20 research outputs found

    Estudo de diferentes alturas de repicagem na produção de biomassa de porta-enxertos cítricos em sistema hidropônico.

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    A citricultura brasileira é a mais competitiva do mundo, com produção de 19.112.251 toneladas em 2010/11, sendo o Estado de São Paulo o principal produtor, com safra de laranja (2010/11) em torno de 290 milhões de caixas (AGRIANUAL, 2012). Vários são os fatores levados em consideração na ocasião da implantação de um pomar cítrico, porém, é consenso que a escolha de mudas de qualidade atestada é fator preponderante no sucesso da atividade. Pompeu Júnior (2005) enfatiza que os porta-enxertos afetam diversas características das variedades copas, tais como: vigor, produção e sua precocidade, tolerância da planta às adversidades climáticas, além de característica que conferem maior qualidade ao fruto

    Signaling via interleukin-4, receptor alpha chain is required for successful vaccination against schistosomiasis in BALB/c mice

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    Radiation-attenuated (RA) schistosome larvae are potent stimulators of innate immune responses at the skin site of exposure (pinna) that are likely to be important factors in the development of Th1-mediated protective immunity. In addition to causing an influx of neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells (DCs) into the dermis, RA larvae induced a cascade of chemokine and cytokine secretion following in vitro culture of pinna biopsy samples. While macrophage inflammatory protein 1 and interleukin-1 (IL-1) were produced transiently within the first few days, the Th1-promoting cytokines IL-12 and IL-18 were secreted at high levels until at least day 14. Assay of C3H/HeJ mice confirmed that IL-12 secretion was not due to lipopolysaccharide contaminants binding Toll-like receptor 4. Significantly, IL-12 p40 secretion was sustained in pinnae from vaccinated mice but not in those from nonprotected infected mice. In contrast, IL-10 was produced from both vaccinated and infected mice. This cytokine regulates IL-12-associated dermal inflammation, since in vaccinated IL-10/ mice, pinna thickness was greatly increased concurrent with elevated levels of IL-12 p40. A significant number of IL-12 p40 cells were detected as emigrants from in vitro-cultured pinnae, and most were within a population of rare large granular cells that were Ia, consistent with their being antigen-presenting cells. Labeling of IL-12 cells for CD11c, CD205, CD8, CD11b, and F4/80 indicated that the majority were myeloid DCs, although a proportion were CD11c F4/80, suggesting that macrophages were an additional source of IL-12 in the skin

    Efeitos das deficiências de alguns micronutrientes em dois cultivares (Santa Rosa e UFV-1) de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merill)

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    Two soybean varieties were grown in nutrient solution either in the presence on in the absence of B, Cu and Zn. Symptoms of deficiency were observed. Dry matter production and yield data were recorded. Leaf analyses were made in the end of the pod filling period (except in the case of the minus B treatment in which plants failed to produce grains). Main conclusions were the following: (1) lack of B in the substrate affected dry matter production more than the deficiencies of Cu and Zn; (2) Cu deficiency reduced growth and yield formation more than the lack of Zn; (3) symtoms of deficiency are in agreement with those already described; (4) variety UFV-1 seems more sensitive to the deficiency of micronutrients than Santa Rosa; (5) leaf levels of B and Zn indicative of adequate nutritional status seem to be different for the two varieties.Os cultivares de soja Santa Rosa e UFV-1 foram cultivados em solução nutritiva deficiente em B, Cu ou Zn. As plantas carentes em B não completaram o ciclo, enquanto as demais o fizeram. A carência de Cu afetou a produção de matéria seca e a de vagens mais que a falta de Zn. Quantitativamente, as deficiências induzidas afetaram a variedade UFV - 1 mais que a Santa Rosa