1,124 research outputs found

    Theory of interstellar medium diagnostics

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    The theoretical interpretation of observed interplanetary resonance luminescence patterns is used as one of the must promising methods to determine the state of the local interstellar medium (LISM). However, these methods lead to discrepant results that would be hard to understand in the framework of any physical LISM scenario. Assuming that the observational data are reliable, two possibilities which could help to resolve these discrepancies are discussed: (1) the current modeling of resonance luminescence patterns is unsatisfactory and has to be improved, and (2) the extrapolated interstellar parameters are not indicative of the unperturbed LISM state, but rather designate an intermediate state attained in the outer regions of the solar system. It is shown that a quantitative treatment of the neutral gas-plasma interaction effects in the interface between the heliospheric and the interstellar plasmas is of major importance for the correct understanding of the whole complex

    Stationary field-aligned MHD flows at astropauses and in astrotails. Principles of a counterflow configuration between a stellar wind and its interstellar medium wind

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    A stellar wind passing through the reverse shock is deflected into the astrospheric tail and leaves the stellar system either as a sub-Alfvenic or as a super-Alfvenic tail flow. An example is our own heliosphere and its heliotail. We present an analytical method of calculating stationary, incompressible, and field-aligned plasma flows in the astrotail of a star. We present a recipe for constructing an astrosphere with the help of only a few parameters, like the inner Alfven Mach number and the outer Alfven Mach number, the magnetic field strength within and outside the stellar wind cavity, and the distribution of singular points of the magnetic field within these flows. Within the framework of a one-fluid approximation, it is possible to obtain solutions of the MHD equations for stationary flows from corresponding static MHD equilibria, by using noncanonical mappings of the canonical variables. The canonical variables are the Euler potentials of the magnetic field of magnetohydrostatic equilibria. Thus we start from static equilibria determined by the distribution of magnetic neutral points, and assume that the Alfven Mach number for the corresponding stationary equilibria is finite. The topological structure determines the geometrical structure of the interstellar gas - stellar wind interface. Additional boundary conditions like the outer magnetic field and the jump of the magnetic field across the astropause allow determination of the noncanonical transformations. This delivers the strength of the magnetic field at every point in the astrotail region beyond the reverse shock. The mathematical technique for describing such a scenario is applied to astrospheres in general, but is also relevant for the heliosphere. It shows the restrictions of the outer and the inner magnetic field strength in comparison with the corresponding Alfven Mach numbers in the case of subalfvenic flows.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The electron distribution function downstream of the solar-wind termination shock: Where are the hot electrons?

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    In the majority of the literature on plasma shock waves, electrons play the role of "ghost particles," since their contribution to mass and momentum flows is negligible, and they have been treated as only taking care of the electric plasma neutrality. In some more recent papers, however, electrons play a new important role in the shock dynamics and thermodynamics, especially at the solar-wind termination shock. They react on the shock electric field in a very specific way, leading to suprathermal nonequilibrium distributions of the downstream electrons, which can be represented by a kappa distribution function. In this paper, we discuss why this anticipated hot electron population has not been seen by the plasma detectors of the Voyager spacecraft downstream of the solar-wind termination shock. We show that hot nonequilibrium electrons induce a strong negative electric charge-up of any spacecraft cruising through this downstream plasma environment. This charge reduces electron fluxes at the spacecraft detectors to nondetectable intensities. Furthermore, we show that the Debye length λDκ\lambda _{\mathrm D}^{\kappa} grows to values of about λDκ/λD≃106\lambda _{\mathrm D}^{\kappa}/\lambda _{\mathrm D}\simeq 10^{6} compared to the classical value λD\lambda _{\mathrm D} in this hot-electron environment. This unusual condition allows for the propagation of a certain type of electrostatic plasma waves that, at very large wavelengths, allow us to determine the effective temperature of the suprathermal electrons directly by means of the phase velocity of these waves. At moderate wavelengths, the electron-acoustic dispersion relation leads to nonpropagating oscillations with the ion-plasma frequency ωp\omega _{\mathrm p} , instead of the traditional electron plasma frequency.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Traveling solar-wind bulk-velocity fluctuations and their effects on electron heating in the inner heliosphere

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    Ambient plasma electrons undergo strong heating in regions associated with compressive traveling interplanetary solar-wind bulk-velocity jumps due to their specific interactions with the jump-inherent electric fields. After thermalization of this energy gain per shock passage through the operation of the Buneman instability, strong electron heating occurs that substantially influences the radial electron temperature profile. We describe the reduction of the jump amplitude due to energy expended by the traveling jump structure. We consider three effects; namely energy loss due to heating of electrons, energy loss due to work done against the pick-up-ion pressure gradient, and an energy gain due to nonlinear jump steepening. Taking these effects into account, we show that the decrease in jump amplitude with solar distance is more pronounced when the initial jump amplitude is higher in the inner solar system. Independent of the initial jump amplitude, it eventually decreases with increasing distance to a value of the order of ΔU/U≃0.1\Delta U/U\simeq 0.1 at the position of the heliospheric termination shock, where ΔU\Delta U is the jump amplitude, and UU is the average solar-wind bulk velocity.The electron temperature, on the other hand, is strongly correlated with the initial jump amplitude, leading to electron temperatures between 6000 K and 20 000 K at distances beyond 50 AU. We compare our results with in-situ measurements of the electron-core temperature from the Ulysses spacecraft in the plane of the ecliptic for 1.5 AU≤r≤5 AU1.5\, \mathrm{AU}\leq r \leq 5\,\mathrm{AU}, where rr is the distance from the Sun. We find a very good agreement between our results and these observations, which corroborates our extrapolated predictions beyond r=5 AUr=5\,\mathrm{AU}.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astron. Astrophy

    Solar wind heating by an embedded quasi-isothermal pick-up ion fluid

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    International audienceIt is well known that the solar wind plasma consists of primary ions of solar coronal origin and secondary ions of interstellar origin. Interstellar H-atoms penetrate into the inner heliosphere and when ionized there are converted into secondary ions. These are implanted into the magnetized solar wind flow and are essentially enforced to co-move with this flow. By nonlinear interactions with wind-entrained Alfvén waves the latter are processed in the co-moving velocity space. This pick-up process, however, also causes actions back upon the original solar wind flow, leading to a deceleration, as well as a heating of the solar wind plasma. The resulting deceleration is not only due to the loading effect, but also due to the action of the pressure gradient. To calculate the latter, it is important to take into account the stochastic acceleration that suffers at their convection out of the inner heliosphere by the quasi-linear interactions with MHD turbulences. Only then can the presently reported VOYAGER observations of solar wind decelerations and heatings in the outer heliosphere be understood in terms of the current, most likely values of interstellar gas parameters. In a consistent view of the thermodynamics of the solar wind plasma, which is composed of secondary ions and solar wind protons, we also derive that the latter are globally heated at their motion to larger solar distances. The arising heat transfer is due to the action of suprathermal ions which drive MHD waves that are partially absorbed by solar wind protons and thereby establish their observed quasi-polytropy. We obtain a quantitative expression for the solar wind proton pressure as a function of solar distance. This expression clearly shows the change from an adiabatic to a quasi-polytropic behaviour with a decreasing polytropic index at increasing distances, as has been observed by the VOYAGERS. This also allows one to calculate the average percentage of the intitial energy fed into the thermal proton energy. In a first-order evaluation of this expression we can estimate that under stationary flow conditions about 10% of the initial injection energy is eventually transfered to solar wind protons, independent of the actual injection rate

    Revisiting the theory of the evolution of pick-up ion distributions: magnetic or adiabatic cooling?

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    We study the phasespace behaviour of heliospheric pick-up ions after the time of their injection as newly created ions into the solar wind bulk flow from either charge exchange or photoionization of interplanetary neutral atoms. As interaction with the ambient MHD wave fields we allow for rapid pitch angle diffusion, but for the beginning of this paper we shall neglect the effect of quasilinear or nonlinear energy diffusion (Fermi-2 acceleration) induced by counterflowing ambient waves. In the up-to-now literature connected with the convection of pick-up ions by the solar wind only adiabatic cooling of these ions is considered which in the solar wind frame takes care of filling the gap between the injection energy and energies of the thermal bulk of solar wind ions. Here we reinvestigate the basics of the theory behind this assumption of adiabatic pick-up ion reactions and correlated predictions derived from it. We then compare it with the new assumption of a pure magnetic cooling of pick-up ions simply resulting from their being convected in an interplanetary magnetic field which decreases in magnitude with increase of solar distance. We compare the results for pick-up ion distribution functions derived along both ways and can point out essential differences of observational and diagnostic relevance. Furthermore we then include stochastic acceleration processes by wave-particle interactions. As we can show, magnetic cooling in conjunction with diffusive acceleration by wave-particle interaction allows for an unbroken power law with the unique power index γ=−5 beginning from lowest velocities up to highest energy particles of about 100 KeV which just marginally can be in resonance with magnetoacoustic turbulences. Consequences for the resulting pick-up ion pressures are also analysed
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