), and white (Muscaredda) cultivars of cactus pear. The yellow cultivar has the highest level of reduced glutathione (GSH, 8.1 ( 0.78 mg/100 g pulp), whereas the white cultivar showed the highest amount of cysteine (1.21 ( 0.12 mg/100 g pulp). Taurine accounted for 11.7 ( 1.0 mg/100 g in the yellow pulp, while lower levels were measured in the others. With the exception of kaempferol in the yellow cultivar (2.7 ( 0.2 íg/100 g pulp), the edible pulp of cactus pear was not a source of flavonols. Very low amounts of lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E and carotenoids were measured in all cultivars. As a consequence of industrial processing, a total loss of GSH and â-carotene and a net decrease of vitamin C and cysteine were revealed in the fruit juice, whereas betalains, taurine, and vitamin E appeared to be less susceptible to degradation

    Distribution of betalain pigments in red blood cells after consuption of cactus pear fruits and increased resistance of the cells to ex vivo induced oxidative hemolysis in humans

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    Betalain pigments are bioavailable phytochemicals recently acknowledged as natural radical scavengers. This work, which extends previous research on the postabsorbitive fate of dietary betalains, investigated the distribution of betanin and indicaxanthin in red blood cells (RBCs) isolated from healthy volunteers (n ) 8), before and during the 1-8 h interval after a cactus pear fruit meal, and the potential antioxidative activity of the pigments in these cells. A peak concentration of indicaxanthin (1.03 ( 0.2 íM) was observed in RBCs isolated at 3 h after fruit feeding, whereas the concentration at 5 h was about half, and even smaller amounts were measured at 8 h. Indicaxanthin was not detected at 1 h. Betanin (30.0 ( 5.2 nM) was found only in RBCs isolated at 3 h from fruit feeding. In comparison with homologous RBCs before fruit ingestion, a significant delay (P < 0.05) of the onset of an ex vivo cumene hydroperoxide (cumOOH)-induced hemolysis was evident in the RBCs isolated at 3 h (33.0 ( 4.5 min) and at 5 h (16.0 ( 2.0 min). Neither vitamins C and E nor GSH was modified in the RBCs at any time point. Blood collected from the same volunteers after a 12-h fasting was incubated with the purified betalains in the range of 5-25 íM, to enrich the erythrocytes with either betanin or indicaxanthin, and then the cells were exposed to cumOOH. When compared to the relevant nonenriched cells, the betalain-enriched erythrocytes exhibited an enhanced resistance to the cumOOH-induced hemolysis, which was positively correlated (r 2 ) 0.99) to the amount of the incorporated compound. On a micromolar basis, betanin and indicaxanthin showed a comparable effectiveness. Taken together, these findings provide evidence that human RBCs incorporate dietary betalains and support the concept that these phytochemicals may offer antioxidative protection to the cells

    Antioxidant activity of Sicilian Pistachio (Pistacia vera, L. var. Bronte) nut extracts and its bioactive components

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    Pistacia vera L. is the only species of Pistacia genus producing edible nuts. This paper investigates the antioxidant potential of a Sicilian variety of pistachio nut by chemical as well as biological assays and measured antioxidant vitamins and a number of antioxidant polyphenols in either the hydrophilic and/or the lipophilic nut extract. In accordance with the majority of foods, the total antioxidant activity, measured as a TAA test, was much higher (50-fold) in the hydrophilic than in the lipophilic extract. Substantial amounts of total phenols were measured. The hydrophilic extract inhibited dose- dependently both the metal-dependent and -independent lipid oxidation of bovine liver microsomes, and the Cu+2-induced oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Peroxyl radical-scavenging as well as chelating activity of nut components may be suggested to explain the observed inhibition patterns. Among tocopherols, γ-tocopherol was the only vitamin E isomer found in the lipophilic extract that did not contain any carotenoid. Vitamin C was found only in a modest amount. The hydrophilic extract was a source of polyphenol compounds among which trans-resveratrol, proanthocyanidins, and a remarkable amount of the isoflavones daidzein and genistein, 3.68 and 3.40 mg per 100 g of edible nut, respectively, were evaluated. With the exception of isoflavones that appeared unmodified, the amounts of other bioactive molecules were remarkably reduced in the pistachio nut after roasting, and the total antioxidant activity decreased by about 60%. Collectively, our findings provide evidence that the Sicilian pistachio nut may be considered for its bioactive components and can effectively contribute to a healthy status

    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance as Risk Stratification Tool in Non-Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Referred for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy—State of Art and Perspectives

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    Non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a disease characterized by left ventricular dilation and systolic dysfunction. Patients with DCM are at higher risk for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD). According to current international guidelines, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <= 35% represents the main indication for prophylactic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implantation in patients with DCM. However, LVEF lacks sensitivity and specificity as a risk marker for SCD. It has been seen that the majority of patients with DCM do not actually benefit from the ICD implantation and, on the contrary, that many patients at risk of SCD are not identified as they have preserved or mildly depressed LVEF. Therefore, the use of LVEF as unique decision parameter does not maximize the benefit of ICD therapy. Multiple risk factors used in combination could likely predict SCD risk better than any single risk parameter. Several predictors have been proposed including genetic variants, electric indexes, and volumetric parameters of LV. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) can improve risk stratification thanks to tissue characterization sequences such as LGE sequence, parametric mapping, and feature tracking. This review evaluates the role of CMR as a risk stratification tool in DCM patients referred for ICD

    Gender Differences in Russian Colour Naming

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    In the present study we explored Russian colour naming in a web-based psycholinguistic experiment (http://www.colournaming.com). Colour singletons representing the Munsell Color Solid (N=600 in total) were presented on a computer monitor and named using an unconstrained colour-naming method. Respondents were Russian speakers (N=713). For gender-split equal-size samples (NF=333, NM=333) we estimated and compared (i) location of centroids of 12 Russian basic colour terms (BCTs); (ii) the number of words in colour descriptors; (iii) occurrences of BCTs most frequent non-BCTs. We found a close correspondence between females’ and males’ BCT centroids. Among individual BCTs, the highest inter-gender agreement was for seryj ‘grey’ and goluboj ‘light blue’, while the lowest was for sinij ‘dark blue’ and krasnyj ‘red’. Females revealed a significantly richer repertory of distinct colour descriptors, with great variety of monolexemic non-BCTs and “fancy” colour names; in comparison, males offered relatively more BCTs or their compounds. Along with these measures, we gauged denotata of most frequent CTs, reflected by linguistic segmentation of colour space, by employing a synthetic observer trained by gender-specific responses. This psycholinguistic representation revealed females’ more refined linguistic segmentation, compared to males, with higher linguistic density predominantly along the redgreen axis of colour space

    Cooperation between CYB5R3 and NOX4 via coenzyme Q mitigates endothelial inflammation

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    NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4) regulates endothelial inflammation by producing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and to a lesser extent O2•-. The ratio of NOX4-derived H2O2 and O2•- can be altered by coenzyme Q (CoQ) mimics. Therefore, we hypothesize that cytochrome b5 reductase 3 (CYB5R3), a CoQ reductase abundant in vascular endothelial cells, regulates inflammatory activation. To examine endothelial CYB5R3 in vivo, we created tamoxifen-inducible endothelium-specific Cyb5r3 knockout mice (R3 KO). Radiotelemetry measurements of systolic blood pressure showed systemic hypotension in lipopolysaccharides (LPS) challenged mice, which was exacerbated in R3 KO mice. Meanwhile, LPS treatment caused greater endothelial dysfunction in R3 KO mice, evaluated by acetylcholine-induced vasodilation in the isolated aorta, accompanied by elevated mRNA expression of vascular adhesion molecule 1 (Vcam-1). Similarly, in cultured human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC), LPS and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) induced VCAM-1 protein expression was enhanced by Cyb5r3 siRNA, which was ablated by silencing the Nox4 gene simultaneously. Moreover, super-resolution confocal microscopy indicated mitochondrial co-localization of CYB5R3 and NOX4 in HAECs. APEX2-based electron microscopy and proximity biotinylation also demonstrated CYB5R3's localization on the mitochondrial outer membrane and its interaction with NOX4, which was further confirmed by the proximity ligation assay. Notably, Cyb5r3 knockdown HAECs showed less total H2O2 but more mitochondrial O2•-. Using inactive or non-membrane bound active CYB5R3, we found that CYB5R3 activity and membrane translocation are needed for optimal generation of H2O2 by NOX4. Lastly, cells lacking the CoQ synthesizing enzyme COQ6 showed decreased NOX4-derived H2O2, indicating a requirement for endogenous CoQ in NOX4 activity. In conclusion, CYB5R3 mitigates endothelial inflammatory activation by assisting in NOX4-dependent H2O2 generation via CoQ.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 awards [R01 HL 133864 (A.C.S), R01 HL 128304 (A.C.S), R01 HL 149825 (A.C.S), R01 HL 153532 (A.C.S), R01 GM 125944 (F.J.S.), R01 DK 112854 (F.J.S.), 1S10OD021540-01 (Center for Biologic Imaging, University of Pittsburgh), 1S10RR019003-01 (Simon Watkins (S.W.)), 1S10RR025488-01 (S.W.), 1S10RR016236-01 (S.W)]. American Heart Association (AHA) [Established Investigator Award 19EIA34770095 (A.C.S.)], Post-doctoral Fellowship 19POST34410028 (S.Y.)]. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Minority Hematology Graduate Award (A.M.D-O.). Junta de Andalucía grant BIO-177 (P.N.), the FEDER Funding Program from the European Union and Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant RED2018-102576-T (P.N.)

    Loss of cardiomyocyte CYB5R3 impairs redox equilibrium and causes sudden cardiac death

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    Sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with heart failure (HF) is allied with an imbalance in reduction and oxidation (redox) signaling in cardiomyocytes; however, the basic pathways and mechanisms governing redox homeostasis in cardiomyocytes are not fully understood. Here, we show that cytochrome b5 reductase 3 (CYB5R3), an enzyme known to regulate redox signaling in erythrocytes and vascular cells, is essential for cardiomyocyte function. Using a conditional cardiomyocyte-specific CYB5R3-knockout mouse, we discovered that deletion of CYB5R3 in male, but not female, adult cardiomyocytes causes cardiac hypertrophy, bradycardia, and SCD. The increase in SCD in CYB5R3-KO mice is associated with calcium mishandling, ventricular fibrillation, and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Molecular studies reveal that CYB5R3-KO hearts display decreased adenosine triphosphate (ATP), increased oxidative stress, suppressed coenzyme Q levels, and hemoprotein dysregulation. Finally, from a translational perspective, we reveal that the high-frequency missense genetic variant rs1800457, which translates into a CYB5R3 T117S partial loss-of-function protein, associates with decreased event-free survival (~20%) in Black persons with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Together, these studies reveal a crucial role for CYB5R3 in cardiomyocyte redox biology and identify a genetic biomarker for persons of African ancestry that may potentially increase the risk of death from HFrEF.These studies were supported by NIH grants R35 HL 161177 (to ACS), R01 HL 133864 (to ACS), R01 HL 128304 (to ACS), R41 HL15098 (to GS), R01 GM 122091 (to PHT), GM125944 (to FJS), R01 DK112854 (to FJS), R21 NS112787 (to MF), NS121706 (to YLW), EB023507 (to YLW), F31 HL149241 (to HMS), and F31 HL151173 (to JCG). Support was also provided by American Heart Association grants 19EIA34770095 (to ACS), AHA 18CDA34140024 (to YLW), and 19PRE34380152 (to NTC); the Spanish Ministry of Health (grant FIS PI17-01286); Junta de Andalucía BIO-177 and the FEDER Funding Program from the European Union and CIBERER (U729)-ISCIII (to PN); Department of Defense W81XWH1810070 (to YLW); and Vitalant. This research was supported in part by the University of Pittsburgh Center for Research Computing through the resources provided. Specifically, this work used the HTC cluster, which is supported by NIH award number S10OD028483.Peer reviewe

    Protein misfolding and clearance in the pathogenesis of a new infantile onset ataxia caused by mutations in PRDX3

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    17 páginas, 8 figurasPeroxiredoxin 3 (PRDX3) encodes a mitochondrial antioxidant protein, which is essential for the control of reactive oxygen species homeostasis. So far, PRDX3 mutations are involved in mild-to-moderate progressive juvenile onset cerebellar ataxia. We aimed to unravel the molecular bases underlying the disease in an infant suffering from cerebellar ataxia that started at 19 months old and presented severe cerebellar atrophy and peripheral neuropathy early in the course of disease. By whole exome sequencing, we identified a novel homozygous mutation, PRDX3 p.D163E, which impaired the mitochondrial ROS defense system. In mouse primary cortical neurons, the exogenous expression of PRDX3 p.D163E was reduced and triggered alterations in neurite morphology and in mitochondria. Mitochondrial computational parameters showed that p.D163E led to serious mitochondrial alterations. In transfected HeLa cells expressing the mutation, mitochondria accumulation was detected by correlative light electron microscopy. Mitochondrial morphology showed severe changes, including extremely damaged outer and inner membranes with a notable cristae disorganization. Moreover, spherical structures compatible with lipid droplets were identified, which can be associated with a generalized response to stress and can be involved in the removal of unfolded proteins. In the patient's fibroblasts, PRDX3 expression was nearly absent. The biochemical analysis suggested that the mutation p.D163E would result in an unstable structure tending to form aggregates that trigger unfolded protein responses via mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Altogether, our findings broaden the clinical spectrum of the recently described PRDX3-associated neurodegeneration and provide new insight into the pathological mechanisms underlying this new form of cerebellar ataxia.The Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)—Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación within the framework of the National R + D + I Plan cofunded with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) (grants PI18/00147 and PI21/00103 to C.E.); the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant SAF2017-89020-R to P.F.); the Fundació La Marató TV3 (grants 20143130 and 20143131 to B.P.-D. and C.E.) and the Generalitat Valenciana (grant PROMETEO/2018/135 to C.E.). Part of the equipment employed in this work was funded by Generalitat Valenciana and co-financed with ERDF (OP ERDF of Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020). P.F. and A.R.-P. are supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grants RyC-2014-16410 to P.F. and PRE2018-083562 to A.R.-P.).Peer reviewe

    Olives and olive oil are sources of electrophilic fatty acid nitroalkenes

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and olives, key sources of unsaturated fatty acids in the Mediterranean diet, provide health benefits to humans. Nitric oxide (•NO) and nitrite (NO2-)-dependent reactions of unsaturated fatty acids yield electrophilic nitroalkene derivatives (NO 2-FA) that manifest salutary pleiotropic cell signaling responses in mammals. Herein, the endogenous presence of NO2-FA in both EVOO and fresh olives was demonstrated by mass spectrometry. The electrophilic nature of these species was affirmed by the detection of significant levels of protein cysteine adducts of nitro-oleic acid (NO2-OA-cysteine) in fresh olives, especially in the peel. Further nitration of EVOO by NO2- under acidic gastric digestive conditions revealed that human consumption of olive lipids will produce additional nitro-conjugated linoleic acid (NO2-cLA) and nitro-oleic acid (NO2-OA). The presence of free and protein-adducted NO2-FA in both mammalian and plant lipids further affirm a role for these species as signaling mediators. Since NO2-FA instigate adaptive anti-inflammatory gene expression and metabolic responses, these redox-derived metabolites may contribute to the cardiovascular benefits associated with the Mediterranean diet. © 2014 Fazzari et al