87 research outputs found

    Hambatan Program Human Resources Development Indonesia- Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle dalam Mengurangi Kemiskinan di Aceh

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    This research aims to explain the obstacles of HRD program by IMT-GT in reducing thepoverty in Aceh. Various effort had been made to reduce poverty in Aceh. One of them wasthe IMT-GT (Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle) as a sub-regionalcooperation. However, through the HRD (Human Resources Development) program aimsto reduce poverty and improve the quality of life, is not effective either. This research usedqualitative methods, with neo-functionalism theory to prove the hypothesis. The result ofthis research found out that the ineffectiveness of IMT-GT HRD program was caused bythe failure of IMT-GT to create good regional integration and the failure of HRD to workon spillover scheme

    Kerja Sama Bilateral Indonesia Dan Australia Dalam Penanganan Terorisme Di Indonesia Tahun 2002 – 2013

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    The development of terrorism on global scale triggers Indonesia and Australiato increase their capacity by working together to tackle terrorism in Indonesia.In order to determine the actions undertaken by the Government of Indonesiaand Australia to respond and prevent terrorism crime growing in Indonesia,the research use the approach of liberalism, that the relationship betweenIndonesia and Australia based on the same view to protect themselves from thethreat of terrorism through cooperation to increase the capacity of the countryagainst non-state actor, terrorist organizaton. Details about the importance ofcooperation between Indonesia and Australia done within the scope ofcooperation to deal with terrorism in Indonesia focused on government acttoward police institution, Indonesian National Police (Polri) for Governmentof Republic of Indonesia, and Australian Federal Police (AFP) for Governmentof Australia in the area of counter terrorism. Polri and AFP relationship inorder to overcome terrorism crime using curative and preventive action basedon the following bilateral cooperation between states. Counter terrorism actbased on Momerandum of Understanding Between Government of Republic ofIndonesia and Government of Australia signed on 7th February 2002

    Pengaruh Perkembangan Kota Singapura terhadap Angka Pengungkapan Penyelundupan Barang Palsu di Pelabuhan PSA Singapura

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    This research is aiming to know the impact of the implementation of ACFTA, such as the raising of trade activity in PSA Singapore and the raising of illicit counterfeit goods in PSA Singapore, as well as to know the cause of its problems. In this research, Statistic Criminal Theory used to determine the relation between Illicit Counterfeit Goods with City Development of Singapore. The method of this research is explanative by appointing one problem and focusing on the cause of the problem. The outcome of the research is that there is a relation between the illicit counterfeit goods with trade agreement and the city development of Singapore with the use of City Development Index from UN-HABITAT 1998 as a measurement. This research also found that the more developed and advanced a city, the more vulnerable a city would be towards criminality

    Implementation of Patient Safety Culture Survey in Jombang Islamic Hospital

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    Patient safety is the indicator of healthcare service quality. To improve patient-safety culture in hospital, conducting a survey is important to determine which dimension should be managed. Jombang Islamic Hospital (Rumah Sakit Islam Jombang) has an established Patient Safety Team since 2011, but the patient-safety culture is still low because only three incidents were reported in 2015. This study aims to measure patient-safety culture in hospital to identify the factors that need to be improved in hospital unit. This was a descriptive analytic study. Primary data were collected in 2016 using an Indonesian-translated version of Hospital Survey on Patient SafetyCulture (HSOPSC) questionnaire. The HSOPSC measures 12 patient safety dimensions. The respondents were 117 Jombang Islamic Hospital staff members who work in hospital unit that gives a direct medical service. Questionnaire's final response rate was 91%. The overall average positive response in Jombang Islamic Hospital was 68%, slightly higher than the average positive response for the AHRQ database report in 2016 (65%). Pharmacy had the lowest positive response (54%), while Obstetric and Operation Room had the highest positive response (83%). The dimension that received the highest percentage of positive response was ‘Teamwork within units’ that reached 94% and the lowest was ‘Staffing’ with only 34%. This study concludes that the staff members feel positive toward patient-safety culture. It is important to give an intervention to hospital unit and dimensions that received low percentage of positive response in order to achieve better healthcare service quality. Keywords: HSOPSC, hospital dimension, patient safety culture, surve

    Follicular proliferation TIR3B. The role of total thyroidectomy vs lobectomy

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    Background: TIR3B thyroid nodules are considered to be at risk of malignancy (15-30%) but guidelines recommend conservative surgery with lobectomy with primary diagnostic porpoise. Risk stratification mainly based on ultrasound, elastography and genetic mutations usually may influences the surgical approach. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 52 cases of TIR3B underwent between 2015 and 2017 total thyroidectomy (TT) and lobectomy (L), focusing mainly on the observed rate of malignancy. Chi-squared test and Fisher's exact probability test were used for analysis, considering a P values less than 0.05 as significant. Results: Out of 52 patients 49 underwent TT and 3 L. In TT group a multinodular goiter was associated in 67.3% of patients. Malignancy rate was 81.6 and 33.3% respectively after TT and L (P 0.003). Multicentric and contralateral tumors were detected respectively in 36.7% and in 32.6% of patients underwent TT. No main post-operative complications were registered. Conclusions: Ultrasound and elastography are useful to define within the TIR3B group those lesions at higher risk and therefore requiring a more radical approach. TT seems an appropriate approach to TIR3B lesions, especially in multinodular goiter, considering the incidence of malignancy with probably higher rate than previously reported

    Feasibility study of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, culture in earthen ponds using brackish water of the Caspian Sea

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    Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) post-larvae 12 were obtained from Bushehr province and reared at the Caspian Sea Ecological Research Institute (Mazandaran, Iran) in summer 2012 using brackish water of the Caspian Sea. Prior to start of the experiment, post-larvae were gradually adapted to brackish water. The shrimp was stocked in a 1000 m2 earthen pond with a stocking density of 31 individual/m2. The earthen pond was in quarantine without discharge valve. During the rearing period, there was no water exchange. The shrimp was reared for 85 days. The average daily growth, final mean weight, feed conversion ratio and final yield were 0.31±0.04 g, 21.11±0.71 g, 0.79 and 531 kg, respectively. The results showed that L. vannamei can growth well in brackish water of Caspian Sea (salinity of 11.1±0.7 ppt and temperature of 28.67±0.72 °C) in Mazandaran province from July to September

    Hydrology, Hydrobiology and environmental pollution in the southern of Caspian Sea

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    The project investigates the relationship between the biological parameters (phytoplankton, zooplankton, Macrobenthic and the comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi) and environmental parameters, nutrients and environmental pollutant (oil, pesticides, heavy metals, and detergents) in water and sediment, at the southern part of Caspian Sea in 2009-2010. Sampling was performed in four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and in eight transects perpendicular to the coast in Astara, Anzali, Sefidroud, Tonekabon, Noshahr, Babolsar, Amir Abad and Turkmen. Samples were collected from depths of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 meters and the different layers. The relationship between biological and environmental parameters surveyed through parametric and multivariate methods. Based on the result, the annual mean of environmental parameters and nutrients concentration at euphotic layer such as water temperature, salinity, pH, transparency, DO%, ammonium, nitrate, inorganic nitrogen (DIN), organic nitrogen (DON), inorganic phosphorus (DIP), organic phosphorus (DOP) and soluble silicon (DSi) were 17.82±0.32 (ºC), 11.35±0.10 (g/l), 8.43±0.01 (m), 126±1 (%), 3.76±0.19 (µM), 1.55±0.07 (µM), 4.81±0.13 (µM), 29.88±0.66 (µM), 0.24±0.01 (µM), 0.62±0.02 (µM), 8.22±0.22 (µM), respectively. Meanwhile, annual mean of environmental pollutant such as TPH, OCPs and LAS in water were 12.33±1.76 (µg/l), (µg/l), 0.048±0.003 (mg/l), respectively and for TPH and OCPS in sediment were recorded 33.07±9.36 (µg/g) and 2.64±0.34 (µg/g), respectively. In addition, annual mean of heavy metals such as Ni, Hg, Pb and Cd at water were 4.01±0.01 (µg/l), 0.64±0.01 (µg/l), 15.0±0.1 (µg/l) and ND respectively, and in sediment were obtained 43.77±3.55 (µg/g), 0.13±0.29 (µg/g), 14.14±1.07 (µg/g) and 0.07±0.06 (µg/g), respectively. Abundance annual mean of biological parameters such as phytoplankton, zooplankton and M. leidyi were 143±12 (million cells/m^3), 6548±700 (individuals/m^3) and 86±10 (individuals /m^3) respectively, and for biomass were 548±41 (mg/m^3), 60±9 (mg/m^3), 5.06±0.65 (g/m^3). Abundance and biomass annual mean of macrobenthic were 5970±460 (individuals/m^2) and 44±10 (g/m^2), respectively. The stratification of water column was strongly based on gradient of water temperature and the rule of salinity was low in this area. According to mono and multivariate statistical analysis, the southern of Caspian Sea experienced four seasons without any overlapping based on environmental parameters and nutrients. In 2009-10, the nitrogen concentration was higher than previous years and showed a decrease in the amount of inorganic phosphorus in the study area. Therefore, the system has been lead to phosphorus limitation. No limitations of the DSi in the Caspian ecosystem had caused the dominance of bacillriophyta phylum during spring, autumn and winter. However in summer (highest seasonal mean temperature) which held the most DIP, the cyanophyta was dominant phylum. During spring and winter, the abundance of zooplankton was maximized and conversely the minimum values observed during summer and autumn with growth increasing of M. leidyi. By now, M.leidyi has been preferred the time with highest temperature or salinity during year. However with considering PCA analysis result and high ability of the organism to adaptation, the M.leidyi will probably to growth and reproduce at lower temperature and salinity than now in this area. Result showed that during summer and autumn only abundance of two of six main zooplankton groups namely Copepoda and Cirripedia were noticeable. The other zooplankton groups were low due to high consumption by different predators or were influenced by environmental factors. The dynamics population of M.leidyi is used to consider as first explanation of the Caspian ecosystem happening, however the interaction of different factors such as temperature, salinity, nutrients and predators determine the dynamic of biological parameters. Based on statistical analysis, feeding behavior of zooplankton species was not same in different seasons and was strongly dependent on the phytoplankton structure (species diversity and population). In other words, the classical boundary of phytoplankton species to, edible and suppressed, non-edible and unaffected and finally non-edible, enhanced species was not possible. Copepoda can act as filter-feeder and raptorial-feeder. So Copepoda compare to Cladocera (generally filter- feeder and sometimes raptorial feeder) and Rotifera (mostly suspension feeding and sometimes raptorial feeder) had more chances and opportunities for the achievement food and it support them for dominanane in all seasons. Anthropogenic and eutrophication effect on the structure and function of plankton community and it reflected on ratio of phyto/zoo biomass. Seasonal increasing of different groups of zooplankton were done through their life cycles in 2009-10, but mostly phytoplankton abundance increased several folds than zooplankton populations. This trend made the ratio of phyto/zoo biomass at 10, 4, and14 during spring, summer and autumn, respectively. In summer, with stratification of water column and dominant of Cyanophyta, grazing pressure by herbivores zooplankton was low. However in winter due to the zooplankton population growth, the ratios reached to 11, and declined with 1.3 folds compare to autumn. Because of severe decreasing of zooplankton biomass in 2009-10 compare to years before introduction of M.leidiy in to the Caspian Sea, the ratio of phyto/zoo biomass increased from "less than" 5 "to more than 10" Top-down control of zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton populations was clear in the years before the introduction of M.leidyi in to the Caspian Sea. But in 2009-10 zooplankton Shannon index reduced and phytoplankton Shannon index increased. In other word higher functional diversity at the lower trophic level (phytoplankton) increased the probability of successful defense against top-down control from zooplankton and phytoplankton abundance controled mainly by nutrients materials (down-top control). Seasonal macrobenthos abundance showed the maximum values in summer and minimum in the cold season (winter). The polychaeta had the highest proportion of abundance compare to others main orders (oligochaeta and crustacea). The dominance of deposit feeder species of polychaeta indicates to high level of organic matter in sediment and trophic status of ecosystem. Result of CCA analysis showed that three dominant orders had different behavior respect to environmental and sediments characteristics. The oligochaeta order was directly related to sediments characteristics (TOM) and inverse relationship with environmental parameters at most seasons. In contrast, polychaeta order was linked with environmental parameters in most seasons. Crustacea order was related to the both of them. Two orders of oligochaeta and crustacea were also related directly to OCPs and inverse relationship with TPH and heavy metals. In the other words, the two orders were more affected by TPH and heavy metals in this area. As a last point, increasing of trophic level from oligotrophic to the meso–eutrophic status, an increase of DO% from 105 percent to 120 percent, phytoplankton Shannon index increasing, zooplankton Shannon index decreasing, entrance of the potentially invasive species to the list of dominant phytoplankton species, increasing of phyto/zooplankton biomass ratio from less than 5 to more than 10 and also increasing of deposit feeder species abundance of macrobenthos are some evidences that indicate to disturbance and stress condition of the Caspian Sea

    Hydrology and hydrobiology data analysis collected during 1998-2007

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    Annually, many data of hydrology and hydrobiology of the southern Caspian Sea at Iran's coasts were collected by Caspian Sea Research Institute of Ecology. The data which had been collected by researchers submitted annually in several reports but has not been processed all at once. Fluctuations of various parameters were surveyed and the relationships between them were analyzed. The main goal of this research is to analysis the data were obtained from 1994 to 2006 and show changes the concentration of various parameters in the Caspian Sea. Physicochemical data indicated that the average trend of transparency and salinity was decreased from 1994 to 2006 annually, where the salinity value was decreased from 12.37 ppt (part per thousand) to 11.5 ppt. The average of dissolved oxygen was increased from 6.4 to 8.6mg/l. pH has slightly fluctuated from 8.15 to 8.31. However, with increasing depth from surface to bottom, the average of dissolved oxygen was sharply decreased (DO concentration in surface and 800 m was 7.18 and 1.45 mg/l, respectively). The trend of salinity and pH fluctuation was very slow with depth but the salinity has an increasing with incrementing of depth but pH has a decreased trend. The average of organic and inorganic phosphorus and TP was nearly increased. The average of Nitrate and Silica sharply increased comparing to depth but the average of Nitrite and organic Nitrogen decreased. The results showed that the temperature fluctuation in different water layers was low in winter but the dramatic decreasing of temperature was occurred at 10-20 m (in spring), 20-50 m (in winter) and 50-100 m (in autumn). With increasing of depth (Slope of the Sea), transparency and salinity values have an increasing while DO and pH showed decreased. As a whole, 335 species of phytoplankton were identified, there are 70 species in advance as these species were not seen in this period but 96 of novel's species have been recorded. The lowest and the most of phytoplankton biomass was recorded in 2006 and 2001 while the biomass was 59 and 1034 mg/m^3, respectively. Albet, the lowest biomass was recorded at the depth of 100 m (24.1 mg/m^3) but the maximum was observed in surface layer (1344.1 mg/m^3). The average of phytoplankton biomass was increased after arrival of the ctenophore. There was a significant difference between the average of biomass in different seasons before and after of the ctenophore invasion (P0.137, P>0.782). Before the presence of ctenophore, the worms had been constituted a dominate group with an approximately %45 of total abundance and also %20 of their biomass. After this period, their frequency was sharply increased (more than %85) but the maximum value pertains to Cardidae (more than %90). The species diversity, evenness and richness were varied between .69-2.51, 0.23-0.63 and .011-3.79, respectively. AMBI software, Shanon-Viner parameter was moderate in all seasons from 1994 to 1996 but this parameter was reduced in a bad limit (boundary) in the most seasons from 2002 to 2005. The main parameter of M-AMBI consists of several parameters and also approximately showed similar changes such as Shanon -viner parameter. On basis of this parameter, the ecological quality condition of Caspian Sea was superior limit in all seasons from 1994 to 1996 but after the following years were decreased from good to moderate limits (After the presence of ctenophore). Relationship between abiotic variants and phytoplankton indicated that there was a direct relationship between transparency and salinity while there was a powerful and reversal significant relationship between transparency water temperature, transparency in organic Nitrate, phytoplankton number and transparency phytoplankton biomass. The comparison between different variants average in two periods (before and after the ctenophore invasion) indicated that the average of Kilka catch was decreased, the relative frequency of clupeonella engrauliformis and clupenoella grimmi was sharply reduced but the relative frequency of Clupeonella cultriventris was sharply increased, the species diversity, evenness and richness and the number of zooplankton species were sharply decreased, the average of biomass and transparency was sharply reduced, the average of dissolved oxygen and liza saliens or liza auratus catch were increased. These difference were often significant (P<0.05). Therefore, with the ctenophore invasion into the Caspian Sea, the primary production was increased, the biomass value of zooplankton and specially Kilka which fed on zooplankton were sharply decreased while the fish such as Rutilus frisii kutum and mullet (Liza salins or Liza aurratus) which fed on benthic were increased

    Ret/PTC activation does not influence clinical and pathological features of adult papillary thyroid carcinomas

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    OBJECTIVE: RET proto-oncogene rearrangements (ret/PTCs) represent the most common genetic alterations found in papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs). Correlation of ret/PTC expression with clinical outcome is controversial. The aim of the present study was to analyze the frequency of RET rearrangements in adult PTCs, and to investigate if ret/PTCs influence biological behavior and clinical features of the cancers. DESIGN: Ret/PTC rearrangements were looked for in tIssue samples of 48 PTCs collected at our institution. Data about clinical and pathological features of the tumors were also reviewed. Three separate association analyses were carried out on the cohort evaluating the effects of, respectively, ret/PTC positivity, preferential RET tyrosine kinase domain (RET-TK) expression, and ret/PTC plus RET-TK positivity, on age, sex, tumor size, staging, number of neoplastic foci, and histological subtype. METHODS: The genetic study was conducted with the RT-PCR-Southern blot technique. Standard Student's t-test and Fisher exact test were applied for the association analyses. RESULTS: The molecular genetic study demonstrated the positivity of ret/PTC1 and ret/PTC3 in 13 of 48 tumors (27.1%), and an exclusive or preferential RET-TK expression in 17 cases (35.4%). None of the three genetico-clinical analyses showed any significant association between ret/PTC expression and the clinical and pathological features of the cancers. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that RET rearrangements may not play any distinctive role in driving histotype development and cancer progression in these neoplasms. Moreover, they weaken the possibility of using ret/PTC as a prognostic marker for papillary thyroid carcinomas
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