9 research outputs found

    Highly Charged Ions in Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Penning Traps

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    A newly constructed apparatus at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is designed for the isolation, manipulation, and study of highly charged ions. Highly charged ions are produced in the NIST electron-beam ion trap (EBIT), extracted through a beamline that selects a single mass/charge species, then captured in a compact Penning trap. The magnetic field of the trap is generated by cylindrical NdFeB permanent magnets integrated into its electrodes. In a room-temperature prototype trap with a single NdFeB magnet, species including Ne10+ and N7+ were confined with storage times of order 1 second, showing the potential of this setup for manipulation and spectroscopy of highly charged ions in a controlled environment. Ion capture has since been demonstrated with similar storage times in a more-elaborate Penning trap that integrates two coaxial NdFeB magnets for improved B-field homogeneity. Ongoing experiments utilize a second-generation apparatus that incorporates this two-magnet Penning trap along with a fast time-of-flight MCP detector capable of resolving the charge-state evolution of trapped ions. Holes in the two-magnet Penning trap ring electrode allow for optical and atomic beam access. Possible applications include spectroscopic studies of one-electron ions in Rydberg states, as well as highly charged ions of interest in atomic physics, metrology, astrophysics, and plasma diagnostics.Comment: Proceedings of CDAMOP-2011, 13-16 Dec 2011, Delhi, India. To be published by Springer Verla

    Influência da idade na resistência natural da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex. Maiden ao ataque de cupim de madeira seca (Cryptotermes brevis) Tree age influence on Eucalyptus grandis wood natural resistance to deterioration by dry-wood termites

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    Este trabalho objetivou testar a resistência natural da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis de quatro diferentes idades (10, 14, 20 e 25 anos) ao ataque de cupins de madeira seca. As amostras foram retiradas da prancha diametral, na região próxima ao cerne mais externo, em número de seis unidades por tora, de cada uma das 16 árvores (quatro de cada idade). Cada par de amostras foi colocado em contato com 40 indivíduos, da espécie Cryptotermes brevis (cupim de madeira seca), avaliando-se cada par comparativamente com corpos-de-prova de madeira altamente suscetível ao ataque de cupins, no caso a madeira de Pinus elliottii, sob idênticas condições laboratoriais, mediante observações em intervalos periódicos. Ao término do ensaio foram registrados a porcentagem de cupins mortos e o número de furos, além do desgaste produzido por esses insetos. Verificou-se que a madeira de 10 anos foi a mais severamente atacada, com desgaste semelhante ao da testemunha. As madeiras de 14, 20 e 25 anos não diferiram estatisticamente entre si, quanto à resistência natural ao ataque de cupim de madeira seca, todas classificadas como de desgaste acentuado. A madeira de todas as idades mostrou-se altamente suscetível ao ataque de cupins, revelando a baixa resistência natural da espécie.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the variability in the resistance to dry-wood termites of Eucalyptus grandis wood from commercial stands of four different ages (10, 14, 20 and 25 years old). Two logs were cut from sixteen different trees, four of each age. Six pairs of samples were taken from the most recent heartwood of a central board of a log. Each pair of samples was put in contact with 40 dry-wood termite individuals, Cryptotermes brevis. Samples of Pinus elliottii, a highly susceptible species, were also offered to the insects at the same time and under the same laboratory conditions in order to compare the results. The assay lasted for 45 days. After this period, the remaining insects were counted and the wood samples were inspected to determine number of holes, damage etc. It was found that 10-year-old wood samples were the most severely attacked, being the damage similar to that suffered by the control. There was no significant difference between levels of damage suffered by the other three treatments (trees of 14, 20 and 25 years of age); in all cases the damage caused by the insects was considered very serious