977 research outputs found

    Reduce the risk of stock trading by using technical analysis in iran's stock market

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    One of the basic criteria for evaluating the performance of a stock portfolio is taking into account the return on investment with the rate of their risk. In this research, efficiency of 50 active companies of Tehran Stock Exchangeevaluated by moving average method with their appropriate risk. In measuring mentioned strategic risk, Fama and French three-factor developed model has been used toughlywhich is among the most important models. The results indicate significant effects of excess market efficiency, size of company and the ratio of book value to market value.In other words, the risk premium of price, size and value of market was predicted which with increasing the efficiency of stock in proportion to efficiency of government bonds, market efficiency also increase.And the risk premium of size and value has negative impact on efficiency of stock forecasting. With this observation, this research suggest forming a portfolio with zero cost by purchasing the highest portfolio of book value at market prices (BM) and selling lowest portfolio of book value at market prices (BM) by signals issued by Moving Average.Keywords: technical analysis, efficiency, risk, moving averages, Fama and Frenc

    Položaj kefalometrijske točke “A” nakon širenja nepca

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    Objectives: Palatal expansion is used to treat severely constricted maxillary arches associated with a posterior unilateral o f bilateral crossbite. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the affects of such treatment on the position of the “A ” point. Material and Methods: Ninety six cases where palatal expansion was the first orthodontic treatment were retrospectively analyzed using lateral cephalographs taken before and after the expansion phase. Vertical movement of “A ” point was assessed relative to the perpendicular distance from the Frankfort Horizontal Plane and from the anterior cranial base (Sella-Nasion). Horizontal movement o f “A ” point was measured parallel to the Frankfort Plane using a line tangenital to the posterior limit of the pterygomandibular fissure and also parallel to the anterior cranial base from point Sella. Subgroups o f “rapid” and “slow” palatal expansion were compared. Results: Here was a mean downward and forward movement o f point “A ” during palatal expansion, with displacement being greater on average with rapid than with slow palatal expansion therapy. The mean vertical component changes relative to speed of palatal expansion was statistically significant (p 1 mm more with rapid palatal expansion compared to slow expansion; however, no statistical significance was proven. Mean increase in the mandibular plane angel was 1.4° to 2.0°. Conclusions: Palatal expansion is generally associated with a downward and forward movement o f point “A ” which is greater on average with rapid than with slow activation therapy.Širenje nepca koristi se u terapji uskih maksilarnih lukova udruženih sa jednostranim ili obostranim kriznim zagrizom. Cilj je ovog ispitivanja bio utvrditi djelovanje takvog tretmana na točku “A ”. Laterolateralni rendgenkefalogrami devedeset i šest pacijenata gdje je širenje nepce bi prvi ortodontski zahvat analizirani su prije i poslije tretmana. Vertikalni pomaci točke “A ” promatran je u odnosu na vertiklanu udaljenost od Frankfurtske horizontale do prednje kranijalne baze (sela -nasion). Horizontalni pomak točke “A ” mjeren je paralelno s Frankfurtskom horizontalom od tangente stražnjeg ruba pterigomaksilarne fisure i paralelno s prednjom kranijalnom bazom od točke sela. Podgrupe ‘forsirano” i “sporo” širenje nepca također su međusobno uspoređene. Točka “A ” značajno se pomiče prema dolje i prema naprijed, s tim da je pomak značajniji u grupi s forsiranim širenjem. Vertikalni pomak u značajnoj je vezi s brzinom širenja nepca (p<0,l). Horizontalna komponenta pomaka prosječno je za više od 1 mm veća kod fosriranog nego kod sporog širenja; statistička značaj-nost nije pronađena. Povećanje inklinacije mandibularne ravnine iznosilo je od 1,4° do 2,0°. Sirenje nepca je povezano s pomakom toćke “A ” prema dolje i prema naprijed koje je veće kod pacijenata gdje se nepce forsirano širilo

    Optimum matrix acidizing: How much does it impact the productivity

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    Formation damage is one of the big challenges for oil and gas oilfields development. Several types of formation damage most likely exist during the entire life of producing wells. Formation damage can occur during the drilling or coring operations, well completion, work-over and production. The most important problems that affect formation during drilling operations are mud filtrate and fines invasion. There are different damage mechanisms affect reservoirs for instance pore blocking by solids, clay swelling and dispersion and liquid block which all reduce effective permeability to hydrocarbons. The reduction in production and an excessive build up pressure in injection wells indicate the formation. Many techniques are developed to remove the formation damage and to improve the productivity of wells. Matrix acidizing is one of these method which depend on injecting acids into the formation below fracturing pressure to eliminate the damage around the well. In this study, comprehensive design procedures for the acid treatment have been introduced. The procedures include the determination of the damage type and the mineralogy of the formation. Accordingly, the selection of the appropriate acid for the treatment and the optimum volume of injected acid are explained in the study. Additionally, the research presents several models for the pre-flush volume and the main acid volume based on the radius of the damaged zone and the height of the formation. New technique has been proposed for determining the final permeability improvement ratio based on current and proposed productivity index. It has been found the pre-flush volume increase as the carbonate percentage in the formation increases while the main acid volume conversely proportional with the clay content in the formation

    Internet of Things (IoT) based Energy Tracking and Bill Estimation System

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    Electrical energy is an important form of energy in the present times. For better or worse electricity is indispensable to life as we know it. Although we may not yet be able to produce enough clean energy to power the world, we can reduce environmental damage by learning how to save electricity is becoming a priority for more and more people. The purpose of this project is to design a system which can track and estimate the bill using IOT from anywhere in world. The project design comprises of NodeMCU, four channel relay, OLED display and MIT app Inventor 2&nbsp; as cloud Interface. Here NodeMCU fetches&nbsp; average consumption detail of loads from and logs estimated bill to the cloud-hosted database, monitors the duration for which each relay in a 4-channel relay module was switched-on, performs calculations, and transmits real-time results to an IoT cloud interface. 4-channel relay module executes switching instructions on loads sent over the internet via the control unit. This paper provides highlights on cloud-hosted database details, hardware design, IoT cloud interface application design, and working principle with mathematical modeling of the proposed system and tested results of this system are discussed, with the cloud-hosted database and IoT cloud interface

    Motivation of Employees towards the Adaptation of Technology

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    Technological change has become the mode of operation in the 20th century business community. As the workplace product transforms from paper to information services, employers and employees scramble to keep abreast of the rising tide of information and the new service opportunities created by the innovations in technology available to business. Employees are naturally expected to adapt to the ever changing norms of technology. New technological changes face employees in the workplace every day. Some employees embrace the changes that technology brings. They seek new applications for the innovations, while others resist and become defensive. Is the defensive behavior of some, a symptom of a sociological system controlling the individual? Does cognitive ability govern individual attitudes toward technological innovations? Does race, age or gender play a role in one’s perception of incorporation of new technology in the workplace? Is an individual’s attitude predetermined by past experiences? This research is the summary of a review of the literature around the above questions and a try to explore the aspect or factors that really affect the attitude of a person to adopt new technology at work place. The objective is to identify the contributing influences of an individual’s attitude towards a technological innovation in the workplace. Keywords: Employees, Motivation, Information Technology, Training, Success

    A Review on Models for Evaluating Rock Petrophysical Properties

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    The evaluation of subsurface formations as applied to oil well drilling started around 50 years ago. Generally, the curent review articule includes all methods for coring, logging, testing, and sampling. Also the methods for deciphering logs and laboratory tests that are relevant to assessing formations beneath the surface, including a look at the fluids they contain are discussed. Casing is occasionally set in order to more precisely evaluate the formations; as a result, this procedure is also taken into account while evaluating the formations. The petrophysics of reservoir rocks is the branch of science interested in studying chemical and physical properties of permeable media and the components of reservoir rocks which are associated with the pore and fluid distribution. Throughout recent years, several studies have been conducted on rock properties, such as porosity, permeability, capillary pressure, hydrocarbon saturation, fluid properties, electrical resistivity, self-or natural-potential, and radioactivity of different types of rocks. These properties and their relationships are used to evaluate the presence or absence of commercial quantities of hydrocarbons in formations penetrated by, or lying near, the wellbore. A principal purpose of this paper is to review the history of development the most common techniques used to calculate petrophysics properties in the laboratory and field based primarily on the researchers and scientists own experience in this field

    Genome Sequence Variation in the Constricta Strain Dramatically Alters the Protein Interaction and Localization Map of \u3cem\u3ePotato Yellow Dwarf Virus\u3c/em\u3e

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    The genome sequence of the constricta strain of Potato yellow dwarf virus (CYDV) was determined to be 12 792 nt long and organized into seven ORFs with the gene order 3′-N-X-P-Y-M-G-L-5′, which encodes the nucleocapsid, phospho, movement, matrix, glyco, and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase proteins, respectively, except for X, which is of unknown function. Cloned ORFs for each gene, except L, were used to construct a protein interaction and localization map (PILM) for this virus, which shares greater than 80 % amino acid similarity in all ORFs except X and P with the sanguinolenta strain of this species (SYDV). Protein localization patterns and interactions unique to each viral strain were identified, resulting in strain-specific PILMs. Localization of CYDV and SYDV proteins in virus-infected cells mapped subcellular loci likely to be sites of replication, morphogenesis and movement

    Overweight and Obesity Among Children and Adolescents in Baladrouz City

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    Background:Obesity in children and adolescents is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century because of the effects of future morbidity. Its prevalence has increased significantly in mostcountries,especially in low and middle-income countries, especiallyin urban areas.            Objective: To know the distribution of this epidemic among our childrenand draw a real picture of intermediate school students in Baladrouzregion. Patients and Methods: A cross-section study, involved the students of the first and the second stages, the information and the measurements were taken from 1798 students(910males, 888females) their ages were between 11-14 years , over one month duration (December of 2017), during this period we visit a were 10 Intermediate schools for both genders (six of them in the center of the region and four in the surrounding villages those belong to the region), included the age, weight, height, counting the body mass index, waist circumference, Neck circumference, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure in addition to the questionnaire form and the information of the school card. Results:The percentages of the overweight and the obesityamong males were as follows:26.9% ,17.4 % for intermediate, first and second stages respectively, while in females it was 47.9% ,33.3% respectively .The percentage of weight gain and central obesity of the waist circumference was27.0% ,24.1% for the first and second stages respectively. Either in femals, as follows:21.5%, 12.8% for the first and second stages respectively. There was an increasing in the percentages of systolic blood pressure among female for all stages of the study,which amounted to 60.3%,48.7% either in males was 70.4%,64.8%for the first and second stagesrespectively.The percentage of normal diastolic blood pressure was 54.5%49.0%for males, while infemales it was 72.5%,65.7% for the first and second stages respectively.   Conclusion: The study showed high rates of overweight and obesity among middle school students, and was higher in females than males

    Characterization of Coffee ringspot virus-Lavras: A model for an emerging threat to coffee production and quality

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    AbstractThe emergence of viruses in Coffee (Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora), the most widely traded agricultural commodity in the world, is of critical concern. The RNA1 (6552nt) of Coffee ringspot virus is organized into five open reading frames (ORFs) capable of encoding the viral nucleocapsid (ORF1p), phosphoprotein (ORF2p), putative cell-to-cell movement protein (ORF3p), matrix protein (ORF4p) and glycoprotein (ORF5p). Each ORF is separated by a conserved intergenic junction. RNA2 (5945nt), which completes the bipartite genome, encodes a single protein (ORF6p) with homology to RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. Phylogenetic analysis of L protein sequences firmly establishes CoRSV as a member of the recently proposed Dichorhavirus genus. Predictive algorithms, in planta protein expression, and a yeast-based nuclear import assay were used to determine the nucleophillic character of five CoRSV proteins. Finally, the temperature-dependent ability of CoRSV to establish systemic infections in an initially local lesion host was quantified