7 research outputs found

    Sociodemographic and health factors associated with chronic pain in institutionalized elderly

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    OBJECTIVES: to characterize chronic pain in institutionalized elderly and verify the associated factors.METHOD: observational, cross-sectional and non-experimental study with a quantitative approach. The study participants were 124 elderly living in Long-Term Care Institutions for the Elderly (LTCIs) in a city in Minas Gerais (Brazil). Approval for the project was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee. The elderly's clinical and sociodemographic variables and pain-related aspects were assessed. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis (chi-squared).RESULTS: the prevalence of chronic pain corresponded to 58.1%; for more than 10 years (26.4%); in lower limbs (31.9%); characterized as "twinges" (33.3%); 33.3% adopted medication treatment; the pain did not improve (41.7 %); or worsen (34.7 %). It was evidenced that elderly aged 60├ 70 old had 70% less chances of chronic pain than those aged 80 years and older (p=0.018).CONCLUSION: institutionalized elderly have a high prevalence of chronic pain, mainly in the lower limbs. No factors of pain improvement or worsening were identified and medication was evidenced as the preferred treatment. Age showed to be associated with the presence of pain. It is considered important to accomplish multiprofessional actions at the LTCIs to guide prevention and rehabilitation actions of the pain episodes in these elderly

    Aplicativo multimídia em plataforma móvel para o ensino da mensuração da pressão venosa central

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    O objetivo do estudo foi desenvolver e avaliar um aplicativo multimídia em plataforma móvel para o ensino da Mensuração da Pressão Venosa Central (PVC). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três fases (Levantamento das necessidades; Metodologia de desenvolvimento do aplicativo multimídia e Avaliação do aplicativo multimídia). A multimídia foi o método escolhido por favorecer um ambiente motivador e dinâmico, integrar imagens e textos num aplicativo disponível para celulares, constituindo-se um meio móvel e autônomo de aprendizagem. Os resultados permitem demonstrar a viabilidade do desenvolvimento da ferramenta para subsidiar a prática pedagógica e abrem perspectivas para acreditar que, na educação em Enfermagem, a tecnologia disponível pode descortinar novos modos de aprender significativamente

    Methodologies to generate, extract, purify and fractionate yeast ECM for analytical use in proteomics and glycomics

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    In a multicellular organism, the extracellular matrix (ECM) provides a cell-supporting scaffold and helps maintaining the biophysical integrity of tissues and organs. At the same time it plays crucial roles in cellular communication and signalling, with implications in spatial organisation, motility and differentiation. Similarly, the presence of an ECM-like extracellular polymeric substance is known to support and protect bacterial and fungal multicellular aggregates, such as biofilms or colonies. However, the roles and composition of this microbial ECM are still poorly understood.Authors would like to acknowledge Joana Tulha for assistance on yeasts overlay photographs, and to Rui Armada for C. albicans ECM SDS-PAGE experiment. The proteomic analysis was carried out at the proteomics facility UCM-PCM, a member of the ProteoRed network. The polysaccharide analysis was performed at the Laboratory of Glycoconjugates Biochemistry and Cellular Biology, UFRJ, Brazil. Fabio Faria-Oliveira was supported by a PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/45368/2008 from FCT (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia). This work was funded by Marie Curie Initial Training Network GLYCOPHARM (PITN-GA-2012-317297), and by FCT/MEC through Portuguese funds (PIDDAC) - PEst-OE/BIA/UI4050/2014. The authors would also like to acknowledge Hugh S. Johnson for critical reading of the manuscript regarding English usage

    Paleoproterozoic (~1.88Ga) felsic volcanism of the Iricoumé Group in the Pitinga Mining District area, Amazonian Craton, Brazil: insights in ancient volcanic processes from field and petrologic data

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    The Iricoumé Group correspond to the most expressive Paleoproterozoic volcanism in the Guyana Shield, Amazonian craton. The volcanics are coeval with Mapuera granitoids, and belong to the Uatumã magmatism. They have U-Pb ages around 1880 Ma, and geochemical signatures of &#945;-type magmas. Iricoumé volcanics consist of porphyritic trachyte to rhyolite, associated to crystal-rich ignimbrites and co-ignimbritic fall tuffs and surges. The amount and morphology of phenocrysts can be useful to distinguish lava (flow and dome) from hypabyssal units. The morphology of ignimbrite crystals allows the distinction between effusive units and ignimbrite, when pyroclasts are obliterated. Co-ignimbritic tuffs are massive, and some show stratifications that suggest deposition by current traction flow. Zircon and apatite saturation temperatures vary from 799°C to 980°C, are in agreement with most temperatures of &#945;-type melts and can be interpreted as minimum liquidus temperature. The viscosities estimation for rhyolitic and trachytic compositions yield values close to experimentally determined melts, and show a typical exponential decay with water addition. The emplacement of Iricoumé volcanics and part of Mapuera granitoids was controlled by ring-faults in an intracratonic environment. A genesis related to the caldera complex setting can be assumed for the Iricoumé-Mapuera volcano-plutonic association in the Pitinga Mining District.<br>O Grupo Iricoumé corresponde ao mais expressivo vulcanismo Paleoproterozóico do Escudo das Guianas, craton Amazônico. As rochas vulcânicas são coexistentes com os granitóides Mapuera, e pertencem ao magmatismo Uatumã. Possuem idades U-Pb em torno 1888 Ma, e assinaturas geoquímicas de magmas tipo-A. As vulcânicas do Iricoumé consistem de traquitos a riolitos porfiríticos, associados a ignimbritos ricos em cristal e tufos co-ignimbríticos de queda e surge. A quantidade e a morfologia dos fenocristais podem ser utilizadas para distinguir lava (fluxo e domo) de unidades hipabissais. A morfologia dos cristais em ignimbritos permite a distinção entre unidades efusivas e ignimbritos, quando os piroclastos estão obliterados. Tufos co-ignimbríticos são maciços e alguns exibem estratificações que sugerem deposição por correntes de tração. Temperaturas de cristalização de zircão e apatita variam de 799°C a 980°C, são compatíveis com temperaturas de líquidos tipo-A e podem ser interpretadas como temperatura liquidus mínima. Estimativas de viscosidade para composições riolíticas e traquíticas fornecem valores próximos a de líquidos determinadas experimentalmente e ilustram curvas típicas de decaimento exponencial, com a adição de água. O posicionamento das vulcânicas Iricoumé e de parte dos granitóides Mapuera foi controlado por falhas anelares em ambiente intracratônico. Uma gênese relacionada a ambiente de complexo de caldeiras pode ser assumida para a associação vulcano-plutônica Iricoumé-Mapuera no Distrito Mineiro de Pitinga