213 research outputs found

    Invariant measures on multimode quantum Gaussian states

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    We derive the invariant measure on the manifold of multimode quantum Gaussian states, induced by the Haar measure on the group of Gaussian unitary transformations. To this end, by introducing a bipartition of the system in two disjoint subsystems, we use a parameterization highlighting the role of nonlocal degrees of freedom -- the symplectic eigenvalues -- which characterize quantum entanglement across the given bipartition. A finite measure is then obtained by imposing a physically motivated energy constraint. By averaging over the local degrees of freedom we finally derive the invariant distribution of the symplectic eigenvalues in some cases of particular interest for applications in quantum optics and quantum information.Comment: 17 pages, comments are welcome. v2: presentation improved and typos corrected. Close to the published versio

    Zeno dynamics and constraints

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    We investigate some examples of quantum Zeno dynamics, when a system undergoes very frequent (projective) measurements that ascertain whether it is within a given spatial region. In agreement with previously obtained results, the evolution is found to be unitary and the generator of the Zeno dynamics is the Hamiltonian with hard-wall (Dirichlet) boundary conditions. By using a new approach to this problem, this result is found to be valid in an arbitrary NN-dimensional compact domain. We then propose some preliminary ideas concerning the algebra of observables in the projected region and finally look at the case of a projection onto a lower dimensional space: in such a situation the Zeno ansatz turns out to be a procedure to impose constraints.Comment: 21 page

    Classical Statistical Mechanics Approach to Multipartite Entanglement

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    We characterize the multipartite entanglement of a system of n qubits in terms of the distribution function of the bipartite purity over balanced bipartitions. We search for maximally multipartite entangled states, whose average purity is minimal, and recast this optimization problem into a problem of statistical mechanics, by introducing a cost function, a fictitious temperature and a partition function. By investigating the high-temperature expansion, we obtain the first three moments of the distribution. We find that the problem exhibits frustration.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, published versio

    Dephasing in matter-wave interferometry

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    We review different attempts to show the decoherence process in double-slit-like experiments both for charged particles (electrons) and neutral particles with permanent dipole moments. Interference is studied when electrons or atomic systems are coupled to classical or quantum electromagnetic fields. The interaction between the particles and time-dependent fields induces a time-varying Aharonov phase. Averaging over the phase generates a suppression of fringe visibility in the interference pattern. We show that, for suitable experimental conditions, the loss of contrast for dipoles can be almost as large as the corresponding one for coherent electrons and therefore, be observed. We analyze different trajectories in order to show the dependence of the decoherence factor with the velocity of the particles.Comment: 9 pages, 1 eps-figure. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Phase space tweezers for tailoring cavity fields by quantum Zeno dynamics

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    We discuss an implementation of Quantum Zeno Dynamics in a Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics experiment. By performing repeated unitary operations on atoms coupled to the field, we restrict the field evolution in chosen subspaces of the total Hilbert space. This procedure leads to promising methods for tailoring non-classical states. We propose to realize `tweezers' picking a coherent field at a point in phase space and moving it towards an arbitrary final position without affecting other non-overlapping coherent components. These effects could be observed with a state-of-the-art apparatus

    Radon transform on the cylinder and tomography of a particle on the circle

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    The tomographic probability distribution on the phase space (cylinder) related to a circle or an interval is introduced. The explicit relations of the tomographic probability densities and the probability densities on the phase space for the particle motion on a torus are obtained and the relation of the suggested map to the Radon transform on the plane is elucidated. The generalization to the case of a multidimensional torus is elaborated and the geometrical meaning of the tomographic probability densities as marginal distributions on the helix discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Non-Markovian Decay and Lasing Condition in an Optical Microcavity Coupled to a Structured Reservoir

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    The decay dynamics of the classical electromagnetic field in a leaky optical resonator supporting a single mode coupled to a structured continuum of modes (reservoir) is theoretically investigated, and the issue of threshold condition for lasing in presence of an inverted medium is comprehensively addressed. Specific analytical results are given for a single-mode microcavity resonantly coupled to a coupled resonator optical waveguide (CROW), which supports a band of continuous modes acting as decay channels. For weak coupling, the usual exponential Weisskopf-Wigner (Markovian) decay of the field in the bare resonator is found, and the threshold for lasing increases linearly with the coupling strength. As the coupling between the microcavity and the structured reservoir increases, the field decay in the passive cavity shows non exponential features, and correspondingly the threshold for lasing ceases to increase, reaching a maximum and then starting to decrease as the coupling strength is further increased. A singular behavior for the "laser phase transition", which is a clear signature of strong non-Markovian dynamics, is found at critical values of the coupling between the microcavity and the reservoir.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. A (December 2006 issue

    Universal dynamical decoherence control of noisy single-and multi-qubit systems

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    In this article we develop, step by step, the framework for universal dynamical control of two-level systems (TLS) or qubits experiencing amplitude- or phase-noise (AN or PN) due to coupling to a thermal bath. A comprehensive arsenal of modulation schemes is introduced and applied to either AN or PN, resulting in completely analogous formulae for the decoherence rates, thus underscoring the unified nature of this universal formalism. We then address the extension of this formalism to multipartite decoherence control, where symmetries are exploited to overcome decoherence.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Zeno subspaces

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    The quantum Zeno effect is recast in terms of an adiabatic theorem when the measurement is described as the dynamical coupling to another quantum system that plays the role of apparatus. A few significant examples are proposed and their practical relevance discussed. We also focus on decoherence-free subspaces.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let
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