13 research outputs found

    Fractal Properties of Robust Strange Nonchaotic Attractors in Maps of Two or More Dimensions

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    We consider the existence of robust strange nonchaotic attractors (SNA's) in a simple class of quasiperiodically forced systems. Rigorous results are presented demonstrating that the resulting attractors are strange in the sense that their box-counting dimension is N+1 while their information dimension is N. We also show how these properties are manifested in numerical experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Interruption of torus doubling bifurcation and genesis of strange nonchaotic attractors in a quasiperiodically forced map : Mechanisms and their characterizations

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    A simple quasiperiodically forced one-dimensional cubic map is shown to exhibit very many types of routes to chaos via strange nonchaotic attractors (SNAs) with reference to a two-parameter (Af)(A-f) space. The routes include transitions to chaos via SNAs from both one frequency torus and period doubled torus. In the former case, we identify the fractalization and type I intermittency routes. In the latter case, we point out that atleast four distinct routes through which the truncation of torus doubling bifurcation and the birth of SNAs take place in this model. In particular, the formation of SNAs through Heagy-Hammel, fractalization and type--III intermittent mechanisms are described. In addition, it has been found that in this system there are some regions in the parameter space where a novel dynamics involving a sudden expansion of the attractor which tames the growth of period-doubling bifurcation takes place, giving birth to SNA. The SNAs created through different mechanisms are characterized by the behaviour of the Lyapunov exponents and their variance, by the estimation of phase sensitivity exponent as well as through the distribution of finite-time Lyapunov exponents.Comment: 27 pages, RevTeX 4, 16 EPS figures. Phys. Rev. E (2001) to appea

    Nonintegrable dynamics of the triplet-triplet spatiotemporal interaction

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    In this paper we examine the coupling of two wave triplets sharing two common modes. The analysis is performed in the solitonic sector of the parameter space where uncoupled solutions departing from linearly unstable homogeneous initial conditions evolve into a collection of regularly interspersed, spatiotemporally localized spikes. The uncoupled system is integrable, but coupling destroys integrability. As coupling grows, energy transfer to smaller spatial scales does appear and becomes faster not only in linearly unstable, but also in linearly stable cases. Chaos in low-dimensional subsystems appears to be responsible for the transfer. We perform a series of numerical tests to verify this idea

    Pattern evolution in non-synchronizable scale-free networks

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    Pattern formation and evolution in the desynchronizing process of scale-free complex networks are investigated. Depending on how far the system is away from the synchronizable regime, two types of synchronous patterns are identified, namely, the giant-cluster state (GCS) and the scattered-cluster state (SCS). GCS is observed when a system is immediately outside of the synchronizable regime, where the dynamics undergoes a process of on-off intermittency and the patterns are signatured by the existence of a giant synchronous cluster. As the system leaves away from the synchronizable regime, GCS gradually transforms into SCS, accompanied by the continuous dissolving of the giant cluster. Both the two types of patterns are non-stationary, reflected as the timely changed size and content of the clusters. By introducing a new form of synchronization, the temporal phase synchronization, we investigate the dynamical and statistical properties of these non-stationary patterns. An interesting finding is that the unstable nodes of GCS, i.e. nodes that escape from the giant cluster more frequently, are independent of the coupling strength but are sensitive to the bifurcation types. The intermittent behavior of GCS is analyzed by a theory of snapshot attractors, and the theoretical predications fit the numerical observations qualitatively well