122 research outputs found

    Knowledge Use in Knowledge Building Discourse

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    Although many research on knowledge building process is caried out, still little is known how the knowledge information is used in the knowledge construction discourse, i.e. the use of knowledge information that we provide in education or the 'valid knowledge sources' (scientific and professional literature, experts). The use of authoritative knowledge sources is one of the principles of knowledge construction. To explore this gap, KBDeX network analyses have been carried out into the way in which two MEd student groups from a Masters in Learning and Innovation use 'curriculum' literature in their knowledge-constructing dialogues. On basis of the analysis crucial phases/activities patterns in the discourse could be identified. These discourse activities concern: Group forming: sharing everyone's 'acquired' insights and finding a substantive socio-cognitive match; Collective engagement: loosening one's own egocentric perspective and becoming involved in a collective knowledge construction dialogue; Grounding: ‘dialogue’ about what exactly everyone means with seemingly clear terms that are used; Integration and construction: accommodation, creation of collective and therefore own ideas by integrating and connecting ideas that transcend previous ideas (rising above); and finally writing or creating the conceptual artifact. The transition from one discourse activity to another seems to be supported by "bringing-our-knowledge-together" transgressions. These are contributions in which a state of affairs is drawn up and relationships are established between topic terms and their own ideas at that time. The results support the idea that learning is a psychological process and that knowledge emerge in students’ actions in particular in their in-(ter)-actions with each other and in their worl

    Acquiring Expert’s Vocabulary:Analyzing Students Textual Feedback on Video Recordings

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    Teacher education aims to move students from novice to expert level. In this study, we analysed student’s textual peer feedback on video recordings of their teaching practice. First, the impact of the curriculum and literature on students’ feedback by the network analysis of prominent words. Secondly, the lexical richness and the semantic cohesion of students’ feedback and reflections. Our findings show that students created stronger connections between the prominent words from the literature. The lexical richness and semantic cohesion also increased. This means that students incorporated vocabulary from expert sources and maintained semantic consistency while using the expert vocabulary

    Designing an observation instrument for assessment for learning practice

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    In Assessment for Learning (AfL), assessment is a tool used to support students’ learning. In the last decades, research has shown the potential of AfL on student learning. Implementation of AfL in practice however, has proven to be complicated and a concrete discriminative operationalization of AfL practice is lacking. Aim of this study is to support the implementation of AfL and to operationalize AfL in an observation instrument for AfL practice. For the design of the observation instrument, a literature search was conducted to find an applicable theoretical framework for AfL and to describe teachers’ activities in AfL practice in concrete processes. The search resulted in the identification of the three main processes of AfL for teachers, students and peers: 1) identifying where learners are going; 2) where they are in their learning and 3) how to get there, as the theoretical framework for the design of the observation instrument. Theory on feedback (dialogues) and monitoring and scaffolding was used to describe teachers’ activities in the three main processes of AfL. The resulting observation instrument is presented in this paper. To determine if the instrument meets its intended goals, the instrument was tested in observing teachers in their practice. Results show that the instrument is appropriate to identify and discriminate between AfL practices and that the instrument is suitable for coaching teachers in their change to AfL

    Video-based collaborative learning:evidence for a pedagogical model

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    The educational potential of video is a long-lasting, multi-faceted topic, and the affordances of technological advancement have recently revitalized this discussion. However, teachers are still far from competently integrating or becoming accustomed to video-based pedagogy, especially in combination with collaborative pedagogy. To provide teachers and teacher educators with sound principles for implementing video-supported collaborative learning (VSCL), this symposium fosters a teacher experiment, a cross-over analysis on a pedagogical model for effective VSCL, and student feedback in relation with VSCL. The experiment shows students’ growing lexical richness and cohesion by working peer feedback on student’s video recorded teaching practice. The cross-over analysis shows the evidence for the VSCL-pedagogical model based on data from many other experiments in the European ViSuAL-project. The same holds for the student-feedback analysis. In this symposium we interact about practical experiences in relation with the effective principles of the developed pedagogical model and the experiences of the students

    Werkproces-kennis en leren met of van ICT

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    Kennis in-(ter)-actie: responsief leren als kennis construeren

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    De maat is vol: jonge mensen spijbelen voor het klimaat. Maar de ecologische crisis is een crisis in ons denken, en daarmee ook een crisis in ons onderwijs. Het aangaan van de grote ecologische en economische uitdagingen is niet geholpen met ‘oud denken’. Ze vragen om mensen die minder atomistisch en meer ecologisch kunnen denken over hoe zaken elkaar beïnvloeden en met elkaar verbonden zijn. Leren kritisch te denken is niet genoeg. Ontwerpgericht leren denken en samen nieuwe kennis construeren, is cruciaal. Velen zien leren als een neurologisch of cognitief informatieverwerkingsproces. Leren is vooral een psychologisch proces waarbij kennis in-ter-actie ontstaat. In de rede wordt deze stelling conceptueel besproken en onderbouwd met semantische, sociale netwerkanalyses van student-interacties. De rede eindigt met handreikingen voor studenten en docenten voor responsief en kennisconstruerend leren

    Knowledge in-(ter)-action: responsive learning as knowledge building

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    De maat is vol: jonge mensen spijbelen voor het klimaat. Maar de ecologische crisis is een crisis in ons denken, en daarmee ook een crisis in ons onderwijs. Het aangaan van de grote ecologische en economische uitdagingen is niet geholpen met ‘oud denken’. Ze vragen om mensen die minder atomistisch en meer ecologisch kunnen denken over hoe zaken elkaar beïnvloeden en met elkaar verbonden zijn. Leren kritisch te denken is niet genoeg. Ontwerpgericht leren denken en samen nieuwe kennis construeren, is cruciaal. Velen zien leren als een neurologisch of cognitief informatieverwerkingsproces. Leren is vooral een psychologisch proces waarbij kennis in-ter-actie ontstaat. In de rede wordt deze stelling conceptueel besproken en onderbouwd met semantische, sociale netwerkanalyses van student-interacties. De rede eindigt met handreikingen voor studenten en docenten voor responsief en kennisconstruerend leren

    PLG for AHW facilitators

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    Kroniek AERA 1999: Divisie C: Leren en instructie

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