110 research outputs found

    Physiological indicators and yield of the Chinese cabbage cultivated at different soil water tensions

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    The development and yield of Chinese cabbage is influenced by soil moisture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological indicators, development, and yield of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr.) grown at different soil water tension ranges. Two experiments were conducted (2016–2017) in the Olericulture Sector of the Federal University of Technology of Paraná. Two cultivars of the Chinese cabbage, Eikoo and Kinjitsu, and four soil water tension ranges 13–17, 23–27, 33–37, and 43–47 kPa were studied. Eikoo presented higher relative chlorophyll index, photosynthesis, and fresh leaf mass than did Kinjitsu. Physiological indicators transpiration (5.8 mmol H2O m-2 s -1 ), photosynthesis (14.5 µmol CO2 m-2 s -1 ), stomatal conductance (0.31 mol H2O m-2 s -1 ), and WUE (39.4 kg m-3 ) were higher at 13–17 kPa soil water tension. Soil water tension ranges with high water restrictions reduced the fresh leaf mass of both cultivars. Fresh leaf mass decreased by 236.2 and 191.7 g plant-1 in the highest soil water tension range in 2016 and 2017, respectively, when compared with the fresh leaf mass at the 13–17 kPa tension range. The lowest water consumption was observed at the 13–17 kPa tension range. The year 2017 resulted in higher internal CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, fresh leaf mass, number of irrigations and water consumption compared to the year 2016. Thus, the irrigation regime for the most optimal Chinese cabbage cultivation should maintain the soil water tension range at 13–17 kPa

    Immunoparasitological Diagnosis Of Strongyloides Stercoralis In Garbage Collectors In Uberlândia, Mg, Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to determine the presence of Strongyloides stercoralis in urban garbage collectors through the use of immunological and parasitological methods. A total of 92 individuals were evaluated from August, 1997, to June, 1998. For the parasitological diagnosis Baermann and Lutz' methods were applied. The immunological diagnosis involved the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect specific IgG antibodies. Of the 92 workers examined, six (6.5%) were infected with larvae of S. stercoralis. The IFAT detected 19 (16.3%) and the ELISA 17 (18.5%) positive serum samples. The differences between the results of parasitological and immunological methods were statistically significant (p<0.05). These results demonstrate that there is a need to improve the health conditions of this category of city employees.6203/04/15180182CONCHA, R., HARRINGTON, J.R.W., ROGERS, A.L., Intestinal strongyloidiasis: Recognition, management and determinants of outcome (2005) J Clin Gastroenterol, 39, pp. 203-211SIDDIQUI, A.A., BERK, S.L., Diagnosis of Strongyloides stercoralis infection (2001) Clin Infect Dis, 33, pp. 1040-1047FERREIRA, M., Strongyloidiasis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (2003) Enf Emerg, 5, pp. 18-26VADLAMUDI, R.S., CHI, D.S., KRISHANASWAMY, G., Intestinal strongyloidiasis and hyperinfection syndrome (2006) Clin Mol Allergy, 4, pp. 1-13BAERMANN G. Eine Einfache methode zur auffindung von Ankylostomum (Nematoden) larven in Erdproben. Mededeel mit h. Geneesk Lab Weltvreden Feestbundel, Batavia, 1917, p. 41-7LUTZ, A.V., Schistosoma mansoni e a schistosomose, Segundo observações feitas no Brasil. (1919) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 11, pp. 121-125COSTA-CRUZ, J.M., BULLAMAH, C.B., GONÇALVEZ-PIRES, M.R.F., Cryo-microtome sections of coproculture larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis and Strongyloides ratti as antigen sources for the immunodiagnosis of human strongyloidiasis (1997) Rev Inst Med Trop São Paulo, 39, pp. 313-317MACHADO, E.R., UETA, M.T., GONÇALVES-PIRES, M.R.F., Strongyloides venezuelensis alkaline extract for the diagnosis of human strongyloidiasis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (2003) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 98, pp. 849-853MACHADO, E.R., COSTA-CRUZ, J.M., Strongyloides stercoralis and other enteroparasites in children at Uberlândia City, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (1998) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 93, pp. 161-164PAULA, F.M., CASTRO, E., GONÇALVES-PIRES, M.R.F., Parasitological and immunological diagnoses of strongyloidiasis in immunocompromised and nonimmunocompromised children at Uberlândia City, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil (2000) Rev Inst Med Trop São Paulo, 42, pp. 51-55OLIVEIRA, L.C.M., RIBEIRO, C.T., MENDES, D.M., Frequency of Strongyloides stercoralis in alcoholics (2002) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 97, pp. 119-121LINDO, J.F., CONWAY, D.J., ATKINS, N.S., Prospective evaluation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblot methods for the diagnosis of endemic Strongyloides stercoralis infection (1994) Am J Trop Med Hyg, 51, pp. 175-179CLARK, C.S., LINNEMANN Jr, C.C., CLARK, J.G., Enteric parasites in workers occupationally exposed to sewage (1984) J Occup Med, 26, pp. 273-275SCHLOSSER, O., RALL, D., LAURECEAU, M.-N., Intestinal parasite carriage in workers exposed to sewage (1999) Eur J Epidemiol, 15, pp. 261-265GOMES, T.C., ALMEIDA, M.F., MUIRA, L.A., Helmintoses intestinais em população de rua da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. (2002) Rev Soc Bras Med Trop, 35, pp. 531-53

    Bologna guidelines for diagnosis and management of adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO)

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    Background: Adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO) is a common surgical emergency, causing high morbidity and even some mortality. The adhesions causing such bowel obstructions are typically the footprints of previous abdominal surgical procedures. The present paper presents a revised version of the Bologna guidelines to evidence-based diagnosis and treatment of ASBO. The working group has added paragraphs on prevention of ASBO and special patient groups. Methods: The guideline was written under the auspices of the World Society of Emergency Surgery by the ASBO working group. A systematic literature search was performed prior to the update of the guidelines to identify relevant new papers on epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of ASBO. Literature was critically appraised according to an evidence-based guideline development method. Final recommendations were approved by the workgroup, taking into account the level of evidence of the conclusion. Recommendations: Adhesion formation might be reduced by minimally invasive surgical techniques and the use of adhesion barriers. Non-operative treatment is effective in most patients with ASBO. Contraindications for non-operative treatment include peritonitis, strangulation, and ischemia. When the adhesive etiology of obstruction is unsure, or when contraindications for non-operative management might be present, CT is the diagnostic technique of choice. The principles of non-operative treatment are nil per os, naso-gastric, or long-tube decompression, and intravenous supplementation with fluids and electrolytes. When operative treatment is required, a laparoscopic approach may be beneficial for selected cases of simple ASBO. Younger patients have a higher lifetime risk for recurrent ASBO and might therefore benefit from application of adhesion barriers as both primary and secondary prevention. Discussion: This guideline presents recommendations that can be used by surgeons who treat patients with ASBO. Scientific evidence for some aspects of ASBO management is scarce, in particular aspects relating to special patient groups. Results of a randomized trial of laparoscopic versus open surgery for ASBO are awaited

    Polioencefalomalacia experimental induzida por amprólio em bovinos

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    Para estabelecer um modelo experimental para o estudo da etiologia, patologia e patogênese da polioencefalomalacia (PEM) em bovinos, a condição foi induzida em quatro novilhos pela administração oral de amprólio nas doses diárias de 500 e 350mg/kg de peso vivo, respectivamente por 22 e 26-28 dias. Todos os bovinos morreram espontaneamente ou foram eutanasiados in extremis após um curso clínico de 4-7 dias. Três bovinos que receberam 1.000mg/kg de amprólio e dois que receberam 500mg/kg morreram espontaneamente com quadro clínico agudo a subagudo sem desenvolverem sinais e lesões de PEM. Nos novilhos que PEM foi reproduzida, os sinais neurológicos incluíram marcada apatia, incoordenação, posição de cavalete, quedas ocasionais, hiperexcitabilidade, tremores musculares, cegueira, bruxismo, estrabismo, nistagmo, midríase, opistótono, decúbito lateral e movimentos de pedalagem. Os principais achados de necropsia eram restritos ao encéfalo e consistiam de tumefação, achatamento, amolecimento e amarelamento das circunvoluções cerebrais. Histologicamente, havia necrose neuronal segmentar e laminar (neurônios vermelhos) associada a edema, tumefação endotelial, separação das lâminas de neurônios do córtex telencefálico ou entre as substâncias cinzenta e branca e infiltração moderada a acentuada de macrófagos espumosos. Essas alterações eram mais acentuadas nos lobos telencefálicos frontal, parietal e occipital. Adicionalmente, lesões similares e moderadas foram detectadas no mesencéfalo e hipocampo. A necrose neuronal e o edema afetaram uniformemente as camadas de neurônios da substância cinzenta dos lobos telencefálicos frontal, parietal e occipital. Esse modelo experimental de PEM com administração oral de amprólio parece ser útil para o estudo da doença em bovinos, conforme observado anteriormente em ovinos.In order to establish an experimental model for the study of the etiology, pathology, and pathogenesis of polioencephalomalacia (PEM) in cattle, the condition was induced into four steers by oral administration of amprolium at daily doses of 500 and 350mg per kg of body weight respectively for 22 and 26-28 days. All steers died spontaneously or were euthanized in extremis after being sick for 4-7 days. Three steers that received the drug at 1,000mg/kg and two that received 500mg/kg died spontaneously with acute or subacute clinical signs and without lesions and signs of PEM. In those steers in which PEM was reproduced, the neurological signs included marked apathy, incoordination, sawhorse stance, occasional falls, hyperexcitability, muscle tremors, blindness, grinding of teeth, strabismus, nystagmus, mydriasis, opisthotonus, and lateral recumbency with paddling movements. Main gross lesions were restricted to the brain and included swelling, flattening, softening and yellow discoloration of the cerebral circumvolutions. Histologically, there was segmental laminar neuronal necrosis (red neurons) associated with edema, swelling of endothelial cells, cleavage of laminar neuronal layers or between gray and white matter and moderate to severe infiltration by foamy macrophages (gitter cells). These changes were more marked in the frontal, parietal and occipital telencephalic lobes. Additionally, similar and moderate lesions were detected in the midbrain and hippocampus. Neuronal necrosis and edema affected uniformly the neurons layers of the grey matter of the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes. This experimental model of PEM with oral administration of amprolium may be useful for the study in cattle, as previously observed in sheep

    Influência da estação do ano sobre a estrutura testicular em ovinos explorados no sul do Estado do Piauí

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    RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da estação do ano sobre a estrutura testicular de ovinos SRD. Foram utilizados 10 animais com idade entre dois e três anos. Os testículos foram seccionados e fixados em solução de Bouin por 24h. Os fragmentos foram submetidos ao processamento histológico, emblocados em parafina e corados com hematoxilina eosina. Foram avaliadas a proporção volumétrica dos compartimentos testiculares, o diâmetro dos túbulos seminíferos, altura do epitélio seminífero e frequências dos estágios do ciclo do epitélio seminíferos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância a 5% de probabilidade, do programa estatístico SAS 9.0. Os resultados revelaram todos os valores pesquisados sofreram influência da estação do ano. O valor do diâmetro tubular foi de 143,98±17,83 e 170,37±26,64μm, a altura do epitélio seminífero foi de 44,92±9,23 e 50,06±13,61μm e a proporção volumétrica foi de 78,32±13,68 e 80,13±15,14% nos períodos seco e chuvoso, respectivamente. A quantificação das células germinativas e de Sertoli mostrou todos os valores foram maiores no período chuvoso quando comparados com o seco. Concluiu-se que a estação do ano interferiu na estrutura testicular, tendo em vista que todos os valores da proporção volumétrica dos componentes testiculares mostraram diferença significativa entre as estações do ano, pois os valores foram mais acentuados no período chuvoso