231 research outputs found

    La justice constitutionnelle en France

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    The 1958 Constitution provided France with a constitutionally based system of justice and although this had been contrary to French traditions — and consequently apprehended at that time — the system has progressively developed and become one of the main elements of the French constitutional regime and at the same time, one of its most dynamic and appreciated components. This article presents the French Constitutional Council: its status, composition and operations. It maps out areas in which this body has had to intervene and, above all, it analyses the jurisprudence of the Council and notes that its most impressive contribution lies in the field of the constitutional review of laws and its main objective, basic personal freedoms. The conclusion of this study is that French constitutional law has undergone radical modifications under this system and that in the future, it has become a fertile ground for comparative studies for the Canadian jurist due to the constitutional review of laws in the name of personal freedoms

    LĂ©gitimitĂ©, portĂ©e et conditions d’application des outils d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision stratĂ©gique au sein du secteur public : le cas du Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)

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    Si les innovations managĂ©riales et les dĂ©marches de modernisation se multiplient au sein des organisations publiques, rares sont les Ă©tudes qui analysent de maniĂšre spĂ©cifique les facteurs favorisant l’appropriation de ces dĂ©marches aux diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de leur introduction et leur implantation (dĂ©cision d’adoption, adoption et mise en Ɠuvre, institutionnalisation, abandon ou remplacement). Autre faiblesse, les rĂ©sultats obtenus lors de recherches empiriques s’avĂšrent gĂ©nĂ©ralement contradictoires quant aux possibilitĂ©s et aux conditions de transposition des techniques managĂ©riales issues du privĂ©. L’objet de cet article est non seulement de s’interroger et de suggĂ©rer un certain nombre d’hypothĂšses et d’élĂ©ments de rĂ©ponse quant aux facteurs favorisant l’adoption et l’implantation d’une technique managĂ©riale issue du privĂ© mais aussi, et plus fondamentalement, de nourrir et d’éclairer le dĂ©bat portant sur le pĂ©rimĂštre et les spĂ©cificitĂ©s du management public par rapport au management privĂ©. Notre recherche s’appuie sur l’étude de la transposition d’une technique de rationalisation des choix stratĂ©giques - la matrice Atout / Attrait de type McKinsey - Ă  un Ă©tablissement public, le Centre National d ’Etudes Spatiales. Nos analyses tendent Ă  confirmer l’idĂ©e d’un management public « hybride » ou intermĂ©diaire qui procĂšde Ă  la fois de transpositions (notamment en ce qui concerne la finalitĂ© de la dĂ©marche, les conditions d’implantation ainsi que l’importance d’un certain style de leadership) mais aussi d’innovation et de diffĂ©renciation (voire de dĂ©marcation) par rapport au management privĂ© (plus spĂ©cifiquement au niveau 1. des retombĂ©es et des impacts de la dĂ©marche, 2. de certaines caractĂ©ristiques techniques et mĂ©thodologiques, 3. des processus d’appropriation) . En outre, l’une des principales retombĂ©es de ce type de dĂ©marche semble rĂ©sider dans la mise en rĂ©seau des diffĂ©rents acteurs et dans la crĂ©ation de logiques de rĂ©flexion et d’action plus collectives et plus partenariales.If there is an increasing number of managerial innovations and modernization efforts within public organizations, rare are the studies that specifically analyze the factors that promote the appropriation of these approaches at the various stages of their introduction and implementation (decision to adopt, adoption and implementation, institutionalization, abandonment and replacement). Another weakness: the results obtained from empirical research often prove to be contradictory as regards the possibilities and conditions of transposition of managerial techniques derived from the private sector.The object of this article is not only to investigate the factors that promote the adoption and implementation of a managerial technique derived from the private sector and to suggest a certain number of hypotheses and preliminary answers, but also - and more fundamentally - to fuel the debate and shed light on the issues concerning the boundaries and specificities of public versus private management. Our research is based on the study of the transposition of a technique for the rationalization of strategic choices – the market attractiveness / competitive strength matrix, of the McKinsey type – to a public organization, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (National Space Research Center).Our analyses tend to confirm the idea of a “hybrid” or intermediate public management, one that proceeds both from transpositions (especially as regards the purpose of the initiative, the implementation conditions, and the importance of a certain style of leadership) and from innovation and differentiation (even of demarcation) with respect to private-sector management (more specifically at the level, firstly, of the knock-on effects and impact of the initiative; secondly, of certain technical and methodological characteristics; and thirdly, of the appropriation processes). Moreover, one of the main knock-on effects of this type of initiative seems to reside in the networking of different actors and in the creation of more collective and more partnership-based lines of reflection and action

    Das Verfassungsrecht: Recht der Verfassung und Verfassung des Rechts

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    Im Jahr 1980 erschien aus dieser Feder eine Abhandlung, in der festgestellt wurde, dass wĂ€hrend der vorangegangenen Dekade das »öffentliche Recht eine so tiefgreifende VerĂ€nderung erfahren hat, dass man bald von einer â€șRevolutionâ€č wird sprechen können«, und im selben Jahr, anlĂ€sslich der ersten Tagung der Association française des Constitutionnalistes (Vereinigung der französischen Staatsrechtslehrer), haben wir den Wandel des Inhalts und der Stellung des Verfassungsrechts im VerhĂ€ltnis zu de..

    Interrelations entre systĂšme de contrĂŽle informel et systeme formel de contrĂŽle dans une organisation complexe : cas d’une universitĂ© française

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    A recent law for French universities leds to these establishments expanded responsibilities and skills that include the use of management control tools. As the relations between informal and formal control systems are difficult in complex organizations, we question, through a case study, these relations: what kind of links appears between informal and formal control systems. The observations in a French university show that, according to the nature of the decisions, the relations between formal and informal controls vary


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    Favoreu Louis. Editorial. In: Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle, 2000. Index décennal. Années 1985 à 1994. Volumes I à X. p. 1


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    Favoreu Louis. Avertissement. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 33 N°2, Avril-juin 1981. pp. 251-253
