12 research outputs found


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    (Title: Deus Versus Ohirume in Kamigami No Bishou: Cultural Clash Between West and Japan) The Kamigami no Bishou short story is one of the most famous Japanese literary works, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. Kamigami no Bishou was created by Akutagawa in 1922 which tells the meeting of Organtino, a Christian missionary in Japan with an old man who was the embodiment of one of Japan's ancient gods. The purpose of this article is to reveal how the clash of cultures between the West and Japan was reconstructed in Kamigami no Bishou short stories. To achieve this goal, the following steps are taken. First, an explanation of the terms contained in the Kamigami no Bishou Short Story. Second, explained the actions of two figures in the short story that are in opposition to the Greimas model's official scheme because this scheme can make it easier to understand the actions and motivations of the characters. Third, the analysis of one of the short story structural elements is a theme with the aim of understanding the essence and purpose of the entire short story. Fourth, further explanation about the reconstruction of Western versus Japanese cultural clash which is explained by the presentation of binary opposition. After going through all four stages, it was concluded that the reconstruction of cultural clash in Kamigami no Bishou short stories was presented by Akutagawa in a conversation between the Organtino character and the old male character. Through a dialogue centered on Deus versus Ohirume carried out by Organtino figures and old male figures, Akutagawa indirectly wanted to convey the message that Japanese tradition and culture would not be destroyed due to influences from foreign cultures that entered


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    Yukata adalah pakaian tradisional Jepang yang biasa dipakai setelah berenang pada malam hari atau sore hari. Yukata juga sering digunakan pada musim panas. Pelajar bahasa Jepang di Indonesia biasanya belajar tentang Yukata dari manga (komik Jepang), anime (kartun Jepang), atau dorama (drama Jepang) yang karakternya mengenakan Yukata. Terbuat dari bahan katun tipis tanpa lapisan membuat Yukata nyaman digunakan saat cuaca panas. Tujuan dari demonstrasi Yukata ini, adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan penggunaan Yukata kepada pelajar tingkat SMA, khususnya siswa SMA DU 3 Jombang. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada siswa tentang budaya Jepang, khususnya pakaian tradisional Jepang Yukata. Hasil pelatihan dan survei yang dibagikan menunjukkan bahwa semua siswa atau peserta pelatihan sangat antusias dan dapat memahami, baik memakai Yukata sendiri maupun memakaikannya kepada temannya. Sementara itu, berdasarkan tanggapan yang diberikan oleh siswa, hampir seratus persen orang yang mengikuti pelatihan ini secara umum menyambut baik dan puas dengan cara kegiatan ini dijalankan. Diharapkan kegiatan seperti ini dapat diadakan secara teratur di masa depan dan durasi kegiatan dapat diperpanjang. Pemahaman tentang budaya Jepang, terutama makna dan identitas Yukata, meningkat sebagai hasil dari kegiatan seperti ini

    Peran Orang Tua Terhadap Anak-Anak dalam Cerpen 'Seibei to Hyoutan' karya Shiga Naoya

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    This study aims to determine the role of parents towards children in the short story 'Seibei to Hyotan' by Shiga Naoya published in 1913 in Japan. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with data collection through literature studies. Data analysis is carried out by analyzing one of the elements of the short story structure, namely characterization and characterization, then understanding the relationship between the role of parents and children in this short story. The results showed that (1) the role of Seibei's parents towards Seibei was very important in shaping Seibei's character, (2) adults in this case the teacher from Seibei also played a role in the formation of Seibei's character, and (3) the impact of Seibei's parents' attitude towards Seibei was very large, one of which was Seibei's mistakes that recurred

    Peer review: Deus Versus Ohirume Dalam Cerpen Kamigami No Bishou: Benturan Budaya Antara Barat dengan Jepang.

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    (Title: Deus Versus Ohirume in Kamigami No Bishou: Cultural Clash Between West and Japan) The Kamigami no Bishou short story is one of the most famous Japanese literary works, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke. Kamigami no Bishou was created by Akutagawa in 1922 which tells the meeting of Organtino, a Christian missionary in Japan with an old man who was the embodiment of one of Japan's ancient gods. The purpose of this article is to reveal how the clash of cultures between the West and Japan was reconstructed in Kamigami no Bishou short stories. To achieve this goal, the following steps are taken. First, an explanation of the terms contained in the Kamigami no Bishou Short Story. Second, explained the actions of two figures in the short story that are in opposition to the Greimas model's official scheme because this scheme can make it easier to understand the actions and motivations of the characters. Third, the analysis of one of the short story structural elements is a theme with the aim of understanding the essence and purpose of the entire short story. Fourth, further explanation about the reconstruction of Western versus Japanese cultural clash which is explained by the presentation of binary opposition. After going through all four stages, it was concluded that the reconstruction of cultural clash in Kamigami no Bishou short stories was presented by Akutagawa in a conversation between the Organtino character and the old male character. Through a dialogue centered on Deus versus Ohirume carried out by Organtino figures and old male figures, Akutagawa indirectly wanted to convey the message that Japanese tradition and culture would not be destroyed due to influences from foreign cultures that entered


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    [The interpretation of Kinoshita Mokutaro’s Kurofune] This article discusses about the interpretation of poetry with semiotic approach. As the object of this study is one of Kinoshita Mokutaro’s poetries: Kurofune. Decoding the dramatic situation and connotation of a poetic text can be helpful for its interpretation. The dramatic situation of Kurofune will be discussed with semiothics theory from Riffaterre. In Riffaterre’s theory, poetry can be interpreted with heuristic and hermeneutic’s reading. The purpose of this article is to know the poetry’s implied meaning. The terms of Black Ships(Kurofune) commonly refer to the American steam-powered warships led by Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry which first arrived in Uraga in 1853. But as the result of the analysis, the term kurofune can be also read as the end of shakoku and the beginning of new era called the Meiji Restoration.</p


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    Abstract In the social study, there is a concept about strong desire to be recognized by others named thumos. Mishima as a Japanese ultranasionalist have a value about guarding the traditional Japanese values. Among of these values is the absolute position of Japanese emperor in the state. If Mishima’s thumos which expressed in the novel linked with his ideology, there is strong similarity between the protagonist’s disappointment and Mishima’s critics related with the Japanese society. Those assumptions supported by novel’s structural aspects. Keywords : thumos, critics, Japanese society</p

    Story Meaning in

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    Warera no Jidai no Fuukoroa - Koodo Shihon Shugi Zenshi's short story by Murakami Haruki tells the romance of Japanese teenagers in the 60s (Showa era). This study uses a sociological approach to literature to analyze the meaning of the story through a picture of the society of the 60s told in a short story. The results showed that in the Showa period gender equality was still difficult to realize because people's thinking still supported patriarchal domination. Besides, the portrayal of the romance story is the author's criticism of the fragility of society in that era

    Anthropocentrism Ethics in Mari Okada’s

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    In the recent decades, there are many literary works that discuss about environmental related issues. Especially Japan that oftentimes criticize those issues in modern works such as animation films. Mari Okada conveyed a hidden message about environmental issues in her recent work, Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou. By using an ecocritical approach, this study discussed about the environmental issues, environmental ethics and nature’s representation depicted in the film. It is understood that the issues that were brought up in the film were racism, wild life exploitation, and pollution due to industrialization by a kingdom in the story. The kingdom also violated 5 out of 8 environmental ethics. From these results, it is inferred that this act is due to anthropocentrism ethics practiced by the kingdom. And the message hidden by creator were that nature will always respond

    Ecocriticism Reading in

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    Ecocriticism is becoming a theme that is starting to be of interest in the study of literary works. This study aims to reveal ecocriticism reading in Miyazawa Kenji’s two short stories, namely Kenjuu Kooenrin and Oinomori to Zarumori, Nusutomori. This writing used qualitative with ecocriticism approach and its perspective written by Dobie regarding environmentally-oriented literary works. The results showed that these two short stories by Miyazawa Kenji show the same thing, namely advocating for nature but in different ways. Kenjuu Kouenrin’s short stories highlight the results of the main character’s struggles in nature conservation, while Oinomori to Zarumori, Nusutomori’s short stories, highlight the equality between nature and humans in this universe

    Onomatopoeic Translation in Environmentally Oriented Literary Work Nametoko No Kuma and Otsuberu to Zou by Miyazawa Kenji

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    Miyazawa Kenji is an author who writes stories about moral and educational teachings based on the belief that humans must coexist with nature. Nametoko no Kuma and Otsuberu to Zou are two of his children's short stories that have been translated into Indonesian. Children's stories have specific language styles that are easy to understand, contain educational themes, as well as detailed descriptions of the storyline. In Japanese children's stories, onomatopoeia is often used to describe the details of the story. This study aims to describe the onomatopoeic translation procedure used to achieve dynamic equivalence in translation. The method used in this research is the padan translasional method. As a result, it was found that reduction and equivalence translation procedures are the most widely used to provide onomatopoeic translation results close to the target language