14 research outputs found

    Relationship between the Plasma Proteome and Changes in Inflammatory Markers after Bariatric Surgery

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    Severe obesity is a disease associated with multiple adverse effects on health. Metabolic bariatric surgery (MBS) can have significant effects on multiple body systems and was shown to improve inflammatory markers in previous short-term follow-up studies. We evaluated associations between changes in inflammatory markers (CRP, IL6 and TNFα) and circulating proteins after MBS. Methods: Sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH-MS) proteomics was performed on plasma samples taken at baseline (pre-surgery) and 6 and 12 months after MBS, and concurrent analyses of inflammatory/metabolic parameters were carried out. The change in absolute abundances of those proteins, showing significant change at both 6 and 12 months, was tested for correlation with the absolute and percentage (%) change in inflammatory markers. Results: We found the following results: at 6 months, there was a correlation between %change in IL-6 and fold change in HSPA4 (rho = −0.659; p = 0.038) and in SERPINF1 (rho = 0.714, p = 0.020); at 12 months, there was a positive correlation between %change in IL-6 and fold change in the following proteins—LGALS3BP (rho = 0.700, p = 0.036), HSP90B1 (rho = 0.667; p = 0.05) and ACE (rho = 0.667, p = 0.05). We found significant inverse correlations at 12 months between %change in TNFα and the following proteins: EPHX2 and ACE (for both rho = −0.783, p = 0.013). We also found significant inverse correlations between %change in CRP at 12 months and SHBG (rho = −0.759, p = 0.029), L1CAM (rho = −0.904, p = 0.002) and AMBP (rho = −0.684, p = 0.042). Conclusion: Using SWATH-MS, we identified several proteins that are involved in the inflammatory response whose levels change in patients who achieve remission of T2DM after bariatric surgery in tandem with changes in IL6, TNFα and/or CRP. Future studies are needed to clarify the underlying mechanisms in how MBS decreases low-grade inflammation

    O ciclo da vesícula sináptica, espinhos dendríticos e a transdução de sinal

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    In the nervous system, the synapse is the structure that allows a neuron pass an electrical or chemicalsignal to another neuron or another cell (muscle or glandular). The word synapse comes from "synaptein"that Sir Charles Scott Sherrington and his colleagues minted from the Greek "syn" (together) and "haptein"(buckling). Most part of the synaptic transmission is performed through chemical synapses. Chemicalsynapses have a slower response than the electric ones; they have the advantage of amplifying thesignal generated through a cascade of second messengers. Chemical synapses can be excitatory orinhibitory and are characterized by a presynaptic terminal (where there are vesicles that contain theneurotransmitters) in contact with a postsynaptic terminal (where there are the ionotropic and metabotropicreceptors) separated by the synaptic cleft. Synapses can occur on axons (axo-axonal), on dendrites (axodendritic), on soma (axo-somatic) and on dendritic spines. Dendritic spines are small profusions withthe function of synaptic compartmentalization. There is much information about classic neurotransmitters,such as acetylcholine, glutamate, GABA, glycine, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, but the studyof new neurotransmitter (i. e., ATP, nitric oxide, endocannabinoids, and neuropeptides) has advancedenormously. This review is a collection summary of key information from the recent literature describingthe molecular and functional aspects of the cycle of synaptic vesicle, the composition of postsynapticdensity, dendritic spines, and signal transduction.No sistema nervoso, a sinapse é a estrutura que permite a um neurônio passar um sinal elétrico ouquímico a outro neurônio ou outra célula (muscular ou glandular). A palavra sinapse vem de "synaptein",palavra que Sir Charles Scott Sherrington e seus colegas acunharam do grego "syn" (junto) e "haptein"(afivelar). As sinapses podem ser separadas entre elétricas e químicas, porém a maior parte da transmissão sináptica é realizada através das sinapses químicas. Apesar das sinapses químicas teremuma resposta mais lenta que as elétricas, elas possuem a vantagem da amplificação do sinal geradaatravés de uma cascata de segundos mensageiros. As sinapses químicas podem ser excitatórias ouinibitórias e são caracterizadas por um terminal pré-sináptico (onde estão presentes as vesículas quecontêm os neurotransmissores) em contato com um terminal pós-sináptico (onde estão presentes osreceptores ionotrópicos e metabotrópicos para esses neurotransmissores) separados pela fenda sináptica. As sinapses típicas acontecem sobre axônios (axo-axônicas), sobre dendritos (axo-dendríticas), sobre o soma de outro neurônio (axo-somáticas) e sobre os espinhos dendríticos. Os espinhosdendríticos são pequenas profusões da membrana celular especializadas na compartimentalizaçãosináptica. Atualmente há muita informação sobre a biossíntese dos neurotransmissores clássicoscomo acetilcolina, glutamato, GABA, glicina, dopamina, noradrenalina e serotonina e os seus receptores específicos para o funcionamento do sistema nervoso central (SNC). Ao mesmo tempo o estudo denovas substâncias neurotransmissoras (por exemplo ATP, óxido nítrico, endocanabinóides e neuropeptídeos) tem avançado enormemente. Esta revisão é uma seleção resumida de informações fundamentais a partir da literatura mais recente dos principais aspectos funcionais e moleculares do ciclo davesícula sináptica, da composição da densidade pós-sináptica, dos espinhos dendríticos e do mecanismo de transdução de sinal

    Neurotransmissão glutamatérgica e plasticidade sináptica: aspectos moleculares, clínicos e filogenéticos

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    Communication between neurons is subject to constant changes, even in the adult brain. This ability ofneural circuits to strengthen or weaken their specific synaptic interactions (a phenomenon known assynaptic plasticity) may occur according to different environmental demands, which favors the idea thatdynamic changes in the communication between neurons underlie behavioral flexibility (i.e., learningand memory processes). In recent decades, advances in neuroscience has allowed a better understanding of synaptic plasticity, specially the plasticity of glutamatergic synapses, whose molecular processes of synaptic change appear to be among the most common throughout the central nervous system.Much of this progress in basic science has contributed to a better understanding of pathological processes involving the glutamatergic synapses, such as Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, the growingunderstanding about the physiology of glutamatergic communication has helped explain how synapses,in general, would have originated and evolved in the phylogenetic scale of the Metazoa. This reviewattempts to address clinical aspects of glutamatergic neurotransmission, coA comunicação entre neurônios é passível de constantes modificações, até mesmo no encéfalo adulto.Esta capacidade de circuitos neuronais fortalecerem ou enfraquecerem suas interações sinápticasespecíficas (fenômeno conhecido como plasticidade sináptica) pode ocorrer de acordo com as diferentes demandas ambientais, o que favorece a noção de que alterações dinâmicas na comunicação entreneurônios estão na base da flexibilidade comportamental (i.e., processos de aprendizagem e memó-ria). Nas últimas décadas, o avanço das neurociências tem permitido uma melhor compreensão arespeito da plasticidade sináptica, especialmente a plasticidade de sinapses glutamatérgicas, cujosprocessos moleculares de modificação sináptica parecem estar entre os mais comuns de todo osistema nervoso central. Boa parte desse progresso na ciência básica tem contribuído para uma melhor compreensão acerca dos processos patológicos envolvendo as sinapses glutamatérgicas, comoa doença de Alzheimer. Além disso, a crescente compreensão sobre o funcionamento da comunicaçãoglutamatérgica tem ajudado a esclarecer como as sinapses, em geral, teriam se originado e evoluídona escala filogenética do reino animal (Metazoa). A presente revisão procura abordar aspectos clínicosda neurotransmissão glutamatérgica, porém propondo uma contextualização de tais aspectos clínicosem relação a conhecimentos básicos sobre plasticidade sináptica e evolução das sinapses

    Changes in the Proteome Profile of People Achieving Remission of Type 2 Diabetes after Bariatric Surgery

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-08-17, pub-electronic 2021-08-18Publication status: PublishedBariatric surgery (BS) results in metabolic pathway recalibration. We have identified potential biomarkers in plasma of people achieving type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) remission after BS. Longitudinal analysis was performed on plasma from 10 individuals following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (n = 7) or sleeve gastrectomy (n = 3). Sequential window acquisition of all theoretical fragment ion spectra mass spectrometry (SWATH-MS) was done on samples taken at 4 months before (baseline) and 6 and 12 months after BS. Four hundred sixty-seven proteins were quantified by SWATH-MS. Principal component analysis resolved samples from distinct time points after selection of key discriminatory proteins: 25 proteins were differentially expressed between baseline and 6 months post-surgery; 39 proteins between baseline and 12 months. Eight proteins (SHBG, TF, PRG4, APOA4, LRG1, HSPA4, EPHX2 and PGLYRP) were significantly different to baseline at both 6 and 12 months post-surgery. The panel of proteins identified as consistently different included peptides related to insulin sensitivity (SHBG increase), systemic inflammation (TF and HSPA4—both decreased) and lipid metabolism (APOA4 decreased). We found significant changes in the proteome for eight proteins at 6- and 12-months post-BS, and several of these are key components in metabolic and inflammatory pathways. These may represent potential biomarkers of remission of T2DM

    Oxidative stress-driven parvalbumin interneuron impairment as a common mechanism in models of schizophrenia.

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    Parvalbumin inhibitory interneurons (PVIs) are crucial for maintaining proper excitatory/inhibitory balance and high-frequency neuronal synchronization. Their activity supports critical developmental trajectories, sensory and cognitive processing, and social behavior. Despite heterogeneity in the etiology across schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder, PVI circuits are altered in these psychiatric disorders. Identifying mechanism(s) underlying PVI deficits is essential to establish treatments targeting in particular cognition. On the basis of published and new data, we propose oxidative stress as a common pathological mechanism leading to PVI impairment in schizophrenia and some forms of autism. A series of animal models carrying genetic and/or environmental risks relevant to diverse etiological aspects of these disorders show PVI deficits to be all accompanied by oxidative stress in the anterior cingulate cortex. Specifically, oxidative stress is negatively correlated with the integrity of PVIs and the extracellular perineuronal net enwrapping these interneurons. Oxidative stress may result from dysregulation of systems typically affected in schizophrenia, including glutamatergic, dopaminergic, immune and antioxidant signaling. As convergent end point, redox dysregulation has successfully been targeted to protect PVIs with antioxidants/redox regulators across several animal models. This opens up new perspectives for the use of antioxidant treatments to be applied to at-risk individuals, in close temporal proximity to environmental impacts known to induce oxidative stress

    Estrutura fitossociológia de um fragmento natural de floresta inundável em área de orizicultura irrigada, município de Lagoa da Confusão, Tocantins Phytosociologial structure of a natural fragment of floodplain forest in area of irrigated rice cultivation, municipal district of Lagoa da Confusão, Tocantins, Brazil

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    Os fragmentos naturais de florestas inundáveis conhecidos como ipucas localizam-se na planície do Araguaia, sob a forma de depressões naturais, que no Estado do Tocantins estão situados em áreas de planícies de inundação, que favorece seu alagamento e, conseqüentemente, o maior tempo de retenção da água em épocas de elevada precipitação. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido na fazenda Lago Verde, Município de Lagoa da Confusão, Tocantins, situado entre as coordenadas UTM: 643586 e 644060 leste e 8792795 e 8799167 norte. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar a estrutura de um fragmento de floresta inundável de aproximadamente um hectare, inserido em área de orizicultura irrigada. Para o levantamento fitossociológico, foram amostrados todos os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos com perímetro a 1,30 m do solo (PAP) > 15 cm. Ao todo, foram encontrados 807 indivíduos, 35 famílias e 70 espécies. As espécies com maior VC, em ordem decrescente, foram Hirtella racemosa Lam., Qualea multiflora Mart. e Cecropia pachystachya Trécul. As famílias mais ricas em espécies foram Fabaceae (9), Vochysiaceae (6), Annonaceae e Malvaceae (4). O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H') foi de 3,44. A distribuição de classes de diâmetro apresentou curva na forma de "J" invertido, estando a maioria dos indivíduos na primeira classe.<br>The natural fragments of floodplain forests known as "ipucas" are located in the Araguaia plain, in form of natural depressions, which are located in areas of floodplains in the State of Tocantins, favoring its flooding and, consequently, the largest period of water retention during periods of high precipitation. The present study was developed at Lagoa Verde farm, municipal district of Lagoa da Confusão, Tocantins between the coordinates UTM: 643586 and 644060 east and 8792795 and 8799167 north. The objective of the work was to characterize the structure of a floodplain forest fragment of approximately one-hectare area, inserted in area of irrigated rice cultivation. For the phytosociological survey, all the tree/shrub individuals with perimeter at 1.30m (PBH) > 15 cm were sampled. On the whole, 807 individuals, 35 families and 70 species were sampled. The species with higher VC, in descending order, were Hirtella racemosa Lam., Qualea multiflora Mart. and Cecropia pachystachya Trécul. The richest families in species were Fabaceae (9), Vochysiaceae (6), Annonaceae and Malvaceae (4). The Shannon diversity index (H') was 3.44. The distribution of diameter classes showed an inverted "J" curve, with most of the individuals being in the first class

    Fenologia de Lafoensia pacari A.St.-Hil. (Lythraceae) em Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso, Brasil Phenology of Lafoensia pacari A.St.-Hil. (Lythraceae) in Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso State, Brazil

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    Lafoensia pacari A.St.-Hil. é uma espécie da flora do cerrado usada na medicina popular como anti-úlcera, antifúngica, antibactericida, anti-inflamatória, febrífuga, para emagrecimento e no tratamento de pneumonia, dores de estômago e coceiras. Estudou-se a fenologia de L. pacari no cerrado do Parque Estadual da "Serra Azul", região de Barra do Garças-MT (15º 51' 58" S e 52º 15' 37" W), à 645 m de altitude, durante o período de 24 meses. Verificou-se que as fenofases são sazonais, com floração nos meses de abril a agosto, frutificação de junho a setembro, brotação no início da estação chuvosa de outubro a dezembro e queda de folhas de julho a setembro, no final da estação seca.<br>Lafoensia pacari is a species from the Brazilian cerrado used in folk medicine to control ulcers, fungal and bacterial diseases, inflammations, fevers, pneumonia, stomachaches, and itching, as well as to lose weight. L. pacari phenology was studied for 24 months in the cerrado at "Serra Azul" State Park, in the region of Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso State, Brazil (15º 51' 58" S and 52º 15' 37" W), at 645 m altitude. Phenophases are seasonal, with flowering from April to August, fruiting from June to September, sprouting from October to December, during the beginning of the rainy season, and leaf fall from July to September, at the end of the dry season