45 research outputs found

    Multisensor data fusion in ambito bioarcheologico. Estrazione ed analisi di features su reperti ossei provenienti dalla necropoli di Olmo di Nogara

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    The necropolis of Olmo di Nogara is one of the most important European Bronze Age burial sites. The most distinguishing peculiarity of the site is the exceptionally high percentage of male burials, with offensive and defensive weapons. The paleopathologic analysis of the male sample showed some skeletons with evidence of traumatic weapon injuries, suggesting the regular occurrence of battles. The analysis of the cranial vault of three individuals has shown the evidence of regular-sized subcircular holes, with bone recalcification. The goal of this research is to develop a multidisciplinary approach for the definition of biometrical characteristics, applying procedures guaranteeing the visualization and communication of paleopathologic processes and, in the same time, the morphological and morphometric characterization of injuries, with accurate, repeatable and unique very high resolution description. Data acquisition and data management were performed using a pipeline with independent steps (procedures and standards). The resulting 3D models were used in the quantitative description of the morphology, in order to extract the anthropometric measurements. Furthermore, Digital Image Processing methodologies were used for the study of bone malformations, improving the photorealistic effect and making possible their perception at different levels of details. Finally, Rapid Prototyping methodologies, following the 3D scans with different systems, allowed to improve the fruition of find

    Archaeology and virtual acoustics. A pan flute from ancient Egypt

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    This paper presents the early developments of a recently started research project, aimed at studying from a multidisciplinary perspective an exceptionally well preserved ancient pan flute. A brief discussion of the history and iconography of pan flutes is provided, with a focus on Classical Greece. Then a set of non-invasive analyses are presented, which are based on 3D scanning andmaterials chemistry, and are the starting point to inspect the geometry, construction, age and geographical origin of the instrument. Based on the available measurements, a preliminary analysis of the instrument tuning is provided, which is also informed with elements of theory of ancient Greek music. Finally, the paper presents current work aimed at realizing an interactive museum installation that recreates a virtual flute and allows intuitive access to all these research facets

    Multisensor data fusion in ambito bioarcheologico. Estrazione ed analisi di features su reperti ossei provenienti dalla necropoli di Olmo di Nogara

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    The necropolis of Olmo di Nogara is one of the most important European Bronze Age burial sites. The most distinguishing peculiarity of the site is the exceptionally high percentage of male burials, with offensive and defensive weapons. The paleopathologic analysis of the male sample showed some skeletons with evidence of traumatic weapon injuries, suggesting the regular occurrence of battles. The analysis of the cranial vault of three individuals has shown the evidence of regular-sized subcircular holes, with bone recalcification. The goal of this research is to develop a multidisciplinary approach for the definition of biometrical characteristics, applying procedures guaranteeing the visualization and communication of paleopathologic processes and, in the same time, the morphological and morphometric characterization of injuries, with accurate, repeatable and unique very high resolution description. Data acquisition and data management were performed using a pipeline with independent steps (procedures and standards). The resulting 3D models were used in the quantitative description of the morphology, in order to extract the anthropometric measurements. Furthermore, Digital Image Processing methodologies were used for the study of bone malformations, improving the photorealistic effect and making possible their perception at different levels of details. Finally, Rapid Prototyping methodologies, following the 3D scans with different systems, allowed to improve the fruition of findsLa necropoli di Olmo di Nogara rappresenta uno dei più importanti contesti funerari dell’età del Bronzo attualmente noti in Europa e si distingue per la presenza di un’elevata percentuale di sepolture maschili, connotate da armi da offesa e da difesa. Nel campione maschile, sottoposto a studio paleopatologico, alcuni scheletri hanno fornito evidenze ossee di lesioni traumatiche causate dall’uso di armi, suggerendo, quindi, la regolare presenza di episodi bellici. Sulla volta cranica di tre soggetti sono state individuate perforazioni regolari, di forma subcircolare, con evidenze di ricalcificazione ossea. L’obiettivo della ricerca è quello di definire un approccio multidisciplinare per la definizione di caratteristiche biometriche con procedure atte a garantire la visualizzazione e la comunicazione dei processi paleopatologici, nonché la caratterizzazione morfologica e morfometrica delle lesioni con una descrizione ad altissima risoluzione che sia unica, accurata e ripetibile. Il lavoro di acquisizione e gestione dei dati si è strutturato avvalendosi della codifica di procedure e standard con fasi distinte ma consequenziali ed i modelli tridimensionali così ottenuti, sono stati impiegati nella descrizione quantitativa della morfologia, per estrarre le necessarie misure antropometriche. Inoltre, sono state utilizzate metodologie di Digital Image Processing per lo studio di deformazioni ossee, incrementandone il fotorealismo e consentendone la percezione a differenti livelli di dettaglio. Infine, l’applicazione di metodologie di Rapid protoyping, successive alle scansioni 3D, con differenti sensori, ha permesso di migliorare considerevolmente la fruizione dei repert